Well hi there, I'm a ninja.


New Member
I am the ninja known as Kunoichi! (named after the pokemon conquest ninja... not the ecchi video game >o>)

I have been in a total of..... *drum roll please* ONE ROLE PLAY! x3 believe it or not, a NINJA ROLEPLAY. yes, I like ninjas. because they are boss. ok, they dont really exist that much but STILL. ninjas. yeah.

anyways >o> I am not strange and I am not obsessed with ninjas. just clearing that up for ya.

My grammar is so much better in role plays I promise >u<

The ninja role play was very..................................................... short. it lasted about three days. o-o but then! I search role play in google and find this website~ du dudu DUUUU. Yes, I am here to learn of the wonderful ways of role play. derp.

I like the number seven. :8D:

Role plays that I like (because they looked entertaining in derpy ways)!


Slice of life (Good ol' fashion values...)


Private~ (Privacy is my policy o3o)

I always make characters (I'm an artist. like a boss) but I dont have anything to do with them. so I just have this book full of profiles and sketches :8D: and now I can use them~ goodie~

please do not ask my age. I know I am younger than most of you. but I'm also a nerd so its all good. (Nerd power! *snort laugh* :8D: )


Zatch Bell should be more well know. That was a quality program.

I hate haters. o-o Dontcha just wanna throw bricks at them?

Fine, I wont throw bricks. I'll throw pillows. shaped like bricks. made of bricks.
Hello and welcome to RPNation.

You can find the chatbox by clicking on the Forum like or the RPN logo on the page. sometimes there is only 1 person visible online with many creepers but most of the time this site is booming with activity. So feel free to drop by and get to know people...

Any questions to normal forum use and such things, you can ask the Admin Ace or any of the other Moderators.

Also, feel free to check out Werewolf, it is the forums official side RP game... It is run by me so any Questions regarding that you can ask me either on the Shoutbox(Chatbox) if i'm on or a Forum PM in which i will respond A.S.A.P.; if you end up not hearing from me at all within a Day or two, feel free to ask the Moderator known as Kagura.

Again Welcome to RPNation and we hope you enjoy your time here :) ,

Well, with Kaze being all useful again, I'll just say hello, and welcome to our site!

Experience isn't really too big of an issue here, there are plenty of other members just getting into roleplaying, and others that have been around it for years, even decades, that would be willing to help you out, so the best of luck to you!
Haha! Throwing bricks thats one of my favorite youtube references. Also, I remember Zatch Bell. I watched it in high school on adult swim. (I'm not old! *Throws my cane at you*) Anyways, welcome Kunoichi. (I haven't played pokemon in forever, what's it like nowadays? *sounding old again* O.o )

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