Other Well this angers me.


Daniel Valtameri
Late edit:

I just wish people would tell me when they don't want to roleplay anymore and we can both kindly end the roleplay instead of them just up and leaving. If people don't want to roleplay anymore, all they have to do is say so.
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Oh dear, every role player ever knows that feeling. I'm ashamed of doing it myself but trust me, I haven't done it since. I agree with you that it is really rude.
I hate it when that happens! People should be respectful enough to say when they are done.
I think it would be helpful to put some sort of a message, like "it's okay to leave a RP if you lose interest, but please tell me first!". Some people (especially those with anxiety) need assurance that it's fine to leave.
Yeah, I'm in two minds, because it's obviously very frustrating when people just abandon an RP, but then again, I feel like there isn't a script or a convention in leaving an RP. Like, what would be something you'd want somebody to say? Sometimes it can seem crueller to say "I'm not interested in this RP any more". I feel like sending that kind of message would make me feel way more anxious and guilty.

I've often felt that maybe sites like RP Nation should have advice on the etiquette of politely leaving an RP, because I think there's often pressure for people to continue something even when they find it upsetting, stressful, or just not interesting any more. So there should be more acceptance around the idea that sometimes people just don't want a plot to continue, and that's okay.

I'm envisioning like a "50 Ways To Leave Your RPer" tutorial xD
Unspoken rule of roleplaying: everyone and their mom ditches. If they say they don't, they're a liar. And it's no big problem! Some people's interests can wax and wane over the span of minutes. One moment a roleplay is fresh and exciting. The next it's barely thought-provoking. Usually, if two roleplayers don't click right away, the plot is doomed to fail.

I used to get my panties up in a knot over people ditching. But then I realized it's no biggie. This sort of thing is to be expected and there's no point moaning and groaning over it. If you don't hear from a partner, there could be many reasons: someone happened in real life that is taking precedence, they're more invested in another plot, they didn't reply and are now too anxious to reconnect. And let's not even start talking about how people's standards differ. Everyone's checklist of what makes an awesome writing partner is different. For some people, if one of the things on the checklist isn't present, it's a no-go.

In the end, we're just mere mortals who ditch. That's it. That's the roleplay life. Everyone ditches and nobody owes you jackshit (unless you've been roleplaying for 3+ months or 1+ years, only in these cases is a heads up warranted).
It isn't very nice. I don't like it when they do that 'cause I put time and effort into the roleplay and when someone just leaves without announcing it, it tells me that I did a bad job. Something I don't enjoy, but everyone deals with.
Bluntly telling someone that you're no longer interested doesn't always work out very well, either. I've tried all manner of lenient approaches, but they nearly always end up with the other person being offended or never speaking to you again.
And when you're in a group RP, it's even worse! There's only one or two dedicated people in the group becomes a 1-1. That's not cool. That's why I select my Rps carefully; the ones I'm willing to dedicate time to. And I absolutely hate when I make an RP, some people join. You know, the usual. But when I go to start it, everyone has left! Point is, don't join if you aren't going to participate.
Just put on your big girl panties and go find another partner(s), there is more than one person on this role play. If someone ditches me, I shrug and go find someone else. Don't moan and groan, man up and go entertain yourself with some new people.
Ditching can be super annoying, but it's best to not get too upset over it.

There are plenty of other people you could roleplay with! And plus some people with really bad anxiety ed up freezing up at the idea of telling someone they aren't enjoying the experience being provided, I know because I have that problem, though I tend to be too meek to even stop replying so my responses just get slowly more interested seeming.

It can happen heaps in group RPs too if someone is godmodding. Egh. I was ina group pirate RP on another forum-type thing and one guy was not only godmodding but playing other people's characters (As an example, he dived off the ship at one point and punched- Er 'hunted' two sharks and three whales.).

don't take it too personally though, everyone does it at times!
It's annoying, but haven't we all done it before at least once? If not, we have witnessed it. Yeah. I will admit that I godmodded before, but I don't do that anymore. I go by the rule of three. You can dodge twice, but the third time you must get hit. For powers, I always have a hilarious downside and never more than three. But people still leave. And that's annoying, but OK, I guess.
It happens. It sucks. There are thousands of folks on this website, though. I'm pretty sure someone else out there is looking for something similar to what you want in an RP. You just gotta get back out there and search!

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