West View Highschool for the supernaturals


Queen of Spades
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Age: (keep in mind this is a high school)


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Name: Zoey White

Race: human

Powers: manipulate air and fire

Gender: female

Age: 16




Zoey is usually out going, she likes to be friend with everyone. She's also kind and caring to others, even if she hates them. Zoey is very athlete, she likes doing sport, especially the ones that involve competitions. She's very inteligent, one of the top of her class, but people don't classify her as a nerd. When she's angry her ability to manipulate fire increase, but when she's her normal self, she rarely uses fire.

Name: Sorpman Quinton

Race: Revenant

Powers: Can posses objects and bind with a human, is undead so he does not need food only life force

Gender: Male

Appearance when blending in:


Real form:


Age: How can you know a dead mans age?

Personality:fun loving, caring, and will only bond if given permission

Other:Will die if he does not consume life force every now and then.
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Name: Mia Hendricks

Race: Dark angel and Unknown

Powers: She can mainly use dark magic but she has some other tricks up her sleeve

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/photo.JPG.f9638461475ddac96e20beac4ce3cb58.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30972" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/photo.JPG.f9638461475ddac96e20beac4ce3cb58.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: She looks to be about 16 but is really a lot older

Personality: Daring, stubborn, a bit evil, can be caring, nice

Other: She's been tossed aside by her people banished from her home. Don't let her smile fool you, she's a devil, which is what she is often called. Born during medieval times her past before she died remains a mystery. In this modern world she's finally decided to go to school for once. There's one other thing, she's not completely a dark angel. She is also an Unknown, and yes that's what they're called, unknown because there is not much known about them. They're one of the most feared races from her time however and perhaps they still are.



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Name:Lewis Powers

Race/Powers: Vampire


Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/wings-vampire-blackandorange.jpg.d99a434fa781a60ede99baba3d1317bf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32403" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/wings-vampire-blackandorange.jpg.d99a434fa781a60ede99baba3d1317bf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 17

Personality:nice evil caring



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Species: Werewolf

Gender: Male (Genderfluid)

Name: Memios "Fade" Bonavich


He's shy at first, reserved and quiet, the kind of person that kind of blends into the background of things and doesn't really get noticed so it gives him the upper hand when needing to find out certain things for people if they want his help. Once he gets to know a person he's warm and caring if your first meeting with him is a good one, if not (or if he's in a bad mood) he tends to come off as harsh, vicious even, and cold, but he can't exactly help it given it's in his nature along with his myriad of "problems" (severe depression, self harm, anger, social anxiety, minor hallucinations, seizures). He tends to become attached to people pretty easily but can just as easily become detached from them and basically anyone around him. If you were to classify him by his personality he'd fall under the category "chaotic neutral" most likely, very rarely "chaotic good". (He's basically unstable as fuck and can switch his mood at a moment's notice, not clinically bipolar just...fast paced with his moods.)

Appearance: In human form Memios is rather slim and tall for his age, ashen hair with dappling of black running down the back, his eyes are a yellow hazel that burns brighter yellow in sunlight (though he tends to shy away from bright lights so it's rare to see his eyes in that bright shade). He tends to wear mostly black turtleneck sweaters (sometimes teal in winter), faded jeans of varying colours (has taken a liking to neon green skinny jeans when blending with human society, with his own he tends to settle for regular or a deep blue), never wears shoes. In human form his feet are in a constant state of selective shift since it feels more comfortable for him (passes it off in the human public as fursuit paws, testing durability for a con or something). He wears tinted glasses to protect his eyes from any bright lights that he might stumble into but with his photosensitivity it still can give him a headache if spotted with a flashlight or similar.

Biography/History: Memios lived a very normal childhood with two human parents. Unfortunately upon hitting puberty around age fourteen he had his first shift, which was a rather traumatising experience for him at the time since he knew nothing of werewolves. Apparently his great great grandfather had a recessive werewolf gene, his mother being the carrier of said gene now didn't know that her husband had a recessive as well and mix two recessive traits and you get a dominant gene which showed up in Memios. Having no knowledge of werewolves in the family Mem's parents were terrified upon finding him in a partial shift, writhing on the floor as his body tried to adjust to the new norm it would take but the first time was pure agony. All they could do was watch in horror as the body of their child twisted and changed into something animal that their human minds couldn't comprehend. Once it was finished and Mem lay on the floor, too exhausted to move, his father ran to the garage, fearing that once his child regained their energy they would go on a murderous rampage like they do in the movies. He chained his eldest child to the radiator and locked the door until morning. When they returned they found Mem gone, fearing the worst they called animal control, thinking that would help. They were ignorant, and ignorance breeds fear, and the fear Mem felt rivalled everything their human instincts screamed with the predator nearby. Mem was heartbroken that his parents could be so cold in their fear so he'd wriggled his way out of the chain hold and escaped out the window sometime during the night but stuck around under the back porch until shifting back. Though upon hearing animal control fear took hold and he snuck back upstairs, packed a bag of favourite clothes, a few toys, and what money he'd accumulated in their piggy bank, knowing that his parents would only see him as a monster when he wasn't.


Enhanced speed, stealth, and durability due to living on the streets.

Able to open portals to a pocket dimension through mirrors (but it's energy and time consuming so he rarely does it).

Immune to seduction/lust charms and spells.

He's a panromantic homosexual. He is also genderfluid and doesn't really care what pronouns people use for him seeing as he sees himself as both and neither at the same time. He prefers feminine clothing. Features are androgynous but leaning more on the feminine side.

He curses...a lot.

Partially deaf.

In the cliques he's kind of a drifter, more of a ghost than some of the actual spirits. But if he was to be put in a specific group he would probably be in one of the following; goth, punk, emo, loner, outsider, mentally unstable.
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Name: Cain Zahir

Race/Powers: Half Demon Half Gargoyle/ Some demon powers and gas manipulation (fear gas, love gas, poisonous gas etc)

Gender: Male


Age: 15

Personality: Cain is a quiet reserved young man who only talks when spoken to. He is very nice and loves to have a positive attitude but he has no problem with snapping on a person. His dad is a demon and his mother is a gargoyle. He has two older brothers who love and protect him with their lives. Cain is a gay and proud young boy and loves to draw and skateboard.

Other: He likes to read manga and watch anime

(I'll post image later on)
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Name: Aurora Kiro

Race: Elf

Powers: Controls Ice and can create bow and arrow out of thin air. Large wings on back allow her to fly

Gender: Female



Age: 18

Personality: Protective, Nice, Sweet, Lonely, Reserved.

Other: Warning: DO NOT ANGER HER
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Name: Nash Howlter

Race/Powers: Siren; when he sings it causes one to become dazed, and can even make on become unconscious if he sings uninterrupted for long enough. When he stops singing the affected slowly begins to regain alertness, and how long it takes just depends on the person.

Gender: Male


Age: 16

Personality: Nash is a troublemaker with snakebite piercings and an affection for Shakespeare. He acts a bit cocky sometimes...and by that I mean all the time. Even though he can be a little strange, and acts confident about everything he does, he means well. He's the kind of guy that either puts a huge smile on your face or annoys you to no end. He does average in school, with a few Cs here and there, but overall he's a good student.

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Name - Della Sloane

Powers - She can manipulate ones brain, makes them see what she wants them to see . And she can move earth, make flowers grow, etc.

Gender - Female

Appearance -


Age - 16

Personality - She's quiet, sweet, she stays out of people's business. She liked to hangmiut with people and will try to hang out with them.

Other - she was born with tattoo like marks. All the way up her thigh she has blossoms on twigs. And running up from her wrist is a tree.

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