We're All Mad Here || Underland Rp [Accepting]


New Member
Welcome to Underland! In this RP you may be any of the actual characters from Alice in Wonderland, and twist their personas to your liking! You may even tweak their appearances. (movie-verse)

Please, not too much violence and keep sexual content to a minimum. Write 'Tea' in Other if you read this!


Cheshire Cat (Chessur Cat)

Mad Hatter (Tarrant Hightopp)

March Hare (Thackery Earwicket)

White Rabbit (Nivens McTwisp)

Dormouse (Mallymkun Loir)

Red Queen (Iracabeth)

White Queen (Mirana)

Knave of Hearts (Stayne)

Caterpillar (Absolem Ibizernak)

Alice (Alice Kingsleigh)

((If I missed anyone let me know!))

I play Chessur.

Name: Chessur Cat

Age: ???

Species: Cheshire Cat

Bio: A mysterious disappearing cat, whom no one seems to notice the presence of, until his mischief takes fire. He especially loves to make the Red Queen lose her temper.

Persona: Mischievous to a fault, but never seems to take things seriously. Very confusing and hard to understand sometimes.



Other: Tea!
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Name: Mallymkun Le Loir

Age: 19 yrs

Species: Dormouse

Bio: A brave, daring and cunning little mouse, who has a knack for tinkering and getting into things she probably shouldn't get into.

Persona: A bit too sly for her own good. Falls asleep if given the chance.



Other: Tea!
((Accepted! Let's start this thang!))

Chessur sat in his tree, looking about, a smile playing upon his lips. His senses were growing aware of something, he just couldn't lay a paw on what. His ears swiveled and his nose twitched. His smile only grew. His tail began to disappear, then his legs, then his head, his eyes, and finally his snickering teeth. He was completely invisible.

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