We're Human? ((Work in Progress))


The Dark Poetry Mistress
I think here I can explain the basic idea I have in mind for a roleplay. I would love a little feedback and maybe a little help with fully completing the idea

Imagine, if you would, your favorite character who isn't exactly....human. For example....Trolls from homestuck and the main characters of Okami and Okamiden. Anyway, onto the idea.

One day, as these non-human characters live their lives as they normally would, a bright light flashes through each of their worlds, causing them all to black out. After what seems like an eternity, they wake up in an open field together. They do not know why or how they even came to be here. They all look at themselves before realizing something: They had human features. Trolls were now human, the mighty goddess Amaterasu and young Chibiterasu are in a human form....Just what brought them here? And for what purpose?

So please feel free to let me know what you think, who you think could be a villain or a curious force.
I haven't made the actual RP yet.

And OCs are strongly welcomed.

I am planning to post sort of a side project right now, where inhuman characters have human forms.
But everything else would be the same? Like the soul, equipment, previous skills, maybe magical powers? or would those be gone too?
The only thing that would change would be the form and the way that they would fight. They would have to adjust, though i do believe characters from Homestuck can manage.

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