• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Welcome to the Host Club! (Always Accepting)

JiDae Jeon
JiDae let out a surprised grunt as she hugged him, spinning him around quickly. She's lucky I have quick reflexes, otherwise I might've dropped the cake... He thought, watching her dig into the cake happily. Brushing himself off, he sat next to her, leaning back against the couch with a small sigh. "Of course I'm a gentleman, I was raised to be one, it's not in my nature to disrespect people. Not to mention, it's just rude to not be a gentleman to a lady." It was true, as far as his family was concerned, being a gentleman could be the end all or be all of a good business deal, and heaven knows that business came first in his family. Not to mention, he couldn't possibly be rude to Koharu, the girl he had known for many years, he'd hate to be anything but kind to her.

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Amagi.Yukiko.full.175929.jpgAs she continued to eat her cake JiDae had sat down next to her.

"Of course I'm a gentleman, I was raised to be one, it's not in my nature to disrespect people. Not to mention, it's just rude to not be a gentleman to a lady."

Koharu smiled to herself and blushed slightly. "Yeah I know." She then took another bite into her cake. "So where have been all of this time? Travel to any neat places?" She scarfed down the rest of the cake and then sat on the table in front of her. "By the way you should visit by the restaurant. My dads upgraded the place it's bigger then it was. It's not super fancy or anything but it does look nicer. Besides I bet you haven't had any noodles that were better then thiers." She said with confident grin. Though the place wasn't super famous or anything it was quite known to the people who lived in town and people who came to visit said it was the best they had yet. They thought about opening a chain of them but they were satisfied on just having the one place.

SoftBoiHours SoftBoiHours
Yuuki Komatsuzawa

Nodding along, Yuuki considered Rinna's words. It appeared that her enthusiasm was more measured than the president's, taking practical concerns into account. Or at the very least, she made her opinions clear through her words. It intrigued him that those in charge of the club had some concerns about the popularity of the club. Perhaps Yuuki was a bit cynical, but it seemed a given that a club in an upper class high school featuring some of the school's most attractive students would be a hit. Their world was a superficial place after all. Seeing some doubts behind their cautious optimism was the responsible attitude to take. Rinna certainly seemed to have a solid grasp on everything that was going on, both in view of the public and behind the scenes. As a matter of fact, each thing she said was valuable information to Yuuki, and he took care to listen carefully so that he could recall everything being said.

It was becoming clearer what the club activities might involve, though Yuuki found it a little surprising that they did not intend to capitalize on host-guest relationships. It was undoubtedly the more pleasant and respectable way of running such a club, though he had doubts that it would be enough for some individuals. People had a way of attaching themselves and getting caught up in petty emotions such as jealousy. Though naturally Yuuki was above such childish antics. In fact, the idea of getting to attend a laid back social gathering was quite appealing to him, though he still had his suspicions. Even though everything appeared to be on the up and up, Rinna's words made a new question arise in his mind. If the idea was simply to host a pleasant gathering, why were hosts selected specifically? What criteria was such a decision based upon? From a quick glance, it did not appear to be only based upon social status. That in itself was unusual. Additionally, if there were not to be host-guest exclusive relationships, then why would it be the case that only attractive individuals had been selected. Surely a homely individual could do the same task of making others feel comfortable, perhaps even better. The only non-suspicious reason there could be for specifically selecting each host was if each were masterfully skilled at entertaining others. Yuuki had his doubts, so likely a more in depth analysis would have to be conducted with each host.

"It certainly hope that you can achieve all that you wish to with this club. It appears to be an idea which many people are already enjoying," Yuuki replied with a small nod and a relaxed smile. "I do believe the idea behind it is a good one. Social events are always popular among the type of student who typically attends this school, after all. Though I must confess, I am dying to hear more specifics about what types of events you are hoping to host."

Life. Life. Stellar Nursery Stellar Nursery
b e l l a

Bella's smiled warmly at Jinyeongs enthusiasm. "Have you joined the music club? Something tells me you'd enjoy it..."
She laughed at Jinyeongs over excitement about her styling.
"Don't raise you're expectations of me too high," She said, flustered, "I'm not that good! Though I'm sure you could pull it off."
"So, Jin-JIn - oops, do you mind if I call you that?" Bella giggled, her face slightly going pink, "Well, was that boy with you earlier your boyfriend? fu fu fu" Bella smirked, raising her eyebrows as she covered her mouth with one hand and laughed the shippers laugh.
"Don't worry, just teasing you." Bella said softly, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "That's what friends do, right?"
"But seriously, want to go socialise" Bella said in a voice that made socializing seem like some kind of alien unknown sport.

Interactions: SoftBoiHours SoftBoiHours


Miyu noticed that her conversation partner had been temporarily distracted from their conversation, and following her gaze, saw that a boy had broken a plate. But when Rinna began to speak again, she was brought back to the discussion.

"Oh, wow, really? I thought it must have been baked by a professional! He must be a very good cook." She thought his skills were quite impressive. "I-I also like to cook. If it's alright with you, I'd be happy to help in the kitchen, as I need some practice." Miyu looked down at the ground shyly as she spoke.

Hearing Rin's probing about the details of the host club, she wondered why she had taken such an interest. Perhaps she was thinking about being a host? Or was she just a curious person by nature? Miyu nodded slowly as she listened to Rinna's reply. "Themed events are a good idea. The activities of the Host club sound very different from what I was expecting! In a good way, of course." After considering for a bit, she spoke again. "This seems like a good place to make friends! And I'm also feeling curious about the events you're hosting."
Ventus Fensalir

Much to Ventus' chagrin, this boy turned out to be a real sweetheart. He didn't really have the heart to decline, and surely didn't want to disappoint after all that effort to earn his favor. Besides, he had a the sweet tooth that'd make a party of little children pale in comparison to always having had excellent oral hygiene, yet absolutely in love with majority of items that were sweet. This boy...Kufudo it was? He seemed rather gentle and sweet towards him which also threw him off a little having been not only surprised by him, but approached by someone who was a complete and utter stranger. Well, at least to Ventus that is.

"O-Okay..." he said shyly poking his indexes looking a bit nervous with how he reacted to his kind introduction. Seeing him urge the cake slice to him, Ventus took the saucer with the beautiful looking piece of cake. Unknowingly, Kufudo had grabbed one of Ventus's favorite cakes, a strawberry and vanilla creme cake. Ventus hoped Kufudo couldn't see the childish twinkle of stars in his eyes as he looked at the cake and fork placed next to it. "I-I-I suppose if you'd like me to.. could accept this. Gratzi." he thanked in Italian, only to blush deeply and looked worried. "Gah! I mean thank you!" he corrected.

Ventus shook his head a little. Did he really forget to introduce himself after all those theatrics and handing him a piece of cake? In all honesty, Ventus found it heavily amusing. "Hehe. It's a nice name. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. President." he teased snickering his laugh rather cute, yet his humor both jokingly and yet kindly joking with Kufudo. Seems he was attempting to be a little more social, which in it's own way was rather nice seeing as he had calmed down considerably.

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Kufudo grinned as the boy took the cake. There was always something about the act of giving food away that Kufudo was addiscted to loved.

"I-I-I suppose if you'd like me to.. could accept this. Gratzi. Gah! I mean thank you!"

Kufudo smiled and responded, "It was my pleasure!"

However in the inside, his brain was stuck on the sudden lapse to Italian. Until after a few seconds, it clicked.

"It's a nice name. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. President."

Kufudo continued to smile, "Thank you! My pare--"

Kufudo stopped for a second as his smile faltered, before it came back full force,"Biological parents chose it for me."

Although his smile was still gracing his face, if you looked into his eyes, you could see the pain behind his blue irises. Nevertheless, he continued and quickly changed the subject of the conversation, using his fluency in Italian to ask the boy, "A proposito di nomi, il tuo nome non sarebbe Ventus Fensalir?*"

Kufudo had spent about a week over the break sitting in a beachside house with Rinna, helping her go through the profiles of the top 25 students in every grade. To his surprise, once he got to his year, he found out that he was no longer number 1, being overtaken by an Italian transfer student. As the boy standing in front of him was definitely new, since Kufudo would have noticed someone so cute if they were in the school before, and knew Italian well enough to casually slip into it, Kufudo hoped that putting two and two together would be successful in this case.

As he waited for the boy's reply, Kufudo couldn't help thinking about his biological father. Although they had been through a lot, he was a good man. Wanting nothing but the best for Kufudo, he started teaching Kufudo many subjects as soon as possible, including a foreign language as soon as he could speak. Fortunately for this conversation, it was Italian, and over the years, Kufudo became fluent, alongside starting to learn a variety of other languages as well.

Kufudo's smile faltered again, before he blinked. After doing so, the pain in his eyes were completely gone, replaced once again by nothing but happiness.

*"A proposito di nomi, il tuo nome non sarebbe Ventus Fensalir?" - "Speaking of names though, yours wouldn't happen to be Ventus Fensalir?"

Ven Hopeful Youth Ven Hopeful Youth Life. Life.
Ventus Fensalir

Ventus looked content with Kufudo's clear happiness of sharing his dessert with him, after all what better way to make a friend and get cake for it? Taking a bite of the cake, Ventus sighed looking starry eyed and just enjoying the flavor, lost for a moment, before regaining himself of course blushing a little. "Um..hehe. Sorry, I imagine you can see my love for sweets." he said admitting looking a bit sheepish.

His ears perked about the "biological parent" part that wasn't even finished for a moment while Kufudo spoke. "I....see." he said quietly and looked to the new boy hoping to be able to improve that sudden mote of unhappiness. "My parents live back in Italy. My..father and I don't speak and my mother is one of my favourite people. I moved here..to study abroad but now find myself to be all alone." He admitted. "Father was kind until he found out about my...." he began then admitted quietly like it was shameful topic. "Inclinations...of the same...gender..in a affectionate way." he continued.

Shaking his head, he seemed to not want to go any further only sharing to ease Kufudo. "So...I can tell something happened, but..hopefully what I told you makes you feel a little more better.. I find sharing is a good way to ease pain or clear the air." he added looking now a little downcast having admitted of his sexuality. Ventus was bisexual, but his inclinations pointed towards more male than female which had angered his father and...well the result wasn't pretty. His father not knowingly to Ventus is extremely guilty and has tried numerous times to earn the boy's trust back, still to this day having no luck. He wants nothing to do with him, but can you blame him?

Ventus didn't really mention his academics and didn't even realize he had taken the top place at the academy in terms of academic achievement. Prone to speaking Italian sometimes, his reputation would most likely become more well known over time if he put himself out there. Shocked, and even audibly gasping cutely, he recognized Kufudo speaking Italian. "O...Oh! S-Si." he responded nodding hastily looking abashed this new friend understood and spoke his native language.

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Kufudo smiled as he saw Ventus' reaction to his cake, "Um..hehe. Sorry, I imagine you can see my love for sweets."

Kufudo chuckled, his eyes sparkling in happiness, "You have nothing to be apologizing for! I love making sweets and othe rtypes of food for others, so it warms my heart when people enjoy it!"


Hearing Ventus' response, Kufudo could immediately tell their was some other things hiding behind the words. Fortunately, the something came soon after, "My parents live back in Italy. My..father and I don't speak and my mother is one of my favourite people. I moved here..to study abroad but now find myself to be all alone. Father was kind until he found out about my.... Inclinations...of the same...gender..in a affectionate way."

It took a few seconds for everything to register in Kufudo's head. Until, once again, it clicked. It was his sexuality. It seemed his father wasn't very understanding when it came to Ventus' sexuality. Although Kufudo couldn't relate, Kufudo did know that not everyone was as progressive as both Kufudo's biological and foster father. As such, Kufudo smiled understandingly as the boy continued to speak, "So...I can tell something happened, but..hopefully what I told you makes you feel a little more better.. I find sharing is a good way to ease pain or clear the air."

It was then that Kufudo's heart literally skipped a beat. Although Kufudo tried his best to, and went out of his way to, cheer up others, only a few people, such as RInna, Riku, and his father(s), ever returned the favor, and Kufudo was fine with that. He was fine as long as everyone else was fine. Yet here he was, standing with someone who actually told him it was fine to open up. Kufudo blushed as he lost his composure for a second, before he started back smiling, though his face was still red, "Thanks. It really does make me feel better. And you know what! I may take your advice."

Kufudo looked up, admiring the roof and the paintings of angels littering the halls. One reason he chose the music room as the location of the Host Club was because the angels always reminded him of the photos of his birth mother that were taken before he was born. Smiling more brightly than before, Kufudo looked back at the boy in front of him and chuckled as he saw the surprise on the boy's face as he answered his question, "O...Oh! S-Si."

Kufudo checked his watch and was shocked to see that the warning bell was about to ring. However, upon hearing confirmation that this was in fact the new student, Kufudo decided to continue the Italian, " Beh, questo significa che saremo nella stessa classe! A proposito, la campana d'allarme sta per suonare, quindi se vuoi, posso guidarti nella nostra classe e darti un piccolo tour. Ma prima, ho bisogno di prendere la mia borsa quindi aspettatemi!!*"

Opening the door, Kufudo almost stepped away, before turning back towards Ventus and smiling, though his face was once again, for no apparent reason, completely red, "Inoltre, se ti fa sentire meglio, anche se ci siamo appena incontrati, posso dire che ogni ragazzo sarebbe fortunato ad uscire con te.**"

Kufudo ran into the room and ran up to Rinna, sneaking up on her and giving her a hug, and exclaiming in one breath, in a barely intelligible manner, "Imadeanewfriend!I'mgonnashowthemaround!okaybyeloveyouseeyouinclass! Also..."

Kufudo turned to the two girls Rinna was most likely talking to, slowing down just enough to clearly articulate the words, but still rather quickly, "I hope we'll get the chance to properly meet later on, but for now, it's nice to technically meet you! I hope you come back later!"

Running off, (before Rinna can say something, like always), Kufudo grabbed his bag before heading back into the hallway with Ventus, "Are you ready?"

As the door closed behind him, the warning bell rang throughout the school, signaling that students should start heading to their homeroom class if they aren't already there.

* Beh, questo significa che saremo nella stessa classe! A proposito, la campana d'allarme sta per suonare, quindi se vuoi, posso guidarti nella nostra classe e darti un piccolo tour. Ma prima, ho bisogno di prendere la mia borsa quindi aspettatemi!! -----> Well, that means we'll be in the same class! Speaking of which, the warning bell is about to ring, so if you want, I can lead you to our class, and give you a small tour. But first, I need to grab my bag so wait for me!
** Inoltre, se ti fa sentire meglio, anche se ci siamo appena incontrati, posso dire che ogni ragazzo sarebbe fortunato ad uscire con te. -----> Also, if it makes you feel better, even though we just met, I can tell that any guy would be lucky to go out with you.

Ven Hopeful Youth Ven Hopeful Youth Life. Life. ApfelSeine ApfelSeine Stellar Nursery Stellar Nursery

GM Notes
Hey everyone! Everyone gets the oppurtunity to post one more time before we end the morning. I recommend having your characters say goodbye or offer to walk to class with their interactions or do whatever they need to! If there is something you desperately need to say to the characters you're interacting with, make sure you make it known in your next post!

Life. Life. Megus Megus Ven Hopeful Youth Ven Hopeful Youth Rosehaven17 Rosehaven17 Ella Victoria Ella Victoria Webs Elk Webs Elk sophie. sophie. Stellar Nursery Stellar Nursery ApfelSeine ApfelSeine SoftBoiHours SoftBoiHours firestorm firestorm Demonhunter Demonhunter animegirl20 animegirl20
Rinna Suto
Rinna looked over to the first year when she mentioned cooking. "Trust me if you bring up anything about cooking around Kufudo, he'd be ecstatic to help or even talk about it. I'll be sure to let Kufudo know about you. His answer will more than likely be yes." She knew that it would make Kufudo really happy to help someone out with their cooking skills, but Rinna also knew that she'd have to make sure that the first year wouldn't become overwhelm with Kufudo's enthusiasm. Her eyes shifted between the taller, beautiful girl to the cute first year as they listened to her answer and voiced out their thoughts.

"Well I am happy to hear of the faith you have in our club. And as for what kind of events we'll have...well I guess you'll have to come back and see." While Rinna mainly said that to save the events as a surprise, a small portion of the reason was that the events weren't formally planned. At the moment they were floating thoughts between her and Kufudo. And as if the boy knew she was thinking about him, Rinna released a squeak when she felt arms suddenly hugging her. If it hadn't been for his familiar hair and voice, Rinna would have elbowed the boy in the gut.

She stood still as her friend jumbled out a bunch of mostly comprehensible words. Fortunately Rinna was able to decipher was he was mumbling and nodded slightly. Her eyes looked down to her watch when she heard him say 'class' and saw that the warning bell was about to ring. Instinctively Rinna opened her mouth ready to tell Kufudo to hurry and get to class, but she saw his figure disappearing from the Music Room.

"And that was Kufudo Tensai, the president of the Host Club. Always on the go. But he did remind me that class will be starting soon. This means I must unfortunately end our conversation here. I hope to see you all back here." Before Rinna completely walked away from the pair of girls, she looked back over to the first-year, "You remember your way back to class? If not I'll be happy to accompany you to your class."

Webs Elk Webs Elk ApfelSeine ApfelSeine Stellar Nursery Stellar Nursery
Evelyn was immediately interested as Hidaki mentioned he played other instruments too. Music was never something the rancher had time for, It was always work or something work related. She never really had time for anything before she found fame and fortune. Hell she had so much time now, she didn't know what to do with herself half of the time. "Mama used to play when I was a kid. Piano is like 100 years old and was her moms before hers and before hers ect. I'm looking for one just like it for parts because hers is just falling apart. I bought her another one to use but. She really likes that one." Evelyn was very slightly disappointed. She was hoping the piano in the music room would be the one she needed but once again no dice. If it were the exact one she'd be throwing down ludicrous amounts of money for it then and there. He mom deserved to play her favorite piano again and she would. If it was the last thing Evelyn did.

Then the offer of cake perked her interest. Evelyn wasn't really a sweets kind of person but if kufudo made it, it must have been amazing. Sure thank you! She smiles taking a plate. If anything the cake sure was pretty. Looked like something a professional would make. She tastes it and is immediately in love. If this is the kind of thing ya'll have often I might need to make regular visits. A 'rental fee' for Kasey. Evelyn laughs jokingly.

Meanwhile Kasey was off in his own little world thinking of all the things he'd have to do by the end of the day, he had a bunch of new calves needing ear tags, some needed banding, others needed vaccines and that one heifer that got caught in the fence yesterday needed new antiseptic treatments and she was a pain to catch. Today was going to be a rough day for Kasey... But somehow he felt fitting into the host club would be much more difficult.

He jumps as cake is offered to him. Oh, Thanks. And then back to his thoughts he went.

Megus Megus
Ventus Fensalir

Ventus blushed a little, a remnant of what looked to be icing on his cheek as he noticed it and promptly wiped it quickly looking embarrassed. Seems the dessert really hit home for the young academic who more than clearly enjoyed it himself.

"I-I suppose I don't..I just over apologize alot. Heh, I did alot as a little bambino. It became habit in all honesty." he admitted a hand behind his head as he nervously admitted to apologizing too much. Even back in Italy, Ventus cared to never make anyone upset, even the smallest mistakes resulting in a flurry of apologies that the other person being spoken to would simply just smile, shake their head, and assure the boy it was alright.

Ventus noticed Kufudo's sudden change in emotion and composure noting his now red face. After the little moment of personal sharing, he wondered if maybe he said something he shouldn't have to prompt such a reaction of the new friend he had just made. It didn't seem like he was upset with him, nor angry or hurt by his words or explanations. It seemed almost like he was touched, or even a tad shy all the sudden. Ventus didn't understand, but hopefully he would eventually figure out why Kufudo had a sudden shift in personality and stature in terms of composure. "Wonderful! Anything to help my new friend!" he said sounding amused and en-clasping his hands behind him, just under his rear much like a school kid might do in their younger years.

Ven looked surprised at the notice of the warning bell. "Oh! Apprezzerei se si farebbe. Io sono in realtà molto nervoso e non siete sicuri che cosa fare. Sento che il nostro insegnante è entusiasta di incontrare me così... Ho paura. Com'è imbarazzante...Oh! Apprezzerei se si farebbe. Io sono in realtà molto nervoso e non siete sicuri che cosa fare. Sento che il nostro insegnante è entusiasta di incontrare me così... Ho paura. Com'è imbarazzante..."* He said looking nervous and clutching the bag around him tightly looking as if his heart was throbbing in his chest from nervousness. Was Ventus introverted? It sure seemed like he was the way he was acting. Then again, he was a young boy in a foreign country and didn't even speak the foreign language, but his own native tongue.

Ventus hearing the second part of Kufudo's statement, again noticing the reddened face of the school boy, eventually turned quite red at his statement looking very embarrassed. "G-g-g-gratzi..." he only managed looking like Kufudo said something atrocious, but he didn't. He was just surprised someone said something nice to him that was rather personal of all things. Ventus had never really found someone besides his mother who accepted him for his inclinations towards males, but seems he found someone else who did, and another boy no less!

Waiting for Kufudo, he kicked his foot into the tile of the floor flustered as all heavens. He felt like his heart would explode at this rate. A foreign school, foreign people, administration who were going to be all over him, it was all very pressuring. Snapping back to reality hearing Kufudo, Ventus nodded. "Mhm..Yes..I think so.." he said nervously fiddling with the leather strap of his bag.

Oh! Apprezzerei se si farebbe. Io sono in realtà molto nervoso e non siete sicuri che cosa fare. Sento che il nostro insegnante è entusiasta di incontrare me così... Ho paura. Com'è imbarazzante...Oh! Apprezzerei se si farebbe. Io sono in realtà molto nervoso e non siete sicuri che cosa fare. Sento che il nostro insegnante è entusiasta di incontrare me così... Ho paura. Com'è imbarazzante...
--> Oh! I would appreciate it if you would. I'm actually very nervous and unsure what to do. I hear our homeroom teacher is excited to meet me so..I'm scared. How embarrassing..

Webs Elk Webs Elk


Miyu was happy to hear that she might finally get a cooking partner. Although she specialised in traditional Japanese cuisine, she was looking forward to learn from Kufudo. "Really? Thank you so much! I'm looking forward to it." He was the president of the host club, wasn't he? She hoped he was nice. From the taste of his cake, she knew he was at least a talented baker.

Speak of the devil, Kufudo suddenly appeared behind Rinna. Miyu was caught by surprise when he suddenly addressed herself and Rin. "Oh, yes, I will!" She responded, feeling flustered.

Miyu jumped when the bell rang. Where was her classroom again? She knew it was nearby, but the school was so massive that 'nearby' could mean almost anywhere. At Rinna's offer to walk her to her class, Miyu gave a sigh of relief. "If you don't mind, please would you? I'm still getting used to the school." Then, Miyu turned to Rin to offer her a goodbye. "It was nice to meet you, Rin! I hope we'll see each other around."

Miyu walked over to the door of the classroom. Seeing floods of people walking through the corridors, she was once again reminded of the scale of the school. "Um... I think my class is room 1-C?" Said Miyu, turning to Rinna.


GM Notes
Time Change! It's now the end of the school day and clubs are about to start! Everyone, especialliay those of you playing hosts, feel free to control and integrate some NPC students into your posts!

Life. Life. Megus Megus Ven Hopeful Youth Ven Hopeful Youth Rosehaven17 Rosehaven17 Ella Victoria Ella Victoria Webs Elk Webs Elk sophie. sophie. Stellar Nursery Stellar Nursery ApfelSeine ApfelSeine SoftBoiHours SoftBoiHours firestorm firestorm Demonhunter Demonhunter animegirl20 animegirl20

Anxiety. Excitement. Fear.

These were a few of the emotions running through Kufudo's mind as he walked through the halls towards the Music Room. After a long day of classes with New and Old friends, Kufudo was ready to see how the club would fare. As he ran up one of the staircases, his eyes widened in surprise as he neared the top and saw a long line. It was so surprising that he forgot he was running up the stairs and he tripped at the very top, causing him to slide a few inches on the carpeted floor. A few students ran over to help him up, "Are you okay, Kufudo?!?!"

Kufudo gave the boy helping him up and his two friends, a girl and another boy, a bright smile, "Yeah! I'm fine. THanks for asking though!"

The three students blushed as the boy stuttered, "No problem!"

Kufudo then looked back to the line and asked, "Could you three tell me where this line leads to though? I can't even see the front of it!"

THe girl spoke up," Yeah! It's for the Host Club! Everyone's been talking about it all day!"

Kufudo's eyes widened in surprise," Really?!?!?"

As the group nodded, Kufudo smiled and waved as he thanked them and ran off. He hadn't heard anyone talking about it. Though to be fair, he was sucked into his studies for most of the day and he even spent his lunch period in the Music Room making sure everything was perfect. Sure enough though, as Kufudo made his way towards the Music Room, the line snaked it's way towards it as well. Once he reached the Room, someone screamed, "Kufudo's coming!"

WIth that, the line went wild as everyone started talking loudly as they waited to enter the club, greeting and waving to Kufudo as he passed. Greeting everyone as he walked, he eventually entered the room, which was empty (at least from what he could tell). Glancing up at the clock, Kufudo saw how much time was left before they opened the doors, 15 minutes

Kufudo began to perform last minute checks as he waited for everyone to show up. After all, he couldn't start the host club without the hosts! He went into the kitchen and began inspecting every tea set thoroughly as he listened intently or the sound of the door again so he could greet whoever showed first.

Anxiety. Fear. Excitement. These were a few of the emotions Kufudo felt, but they were nonexistent compared to the one he was oozing with.

Joy. And he was deadset on spreading it as far as he could.
Ventus Fensalir

Ventus' first day was a very interesting one at the very least, or at least one that had him on edge.

His first few periods had gone all well, his teachers quite excited to have the new honor student who stayed modest and not bragging when it came to answering questions or solving equations. Waiting, he seemed to think about Kufudo oddly enough remembering about the host club during lunch. He thought of going to at least respect his new friend's wishes but..what was a host club? He still wasn't even sure himself hoping it was nothing like it was in his head, suddenly blushing at the very idea.

"Che palle Ven, get your head out of the gutter and back on your shoulders." he thought to himself huffing and shaking his head even redder in the face now. However, his day was not all roses and rainbows as he had been mistaken for someone's brother and nearly led to a sitting area for student's siblings. He had to re-explain himself and show his id and class attire which they promptly apologized for embarrassing the Italian who simply blushed and laughed nervously assuring it was fine. Another problem was the form of a bully, just a generic student who had picked on him about his size. Ven didn't take it well and was promptly embarrassed since they laughed at him and had attempted to embarrass him and he simply ran off with small tears being easy to upset, a fact he despised.

After taking a moment to compose himself, he didn't realize he had gotten himself lost practically tearing again. "Oh no..not again." he sniffed to himself eventually bumping into someone at the back of a familiar line. "Eh!? I-I'm sorry." he sounded the student ahead of Ven turning. "Oh? It's alright. You excited as much as I am?" she asked as Ven looked confused as she pointed. "We're in line for the host club!" she cheered as Ven flushed. "THIS LINE?!?" he exclaimed as she nodded frowning. "Are you crying? Are you okay?" she asked Ven earning some stares as he flushed deeply shaking his head not looking very convincing. "Who me?! N-No no no no. I'm fine..r-really." he said softly as she nodded accepting the answer with a shrug.

"Thank goodness Kufudo isn't out here. I'd be so horribly embarrassed to be seen like this." he thought to himself then wondered. How long did it take for this line? It felt like no time at all. It was amazing to him, or at least making him morbidly curious. So, he decided to wait in line and hopefully pray he was composed by then trying to pace himself to not look so upset.

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JiDae Jeon
JiDae was on his way back from class, heading to the music room when he saw the large line of people. His eyes widened and he had to take a second to process how many people it was. A girl in line looked over and noticed him, immediately letting out a small squeal and pointing at him. "Guys! Its another host!" Shaking himself out of his thoughts, he looked over at the many girls in line that were staring at him. "Afternoon, ladies." He bowed his head and waved before quickly making his way into the room, managing to squeeze past the line with minimal effort. Once inside he saw it was just Kufudo that was there already. "That is a very long line, it seems many people are interested in the host club. Also, I apologize for not getting the chance to introduce myself to you earlier. My name is JiDae Jeon, its a pleasure to meet you, and thank you for the invitation." He bowed before straightening back out and offering him and a polite nod. "That cake was very good by the way. I heard you are the one who made it, so my compliments to you."
This morning so far had been a rough one for poor Kacey, Today had been full of classes he didn't understand yet, phone calls from the ranch, imidiately followed by an emergency trip back to the ranch to help a downed cow which resulted in a mess, he got bit by a monster of a horse leaving a monster bruise on his shoulder. He was forced to change and head out the door to get back to school before Host things happened. Yet here he was. Over worked, underpaid and he'd forgotten to shave leaving a good bit of rough stubble along his jawline adding a more rugged appearance to the already mannish cowboy. His attire was a bit altered from this morning and very obviously so to appeal to anyone who was into men. His shirt was a deep wine color, long sleeved but the sleeves were rolled up around the elbows, pulling the fabric a bit tighter around the swell of his bicep and cinching in around his waist a bit more.Evelyn had basically forbid him from having any less than 2 of the buttons undone at the top showing more of the cut muscle running down his chest and just the very top of what looked like a massive scar that swirled into an intricate, yet undecipherable design by how obscured it was just under his collar bone.

His jeans has basically the same cut and style as yesterday, except were a bit darker colored denim and still fit him nicely, his belt swapped from light to black.

Hows the bruise babe?
Evelyn asks as she walks Kacey into the music room, past the huge line.
It's no big deal. Just another bru-owch!
Eve had poked his shoulder mid sentence to prove her point. She warned him he needed to take it easier, and what happened? He got himself into another mess as usual.
Next time leave Diablo to one of the regular hands. One of them gets bit it's no big deal. You get injured and I wont be able to keep the peace for more than a week. She huffs. Diablo was a new stud stallion they'd bought to breed... and he's quickly gained a reputation for being possibly the meanest animal they had. He bit, he kicked, he'd bully other horses. Both Evelyn and Kacey had just about had it with him. And now here Kacey was with a vendetta against the wicked beast. A vendetta that would be settled after class.
I'm fine. I'll break his ass in tonight.

... Kacey... Eve stops, looking up at the giant man... as if she were going to say something meaningful... but then got distracted. Please consider keeping that beard you got going.

Kacey snorts, shaking his head before waving goodbye as he moves to meet Kufudo. He assumed it'd be best to meet with the guy who knew what the hell was going on before things got started.

Hey Kufudo. He smiles, hanging his hat on the same rack as yesterday. So. What exactly am I supposed to do? Just keep the girls... or well. anyone who comes happy and that's it? Kacey felt rather dumb for not knowing what was really happening, but no one had actually fully explained what his role in all this was. Surely it couldn't just be to sit around and look pretty.

Webs Elk Webs Elk
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Skyler walked down the halls afterschool,He was glad not many noticed him. Skyler decide to visit the club he had been to in the morning. He walled silently down the hall carrying his oxygen tank.

When he gets to the door he falls forward due to his heart over working. Skyler tries to right himself but falls against the door in pain. He clutches his heart and breaths slowly hoping no one would notice and worry about him. Soon the pain goes away and skyler stands. He enters the host club and glances around confused on what to do.
Amagi.Yukiko.full.175929.jpgAfter class was over Koharu wanted to check out all of the clubs the school had. From what she heard there were three things that interested her. Martial arts, cooking and signing up to help with tutoring. As stood there staring up at the board trying to decide she noticed JiDae from the corner of her eye. Glanced over at him and then followed him down the hall. Of course she made sure he didn't noticed. He arrived at the host club and there were a long line of girls.....one of them even squealing as they saw him. Koharu puffed out her cheeks annoyed. She almost barged over there but she had clubs to go sign up for. She turned around in a huff and headed back down the hall. In the end she decided she would sign up for the tutoring. As she was heading down the hall to talk with a teacher she two girls passed her and she could hear them mumbling about her uniform. "How can they let some on into our school who can't even afford a uniform. Pathetic." Koharu glanced back at them then continued on her way. "Guess somethings never change."

SoftBoiHours SoftBoiHours

Open for interaction


Everything must be perfect

As Kufudo thought to himself, he finished inspecting all of the materials, heading to the kitchenette to do the same for the food. He had not only a variety of sweets, which is expected of a host club, but also a spread of various meats, appetizers, and even a ham, all made by him with a little help from two of the chefs that work for his father. Admiring his work, Kufudo noticed an empty platter. As he wondered what it was for, his eyes widened as he gasped once he realized it's purpose.

Running to the cold room, Kufudo spotted his centerpiece work sitting right in the middle of the freezer: A seven layer ice cream cake with all the possible combinations of chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry ice cream & chocolate, vanilla, and red velvet cake. To top it off, he used a secret method that he invented to save it from melting after it's been placed in the freeer. Realizing that he'd have to hurry if he wanted to get it in place, he quickly began the task of moving the cake to the main room, which was easy enough considering it was on top of a serving cart with wheels. However, due to it's size, he could barely see in front of him. As such, he only heard Jidae when he spoke, "That is a very long line, it seems many people are interested in the host club. Also, I apologize for not getting the chance to introduce myself to you earlier. My name is JiDae Jeon, its a pleasure to meet you, and thank you for the invitation."

Kufudo looked around the cake to see one of the hosts entering the room. Smiling, Kufudo waved, "I'm glad you accepted the invitation! Not many people would be too thrilled about joining a 'host club'".

Kufudo knew exactly what many of the people in the school thought of when a host club was mentioned. To be honest, it's probably what peaked the interest of many of the people in the line: they want to see how a host club was allowed in the school.

As Kufudo started puching the cart towards the table again, he heard Jidae's addition, "That cake was very good by the way. I heard you are the one who made it, so my compliments to you."

Kufudo grinned even more, "Thanks! If you liked that then I think you'll enjoy all the other food I made too!"

Kufudo opened the doors to the kitchenette and left them open so Jidae could follow him, before walking to the large spread of food. Once at the table, he began the hard part: Putting the cake on the table without messing it up. Fortunately the cart was higher so he wouldn't have to go up at an angle. Kufudo tactfully transferred the cake onto the empty platter.

After he finished, he stepped back and smiled, "Perfect!"

It was thent hat the doors opened again. Once again Kufudo heard the voice before he saw the person, "Hey Kufudo. So. What exactly am I supposed to do? Just keep the girls... or well. anyone who comes happy and that's it?"

Kufudo smiled as he went back to the main room, answering," Pretty much! As a host, our jobs is to create the optimium environment for our guests to relax and/or enjoy themselves. The world we live in can be a stressful one so it's our job to make sure everyone has a place they can come to escape without having to go too far."

Kufudo continued smiling as he spotted Kasey and the door opening behind him, "Some specific duties would include talking and interacting with guests, bringing food they might like, as I'm sure a lot of people will be here to eat, and entertaining them in whatever way you and they fancy."

As he talked, Kufudo was watching the door the entire time and saw as Skyler entered, a bewildered look on his face. Kufudo looked back towards Kacey, and then at Jidae as he finished his conversation with them, "For now, I encourage you guys to look around.There's bound to be somethingthat intrigues you. As you can see, since this morning, me and Rinna have updated the place"

Kufudo wasn't kidding when he said he wanted it to be a place for everyone to come and enjoy themselves. In addition to the kitchenette and the piano, Kufudo and Rinna added a variety of equipmant that'd you suspect belongs in other clubs. Excersise equipment, an arcade room, a dark room with a symbol on the door that very few know what means,, a section with canvases and easels, a variety of more music instruments, an even an indoor garden and other thigns. Although it was a hodgepodge of things, it all seemed to fit togetther seamlessly as the fountain in the middle seemed to hold it althogether, with the fish inside zipping around as if their kinetic energy powered it all.

As he left Jidae and Kacey to do whatever, Kufudo walked over to the new arrival, "Hey Skyler! I'm technically not supposed to let visitors in until later, but I'll make an exception for you! i'm glad you could make it back here!"

Kufudo's eyes softened a bit as he asked, "How are you feeling? Everything alright?"

Demonhunter Demonhunter SoftBoiHours SoftBoiHours firestorm firestorm
Skyler looks up as kufudo approached him. He clings to his oxygen tank in slight fear. His fear didn't last long though as he found out it was his friend. Skyler spoke quietly " I am sorry, I didn't know kufudo. Also I....might of had.... an small attack."

Skyler looked down in slight shame at what happened and started to cry slightly. He would not look up as his hands started to shake. He does not look up and asks in a shaky tone " when is this souposed to open, also you don't mind if we sit please."

Webs Elk Webs Elk
Ventus Fensalir

At the mere sight of the line and people entering, Ven mustered up what courage and what felt to be dignity left and entered. He looked obviously discouraged, but he wouldn't admit to it, at least willingly. Looking around, the young Italian couldn't believe half the items in here not having surrounded himself in a lavish lifestyle.

From the different sections, seating arrangements, and even the new found host activities that were no doubt eventually starting or already beginning. Ventus looked rather uncomfortable surrounded by the multitude of students already feeling like he really shouldn't be here. Like this would only result in a waste of time, or worse resulting in more humiliation. Eyeing everything with a keen detail, he began taking mental notes about each of the students and hosts in the room only recognizing Kufudo. As calm as he imagined he was, he clearly wasn't very comfortable and it was probably going to be difficult to...host with him. But it could be done nonetheless.

Sitting on a vacant chair away from most of the crowd, Ventus sort of just watched with a complacent look in his eyes. He had seen Kufudo bright-eyed and bushy tailed as always, practically tickled pink at all his new members. Then there was Jidae, although Ventus seemed a bit intimidated by the gentleman feeling like he was too immature to speak with him imagining the student being more refined. Eventually he looked to Kacey, immediately looking quite embarrassed. "He...reminds me of those old western movies...back in Sicily." he said to himself mumbling not wanting the boy to hear him. He had the looks, the attitude, everything imagined most stereotypical cowboys would have, so boom. Kacey was now officially "cowboy" in Ven's head not knowing who he was and not being able to picture anything else.

So, simply sitting the boy observed. So far? This Host club really didn't seem to be Ventus' thing now making him feel guilty he got Kufudo's hopes up.

Webs Elk Webs Elk Demonhunter Demonhunter
Rinna Suto
"1-C? What a coincidence, that was the same classroom I was in in my first year." A lot of memories flashed across Rinna's mind as she thought back to her last year. Her eyes would glance back ever so often to make sure the first year was following her until they had reached the doorway to classroom 1-C. "Alright well here it is. Once again it was nice to meet you, and we do hope to see you again in the Host Club." Rinna gave the first year a slight bow before granting her a wink and walking away.

End of School Day
From the cheery, clear mood that Rinna started the day with now was clouded with slight stress and exasperation. In between classes and especially during lunch, Rinna was occupied with finding a new vase to add onto their decorative pieces since Kufudo had broken one this morning. It wasn't an urgent matter, but Kufudo and Rinna were being quite particular about the decorations they wanted set out. After all they had arranged some more equipment into the Music Room this morning during their free time before the end of the school day.

On top of all that she had to watch over Kufudo, despite the boy not really any monitoring. It was really out of habit. The only time she lost sight of the blonde boy was when the last bell of the school day rang. When she had turned her attention from her belongings up to the desk that Kufudo was earlier occupying, she saw that it was empty. A short sigh escaped her lips as she realized that he was probably sprinting his way over to the Music Room. She would have followed after him with the same speed, but she knew the dangers of running up the stairs plus she needed to retrieve the package containing the vase.

Quickly but carefully, Rinna had made her way over to the front of the school to retrieve the package and then moved to walk to the Music Room. Upon turning around the corner to reach the room, she noticed the long line awaiting by the door. Her eyes widened slightly from the sight but she decided to keep her calm composure. She didn't want to seem unnerved the first day, after all she was there to represent the Host Club as the vice president. From the few whispers she caught from conversations, Rinna gathered that Kufudo along with a few other hosts were already present in the room.

With a single glance thrown to the visitors at the front of the line, a small space was made for Rinna to enter the room. She could hear mumbles and whispers following after her entrance, but she swiftly shut the door behind her before she could discern anything they were saying. "Kufudo, I have the new vase you asked for. Oh, Skyler you are already here. Here, Kufudo take this vase and put it in its rightful place." Without waiting for the boy to say anything, Rinna walked up to her friend and shoved the package into his hands before returning her attention to Skyler. She noticed the strain on his face, "Here take a seat please." The girl gently led the boy down to the closest chair.

Webs Elk Webs Elk firestorm firestorm Stellar Nursery Stellar Nursery
Skyler glances up as the girl aprouched him while he talked with Kufudo. He seems to back up slightly in nervousness at the way she handed Kufudo the package. Skyler sighed in relief as she offered him a seat and followed her. He speaks quietly " thank you, I just can't stand for much longer rinna."

Skyler sits down in the seat and sighs as the chair is comfortable for him. He feels the nice pillow underneath him and sets his oxygen tank down and relaxes his tense muscles before saying in an quite tone " um rinna I didn't mean to shatter that plate this morning. So I made a new one for you, I also ordered one for the club. I thought it was the least I could do." skyler pulls out a plate covered in gold roses and puts it on the table. He then pulls out a plate identical to the one this morning that broke and hands them both to rinna.

Webs Elk Webs Elk Life. Life.

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