Well, That's an Evil Smile


Your resident on-and-off bibliomaniac!
The Form


Age (w/date of birth):

Sex (the physical make-up of your body):

Gender (what your social, sexual status is defined as):

Sexual Orientation:

Appearance (a real picture, an anime picture, 'tis a picture either way!):

Appearance Differences (links to what your character might are welcome):

Likes (Optional; great for fleshing out OC's):

Dislikes (Optional; same for the above):




Flaws/Fears (these can be explained in Bio if neccessary):

Relationship (Single/In a relationship/Married):

Children (If applicable to prior choice):

Job (Student/Unemployed/Employed):

Personality (detail is a must):

Biography (as with the latter, detailed. At least two paragraphs):



  • Text in brackets can be deleted if you wish.
  • If you feel like certain choices are offensive, let me know and I'll delete them.

The Characters Thus Far

  • Dorian Orands (@MorticiansDaughter)
  • Draven Gotthard (@MorticiansDaughter)
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Dorian Orands

Age: 22

Birthday: September 23

Gender&Sex: Male, well-built but not like a muscle head. Has a six-pack (lol)

Sexual Orientation: Eh..he's bisexual but he only dated one guy and then more girls but I'll still say bisexual.

Appearance will be at the bottom.


The dark

Being around the "druggies"

Breaking laws and breaking things with baseball bats

Rock music

Cursing a lot


Being told what to do

People thinking they are better than him

Leaving people behind

Quiet places

Soft music

Height: 5'10

Weight: About 150 (mostly muscle and a little fat)

Skills/Talents: Can cook really well, Smart and charismatic, Good at logical things.

Flaws/Fears: Can be cocky at times, careless with what people think. Fears: Death and V for Vendetta.

Relationship: Single

Children: None, has a nephew though.

Job: Does some drug deals and works and a restaurant

Personality: Can be cocky and funny at times. He is a guy who can fight others and can turn out to win unless they were stronger than usual. He isn't afraid of much except death and Vendetta. He can be a guy that you can spend time with without worrying about his opinion because he doesn't give a damn about what you say; he will just listen. Can lose his temper sometimes. He is a very good liar.

Bio: Dorian got into drug dealing when he was in his first year of College and then left because the money he received from the restaurant and dealings got him a nice apartment. When he was younger, his parents didn't really treat him with the respect he deserved, Dorian got angry and decided that when he gets older, he would never talk to them again. Dorian had both "mommy and daddy" issues which makes him act a little weird at times. In every relationship he has been in, it never really worked out because he got insecure at times. Dorian still sells drugs and maybe if he meets someone new, they could change his mind.

Other: N/A


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c01a0f24d_animegamerboy.jpg.c40c6a1dcb178fa49c4deb6f49ad4266.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26757" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c01a0f24d_animegamerboy.jpg.c40c6a1dcb178fa49c4deb6f49ad4266.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(I haven't rp in a long time but I would like to get back into it. :) I love the theme of this rp and I'm a huge horror fan as well.)

Estella Iris

Age: 18

Birthday: June 30

Gender and Sex: Female with a petite build

Sexual orientation: Pan-Sexual (can't really pick a preference.)

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/images.jpg.4e150ee7dd6d0c61be38e1435c8b10d3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26765" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/images.jpg.4e150ee7dd6d0c61be38e1435c8b10d3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Likes: Sweets, Cliche movies and dramas, Fashion, the rain, and proper etiquette

Dislikes: The dark, being in a crowd, people with low morale, and being insecure

Height: 5'0

Weight: 120 pounds

Skills and Talents: Intelligent and agile. She knows a bit of gymnastics and french as well. Her hobbies include fencing, flower arrangements, and sewing.

Flaws and Fears: She has a bit of social anxiety and has constant mood swings. She speaks her mind which causes her more trouble than what it's worth. She has a healthy fear of the unknown and the dark. Will have a panic attack if alone in the dark. Has a hard time making friends.

Relationship: Single and a bit inexperienced

Children: None

Job: University Student (works part-time at the school's coffee house)

Personality: Although timid and a bit naive she is a very curious and kind person. She is a very righteous person and believes that you should stand for what you believe in. She will speak out of turn and give her two cents about the situation which leads into conflicts with her classmates. At times she is very generous and will give more than her share of anything. When it comes to her social anxiety she is reluctant to trying new things and always worrying about being judged. She will take situations more dramatically and sometimes hyperventilate over stress.

Bio: Seen as a genius in high school she was able to receive a full ride scholarship to an Ivy league college. She shuts herself from the world and stays in her room most of the time. Her relationship with her parents are a bit rough and they tend to argue alot. She finds solace in doing good deeds and peaceful activities. Her true wish is to discover a better world and wishes to travel around the world.

Other: N/A

(Also as for a favorite masked character it is hard to decide because there is so many.)



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You won't see a lot of pointing-out-details from me, you know your character better then myself!


|| Name ||

Elvira G. Ryder

|| Birthdate ||

31st October (23)

|| Gender ||


|| Orientation ||


|| Appearance ||


|| Likes/Favors ||

Sewing, wood carving, holding hands. (What, not all quiet people are anti-social.)

|| Peeves/Dislikes ||

Eye contact, vandalism, wasting time.

|| Height ||

160 cm; 5'2" feet.

|| Weight ||

46 kg; 100 pounds.

|| Skills 'n Talents ||

Photographic memory - a double-edged sword for someone who doesn't appreciate everything she sees.

Intricate sewing.

Flying bull darts and needles.

|| Shiver Me Timbers ||

Eyes, clocks, and mirrors.

|| Flaws ||

Selective mutism.

|| Relationship ||


|| Children ||

The dolls she made. All of them.

|| Occupation ||

Souvenir shop owner. Supplies her own dolls (both cloth and wooden), right down to collecting wood herself.

|| Personality ||

Appears demure, but really just sees no point in making small talk.

Despite her apathetic exterior, she is deathly afraid of ageing.

Creating timeless trinkets is what fuels her hope to remain unchanging.

Even though she doesn't like to look at others in the eye,

and is socially inept in many ways,

she conveys her feelings (and affection) through holding hands with others.

Once someone rejects her, she will play it off as if she never reached out to them and live in her "Me, Myself and I" fantasy world.

|| Life Story ||

Once, the daughter of a woodsman and seamstress had a doll. Her name was Annabelle - the toy.

It was a lovely doll that looked just like Elvira - the child, and was given by a kind old lady who lived in the same village.

But then Elvira grew up and began to look different. She
aged. Her voice deepened.

Elvira Gartha Ryder wouldn't have it.

She chopped logs, hacking them with all the
hatred she could summon from her heart.

Time was despicable for
always, always changing things.

She tried carving a new Annabelle, one that looked like her. But every time she looks into the mirror, she only sees an older self.

Hate, hate, hate mirrors.

She would fling darts with her father quietly behind the house while he tried to cheer her up,

oblivious to the roots of his princess' worries.

And her mother would look at her in the eyes sadly. Like she was
pitying her. Like she understood.

No one does, of course. Neither even knew what had been on her mind for decades as they passed away quietly.

Her mother just had to
look at her in the eye while breathing her last, though.

And above it all, Elvira is
blessed - oh yes - with the natural gift to remember details distinctively.

But she tries to let go, because she's a girl. A very lonely girl.

Name: Freyja Gotthard

Age (w/date of birth): 21 Sept. (23)

Sex (the physical make-up of your body): Curvy but fit

Gender (what your social, sexual status is defined as): Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Appearance (a real picture, an anime picture, 'tis a picture either way!):


Appearance Differences (links to what your character might are welcome): Her right eye is completely white and she has scars that run down her back

Likes (Optional; great for fleshing out OC's): Steaks, opera music, relaxing in the sun, playing the cello

Dislikes (Optional; same for the above): Water (mainly rivers, lakes and the ocean), her family, trouble makers, fighting

Height: 5'6

Weight: 126

Skills/Talents: Cello player, opera singing

Flaws/Fears (these can be explained in Bio if neccessary): She has anxiety around water and fears it as well, she is also blind in one eye and keeps a patch over it to keep people from staring at its color.

Relationship (Single/In a relationship/Married): single

Children (If applicable to prior choice): none

Job (Student/Unemployed/Employed): Performer at a local opera house

Personality (detail is a must): She is a calm and collected person who doesnt show many emotions. She has a deep passion for what she does and doesnt like the fame that comes from it, she only performs so people can know the beauty of classical music. She has a hidden temper when it comes to her family especially her brother. She prefers the quiet and easy life which is why she lives away from the city.

Biography (as with the latter, detailed. At least two paragraphs): Freyja grew up in an upscale apartment with her mother, father and eldest brother. Her father was a lawyer and her mother a music teacher. As for her brother he was simply a trouble maker and caused trouble for them all. They both went to a prestigious school but Freyja was the only one who stayed long. The only affection she received was from her mother who taught her to play the cello and first encouraged her to take singing lessons to improve her talents. Her and her brother did fight a lot and one specific fight about him being a disgrace to the family caused him to beat her up, she was only 10 while he was 16. When her parents came home Freyja was crying and her brother was locked away in his room leaving his sister with a bloody face. When they took her to the hospital the damage he had done to the area around her eye was permanent and caused her to lose her sight. From then on her brother was sent to facility for troubled teens. As time went by all was well, Freyja was accepted into a high up music school and she hadnt seen her brother in years. When he was finall able to come home the family went on a trip to the rapids. It was fun until Freyja was accidentally knocked out of the boat. She was dragged under the boat and was dragged across rocks and knocked around. She felt arms wrap around her but that didnt stop the violent water from taking her and whoever was with her over a small water fall that was in another direction form the rafts path. When she woke up she was laying on a bank and blood was pooling all aorund her and her back was shredded up from the rocks. Next to her was her mother who she later found out jumped in to save her but only tumbled to her death at the bottom of the falls. Since then she has remained more quiet and never shows her true emotions. Her father distanced himself in grief and her brother ran away from home, leaving her to grieve in her own way.

Other: Her brother still comes around to torment her
Another interesting character added to the ranks! My word, this place is getting recognition! Don't be afraid of me as if I'm some sort of scrutinous person that looks at everything with a surgeon-meticulous nature, you know your characters better then I do!

Accepted my friend, accepted!
Name: Draven Gotthard

Age (w/date of birth): Oct. 30 (27)

Sex (the physical make-up of your body): Muscled and fit

Gender (what your social, sexual status is defined as): Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Appearance (a real picture, an anime picture, 'tis a picture either way!):


Appearance Differences (links to what your character might are welcome): He has green eyes yes but not like that, He also has a whole back tattoo that looks like this (Dont mind the female body)

Likes (Optional; great for fleshing out OC's): Drinking, women, night clubs, shady dealings

Dislikes (Optional; same for the above): Hangovers, affection, when people try to guilt trip him

Height: 6'1

Weight: 130

Skills/Talents: Great shot, sneaky, great at hiding

Flaws/Fears (these can be explained in Bio if neccessary): Shows a weak spot when he's caught of guard, fears getting caught

Relationship (Single/In a relationship/Married): Nope

Children (If applicable to prior choice): hell no

Job (Student/Unemployed/Employed): Unemployed

Personality (detail is a must): Hes straight forward and has an anger to fear. Violence is just a word to him and he doesnt hesitate to kill anyone who gets in his way. He's also a bit of a womanizer and flirts with every women he comes across. He is also a bit of a bully when his sister is involved and he knows it. But that cranky goody two shoes doesnt feel crap anymore.

Biography (as with the latter, detailed. At least two paragraphs): Much like Freyjas past with little things on the side. He only acted out because he craved his families attention, he was a young boy for christ sakes! But obviously his family didnt know how to act with a trouble maker like him so they ignored him. When they sent him to that stupid snob school he didnt fit in with other kids, he didnt have any talents to prove. He was beat up constantly but when he threw a punch he was the one sent to the office, his parents frowned down upon this and didnt seem to care when he dropped out and started home school. He hated that his mom used all her attention on his sister and that his father barely even talked to him. He knew he was a dissapointment. But he was still their kid to! When they went out one night and he was in charge of waching the house his sister really gave it to him. Calling him all the things he already knew he was. He couldnt help the anger he felt but it just came out, all that pent up sadness and anger. He didnt try to hurt her that badly but he did. When they sent him away to the facility he spent 5 long years there and hardened his emotions towards everyone. He would never forgive what they had done especially his sister. Because of her he spent all those years in grief for his actions and how dare she make him feel that way! SO when they let him out they celebrated, which he was disgusted with. But he pretended to be happy and went with them on their rafting trip. He feels like his father blames him for what happened even going as far as accusing him of pushing his sister over. But she just fell out and mom went after her. When they banked and dad ran off to search for them he ran off. Joining whatever gang he could find to stay alive and to this day has never told a soul of the tears he shed on the day of his mothers death.

We all want attention in our own way, I'll be like that with you lot!

It goes without saying, accepted!


Also don't be afraid to add little things to your character now and then.
Well it's good to have a friend like you the, cheers Ven! 

Name: Matthew 'the Silence-Seeker' Strickland.

(w/date of birth): Twenty-one years-old (22nd of December).

(the physical make-up of your body): Male, of an average physique.

(what your social, sexual status is defined as): Male

Sexual Orientation
: Straight

(a real picture, an anime picture, 'tis a picture either way!):


Appearance Differences
(links to what your character might are welcome):

A few differences would be that of more freckles around his face. Another notable difference would be dark rings around his eyes due to tiredness.


The typical outfit this man would be seen wearing would be a pair of black leather shoes with black socks, a pair of loose, blue jeans with a t-shirt that could be blue one day, red the next day.

(Optional; great for fleshing out OC's):




A good cup of tae (he's Irish).

The smell of a new book.

The countryside.

A good laugh!

Staring at the clouds.



(Optional; same for the above):

People who don't appreciate silence.

People who boast.

Those who have no respect for their elders.

Phones ringing during mass.

People who don't put money in the basket at mass.

When people walk past a poor person without putting in a single penny.

: 6'0/6'1, he's between two minds on which it is.

: 175 pounds.


Has a great memory.

Finds a solution quickly to problems that don't require that much thinking.


(these can be explained in Bio if neccessary):

Has an extreme fear of heights, anything beyond two stories frightens to him to the spot.

Squeamish around knives; also around having nosebleeds.

Getting kicked in the Nether regions.

(Single/In a relationship/Married):

Single, still looking for the 'One'.

Children (If applicable to prior choice):

None; not yet anyway.

Job (Student/Unemployed/Employed):

Student although part-time-employed, works at the local library.

Personality (detail is a must):

If there was one word you could you describe this man is that he is not one for loud noises, loud people, anything that involves the word loud in it's meaning. So much so that his fellow colleagues have dubbed him the 'Silence-Seeker' among other names that they have bestowed upon him. This stemmed from an instance when one woman was chatting with her fellow students at a respectable pitch but wouldn't sit well with Matthew at all, so much so that he held up a sign with the famous proverb 'Silence is Golden' written on a large blank piece of paper to avoid becoming a hypocrite. Genuinely, the man is simply very easy to get along with him if you love to have a good time, be it coming over to his house or your own to watch a match or heading down to the pub, he'll do both. Many say that he appears as a good laugh, charismatic, a person that boosts the already great mood. Considering how he is during his work, it's surprising how loud he can be at times; that's usually down to having too much Coca-Cola! Strickland has promised that he would never drink considering this is what he vowed during his Confirmation all the way back in Ireland. So that basically means that he's the one driving everyone else home after the night is done; whoop de doo.

Although despite his meek appearance, he really isn't somebody you would want to go up against in a fight. Many upon a many a time as an adolescent people picked on him for being so timid and he would restrain himself with his unnatural temperance. However on one occasion, the man fought back and nearly crippled his annoyer with a piledriver. It still weighs heavily on his heart although he does still watch professional wrestling in the form of WWE. Knowing that he can do the things they do is a real confidence booster when there is none there to improve. Many upon many a time, you will notice Matthew muttering to himself. You might not know what it is but you can give a sure guess that it is something rather irrelevant to what he's doing or it's some philosophical question that he will deliberate furiously with himself until the day's end. Although talking with women is something he does on a regular basis, he stops himself from staring too much at women because he believes that there should be only one woman that he should give his attention too. To this very day no one has been able to fill that desire of his. His friends at the library constantly take the mick out of him for thinking that way but he thinks nothing of it since he's know they mean well.

Biography (as with the latter, detailed. At least two paragraphs):

Matthew Strickland was humbly born to Olivia and Luke Strickland in the west of Ireland. Far from living in rags but far from basking in luxury, the family were simply average in everything they were, did and are. His older sister, Emily, the two had a great relationship with each other that involved hugs the majority of the time. Being a great gymnastic at her age, the young Strickland wanted to find something he could call his own. And this was the same of Matthew although he took a odd interest in wrestling at a young age. Considering that the family lived in the capital where most of the associations for wrestling were, the child's journey to mastering the oldest sport in the world began. In school, the lad was far from anything to write home about in terms of his results in test but he was a consistent fellow rather then being like the other one-trick ponies that were apparent in his class. Although not all the time, the boy was often the subject of much bullying by his peers for his timid, meek nature and always preferring to isolate himself from the others. One day however when a derogatory remark was made about his sibling, Matthew snapped. Grabbing the one classmate that made the defence from behind, throwing him down to the ground in the form of three German suplex's. The lad was dazed completely, completely out of but that didn't stop the child from battering into him some more, so much so that the teachers had to come and restrain him. Subsequently, Matthew was suspended for three, a time that he spent talking to his elder sibling. One thing he notes in particular was something that he holds to this that goes along the lines of, 'Words don't hurt unless you let them'. It opened his eyes completely to something that otherwise made him a sensitive person. Thanking his sister, he changed his ways soon enough.

After getting through primary school and onto secondary school, the young Strickland found that history, religion and geography were subjects that he was especially fond of, looking forward to them with an over-zealous display. After six long, studious years, Matthew passed the Leaving Certificate with flying colours, a celebration his family thoroughly enjoyed. After deciding on his choice of college, the young man left with tears in his eyes. Now after a few years, he finds himself working in the quiet environment that it is the library, very much content in his role.


The man holds his wristwatch as if it were a pocket-watch.

Despite not appearing as so, he is surprisingly strong.

He also wears glasses if he can't see something faraway; he's short-sighted.
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