Werewolf: the Forsaken

Red Shadow Claws

Six Thousand Club
Ok, seeing as we can run other games here, I would like to see if there's any interest in a Werewolf game.

As my internet connection is spotty right now, for about a week, that should give anyone interested a chance to post a short description of the character they wanna play. I will choose 5-6 of them when I get established again.

The game will take place in Toronto. I would like to have at least 1 character of every Auspice. Tribe is up to you.

When you present your character, please also give a paragraph on what he was like as a mortal. Also, at least one of those who picked you up after your First Change, is the Bone Shadow known as Mask of Bones.
....so tempting...

Nah, sorry, I'm in waaay too many games as it is. If a slot opens up in future though, keep me in mind ^^
I've always got a big kick out of the Werewolf concept, but I am completely, utterly new to the rules. I will swear interest to the Half Moon.
Haku said:
I see the name and I keep getting WTF... is this normal? :lol:
Very, as such was the reaction of many long time fans when the forsaken was unveiled.....(The setting is nice, but I wish they had either done a full break with the old setting or just kept the old one.....changing everything and then recycling all the names is just annoying.....)
While I haven't played the oWoD much, I really enjoy the nWoD werewolf. In my opinion it's got a lot more flavor to it than Werewolf: the Apocalypse.

But other than 2 players, so far, it doesn't seem like there's much interest in this game. I will wait a while longer, but if no new players voice their desire to join, I guess it's not gonna happen.
Hmm, I probably shouldn't (but then that rarely stops me) but if I can dig up the book......I'd be curious, I haven't actually played this incarnation, merely read through the book........
hey, would gladly play a forsaken game. as i'm playing an irakka in my other game i'm thinking a cahalith, focusing on the seer aspect of the auspice, likely a boneshadow. in greece with little internet access at the moment so wouldn't be able to actually make up the character for a while.

i'd be tempted to say a blind seer, though i'd need to look at the rules for blindness which i can't do from here. would that be an utterly disasterous idea? theres some great divination type gifts in some of the supplements, found a great list where some nice person compiled them all.
Flaws give you an extra XP when they come up in a session. Thus, major flaws like blindness will give you extra XP often. Don't forget that werewolves love using scent, though.
a blind Cahalith Boneshadow is certainly an interesting character.

hopefully there's gonna be a least one more interested players, so we'll have at least 4 characters.
If I knew more about W:tF and had the time, I might be interested. That said, though fixing the knowledge bit is easy (a friend has the books), my time is still constrained. I can't really make any commitments in good faith, but if there's still space and things clear up a bit I might try for this.
fhg, don't sweat it, though if you do have the time, I can help you out.

Ok, anyone of those who showed interest has any idea what auspice/tribe they wanna play?
I think it would be interesting to play an Ithaeur (Crescent) of the Iron Masters. A savant of magic and modernity, but a little off-kilter. May draw on River Tam for inspiration sometimes :mrgreen:

So, yeah, internet and spells. Fun stuff. Probably going to be heavily into the ritual master role when not working my techno-ness.
Elodoth here, definitely need to read up more, but I'm certain about my interest! I've always liked the WtF take on the spirit world, especially in urban areas. I'm a new player in this game, but dedicated. Count me in for sure.
well, looks like we have at least three confirmed players. I will phrase up my request to the Primordials to create a Thread for our game.
Thread has been created, and the three who posted their concept have been added already.

Anyone interested let me know.

BTW, if you use any book other than the core book ask me beforehand.
I'll go home and dig up the forsaken book, I declared the game nuts after reading the book the first time but I should at least give the game a chance.

Don't know what I want to play but I'll get back to ya.
I've been running W:tF for a while now. It'd be nice to play.

I'd love to play an Irraka Iron Master, very sneaky, not very bright but charismatic.

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