What Could Possibly Go Wrong?


Professional Bookworm
For the demigod and other mythical creatures



Parents (meaning, god(s)):






For the humans







Name: Wesley Fane (Sometimes referred to as 'Wes'.)

Age: 17

Birthday: December 20th (1861)

Personality: Wesley gets along easily with others and always leaves a good and lasting impression upon peers and strangers alike, but still finds himself in an odd predicament. Despite his smooth eloquence and obvious popularity, he still finds himself without any very close friends. It would seem that the people who put him on a pedestal feel they could not possibly reach him, all the while he feels he is much farther beneath them. He is one to get upset when lonely, but does his best not to show it. For him, if he keeps up his self-confident facade, he'll gain more friends. In reality, he's rather emotional and soft, and definitely lost at some times if his dazed looks are anything to go by.

Appearance: Blessed with wavy, dark brown hair and fair blue eyes, Wes stands at 6'1", a tad taller than the average man in his day and age. Reported by some of the more elder ladies' in their societal group to be a "dapper young man". (Um, so, I don't really know if this is photoshopped or not, but it probably is, and yet, whatever it's the best one I could find for this character...)


Bio: Born in the noble Fane family's manor some ways outside of London, England as the first son, he has had a fairly easy life. Contradicting this would be that as the first son, he has always had many more expectations and pressures riding on his shoulders. So far he has done well to keep his neck above the water, but as the tide rises it's becoming increasingly difficult. As mentioned in the Personality section, he has always been a bit of a loner. Sent to boarding school from an early age, he hated not having the company of his three younger siblings (especially their darling little sister whom he spoils constantly). He is currently in a bit of a transitional period in his life.

Occupation: He is expected to complete university, go into business, and follow in his father's footsteps as an Earl and businessman, but... I guess we'll see.

Name: Willow Declarey

Age: 19

Birthday: May 6th (1995)

Personality: An ever happy-go-lucky kind of girl, Willow is carefree and easy-going. Actually, she's rather naive and a bit clueless, so as a result she just takes things that are abnormal or strange to some people in stride without thinking. Her gullibility is probably her worst quality, considering all of the messes she tends to stumble into. It's probably the reason she's referred to as a 'problem child', despite her almost uncanny kindness towards everyone and everything. Often, she's perceived as stupid instead. For the most part, she's given up on trying to meet expectations and is just trying to focus on being happy the way she is. Besides this, she generally enjoys staying active and being with friends.

Appearance: Willow has brown hair with natural blonde highlights, brown eyes, and olive-toned skin. She's only about 5'3", but likes to wear combat boots that add a little to her height. Not exactly "conventionally pretty", but she doesn't really care, so not much effort is put into her looks.

Bio: No special past or anything. She has an average family life, getting along with her parents and sisters well enough. School was never really a problem or an interest, so when it came time to decide whether she was continuing it or not she just followed the trend and applied to a small-scale liberal arts college some 45 minutes from her hometown. Her parents have always been a little troubled with her going off on her own so they try to keep a tight leash on her, not that it really works out the way they plan most of the time. It's all just normalcy for her though, so she doesn't think much of it. She currently plays a few intramural sports around her work and school schedule.

Occupation: Attends a local liberal arts college, but works regularly as a waitress at a cafe and babysits her neighbors often as well.

((Sorry these took me so long!!! I don't really have an excuses, I just kind of got lazy :\ ))
Haha sometimes I think I go overboard on my bios, but thanks!!! I'm glad you like them. I'll be looking forward to yours ;)
(Trust me, you didn't xD

Also, like I said the other day, this is a fantasy thing and these are fantasy characters lol)

Name: Florence Fannel

Age: About 115, looks about 19

Birthday: April 16

Personality: Like her father, she has the patience of a saint and is never really angered. Despite how she never had any siblings, she does love children and is very curious about them, often following her father to work to see what it's like to work with disabled children. A smart young girl and often keeps her thoughts to herself, not liking the idea of burdening anyone with them. Doesn't have many friends and often keeps to herself, either reading a book or writing something. She does get embarrassed very easily and fidgets when that happens, not really saying anything. Likes traveling and seeing the more historical places of the world. Is very awkward around new people, not children, and often tries to avoid large social situations. She is very curious about her mother's family but never brings it up and asks Anya despite how the woman knows next to nothing about her mother. Very close to Molly and is at Nicholas' house when she's bored or no one's around for her to talk with. She likes antiques and her room is full of them, Anya mostly gets them for her. Loves to help out when she can but often pouts when she's forced to run errands for one of her parents and she does it without question, just pouting while she does it. Doesn't like her mother's constant worrying about her but she doesn't say a word about it and just lets her father handle it, knowing he's better at calming her mother down than she is. She is a playful creature and does love to have fun but, like her father, she's a very proper young girl and waits for someone to bring the idea up rather than say it aloud.

Appearance: About 5'8" in height and has long thin white hair that goes to her lower back. Her eyes are hazel in color and they are more human like than her mother's eyes. She's a rather slender child and pale in skin tone. Her hair is usually in a long braid or she keeps it down but either way, sometimes styling it too but curling it or something of the sorts, she likes it out of her face. Likes to wear her father's shirts when she can and isn't bothered by the fact that they're big on her. She wears a variety of things but it's all mostly simple dresses that she can wear to school and jeans with simple shirts, she mostly wears the dresses. She does have some qualities of her mother's, the sharp teeth, the sharp hearing, long finger nails, and the advanced eyesight (her mother is a half dragon/half human) but she's more like her father in nearly every other aspect with the awkward stance and the scratching at the back of the head.

(These are just examples of the types of clothes she would wear.

Dress: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/394839092302142867/ and http://www.pinterest.com/pin/394839092302325558/

Normal outfit: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/394839092300878290/ and http://www.pinterest.com/pin/154952043400513229/)

Bio: Florence was born in London, England, and to two very loving parents. But there was one problem... Her mother was very old fashioned and was born a very long time ago to an age where most modern day acts would've been forbidden. The woman kept her daughter in so much during her life, that the girl has bad social skills at certain times. This rough and ridiculous childhood was also filled with very few friends, many doctor visits that were caused by her mother's worries, and rarely ever going outside. During one of her many doctor visits, she soon realized that she had a case of Osteoarthritis in her knees that she inherited from her father's family. Lately, this arthritis has been getting worse and she's been in some pain but not too much, it was enough to freak her mother out to no end though. Soon enough, Florence got annoyed with her mother's behavior and goes to college to be a historian.


Name: Kieran

Age: 1,001 (looks about 18-19)

Birthday: Mid-summer

Personality: Sometimes sarcastic and is passive until someone threatens to throw him in prison. He doesn't so much interest in anything unless it's something he finds appealing or if it sounds fun to him. Quite playful and loves to irritate people. Laid-back and loves to be lazy sometimes, quiet as well. He loves a good mystery and is quite fond of the Sherlock Holmes book series. A bright young man that is one to keep to himself unless around his friends and then he likes to talk more around them. Kieran has quite a nasty side to him as well and can get a little violent when he gets angry. He hates for people to threaten those he cares about and doesn't like for anyone to be in danger. Loves to be a trickster and often gets in trouble for that, becoming sour for a while after that. A little stubborn and tries to have good intentions. Very affection when he wants to be and likes to keep in close contact with those he loves. Very close to his mother and doesn't really pay any mind to his father. Can be disobedient and mean. Gets serious at certain points in time but mostly holds this playful air about him and likes to tease. He has a collection of old and ancient daggers that he collects and some stuff from his home as well. Kieran has a few pets, birds, and loves them very much. When he gets set on getting something or completing a goal, he doesn't stop until he completes this goal or gets what he wants.

Appearance: About 6'2" in height and is skinny but not overly skinny. He's got dark blonde hair that looks nearly brown and hazel eyes. His normal attire consists of a simple pair of jeans, a simple plaid button up shirt, and a jacket over his shirt. Under his shirt, he keeps a necklace hidden and wears it all the time, his mother giving it to him before he left his home world (http://www.pinterest.com/pin/220746819205361900/). When he's in his home world, he often changes his outfit (Like the Peter Pan outfit in OUAT) and is forced to attend "important" events. Kieran likes to lounge around in his pjs if he doesn't have to go anywhere or see anyone and is often found reading a Sherlock Holmes book.

Bio: Kieran is the youngest in his family and was teased for being a momma's boy, he was born to Odin and Frigg. He was teased a lot as a child and kept to himself, often seeking comfort in his mother. When he hit his teenage years, he became rather rebellious and because of his actions, he had a choice: Earth or prison. He was forced to Earth and he'd been living there for the last two hundred years. Kieran gets visits from his mother all the time and was allowed back to him home just recently. He rarely goes back home and when he does, he ignores his family besides his mother and only visits her.
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Ahhhh I love them :)

Now that we have our character set, how should we go about the plot(s)?
Yay! Oh crap... I forgot to mention something in Florence's profile. Lemme edit it.

Hmm. I have a way of going about the time travel one. I'm not sure about the demigod one.
Okay just let me know when you've edited her profile so I can refresh the page.

I'm pretty much down with most ideas, so whatever you had in mind for the time travel one is fine. As for the demigod one, maybe we could just start and have them meet by chance or something and see where things take us. Since it's just a one on one and we have two things going on at once, I think that it's okay if we don't know exactly where things are headed right away.
Sounds good to me! I guess I'll go ahead and start the demigod one since you have an idea of where you want to go with the other.

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