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Fantasy We're Still Here (OOC Thread)



Whiskered Wizard
A place for everyone to talk and discuss the rp without bothering the recruitment thread. Sorry it wasn't up sooner. XD
Nah, it’s fine. Interested to see how these guys interact.
Val/Irene’s reaction to seeing everyone: “frick I’m the only amnesiac here” *pauses* “please tell me I’m not also the only person with any decent fighting experience”
Hmmm….”Where is the Justice?” From Death Note: The Musical
Yeah, cuz they’re all in different situations.
Have they been traveling together for a while already or will they meet in the RP?

I may need to change Adam’s bio slightly depending on the answer to that. 😅
I’m sort of thinking maybe they SHOULD meet in the RP. I love building character relationships from the ground up, but that’s just me. Up to what V thinks.
our ocs:
looks like a cinnamon roll, could kill you-
looks like a cinnamon roll, is one-
looks like they could kill you, actually a cinnamon roll-
looks like they could kill you and can-
our ocs:
looks like a cinnamon roll, could kill you-
looks like a cinnamon roll, is one-
looks like they could kill you, actually a cinnamon roll-
looks like they could kill you and can-
Mind if I ask which one is which?

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