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Fantasy Werewolf Character Idea!


New Member
Hello! I have an idea for a story line for this new OC I created. Her info will be posted down below.

I am looking for someone to rp a male character to go with my female. Human or another werewolf welcome :)
~~If you're character is a wolf please note that they will be part of my girls pack. So no "future alpha" or anything like that
~~Also note that they will not already know each other (her bio will explain)
~~Please no characters over the age of 18 and no younger then 17. I don't want there to be a very large age gap

First I would like to say a few things so you get a better idea of what I'm looking for before you message me :)
1. I have been rping for a few years, I am not a pro, and I don't expect you to be one.
2. No one liners or text talk! I am not the most literate person in the world, but I also don't want a dry rp, give me something to work off of, add detail, spice it up.
3. Please try your best with grammar, I will not be perfect but I will at least try and I expect the same back.
4. Please understand that if I am not online for a few days I am not gone forever! Real world things come up, people go to school, they work, get sick. Don't get angry if I can not respond the moment you do. We all have stuff going on in our life, please respect that.
5. Please no super power, marry sues, controlling, or anything like that. I will not rp with someone who's character can "walk on water" if you will.
6. Know that there will be no instant relationship. They will have to meet, become friends, grow, etc, before any relationship will accrue.

PLEASE READ ALL OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION!! After doing so, if this is something you would like to rp with me please comment so I know and add your characters overall info (at least basic character listings like shown below and a personality, you don't have to go all out like I did).
We can privet message plot ideas together and work out a little story line before we start :)

My Character:
Name: Lorelai Hunter
Nickname: Rory
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Species: Werewolf
Rank: Daughter of the Alphas (doesn't take part in the pack, doesn't know all of the members, they know of her though, just not all of them know what she looks like)
Tattoos: a full moon on her forearm closer to her elbow, an outline of a healing wolf on her ankle (the pack tattoo, every male has on on his arm or chest, every female on her arm or back of the neck)

Personality: Rory is a shy girl. She tries to keep her head down when shes in school or around town. That shes forced to go to because her parents want her to "be as normal as possible". She is kind hearted and is easily overlooked. However when shes cornered with a threat her emotions can get the best of her and she can lash out in self defense. She had to leave her last school because of this. She doesn't like to talk about what happen, but she hurt some people and it left her with even more reason to not make friends.

Bio: Rory always stayed to herself. She always had trouble controlling the wolf inside. It was stronger then her so she always hid it away. Although it helped her in many situations, she prefers it staying inside then letting it run. At one of her old schools she was having a great time. She had a boyfriend, and friends. She was so happy. But at a party one night her boyfriend tried to take it to the next step. He was drunk and although she drank it wast enough to make a werewolf drunk, tipsy maybe. He tried to push and her emotions got to her, she lashed out in self defense. Leaving him and going back to the party, trying to calm down some girls came to her and started trying to get her to drink more. She could smell something funny in the drink a boy was handing her. She knew it was a drug. It all go to be too much and before she knew it, she was leaving the party, bloody. She had hurt many people that night. This was the first time she changed. She was 14 at the time, so she didn't know what was happening to her. No one remembered what happened. They say the back door was open and a wild animal somehow got into the house. But she knows what happened, she'll always know.

Wolf Bio: Rory was born very special. Known as the Red Wolf, she is larger and stronger then the average female, and some males. Due to this, her wolf form is stronger, needing to be used with caution. If she changes at the wrong time or without the right training she might not be able to control her actions. Natural instinct kicks in and she doesn't think she's strong enough to control it. Thus with her lack of self confidence, the natural instinct normally takes over. Wolves from all around the planet know the tale of the Red Wolf, yet they tell it as a folk tale, so many packs believe that only, it's a folk tale. Over the years the few who believe would try and hunt down the red wolf to breed it into their packs. Yet after years of being hidden the new red wolf is not only here, but hidden in absolute plain sight.

Starter: Rory went about her day the normal. She wore dark skinny jeans, very very worn timberland's. She paired that with a white tank top and a mustard brown open thick flannel that had yellow highlights. Both her jeans and flannel had a worn look to them, like her boots. Around her neck she wore a very plain silver chain. This signature item, although causes pain, helps her control herself so she doesn't shift. Her old over the shoulder bag carried her school work and her personal journal. During lunch she takes her food outside, since this school is very open she normally eats out in the woods in the old adventure course that hadn't been used in years. She's one of the people who sit next to the windows, doesn't really raise her hand, gets okay grades, very under the radar.
The last bell had rung for the day. She made her way to her locker. Rory was putting the items she didn't need away since she had done her homework in the classes she had and during lunch. She didn't want to take the bus, but didn't want her brother to pick her up. It was a good 5 miles across town, then another 2 miles into the woods. Her house was very popular with the locals. Once owned by a rich old man that no one ever saw. Before they moved in some teenagers would go and try and break in. But always told others it was guarded by dogs, aka wolves. She didn't mine the walk, but sometimes wish she had a friend to talk to. Closing her locker door, she turned, going to walk down the hall.

Hi, I'm interested! I'll leave my boy here:

Name: Cole Williams
Nickname: C
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Species: Human

Personality: Cole is a very open and friendly person. His various interests mean he's always busy and very curious to learn. His hobbies usually fall under the artistic but he also has an athletic side which is what he's more well known for. He's rather popular which he doesn't mind, though he doesn't let it get to him. He'd still be the same person whether people liked him or not. Mostly because one of the defining factors of his popularity is just his looks. He preforms fairly well in school, excelling in the subjects where his hobbies lie.

Bio: Throughout his school life he's never really been on the sidelines, always making time to hang out with friends or go to parties. Most of the attention he gets is from girls, resulting in a few relationships. Though they never seemed to last long. He's more closed off about his personal life so he doesn't like to disclose much which has started rumours about him. The girls usually blame him for the relationship ending, though since he never confirms nor denies anything nothing is ever proven. This gives him a somewhat mysterious aura, consequently making more girls interested. "Maybe he's a vampire or something, that's why he never talks about it!" He doesn't confirm or deny this either, just because he thinks it's funny. Boys usually stay away as well as some girls who think he's a player. This doesn't phase him too much, saying that his reputation isn't that important to him and that he just goes with the flow.


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