Welp, Here Goes Nothin'

All I am is an X

New Member
Call me either X or Sherlock.

I've RPed for years, but only recently have become halfway decent, thanks to some wise sempais (sp?) on another site. My favorite way of doing so is 1x1, but that's mainly most of the group RPs I've been in have been chaotically out of order. I love realistic kinds of things, but also like modern fantasy types of things as well.

Well, since I can't think of much else to say here, I'll just leave it as this. I hope to get the hang of this place eventually!
Hello there, X, and welcome to the site! I'm glad to see you here and I'm positive that you'll find something you like, as lots of people are looking for 1x1 partners!

Here's the link for the partner search area!

I hope to see you around, and have a good time on the site :) If you have any questions, feel free to let me know!
Hello there X.

Basically just saw your introduction and felt like going ahead just dropping in. I am a bit of a new member to the site myself and I'm not currently wrapped up in too many rps. So if you ever want to ask about possibly setting something up, just reply to me here I guess and I'll try and PM you.

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