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Fandom Welcome to the Glade greenie. Fandom roleplay 1x1


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hey there. So I am a twenty two year old female and I’ve been writing for years! At the moment I’m incredibly fandom obsessed and I have a tonne of ideas and requirements that I look for in a partner. So if it’s cool I’m going to jump into that right now; so I am literate to advanced and sometimes partner dependent even novella if I feel pushed enough and I like the roleplay enough. Now I do only do oc x canon pairings and I do only ship my female ocs with male canons that will be played by you. I do not play canons. You must use third person, past tense and detail (at least four large paragraphs). I also adore love triangles. I’m very sorry I can double but I’m really trying to avoid doubles where possible!

Okay so I’m desperately seeking the Maze Runner fandom right now. I just brought a brand new kindle and I have been binge reading the series again! I’ve also recently just purchased fever code (so no spoilers there!) I’m looking for long term roleplays and I’d love to pair my oc with Newt and Thomas. I think that could be super intense as I do feel very proud of my Maze Runner ideas! I think they need to be fleshed out a little more but I’ve tried to make my oc as different as I can! I adore the movies and the books so would be happy to do either. Honestly, I love any fandom Dylan O’Brien is part of because he is 😍😍❤️.

I am also looking for other fandoms right now not just the Maze Runner. I love The Originals, but I am a new fan to this one! Teen Wolf (possibly my new fave show!), Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Divergent, Hunter Games. Please don’t ask me for any more fandoms at the moment this is all I’m looking for! Discord would be my preferred method of communication as it’s just so easy to keep everything nice and tidy there.

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