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Weston Heights

“...listen to the rhythm of the falling rain... "​
[class=tabs] line-height: 1; margin: 20px auto; text-align: center; width: 100%; color: black; display: inline-block; font-family: 'Times New Roman'; [/class] [class=tab] box-sizing: border-box; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 10px 0; width: 45%; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] background-color: grey; [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} intro) (show tabsContentInformation) if (eq ${currentTab} characters) (show tabsContentPersonality) if (eq ${currentTab} expectations) (show tabsContentAbout) if (eq ${currentTab} development) (show tabsContentOthers) [/script] [div class=tabs][div class=tab style="border: 1px solid black; margin: auto"]intro
[div class=tab style="border: 1px solid black; margin-left: 10px; margin-top: auto; margin-bottom: auto; margin-right: auto"]characters[/div][div class=tab style="border: 1px solid black; margin-left: auto; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: auto; margin-right: auto""]expectations[/div][div class=tab style="border: 1px solid black; margin-left: 10px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: auto; margin-right: auto"]development[/div][/div]
[div class="tabsContent tabsContentInformation"]

Nestled in the forests of Oregon lies the cozy town of Weston Heights. A perfect camping spot for some, and a perfectly rainy home for others. It’s also a perfect home for the supernatural to do their planning for bringing about the end of days, but no one needs to know about that.

Long has Weston been the epicenter of the world’s pending doom, but it’s Tyler Williams suddenly taking up residency in Weston that starts a chain of subtly, barely noticeable strange events happening. As it turns out, she was the only piece of a long-forgotten prophecy missing. The only element lost from a group of four who have yet to come together...

Suddenly, one overly-humid summer becomes more than anyone could’ve imagined, with surprises around every corner.

Underground bunkers, secret messages in unreadable languages, species only thought of in your wildest dreams, an unshakeable bond between four friends and more are waiting to be discovered.

Index ::
II - Characters
III - Expectations
IV - Development
[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentPersonality" style="display: none;"]

Tyler Williams - 16. One of four protagonists. She’s water; the most powerful of the elements, the supposed-to-be leader of the group with eyes that are far too wide and an attention span that’s far too short. She was recently put in the custody of an uncle she barely has a relationship or anything in common with (and who’s a long-term resident of Weston) after her parents were imprisoned.

Jace Williams - 38. Tyler’s uncle. Runs a shadey, tourist trap of a shop from his cabin that doubles as their home. He’s been on his own for a long, long time and was definitely not ready to be a parent when his niece was shoved at him, but he’s trying. Kind of.

Salma Spencer - 17. One of four protagonists. She’s air; the booksmart, level-headed one who you’d think should be the leader. She’s a bit too caught up in life’s little details for that, though. Think Hermione Granger and you’ve got a good base.

Kai Akins - 16. One of four protagonists. He’s fire; the passionate one whose presence is noticeable from miles away despite the fact that he doesn't say much. Cross him and he'll burn you - whether that's literally or metaphorically is out for debate.

Braylon Marx - 17. One of four protagonists. He’s earth; the one who somehow manages to remain calm and crack jokes in times of crisis. Your typical goofball with a healthy dose of 'if I don't joke about it, I'll cry' energy.

obviously, these aren't all of the characters; there will be wayyyy more! we just gotta come up with them ;u; and here's a link to a google doc mood board thing for the main four. feel free to peruse it~
[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentAbout" style="display: none;"]

hi! hello! i’m meg, a 20 year old college student studying library science. i hope you’re interested in a potential rp- or maybe you’re starting here? either way, here’s a little bit about what i’m looking for ::

you ::
  • advanced literate
  • 18+ !!!!!
  • lgtb+ friendly
  • willing to play multiple characters of any gender identity and sexuality
  • love plotting
  • ooc chat and mood boards and crack ideas about our characters and playlists PLZ
  • have a writing sample available

me ::
  • ghost friendly (not that i like it tho)
  • advanced literate
  • plotting obsessed
  • mood board aesthetic freak
  • i work part time and do school online so my schedule’s pretty free ;u; just don’t expect replies every two second once we get into the actual writing bit

i think that’s it? if you have any questions feel free to ask!
[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentOthers" style="display: none;"]

I’m assuming if you're here you’ve read through everything else and are interested in where I could possibly want this thing to go.

And the truth is that I’m not sure, really. I mean, and this is obvious if you’re familiar with it, but this is heavily based off of the show Gravity Falls. Just...more mature, I guess? There aren’t any child-friendly Disney restrictions holding it back.

The four elemental characters will have superpowers, and what they are exactly is something we can decide together. Whether or not Jace has a twin who’s been lost to the void of space and time is out for debate (but I am SO down for it). We’re going to have to create an employee or two to help out around the store. Which of the elements is only there for the summer camping with their family? AND we need to talk character development and what this supernatural, end-of-days thing really entails. Like, there’s a lot for us to chat about and develop ;u;

I’d also be open to potentially turning this into a group thing, but tbh I have no idea how that shiz works. You’re gonna have to realllly know what you’re doing to convince me.

hope to hear from you soon!

(also tyler totally has a cozy attic bedroom and you will never be able to pry that detail from my cold dead hands it is happening)
codedbycrucialstar | click boxes and hidden scrolls
hi everyone! i'm pretty sure this thing's mobile-friendly ;u; lemme know if there are any problems!
I read this at a glance as I'm kind of busy, but I wanted to let you know this looks bomb af. I'm so down to joining if you'll have me. When I have more time, I'll read this in depth a couple times and shoot you a PM. Is this a onexone or more of a small group thing?
I just want to say that this thread is rather interesting but also rather unique compared to the ones I’ve seen in the past. I just want to validate something tho.

So, is your intention to find someone who would share the roles of those four characters with you? Or did you want your partner to simply bring in a new character while also doing the former?
I just want to say that this thread is rather interesting but also rather unique compared to the ones I’ve seen in the past. I just want to validate something tho.

So, is your intention to find someone who would share the roles of those four characters with you? Or did you want your partner to simply bring in a new character while also doing the former?
share the roles and create new ones for both of us to play.
I read this at a glance as I'm kind of busy, but I wanted to let you know this looks bomb af. I'm so down to joining if you'll have me. When I have more time, I'll read this in depth a couple times and shoot you a PM. Is this a onexone or more of a small group thing?
onexone. feel free to take your time reading!

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