Opinion What Could Be The Source Of My Vivid Dreams?


The Sort Of Crazy Cat Lady
Okay, so last night I had two dreams. First, I cannot remember but it was vivid. The second was so vivid and realistic and even had a plot to it! I don't know why they were so vivid and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas. To help figure out why, I'll list what I did before I went to bed.

- Ate oatmeal and honey balls.

-took a shower

-watched a hypnosis video

-talked with my mother a little

I can't think of anything else. Thanks guys!
Well the first thing that comes to mind is just luck. People get vivid dreams once in a while, so you might have just gotten it as if it were a normal dream.

Another thing that comes to mind is what kind of foods you eat. Very much like nightmares, vivid dreams can be caused depending what types of food you have eaten on the past few days. Now I'm no expert (so take whatever I say with a grain of salt) but from what I know things like having low glucose levels can trigger vivid dreams, or vitamin B6 supposedly has those effects too, which is found in stuff like meat and whole grain (is oatmeal a whole grain? if it is that might be a cause).

The last thing I can think of is meds. Mostly meds like anti-depressants and the sort, you know, the ones that try to fix stuff up there. Migraine pills maybe, although I take those and never got a vivid dream so I don't think those count.

I personally think its just luck. It would be stranger if it happened more than once in a week or something like that.
Milk in the oatmeal? Because any time I have just enough dairy product right before sleeping, I get some really trippy and vivid dreams.
One night is definitely not enough to determine if there is a reason. Keep track of what you dream for the next few nights and see if there is any patterns that you can pull from them.
I've had many vivid dreams and I can remember different parts of most of them well. But each time I do dream the environment and actions I do vary. It could be that your brain is very active when you sleep. And it could also be your personality that judges whether or not you have theses dreams, such as being creative or a deep thinker. But these are just some thing friends and family say so I don't know if they're 100% true :P

"There will be painful time...sad times. I'll be with you through think and thin. You are never alone. The hopes we carry are matched by the number of stars in the twinkling night sky. The rustling of the wind on our bodies are premonitions for what's to come tomorrow. Now, let us take a stroll...to the melody of the fairies." -Mavis Fairy Tail
My vote would be the hypnosis video, also it depends on what is going on in your life right now. I tend to have vivid dreams when something in particular is on my mind.

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