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Well-Detailed, Multi-Para Elitist Snob Seeks 1-2 Others for a Labyrinth Crossover RP


I am looking for another, MAYBE two other talented writers to be involved in working on a BIG BIG Labyrinth project with a bit of a crossover with realm of Legend (you know that movie with Tom Cruise and unicorns and Tim Curry playing that demon with the giant horns) as well as some Fantasia (Neverending Sotry), Oz, Avalon, and other places of fantasy and folklore.

About the Story


So my story takes place where all the worlds of the previously mentioned stories reside together in the realm we'll call the Underground (Aboveground being the term for our present world). The main OC that I will be playing is the granddaughter to Jack and Lili from the film Legend. If you'll recall from the film, Lili curses her world, which we'll call Astraea, when she touches one of the rarest of all pure creatures: a unicorn. In my version, the curse is not broken after Lord Darkness' defeat; it lingers to be carried on by her two sons Dedric and Marten. Dedric is the eldest and was born with a warm, radiating light that made the citizens belive he was the embodiment of the eternal spring that the kingdom resided in. Marten on the other hand was born with a dark cloud. His presence causes discomfort and anxiety in those around him. As a yong man he figures out how to cut a hole in the veil between Under and Above. On the other side he finds other troubled youths and falls in love with a young woman. His brother eventually finds his way Above and brings Marten back home.

Marten learns about how his anctions put his kingdom at such a great risk that it is decided that he is to be tried before the High Council. The High Council is a group of some of the wisest minds in the Underground and they are sometimes called to make certain judgements on behalf of other kingdoms in the event that a case can affect the whole Underground. During his trial, Marten leanrs that he concived a child with the Above woman he left behind. He is "exiled" which in this case means stripped of all his power and personal soverignty and placed under the watch and care of Dedric. Due to fears that the curse could well be in her blood, it is decided that the child should stay Above with her mother. He never gets to see her face or know her name, so he calls her Lilian after her grandmother. Marten has no access to his daughter until around eight years later. After a long process involving the help of some of Astraea's more unsavory characters, he gets a small window into his daughter's world and sees a life of abuse and neglect. Frantic to get her to a safer place and powerless to do anything about it, he seeks the help of a king known for striking bargains Under and Above: Jareth. Despite the Goblin King's reputation, Marten decides that Lilian is safer under his watch than under her mother's hatred. Jareth agrees to the deal under two conditions in order to keep his own hide safe from the High Council and Dedric. First, Marten cannot peer inside the castle or otherwise make any contact with his daughter until she is of age to travel to Astraea on her own and call for her place on the throne (eighteen). Second, should Marten ever fail to comply with the first, the child would be sent back Above and a Spell of Disrememory would be triggered in which anyone in the Goblin City including himself would forget everything about her. Known by some to be meddlesome in thier kingdom's, Jareth could not risk being under the watchful eye of the High Council and its high councillor Queen Mab, the oldest and wisest faerie in the Underground. Marten fails in his part when once again he opens a window to see her. But the labyrinth is of a much stronger magic. Marten only catches a glimpse before his view dissappears in a flash of while light. The bargain was terminated.

My story begins fifteen years after the incident.

Joby, a grown Bostonite working a humble landscaping gig, spends an evening flipping through the pages of a little red book leant to her as a teenager by a kind friend of her adopted family. Feeling a little isolated from her parents and brother who recently moved across the country, she makes a fateful wish only to be faced with a face she's swears she remembers somehow.

Meanwhile Queen Mab is nervous. Fear ripples throughout the Underground following one of the most terrfying events to ever take place. The whole realm of Fantasia was nearly swallowed up by a great void called the Nothing. Dark powers have tipped its balance against the light. Kingdoms converge to decide where extra protection should be placed. As a gateway to the Above, the Goblin City is vulnerable to outside forces and few trust Jareth to be a reliable protector after the Sarah Williams incident. Not only that, but a threat looms in the distance that could potentially ahnailate the city and spread evil across the underground. With few allies, Jareth must build a case for himself before some of the greatest figures of myth and lore to retain his seat and power over the Labyrinth before the kingdom is lost for good.

So that's my idea.

I'm seeking someone who could make a good Jareth as well as someone who is willing to play other roles. Other OCs are welcome. Feel free to suggest other possible worlds. Love me some Tolkien, but I don't think I wanna use any Middle Earth stuff. The Dark Crystal is good though. Along with Joby and the brothers, I'll be taking the role of Queen Mab and maybe Glinda the Good Witch.

Other Roles

-The Childlike Empress (who I'd like on the High Council and possible ally to Jareth) and others from Fantasia

-Merlin, Morgana Le Fay, Lady of the Lake of Authurian Legend

-Jen and Kira of Thra

-Glinda (who I'd like to stand against Jareth and activley worh with my charactrer Dedric to have him overthrown)

-Creatures of Wonderland maybe?

-Scheherazade from One Thousand and One Nights?

-What do you think?

I'd like to find someone with a good bit of experience in writing/roleplaying. I've been doing this for over ten years, and I really want to just create a nice, solid, consice collaborative story. I want a real narrative with flawed characters that change and improve over time. I want to build a world that can be envisioned with clarity as the story moves along. I want someone who won't hesitate to share ideas, plots, or how they'd like our respective characters to relate to one another. I'd love someone who gets into the heads of thier characters like an actor getting into scene for a performance, someone who knows thier character from the inside out. I'm not a roleplayer bent on playing just to live out a vicarious romance. I'm of a more stiff, serious caliber (I mean I still want to have a good time and create a fun story but I put some real work into my stories). Someone who isn't afriad of putting a little elbow grease into the working aspect and would invest in doing some research would be a huge bonus. I want to build a whole sorta universe over time with a rich mythos and history behind some of the places. Lastly, I want someone who knows that the plot will run smooth as silk if everyone is on the same page. Good communication is key to a good group story.

As for dedication, well...define dedication. Dedication for me dores not requite X-amount of posting over a set period of time. I can tell you right now that I am currently capable of posting 2-3 times a week or more depending on how inspired I'm feeling. This is me with some free time. That is certainly subject to change. I love this stuff and know I need to stay away when I get busy. I may have to go on hiatus for a week, a month, maybe longer. But I can tell you that this story will go on if I have the right parner. I've been obsessed with this story for over a year now. I'm thinking of even turning my main OC into a book character (in an entirely different story). I've doodled her name in my notebooks at school. I NEED to make this story. So I just want someone who is willing to stick around to post when they can and to stay in touch when they can't, and I'll do the same. Quality over quantity. Always.

I hope there's some serious applicants interested in playing this thing out. I have some great plans for a plot.
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