What caste is Nova?

Glorious Solar Desk
Ess 3, Bur 3


There were times when the lawgivers had administration to, well, administer, but lacked the building to do so. At least with this charm, they could look somewhat professional while doing it.

This charm builds a desk suitable for filling out forms or doing fine-grade work on.
But seriously, Glorious Solar Desk is a silly custom Charm, don't look too hard for it. :)
Could the effect be achieved with Words-As-Workshop Method? After all, you need a desk for crafting stuff.
Burpcycle said:
Does anyone know what the name of the charm Misho uses in the first comic is? The one where he summons a desk?
Probably Craftsman Needs No Tools but if he can hit people with it then Glorious Solar Sabre.

Both Charms we know he knows.
Holden said:
All my Charms start out their lives as a Simple Charm called Glorious Solar Template.
Don't you mean Glorious Solar [Template]? :)

I don't suppose the Glorious Solar Template will find it's way into an Ink Monkies release, will it?
He'd have to relearn GSB to get the [Desk], though- each individual weapon is a seperate Charm.

I want to see him hit someone with it...
Does he go off Lucha Libre style or is he more into the Creation Combat Entertainment method of wrestling?

I'd love to see that as fan-art.

My skills wouldn't do it honor though.

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