What ability should this charm be?


Ten Thousand Club
I thought up a bit ago a charm that would allow a solar to shield his essence e.g. to make it MUCH Harder for a ghost or spirit to see his essence pool.

Since a solar from the night caste who is undercover might want to be able to not be recognized on sight as a chosen, by either of those groups

Problem is Im not sure if it should be a larceny, lore, occult, or stealth charm.

Your thoughts?
Mmmm, I'm unsure.  I don't feel that it would be Lore, it just don't sit right. Neither does Larceny, for that matter.  Occult allows you to see the hidden, so maybe it could cover it too.  Stealth would be more appropriate for physical hiding, not really for hiding one's Essence.

ok reason I thought this up is because I didnt think a Night caste trying to infiltrate a criminal orgainzation should be detectable by hte least of sprits or ghosts.
I think this would be a high essence stealth charm, it just takes the idea of stealth to another level i.e. tricking other about the real nature of a person.
Hmmmm on a second note, I looked up the solar impersonating style in the abyssals book, it is larceny. somehow i think this roughly fits the same theme so larceny might work well, too. after all all infiltration charms of sorts are larceny, too. the more i think about it the more i like larceny in fact.

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