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Multiple Settings What are the Largest Buildings in the World?


Cat Cowboy
What are the largest buildings in the world? Libraries, because they have the most stories.

Well, now that I've scared off over ninety percent of the community, I can introduce myself. The name's Bryce! I'm just your everyday air-breathing, leg-standing, face-having individual wanting to start a roleplay.

So about me:
I'm an 20 year old male with eight years of roleplay experience under my belt. I live in the U.S. and I work part time, meaning I can't put a particular schedule in place for responses.

  • Firstly, so I don't waste any time, I don't do fandoms. I'm not educated enough in any sort of fanbase to properly roleplay in one. If you want to use one of the worlds, just don't tell me it's part of a fandom. You'll have to explain it to me this way, but then I won't have any problems. (Basically, don't tell me to go "Watch this show" just so I can roleplay the world.)
  • I don't do one-liners and I don't do novella. I'll most likely match my partner's average post-length, but will post about one to three paragraphs if it's absolutely up to me.
  • Romance has to be natural. It can never be the main focus of a roleplay, and it can not be forced. It also might be worth mentioning that romance doesn't even have to be involved.
  • Third person roleplay, please.
  • Pairings are NOT a substitute for plots.
  • The most important thing in roleplay, in my opinion, is developing characters and relationships, whether good or bad. A character, in my opinion, should change between the beginning and end of the story. In short, a roleplay's most important attribute are the characters invested.
  • Character sheets. I make new characters for each and every one of my roleplays, though I'm not saying you must do the same. Because I make so many characters, I don't make character sheets unless you ask for one. Even so, don't expect anything glamorous.
  • I'm wary of realistic or slice-of-life roleplays. They require much more thought in order to keep things interesting.
  • We don't have to create every single step of the roleplay, but there should be major events set in place in the plot. I call it a "ghost-outline". If you need more information on this, please ask.
  • I will, most likely, create several characters through the story. Often, I create multiple main characters and several side characters to drive the plot.
  • I will post, at the very least, once every two days. I don't mind how long it takes you to reply, but if you plan on dropping the roleplay then please tell me so.
  • I can do MxM, MxF, FxM, and FxF. Up to you. Also, again, romance isn't a necessity.
So yeah! Feel free to message me if you feel like it! I'm always open for roleplay and would be glad to try out anyone else's grand ideas! If you wanna roleplay, but don't have a plot, just read a bit further and ask about any you want to know more about.

Plots(Short versions):

(Key: A "/" between the genres means that it's optional due to a person's preferences)

The Beast From the Sky(Medieval Fantasy): In a world where magic is outlawed, a strange black beast falls from the sky and plummets to the forested lands below. From a nearby village, Muse A and Muse B go to investigate the beast before taking it to the capital to have it investigated, finding that this creature was the first of thousands planning to attack the innocent humans below. Will these adventurers try to restore magic before it's too late? Or will they stand with the king's army and fight this invasion head-on? (This roleplay actually involves a group of main characters, at least four to five, and actually is very flexible. And magic IS allowed, just illegal)

Following the Journal(Medieval/Medieval Fantasy): When a scholar finds a hidden cache in a castle, they get their hands on a special book outlining a huge discovery of older civilizations. Unfortunately, when the king declines their request for and expedition, the scholar must embark via other means. With only a knight assigned for protection and a noble to to fund the expedition, the scholar must uncover the truth of the journal.

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing(Modern Sci-Fi/Futuristic Sci-Fi): When a person witnesses several murder's in front of their own eyes, they're suddenly kidnapped to find that they were being targeted by Wolves, advanced biosynthetic robots integrated into society with the purpose of assassinating key victims. The only reason that they were able to survive being prey was due to the kidnappers, who were an organization bent of stopping these Wolves.

How Magitek™ Changed the World(Futuristic Sci-Fi Fantasy): When Magitek™ came out with a miraculous new form of transferring energy, a fluid called Psi, power lines and batteries were replaced with pipes and capsules containing the new substance. With this new ability to carry huge amounts of energy in the average consumer's pocket came a new technology: the PsiGlove. This glove effectively gives the user the capacity to manipulate gravity. Of course, this was quickly made a weapon and crime rate skyrocketed. A new agency called the Gravitational Technology Integration Agency (GTIA) was created by Magitek™ to combat this problem by dealing with the misuse of PsiGloves.

And that's it for me! So if you want to roleplay or have a question, shoot me a message. I hope you at least found this interesting or inspiring in some way. If you still aren't satisfied, I'll end with another joke:

I was sitting in a bar one day and two really large women came in, talking in an interesting accent.

So I said, “Cool accent, are you two ladies from Ireland?”

One of them snarled at me, “It’s Wales, idiot!”

So I corrected myself, “Oh, right, so are you two whales from Ireland?”
Hi! I really like your Wolf in Sheep's Clothing plot.

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