Viewpoint What are people's thoughts of plot stealing? Has this happened to you?


Prepare to feel the weight of your immaturity.
It does happen. So frequently, and it just makes me feel so many mixed emotions. Like, if someone ghosts, do you really think its ethical to take over their story idea? Not to mention are they not abashed that they couldn't come up with their own story. I'm not talking general similarities. I'm talking carbon copy and paste. *gasp face* I mean, I get it, frustration is real but it literally turns my stomach. On other sites I've been on this was enough to get you flagged and banned. I'm understanding if you get permission meh I've given others permission before . However, to swipe it right from under them, people and all, it leaves me feeling unsettled. I mean if someone did that to me, I would feel very creatively violated.

I'm bias on this topic so what are your thoughts?Would you be devastated or uncomfortable if someone swiped your story? How would you react to that person if they didn't ask permission? How would you feel on a personal level.

Added: You ever have a plot stolen?

No need to quote this just post your answer =)

What a mixed bag of opinions. I think this topic has taught me that I probably wont be bringing any more role play idea's to rp nation. Or at the very least I wont be hosting role plays on here. I'd likely join or recruit people that I feel would be interesting to role play with but to be honest anyone who just flounders and flip flops in opinion and think it's okay to take someone's idea's. I just don't feel comfortable sharing my creative outlets to a non secure location. I'd likely go back to docs, gaia or boards. Thank you guys for the well rounded and mixed bag view on what plagiarism is.
It really enlightened me and opened my eyes. Most sites are much stricter on this. If an idea was taken, a person would easily be flagged and banned.It's surprising such a successful form with almost four hundred members would have such a lax hold on its members. You don't even have the option to block someone here. That's a blaring red flag to me. *cringe face*
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Nope. I directly tell them they can take the idea and make it their own if they want. I mean provided they give me some heads up and don’t disappear. But if they did just up and disappear I wouldn’t be mad if they used the idea as their own.
Someone literally stole, names and all of my OCs, one of my plot ideas, after I refused to RP with them.

I reported it (it was on this website). I don't tolerate stealing word for word, or even doing it close to word for word. It's not right, in the least.

I have also given my express permission to use ideas before. So it's a matter of courtesy. If I like someone's idea, I'll ask -- and if they say no, then I won't take their plot.
I mean, I explicitly share my RP content specifically in the hopes people take it and run with it so I can see what they do differently. Someone can lift the idea but the execution and effort of execution are likely to be their own thing.
It's not like there's a competition for resources.
Now, lets make this a little more interesting. What if someone took that plot idea and ran with it to make a book? Would you feel any different now that they are making money off a story you created?
I mean I do ninety percent fandom roleplays so they would have a far bigger problem facing JK Rowling’s lawyers than they would my thoughts on the matter.

But for my own original ideas? Hey if you want to put the substantial amount of work it would take to turn a simple roleplay premise into a published work I’m gonna applaud you honestly.

But then my premise are all pretty simple. Something like - Character A inherits a magical zoo and must work with Character B to keep it profitable. It’s not so unique I’m gonna feel possessive over it.

Unless you mean they literally just copy and pasted the roleplay into a book? In which case good luck getting that published I guess? I’m not mad just kinda confused on why the hypothetical person thinks our writing is publishable.
I've personally always thought that if you use an idea for a rp you sort of give up, with a lack for a better term, the ownership of it.

I mean, any potential partners who join your rp will inevitably contribute to the idea and help flesh it out, so why shouldn't they be able to use it for themselves?
I mean I do ninety percent fandom roleplays so they would have a far bigger problem facing JK Rowling’s lawyers than they would my thoughts on the matter.

But for my own original ideas? Hey if you want to put the substantial amount of work it would take to turn a simple roleplay premise into a published work I’m gonna applaud you honestly.

But then my premise are all pretty simple. Something like - Character A inherits a magical zoo and must work with Character B to keep it profitable. It’s not so unique I’m gonna feel possessive over it.

Unless you mean they literally just copy and pasted the roleplay into a book? In which case good luck getting that published I guess? I’m not mad just kinda confused on why the hypothetical person thinks our writing is publishable.

Did you know that fifty shades of grey was a twilight fan fiction? It does happen and I feel like more often then not. I was just curious what other people's thoughts were. I guess people should practice the moto "If you want to publish it. Show no one." =)
I've personally always thought that if you use an idea for a rp you sort of give up, with a lack for a better term, the ownership of it.

I mean, any potential partners who join your rp will inevitably contribute to the idea and help flesh it out, so why shouldn't they be able to use it for themselves?
Ah, yes. See, this makes sense to me. And sort of clarifies that these communities are not a place to share literary work you want to get published. Because , yeah in a sense you are giving up your rights. I guess sort of like google filtering art that people try to sell. Like you have to be careful and choosy where you put idea's and creativity. *nods* This makes sense. Added, I never thought of it that way and it gave a good perspective.
Franklin Franklin yeah and she only got away with it because Stephanie Meyer didn’t want to/know how to sue. I have every faith JK Rowling is not that naive nor is she afraid to go the the law to protect her intellectual property.

Especially since what I roleplay is specifically the world not the characters. It’s a lot easier to change the characters names if you already have them in a different universe. Ex. Fifty Shades and Cassandra Claire’s Shadowhunter series are AU fanfic with canon characters (originally) but set in different settings.

Whereas my roleplays all take place in the Wizarding World itself but with original characters. And it would be a lot harder to get that published because your are clearly stealing someone else’s universe and trying to pass it off as your own.

ex. It’s one thing to have Harry and Hermione going on a road trip and make that an original book just by changing the names and removing the magic. It’s a lot harder to have two characters going to Hogwarts made into an original book because you have to change the entire setting of the book.
Franklin Franklin yeah and she only got away with it because Stephanie Meyer didn’t want to/know how to sue. I have every faith JK Rowling is not that naive nor is she afraid to go the the law to protect her intellectual property.

Especially since what I roleplay is specifically the world not the characters. It’s a lot easier to change the characters names if you already have them in a different universe. Ex. Fifty Shades and Cassandra Claire’s Shadowhunter series are AU fanfic with canon characters (originally) but set in different settings.

Whereas my roleplays all take place in the Wizarding World itself but with original characters. And it would be a lot harder to get that published because your are clearly stealing someone else’s universe and trying to pass it off as your own.

ex. It’s one thing to have Harry and Hermione going on a road trip and make that an original book just by changing the names and removing the magic. It’s a lot harder to have two characters going to Hogwarts made into an original book because you have to change the entire setting of the book.
Ohhhh you thought I was referring to fandom rp's in general? No, I mean like an idea you coded and worked on and someone took it. However, that is again another good perspective. I really wonder what JK must feel about all this. Like has she read any of them? I just can't help but wonder :O
Franklin Franklin yeah and she only got away with it because Stephanie Meyer didn’t want to/know how to sue. I have every faith JK Rowling is not that naive nor is she afraid to go the the law to protect her intellectual property.

Especially since what I roleplay is specifically the world not the characters. It’s a lot easier to change the characters names if you already have them in a different universe. Ex. Fifty Shades and Cassandra Claire’s Shadowhunter series are AU fanfic with canon characters (originally) but set in different settings.

Whereas my roleplays all take place in the Wizarding World itself but with original characters. And it would be a lot harder to get that published because your are clearly stealing someone else’s universe and trying to pass it off as your own.

ex. It’s one thing to have Harry and Hermione going on a road trip and make that an original book just by changing the names and removing the magic. It’s a lot harder to have two characters going to Hogwarts made into an original book because you have to change the entire setting of the book.
Added the similarities between the two books are really startlingly different so I don't think she would of had much to go on for sueing. (just the same abusive creepy boyfriend thing going on) Like black had mentioned she must of accepted that she gave up some form of responsibility when it turned into a fan fiction. Which is why we have fandom's all over the internet now and they aren't flagged for plagiarism. I suppose sort of like when a musician takes a small bit of another song and puts it in their own.
I mean I have no idea if JK has read Cassandra Claire’s work. She is fine with fanfic though since none of us are making money on any of it.

As for my own idea and someone taking it? Again my ideas aren’t so unique that I am possess of them. Like there is so much you can do with ; Two characters running a magical farm. That I feel like if you can turn it into a book I would read the hell out of it and happily.

Now if you mean literally trying to make a roleplay a book, I think I’m just too practical to think my quality of writing would cut the muster into published work. So you would have to rewrite enough that it would ultimately be your own original work anyway.
Now, lets make this a little more interesting. What if someone took that plot idea and ran with it to make a book? Would you feel any different now that they are making money off a story you created?

That's fuckin' praxis.
The book I write with my ideas is not the one someone else would write with the same pitch and there is room for both - in that instance I would simply appreciate a credit.
As an example, I run a lot of RPs in my Hell setting and I am working on a novel in the same setting. If someone was to write a novel in that setting with different characters, that would be a compliment.
Although, while we live under the shadow of capital, there might be a necessity in pressing a legal claim to an IP in order to retain the ability to profit on it in the future. Until we can decommidify art again.
Usually the plots I present are vague enough that if you turn it into an entire novel, it would be so different from what I planned out that I would have to call it your own work. I have even seen it when people try to make novels from RPs we do.

Their vision for the arc with their characters is so different than what I would do with my own that I could not even reasonably be angry.

Now if someone straight up plagiarized, as in they either took my character word for word, or close enough to word for word, I would be upset. Only because I probably put a lot of love and passion into my OCs, but that is the only thing I can think of a people blatantly stealing from me in a way I would really notice.
i really, truly, wouldn't care.

decent story/roleplay ideas are both free and ridiculously common. if i tried to use all of mine, i'd have even less of a life than i currently do... and that is saying something. everything, and yes, i do mean everything, has been done before. that roleplay concept you (general 'you', i don't mean anyone specifically) think is super unique? it might very well be "ripping off" a few random novels you've never read. of course this isn't something you or your players would likely ever know, but it's entirely possible.

the sooner you realize nothing is truly original, the more comfortable you'll feel in being creative. that doesn't mean that blatantly copying something word for word is acceptable (it's absolutely not), but you aren't the first and you certainly won't be the last to write a gritty superhero setting or fantasy adventure.

if someone wrote a novel based off one of my roleplays, the only thing i would be is quite flattered... and perhaps a bit envious of it actually having a proper ending rather than petering out due to the usual lost interest and real life stuff.

in the end, ideas and concepts are worth less than a penny per dozen. it's the story and how you write it that matters, both in publishing and rp. give ten different authors or gms a setting and loose plot, and you'll have ten very different works and reading/playing experiences. unless someone is directly copypasting your work, it shouldn't really matter. not to mention, roleplay sites are public and interactive by nature, so if you don't want others using or changing something, this uh... really isn't the place to share it.​
If I put the effort into coding and writing up a really beautiful synopsis and someone copy and pasted it directly into their own interest check/thread, I'd definitely be annoyed. If they take the concept I came up with and put it in their own words? That's fine.

With the first one, that's just straight plagiarism xD I feel like it doesn't really require an explanation as to why I feel that way.

For the second one (where they reword my concepts), I would figure that they likely want to put their own spin on it or we didn't fit as partners (because if we did, it's safe to assume the RP would be done together) which means they're going to be writing something substantially different from me. No idea is really truly original either... the part that's special/original is what you do within the framework of the plot and with the characters you bring to it. So two stories with identical plotlines but different characters are almost guaranteed to look really different in the end. Even with characters that are almost the same, different people will put different spins on those traits so it's always going to be somewhat unique.

Now, of course, if the partner I'm actively writing the plot with just absconds with it and starts writing an identical story with someone else without first asking me? Yeah, that's going to hurt, but that's less because of them reusing the idea and more because it just feels sort of disrespectful.

Ultimately, if I don't want an idea to be stolen because I want it for possible book writing or whatever... I do NOT use it as a roleplay plot. RP is a sort of unique niche where everyone can see what everyone else is doing and the potential to have ideas be copied or "inspire" someone else is extremely high. I go into forums with the knowledge that it's probable someone might want to try out my ideas and that's fine with me. So long as they're not directly copy-pasting my work it doesn't bother me at all ♥
For me, I'll admit it makes me feel some kind of way. I remember being ghosted by someone who then reposted my story to RP. I feel some kind of way about it because this isn't a different story so clearly it's not about the fact that you didn't want to do the story and on top of that I'll let you use my plots if you just ask. For me, it's more about why be sneaky about it and then act like I can't clearly see you stole my plot and are acting like it's yours.
If I put the effort into coding and writing up a really beautiful synopsis and someone copy and pasted it directly into their own interest check/thread, I'd definitely be annoyed. If they take the concept I came up with and put it in their own words? That's fine.

With the first one, that's just straight plagiarism xD I feel like it doesn't really require an explanation as to why I feel that way.

For the second one (where they reword my concepts), I would figure that they likely want to put their own spin on it or we didn't fit as partners (because if we did, it's safe to assume the RP would be done together) which means they're going to be writing something substantially different from me. No idea is really truly original either... the part that's special/original is what you do within the framework of the plot and with the characters you bring to it. So two stories with identical plotlines but different characters are almost guaranteed to look really different in the end. Even with characters that are almost the same, different people will put different spins on those traits so it's always going to be somewhat unique.

Now, of course, if the partner I'm actively writing the plot with just absconds with it and starts writing an identical story with someone else without first asking me? Yeah, that's going to hurt, but that's less because of them reusing the idea and more because it just feels sort of disrespectful.

Ultimately, if I don't want an idea to be stolen because I want it for possible book writing or whatever... I do NOT use it as a roleplay plot. RP is a sort of unique niche where everyone can see what everyone else is doing and the potential to have ideas be copied or "inspire" someone else is extremely high. I go into forums with the knowledge that it's probable someone might want to try out my ideas and that's fine with me. So long as they're not directly copy-pasting my work it doesn't bother me at all ♥
I agree, one thousand percent with this. Oh you catch all my feels. As I'm reading the posts in this thread there are good points but I'm like.. the what leaves me unsettled.
For me, I'll admit it makes me feel some kind of way. I remember being ghosted by someone who then reposted my story to RP. I feel some kind of way about it because this isn't a different story so clearly it's not about the fact that you didn't want to do the story and on top of that I'll let you use my plots if you just ask. For me, it's more about why be sneaky about it and then act like I can't clearly see you stole my plot and are acting like it's yours.
I agree. It's the feelings the behavior leaves that is unsettling.
I agree. It's the feelings the behavior leaves that is unsettling.
Like I try not to cause drama I do, but when I see stuff like that I really feel like going on the post and just blowing shut up and letting it be known this was my plot, they ghosted me and stole it, but I don't because I feel like to would just make me look childish and petty so I opt to let it go.
ashwynne ashwynne basically summed up all my thoughts on this subject, but just to add: if anyone says they are using an RP as a way of trialling their plot/setting (or generating ideas) for a novel then that raises a huge red flag for me and I would not join. That's expecting all your rp partners to be uncredited co-writers. This is worse if they don't say this up front but do it anyway, something I've seen multiple times. Good RPs rarely make good novels anyway.
Like I try not to cause drama I do, but when I see stuff like that I really feel like going on the post and just blowing shut up and letting it be known this was my plot, they ghosted me and stole it, but I don't because I feel like to would just make me look childish and petty so I opt to let it go.
No no no . Those feelings are so valid. Anyone with a passion behind their work. It's natural to feel passionate feelings when its taken away. I view my work no different then a child. That being said, I get the not wanting to seem childish thing, it seems to be a theme over the internet to have an over all unhealthy positive look at things. Added, especially when it comes to ownership of something. I find a lot of people have lost the ability to communicate to each other "hey buddy what you did sucked. I still like you but buddy you really suck." Then the other person, in reality should act, "oh man buddy sorry. I didn't know it bugged you. I'll take it down and come up with my own idea." It shouldn't be an issue.

It's like your frustrated feelings are completely undervalued and devalued.It makes complete sense to feel that way.
ashwynne ashwynne basically summed up all my thoughts on this subject, but just to add: if anyone says they are using an RP as a way of trialling their plot/setting (or generating ideas) for a novel then that raises a huge red flag for me and I would not join. That's expecting all your rp partners to be uncredited co-writers. This is worse if they don't say this up front but do it anyway, something I've seen multiple times. Good RPs rarely make good novels anyway.
I agree on this aspect. A novel is not a role play lol I mean the two are made for completely different audiences and it would be such a hassle to make a story our of it. My questions are more prompted by the grey area of plagiarism on sites like this. It also helps me gather what I am willing to share on this site and what I am not. I certainly will not be sharing any of my creative works and knowing people plot swipe , when a role play of mine dies ; gonna scrub it clean. *scrubs with a toothbrush*

Yeah, I just couldn't imagine not crediting people. It gives me the skeevies.
These are great viewpoints. Even if I don't agree with all of them. It's given me an idea of what I can and can not share on this site. =) It's why I was asking. It's always good to have an idea of how people view a role play construct and how they view crediting and sharing plot lines.

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