What are your favorite types of roleplays?


Elder Member
What type of roleplays catch your eye? I personally love any roleplay that I can create a character that is nonhuman or can use magic. I also love when you can have love interests! So much fun seeing who people end up with. So what about you? What strikes your fancy?
Well, you know me! Harvest Moon-ish things, anything with magical stuff....I kinda wanna try slave-master and stuff like that.
I'll pretty much try anything except extremely technological rps or ones that are present day normal life rps. :)
I've been in the slave rps before and I found them boring. Maybe it was because they died so fast. And yeah, I agree 14cha14. Modern days rps aren't my tops either.
Modern day rps are way too much like real life.

I guess slave-masters would die fast...

I'm thinking about starting a Final Fantasy-esque roleplay, but I probably can't do that until at least tomorrow...
oh final fantasy? those games are so beautiful! the graphics are amazing!!!!!!!!
Hehe! They are. I haven't played the newer ones, and my favorite is still VI. That's what I think of when I think Final Fantasy (not VII or X, like a lot of others).
I'm a huge fan of the modern day RPs if there is a twist to it. Whether that be urban fantasy (a'la Buffy), or heroic (Batman, X-Men, etc.), I usually consider throwing my hat into the ring. I've never been big on games set in the distant past, but distant future games are a lot of fun. Dystopian environments are also fun, but perhaps that says more about me.
My favorite Final Fantasy is IX. And I'm glad to see another roleplayer enjoys playing non-human characters. There's something about playing a non-human role that makes getting in character extra fun.
I really enjoy any role play that has to do with horses, Soul Eater, violence, warrior cats, wolves, etc.. Those are just the specifics. I know, when I said violence I may have seemed a wee bit dark, but I like 'em! :8D:
My favorite types are the postapocalyptic ones. Like after-major-disaster things? Or other dimensional. I dont mind modern, but it just dies off. I'm not a big fan of it. But it's doable. I'm more towards unrealistic things like magical or non-human beings, as you said. But i'm partial to slave-master's RP.
My favorite genres:

- Comedy/Light-hearted RPs

- Fantasy RPs

- Drama/Action RPs

- Post-Apoc RPs

Pretty much in that order. ^^

As a matter of fact, I'm about to make a mixed genre-RP, Yorozuya, I'll post it in the RP Idea-Section soon/today. ^^
Carl, remove the post apocalyptic aspect and you pretty much have Ww Vitus Novus xD

i like something that has a simple plot but it grows over time, and the characters grow with it, hats why i'm prety much obsessed with Ww
I like a lot of fantasy stuff too. I don't much mind real life situations as long as it's interesting and has a pretty good/original plot. Not too into the darker stuff, but I love post apocalyptic ones and animal role-plays! Slave-Master has never really interested me...
I'm a fan of comedy RPs. I enjoy fantasy, and I like fandom RPs, preferrably parodying them(I once led a parody of Smash Bros which involved a gay Bowser, a dancing Solid Snake, and a Pesto-esque Falco). I also like romance RPs, but I prefer those to be 1x1.
I'm a fan of apocalyptic kinds of settings, like RPs that deal with disaster and things like that where people have to either work together or fight each other for survival...I'm also a BIG fan of supernatural/psychological/horror RPs in general, whether it's a killer type RP or it deals with ghosts, even something like Silent Hill. Stuff like that :F
Well my favorite style is T1,but as far a genre, i like original characters and stories. I like some powers but i dont like god modding (way to powerful undestructible characters) Fan based stuff is fun to im into bleach rping.
I love most roleplays, but my favorites are human ones, horse ones, combinations of the two, wolves, and other magical powers or futuristic ones. But what's almost as important as the topic is the quality of posts and activity in the RP!
I'd do basically any rp if it has a good plot. Though I prefer to do ones where characters have supernatural abilities like sci-fi/fantasy, but I'll do normal only if its romance or something. I try to avoid (post) apocalyptic, animal, and aliens--heh, they all start with 'a'.

Off topic, but anyone get an idea for an rp right before you went to sleep and you were like, "No way will I forget it!" And then you wake up and you can't remember what the hell you were thinking, only that is was an awesome idea? Or had a dream that could make a good rp, and then you forget it soon after waking up...
I'm all over the place. I love fantasy, full out and modern day with a twist or two. I like human and human-like characters. Not so much furries, but I'm all for werewolfs with two true forms. I even like story arcs that are based off books or shows if they're done with OCs. I guess I like drama and romance as long as they aren't what the story is centered around.

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