Well, Hello there.


New Member
So yes, I'm new. I am currently looking for a good place to role-play. If you would like me to join yours just private message me. Right now, I'll join any role-play.
Well I'll start off with the cliche hello.

Hello, and welcome to RpNation, I do hope you enjoy your time here.~

If you have any questions, please don't be shy to ask anyone. ^^

Now for Roleplays, there are a few running that are open to anyone. And there has also been a recent surge of 1x1 and 3way RP's.

Perhaps you could jump onto the Shoutbox and find someone to RP with there, if you specifically want a small RP Group.
Welcome to the site, hope you'll have a good time in this site/community :)

Welcome to the RpNation!!!!

If your looking to jump in the mix, join any of our active role plays found HERE

If you have any questions or concerns at all, please don't be afraid to post =)

Your friend


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