Literature What are you reading at the moment?

I actually started reading The Dawn of Yangchen by F.C. Yee (and the creators of Avatar: The Last Airbender). I read the two books before this one (the Kyoshi series) and I'm hoping to at least finish this one before the Roku book gets to me! (My friend preordered it for my bday a couple months back, and yes, ATLA is my fav show)
Currently I'm reading Blindsight by Peter Watts. Basically science fiction combined with vampires and explorations of consciousness and transhumanism.
The Satanic Bible by Anton Szandor LaVey. I’m interested in learning about all religions, including ones that are newer and/or not exactly mainstream.
Moved on to Les Miserables.

I can kill a man with how thicc this is. I don't know why I let a Barnes and Noble print deceive me into believing a regular sized version from the library would look more reasonable.
In addition to this I started The Charterhouse of Parma in audiobook and Street Without Joy - The French Debacle In Indochina because the extent of "having a bad day" that was the Indochina Wars is wild
The Tears of My Soul is the memoir of Kim Hyon-hui, a former North Korean agent known for planting the bomb on board Korean Air Flight 858. This book recounts one of North Korean state-sponsored acts of terror.

It's a absolutely fascinating look by not only one of NKs citizens but one of their top spies. Her training compound exercise sounds like something out of the mission impossible franchise
Phantom by Sandra Kay. It’s basically published fanfic imagining what the full backstory for the Phantom of the Opera (and his Persian friend, who finally gets a name in this novel besides “the Persian”) might be.

It’s not high literature and is rather racist in some bits, but I can’t deny my inner middle school fan girl is eating it up.
Check out The Notebook Trilogy if you can stomach some heavy subject matter. Extremely compelling book that evolves in extremely bizarre ways throughout each of its three parts.
currently reading Network Effect by Martha Wells of the Murderbot series. really enjoying it so far and excited to keep going with the series!
I just finished Assassin's Quest by Robin Hobb. I have mixed feelings about it. There was quite a bit that I liked, but it's not something I think I would read again.
The last book I read was The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires. Could not look past the racism that went largely unchecked and unaddressed aside from, "This is so awful!" and some generic white guilt. The wives should have murdered their husbands, too.
I'm currently reading The Internet is Not What You Think It is by Justin Smith. It's a bit of a complicated read for it but it is really well written and has a lot of details and things I wouldn't think about in my daily life.
What We Fed To The Manticore by Talia Lakshmi Kolluri. It's a cool short story collection from the perspective of different animals. Has a very whimsical, story-book feel to it and I lowkey love it a lot. Haven't read anything quite like it in a looonngg time
Just finished reading Night Work by Thomas Glavinic a couple days ago. It was a beautiful book but I discovered shortly afterwards that the author's political views were pretty diametrically opposed to mine, which kind of soured me on it a bit. Also, hi Ocie! I see you posting right above me!
Just finished reading Night Work by Thomas Glavinic a couple days ago. It was a beautiful book but I discovered shortly afterwards that the author's political views were pretty diametrically opposed to mine, which kind of soured me on it a bit. Also, hi Ocie! I see you posting right above me!
LMAO HI GABE fancy meeting you here!
Currently reading A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms by George R.R Martin. I'm liking it quite a bit so far. Dunk is something of a refreshing protagonist to me and it's neat to see how much of a story you can craft in a hundred pages or so. Some characters have only a short appearance, but the make a huge impression.
Ooo I’m reading the Fireborne series by Rosaria Munda. It started out a little slow for my tastes and seemed a bit trope-y at first glance, but MY GODS does it pick up in a big way. If you like dragon riders, political intrigue, and a story where actions have consequences (and the characters don't make silly mistakes for plot purposes) I'd highly recommend! It is one of the most tension filled books I've read in recent memory.
i'm reading the lost heir by tui t. sutherland - the second book in wings of fire's first arc! it's been pretty entertaining so far
its fanfiction, but green light and measure of a man (both dramione led stories in the world of harry potter)
The Hitman's Guide to Righting Wrongs While Causing Mayhem (Book 3 of 5) by Alice Winters
Right now I am reading Nevermoor by Jessica Townsend. It's the first book in the Morrigan Crow series, and although it definitely has a lot of the standard fantasy cliches, it also has some intriguing elements that I am really enjoying. I'm also working on a character study right now, so to help me with that I am using Acting In Musical Theatre: A Comprehensive Course by Joe Deere.
In addition to this I started The Charterhouse of Parma in audiobook and Street Without Joy - The French Debacle In Indochina because the extent of "having a bad day" that was the Indochina Wars is wild
So it turns out the Street Without Joy was an incomplete audiobook and I never could finish it. I started sleeping on Charterhouse, and picked up Journey to the West.

I may soon just stop Les Mis in part because I am going to be traveling out of country soon and it's a library book and if anything goes missing I would rather not be a book of my own so I'll return it in a week or so now
Right now reading The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt. I'm a huge fan of her writing so far, this is the second book of hers I've read - the first being The Secret History, which I read a few years ago or so.
A philosophy encyclopedia. I'm reading the part about Taoism.

I'm Asian. It's about time I embrace my Asian spirituality side. Lots of white people get fascinated by it when most of us Asians are indifferent to all of it.

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