Well, hello there.


New Member
Hi, this is Agni.

I came onto this forum after I managed to randomly come across Exalted on TvTropes. I then dug out my old 2e rulebook, fondly remembered trying to run a game about a year ago (fell apart sadly enough), and then realized that being a crazy-as-hell pseudo-god doing awesome shit because I can was too good to pass up. I spent some time searching around before finding this site. Getting into an IRL game will be somewhat hard for me, but online...anything goes.

I'm even spending far too much of time creating a character right now (even though I don't actually have a, you know, game for her), so I hope I can eventually join an RP...somehow. I'm still kind of a noob at this.

So uh, yeah. Hi.

If you enjoy Exalted, then this is definitely the place to be.

To start you off....here is where you find out the current status of all games on the site. The GMs provide descriptions of their games in the first post, and if they are set at recruiting or joinable status they will usually get back to you about how one climbs aboard.

Interest Checks is just what it sounds like; and fills up with fun ideas, most of which turn into fully fledged games. And Roleplay Submissions houses game proposals until enough people post their intent to join.

People are super excited about 3Ed right now, so there's been a ton of new Exalted proposals floating about. The links above should find you something you like ^_^

Outside of Exalted, have you played any other games/ever wanted to try other genres? We have a pretty dedicated fantasy section too, with lots of varied systems and settings.
Thanks for all the links.

Other games? Uh...I don't know that many other systems well and Exalted's the only one I actually have ever played.
Hello Agni!

Another stuck up Exalted fanboy? I think you're in the right place :P Wolf welcomes you aboard *bark*

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