Welcome to the School for the Mentally Unstable [Inactive]

Shy Shadow

Zombie Slayer
Shy Shadow submitted a new role play:

Welcome to the School for the Mentally Unstable - Welcome to Franklin Academy for the Mentally Unstable.

Welcome to Franklin Academy for the mentally unstable. Here at Franklin Academy we will help you control your Mental disability while containing a high grade. We are open from grades 9th to 12th graders. Our staff is fit to take care of you, and have only the best medicine to treat you with. We once again welcome you with open arms and can't wait to see you in our next school year.

Franklin Academy isn't all it says it is. The staff is from hell and the so called...
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Brook sits hiding in one of the small closets in Franklin Academy, a flashlight hovering above her head shining a bright small yet bright light on her book. She read in anticipation griping the book tightly in her hands. Her head shot up as she heard footsteps come closer to the door. Her whole body froze for a moment then she scoot back further behind the coats and shoes without making a sound. Its 2:30 and classes are over and it was time to take our pills. She hated taking her pills. They made her feel so dizzy… and vulnerable. It made them easier for them to get inside her head. So she hides. Hoping that maybe there will be a chance that they won’t find her today.

Brooklyn takes out a letter from the back of her book and uses it as a book mark. Turning off the flashlight and holding the book closer to her chest, keeping quiet hoping that the footsteps will soon pass. She thought of the letter stuck between the pages of her book. It was the last letter from her mother. Did her mother know what they were going to do to her when she dumped Brooklyn off here? If so why? Did her mother truly believe that this was the best way for her to get better? Or was it just an excuse for her to dump her here?

Stop it! She thought to herself. She opened her book back up forgetting about the footsteps for a moment. She need a distraction from her thoughts… she needed an escape.

(@Zalda @SkyFilms @Alivia @Ahria @TanTanEatsPancakes )
Wrens fingers twirled his bangs as he sat back in a chair. His olive eyes watching his bangs, the sound of steps coming towards him. His fingers stopped playing with his hair and he looked up, a women coming towards him with a syringe.

"Wren, time for your medicine." She spoke sweetly but he could sense the inhonesty within it. A familiar feeling of uneasiness settling in him, unknowing of who she could be talking to. He wasn't quite sure who he was himself, but knew that he couldn't be this Wren.

"Wren.." She spoke impatiently, "that's you." She growled as she jabbed her finger harshly into his arm. Wren then realised with wide eyes what was going to happen. That syringe, it was for him, with haste he stood up about to take off when she grabbed his arm .

"Oh come on bud..." She yanked him back into the seat, his body yelling at him to move but he knew that would only delay it. Wrens sleeve was slid up, the cool cleansing gel sending goosebumps up his arms. He shut his eyes tightly right as he felt the needle slide into his wrists veins.
Chad walks down the hallway, with his hands behind his head and a grin on his face as we leaves the class room. "Humans are such fascinating creatures!" After a few moments of wandering, and admiring the information he had obtained today, he soon came to a large room.

He looks around the room, he gets a glance of the horrified faces of the individuals around him, as they encounter items such as syringes, and pills.

Chad's smile grows into an evil grin. His arms drop to his sides, and he places his left arm on his hip.

Chad casually approaches a random individual who is sitting in a chair, waiting for the syringe, to pierce his skin. Chad, leans against the chair and says in a soothing voice, "You know... it's not all that bad" He leans in a little closer. "I hear it's not even medicine. Just sugar being injected into our veins, placebos!!! Because there is nothing wrongs with us" Chad places his index finger upon the individuals forehead "It's all in your heads"

Chad burst into laughter, stands up, and walks away as he places his hands behind his head once again, and proceeds to go for a stroll.
Byakuya rocks his chair back and forth using the table as his support. He sits there rocking while looking at the roof. He says to himself "Why am i even here" and continues rocking like he never had the thought in the first place.

He gets up from his chair as he had noticed someone in the corner of his eye; it was a person with short black hair and a devious look in his eye but Byakuya had no way of knowing who it was. Byakuya got up from his chair due to the uneasy feeling that this individual gave off. he says then after taking a puff of his cigarette, "I don't like that guy, not one bit" then he takes another puff and sits back down in his chair and begins to rock once again.
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Riley sat in her room, reading. She had one of her favorite books ope, The General In His Labyrinth, and she was pretty content at the moment.

"Are you just going to sit there, you idiot?"

She looked up to see her best friend from school, Kathy. She remembered Kathy because she always made fun of her for liking being alone.

"Go away." Riley mumbled, shutting her eyes. She opened her eyes again and she was alone. Sighing, she got up and walked towards the cafeteria.
Enoma, sits alone at the cafeteria, as her legs are crossed and her head rests on her arm. With the expression of boredom, she begins to click the pen she holds in her hand, over and over again, attempting to occupy herself. However, her efforts are futile. With a large sigh, she raises her head and stretches her arms high in the air.

"There you are Enoma" in shock, Enoma Jumped in her chair, and shivers ran up her spine.

"It's time for you to take your pills." a nurse said, while holding a tray, with a cup of pills, along with a small cup of water. The Nurses attempt at sounding soothing was all for not. Enoma's eyes narrowed as she looked at the nurse but the Nurse continued to hold her fake smile.

"Take your pills missy, You don't want to know what happens to those who don't listen..." She says as her smile fades.

Enoma clicks her tongue and turns her head immediately to avoid eye contact momentary. After a few moments, her hands slowly begin to reach towards the Tray held in front of her.

The door slid open, flooding the dark closet with a bright light. Brook shilled her eyes dropping her book on the floor. "There you are miss Brooklyn, we have been looking all over for you." said a nurse with a big fake smile. "You know its your time to take your medicine now come on so we can go give it to you," she said not waiting for a response before graving her forcefully by the arm and pulling her up. She stumbled as she was pulled by the halls her eyes widen with fear. She closed her eyes and took a deep, shaky breath.


"Get your hands off of me," Jade yanked her arms from the lady. "Miss Brooklyn please don't make this any more difficult for yourself-"

"I'm not Brooklyn. God, why does everyone always confuse me with that chick. The ladies huge, obviously fake, smile became a frown. "Oh Jade it's you again." the nurses grip got tighter and she yanked her through the halls.

"Awww Nurse Lizzy. Is that you? Did you do something to your hair. Oh no did you finally get that hideouse mole removed. I could barely notice you without it," Nurse Lizzy just ignored her, moving her free hand to the arch of Jade's back.

"What why such the sower face? You know plastic surgery cant get ride of that, but-" Jade was rudely interrupted by the nurse.

"Enough Jade." I guess I hit a soft spot she thought to herself walked passed the cafeteria and into a room.

"You can let go of me now."
Wren sat back in his chair, his head pounding. He didn't want to move fearing it'd just send another wave of pain in his mind. He has no memory of feeling this type of headache, but there was still a familiar feeling of recognition within him. He doesn't know when the women left, but he just stared up at the ceiling. A pained expression clear on his face.

But slowly thoughts, alien to him began to fill his mind. Wrens eyebrows tilted downwards, changing his expression to one of fear.

Please, please stop it! The voice sounded young, much like his if he where a child. More shouts, screams, pleads coursed through his mind. Finally he lifted up a hand, and gripped his hair as if it's cease the pain and shouts. But they only continued.
As Chad enjoys his stroll around the area, his casual pace, slowly turned into a halt. His arms once again drop to his sides as he turns his head slightly. He witnesses an individual, a charming female, being forcefully pulled by a nurse he could care less about. His eye brow raises as he asks.

"I wonder what sorts of trouble You have gotten yourself into... how intreaging "

Excuse me" A voice is said in front of Chad. His attention is brought in front of of him. There stands an individual in a nurses outfit, with some pills in one hand, and a cup of water in the other. Chad smiles, and has a quick chuckle.

"I am curious Nurse lady, What is the true purpose of these so called "Medicines"?" Chad asks as he begins to lean in closer

"It's simply to help the people of this academy get better, Now take your meds" She says, almost in a sarcastic tone.

"Oh come on, We all know its just in their heads, Thats the beauty about humans... if they believe in something strong enough, They will eventual come to terms with it, and believe it to until their very last breath" He says in a calmer, more soothing tone, as he begins.

"Take your damn pills Chad" Her smile quickly turns into an expression of anger.

"Fine" Chad says as he throws is hands up in the air in surrender. He takes the pills from her hand, and places them in his mouth, then proceeds to take a great big Gulp.

He then lets out a sigh of relief, "Ahhh, that was reffreshing" He says as he rubs his tummy. He hands back the cup, then the nurse begins to take her leave. Chad watches her until she leaves range of sight, and just then... He spits out the pills that he hid behind the back of his teeth.
While Byakuya sat rocking in his chair, he notices a figure approaching him. This figure was wearing the standard nursesb scrubs carrying a tray with a cup and a small container. Byakuya gets up to greet the nurse as he realizes it is time to take his medication. He doesn't really think the nurses are here help so he just sets the pills in his cheek and then drinks the water and makes it look like he is taking his medication.

As he is drinking the water he is stopped by the nurse. Byakuya looks at the nurse and asks, "Is there a problem?" and the nurse answers "You better take those meds hidden in your cheeks this time!". The nurse stands there with a hard look on his face. Byakuya looks at the nurse and yells loud enough for the whole building to hear "DAMN IT, SIMON I'LL TAKE THESE PILLS WHEN I WANT TO AND RIGHT NOW I REALLY DON'T FEEL LIKE IT SO WHY DONT YOU GET OFF MY BACK!!!!!, Byakuya then stares past the nurse with a blank look and then proceeds to swallow the pills and asks the nurse, "Simon what was I doing again?" and then thinks to himself "I'm kinda hungry" then starts to mae his way to the cafeteria.
Enoma, Hesitates on grabbing the pills. She then witnesses another student behind the nurse that stands before her, being dragged by a nurse, who did not seem too pleased. Her attention is quickly brought back by the obnoxious, exaggerated, throat clearing of the nurse.

"Enoma..." The hint of anger became very clear in her tone

"Come on Enoma, we can eather do this the easy way, or the hard way" The nurse states, as Enoma begins to snarl.

The nurse begins to enter Enomas personal bubble, and in that instant. Enomas Snarl, turned into a smile!

" What ever you say" She says with a very happy attitude. She grabs The pills and chucks them into her mouth, and Over exaggerates the sound of her swallow.

" Alright, now open your mouth, so I can see if you really took your meds, You know, it's rather common people try to get away with not taking their pills" she states as she Examines Enoma's wide open mouth. Just as she does , Enoma Slowly grips the pen she held. "Ahhhh" Her grip became tighter, as she Clicked open the pen. Her Heart began to race, as the temperature in her body began to rise.

"Alright, we are all done" The nurse says as she leans back, "We are all good to go" She proceeds to get up, and carry on to the next student.

Enoma's Smile begins to fade as the grip of her hand begins to loosen up.
Jade: The nurse pushed into her seat, and shoved a small pile of multicolored pills in Jades face. "I'm not like your little b**** Brooklyn," snaps back.

"I am sick of your BS Brooklyn. Now take the damn pills or I'll have to shove them down your throat." The nurse said holding up the pills and a little paper cup to Jades mouth once again. Yet Jade's lips stayed sealed. She moved her face to the right.

"I told you. I. am. not. Brooklyn" with the parting of her lips the nurse shoved the pills down her throat as promised. As Nurse Lizzy was taking her hand out Jade sinked her teeth into the nurses skin. The nurse screamed and cursed as the world became dizzy for Jade. She got up from her seat and stumbled a bit into the hallway, leaving the nurse to mend herself.
As Byakuya makes his way to the cafeteria he notices a girl stumbling out of a room. He immediately runs over to help her and asks "Are you okay?".

'What just happened... It feels like I had been drugged or something' she tough, then it hit her she probably Jade again. Brook looked at the boy in front of her, she placed a hand on the wall to steady herself.

"Yeah... Just a bit dizzy from the medicine" she replied quietly

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He reply's to the girl and says "Are you sure you're okay? It looked like you were hurt!". He looks into the room while helping the girl steady herself.
Chad begins to chuckle, "It amuses me that such a simple thing can fool the human eyes." He begins to walk forward, and bumps into something large and solid. He quickly shakes his head and looks to see what has crossed his path. It was a rather large man, in a nurses outfit.

"Oh hey there big guy! Sorry, I didn't see you there". Chad apologizes as he spins around the rather large figure.

though in return, he was replied with nothing but a death glare, and a heavy...long grunt. Chad releases a rather nervous laugh, as he walks down the hallway to continue his everyday stroll.

"I am okay... I think," she said looking up at the concerned boy. Was she hurt, she couldn't remember anything that happened. Her throat did really hurt though and she can taste the metallic taste of blood on her toung.

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Byakuya looks at the girl thinking to himself Where have i seen this girl before and then says to the girl "Here lets get you some water you might be dehydrated, I think the cafeteria should be close by". He then proceeds to help her to the cafeteria still wondering why this girl has him so completely speechless.

"Thanks," Brook said looking up at him with her dark green eyes. She hated the way these pills made her feel. They made her venerable and week. "My names Brooklyn by the way," she said introducing herself to the boy. Her throat aching with each word. Usually she never really talks that much as Brooklyn, but this boy seemed nice. What harm was there to introducing herself to a boy that was helping her.

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While helping the girl he started to blush at her comment and then said "Its no problem, you looked like you needed help and i can't stand to see others suffering". As he says that he then looks at her eyes and says "Your eyes are a nice color, they almost match your beauty" and then he looks away blushing even more than he had been originally.

He then introduces himself to the girl, "Oh right my name is Byakuya but you can call me Byakuya-sama, anyway its nice to meet you".

Her cheeks turn a rosy pink as he complements her eyes and she gives him a sweet smile as he tells her his name. "Well it's nice to meet you Byakuya-sama," she said. Her mind did wonder a bit. He seemed... Normal at least right now. She wondered why he was here, but it didn't matter a whole lot to her. He seemed nice and she liked that.

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Chad, casually strolls into the cafeteria with his hands behind his head and a smile on his face. He lets out a large sigh as he comes to a halt once again.

" That was a close one ", he then proceeds to place both hands on his hips and asks, "I wonder what kind of things i can learn about these humans today""
As they make their way into the cafeteria, Byakuya walks Brooklyn to one of the tables and says "Wait here ill be right back with your water" and then proceeds to the counter to get her the water.

Brooklyn takes her seat and nods her head lightly as she watches Byakuya-sama walk off to get water. She wondered why he was helping her, nobody has shown any sort of compassion ever since she has gotten here. She didn't know a nice guy like him even existed in place like this, yet she only just meet him.

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After retrieving the water, Byakuya walks back to Brooklyn while looking around the room at everyone else in the cafeteria. He notices the same figure with short black hair and devious smile that he had seen earlier but still makes his way back to Brooklyn. He gives the water to Brooklyn with a smile and says "Here this should help, so what happened to make you stumble out of that room?" still concerned about her well being.

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