Welcome to the Host Club!(OURAN RP) ~characters~


Cupcake Fairy
RP: http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/4227-Welcome-to-the-Host-Club!-Ouran-RP!?p=147592#post147592

Hi everyone! so, someone opened up an Ouran RP awhile back, but it was pretty unstructured and had no character sheets. this is my attempt to make one thats successful so that Ouran fans may frolic in the world of the rich and crazy! lets do this!

Personal characters are very much welcome, but i would appreciate if people would cover the existing roles as well

All host club members are currently covered~

I will personally play Morinozuka Takashi (Mori) and Haninozuka Mitsukuni (Honey) [both 3rd years, 12th grade.]

Character sheets for personal characters:



Grade and age:

Social Status:{Rich (most of the school), or scholarship student(like haruhi)}




Name:Serenity Cyria


Grade and Age: 17 years, 2nd year, (11th grade)

Social Status:Rich, but an intellectual. wouldve been a scholoarship student if her mother hadnt have married a rich clothes designer.

Personality: at first glance she is ladylike, a bookworm, very quiet and studious. when you get to know her, she has a short temper, wont take any crap and can say some pretty mean things. she is still a fun person as long as you get on her good side.

Other: she has a fear of the dark, and a love for cats. she has a pet kitten(pure white, short haired) who rides in her shoulder bag named Frostpaw.

Looks:View attachment 8107

ore thing, if you want a minor role(Renge, Nekozawa, Kasanoda, etc), thats fine too, and if your personal character has a love interest thats one of the main host members, or a minor character, then you probably shouldnt play that host member/minor chara.

ONE LAST THING___the time setting is obviously before honey and mori graduate, and therefor:

this time setting is before haruhi and tamaki get together

so, without further delay, start signing up!

Name: Akina Kimakazi.

Gender: Female.

Grade and Age: 17 years old. (1st year, 10th grade.)

Social Status: Rich.

Personality: Akina is very kind and understanding. She isn't afraid to help someone work out there problems, and is very good at listening to others. She does have a quick temper, but she usually manages to control it before she gets REALLY mad. Usually when she is extremely mad, it isn't pretty. Other than that, Akina can be a little bit stubborn at times, but not all the time. She's usually very empathetic and happy towards others.

Other: She is extremely good at playing the piano, and very good at singing. But most people have never heard her sing. Only a few have heard her play the piano. She also has a crush on Kaoru, but she tries to hide it as best as she can.


View attachment 8109

Accepted! i love the pic, and yes Ouran is one of the best animes ive watched. you shoud help me recruit other people. it just doesnt feel right to start without someone playing Haruhi and Tamaki.
Forks is a fan, but she is never on.

Please take Kyouya! please!!!! no one ever takes him so go ahead!

Sorry couldnt help it
Accepted of course! so we have Honey Mori and Kyouya covered.

we could start, but we couldnt be in the actual host club till someone takes Haruhi and Tamaki. we could go about the school day a little i guess? it will be awhile before my character goes to the Host Club anyway, since i intended for her to be new to the school
well, if you both think we could keep the story moving for awhile before pthers join, i will start it right this moment!
No, you don't need a sheet for haruhi. If you do, please try to post at least once or twice a week, since she is an important character. Other wise, jump in!
Name: Yuuki Tsukino

Gender: Female

Grade and age: 16, first year

Social Status: Scholarship Student

Personality: Yuuki keeps to herself and can be very shy. She reads a lot, and she is usually found wandering the school looking for her glasses which she loses on a near-daily basis. While she may seem a bit ditzy, she IS a scholarship student and is incredibly intelligent. Simple things amuse her. She is a bit of an otaku, enjoying manga and cosplaying.

Other: She often cosplays, breaking school dress code, but rarely gets in trouble for it since it happens so often.

Looks: View attachment 8157

[MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION] :3

pleaseplease if you dont play a main character find someone who willlllll they are importanttttttt
Unfortunately the only person I know would be interested is no longer active very often, and you guys have already discussed that anyway. [MENTION=2672]Forks[/MENTION] is Rarely on anymore.
know. just go around shamelessly advertising or something :P

im playing three characters just to make sure main characters get covered.
~Kaoru and Hikaru Hitachin(if you play one you play both. package deal!){1st years, 10th grade}

Ill take these twins of funness!

Name: Chiro Tidori

Gender: female

Grade and Age: same as the twins

Social Status: Rich girl but doesn't exploit it

Personality: She's nice but acts cold hearted at times she loves reading and finds herself enjoying classes at times. She even acts like a bad @$$ and cuts class if someone find out she likes it and hold the reputation of the cool hot and spicy Chiro.

Other: She has known the twins for a while now and always did herself getting put in some sort of cosplay by the two. She hates loathes it even but somehow she always becomes kind to the twins and smiles at the things they put on her because she secretly enjoys it but if anybody said that she did it would start a fight.

Looks: http://img2.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire4/4086a422c9700af431ac87e8245b46121245190328_full.jpg
[MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION] is this supposed to be the first day of school? Or after Haruhi becomes a member of the host club?

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