Welcome to the Castle, Darling (a Burlesque RP)


Junior Member
Available Characters:

•Dancer 1- Katrina Parker (myself)

•Dancer 2- Emily Leung ( @Scintilla )

•Dancer 3- April Hensley ( @Muffin~Tyrant )

•Dancer 4- Miranda Lee ( @Mir Lee )

•Dancer 5- Lanna Crowe ( @LannaRae )

•Bartender (male)- Oscar Hensley ( @Muffin~Tyrant )

•Waiter 1- Henry Atkins ( @The Magnificent Marley )

•Waiter 2-

•Waitress- Whisper Davernt ( @SliverOfHope )

•Security (male)- Christopher Reed ( @creed )

•Regular Guest 1- Michael Steele ( @Avlystein Hjalla )

•Regular Guest 2-

•Regular Guest 3-


Name: (First, Middle, Last)

Role: (Dancer, waiter/waitress, bartender, regular guest, or security)

Stage Name: (Dancers only. Preferably a Disney princess.)

Age: (20-28)

Reason for Work: (We don't need a big long explanation here.)

Personality: (At least five sentences, can certainly be more. If your character's attitude too closely resembles someone else's, I will not hesitate to reject your application. Sorry, but we've got to have variation.)

Appearance: (Realistic and/or celebrity picture, please. You can add any further description below the image as you see fit.)

Costume: (Dancers only. Obviously should fit your stage name.)

My Character(s):

Name: Katrina Francisca Parker

Role: Dancer

Stage Name: Belle; Beauty

Age: 23

Reason for Work: Katrina is saving to continue her education past her bachelor's degree for her passion of psychology.

Personality: When someone first meets Katrina, she can certainly seem a little rough around the edges. Her sarcastic tongue and firecracker temper have landed her between a rock and a hard place more than a few times. However, once you get to know her, Kat is a fairly enjoyable girl. She has a good sense of humor, absolutely loves a good laugh, but she also knows when to take things seriously. The human brain fascinates her and she strives to complete the requirements to become a full blown psychologist. Having been a psych student, she's very good and reading body language and personal quirks; not exactly the type of girl that'll be easy to beat in a game of poker. Her hard first impressions and habit to jump to conclusions proves hard to keep a social life outside of the other club employees, not that she hasn't tried.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.5caed73f70f1adf3ec3e4351dfdb111c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10441" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.5caed73f70f1adf3ec3e4351dfdb111c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Barefoot, Katrina stands around 5'8" with a slim waist and fairly lean figure. She has no tattoos or piercings but hardly ever removes the thin silver band on her right ring finger.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.a9f4f45d416896831f65373862f35ec0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10442" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.a9f4f45d416896831f65373862f35ec0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Christopher Riley Reed

Bartender (or security?)


Reason for Work: He needs to live somehow.

Personality: Christopher, or Chris, is a quiet, mysterious kind of guy. He usually keeps to himself, as many people thinks he comes off as rude

or arrogant. Once you get to know him and become close with him hes sweet and caring, but in a quiet way. he feels protective over the girls that work here. he doesn't fear anyone or anything.

May I reserve a spot as Mulan? I'll be posting a character sheet shortly.
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Name: Emily "Siobe" Leung

Role: Dancer

Stage Name: Mulan

Age: 21

Reason for Work: She ran away from home, not liking how her parents are so uppity and strict. She just wants to earn money until she has enough to finance the photography career that her parents had long forbidden her to have.

Personality: At first glance, Emily is sultry and outgoing. She is loud to the point of being charismatic, in a way. She likes feigning a loud mouth whenever people are around and most especially when she's in character. But in truth, she's quiet and guarded once you get to know her beyond the stage. She's been so used to being pent up as she was brought up by her strict parents. She thinks that being such a firecracker on the outside would be liberating when in truth, it's just taking on a different person's skin.

Despite the deceiving bubbly front and charming personality, Emily would rather be quiet, enjoying her photography and solitude. She is the type of person who wouldn't want to be in much drama and is actually quite the sensitive type although she isn't the type to show emotions.




Name: Henry Lawrence Atkins

Role: Waiter

Age: 21

Reason for Work: Needs money, got job opportunity, took it.

Personality: Henry is a pretty lively guy. He's young and ambitious, and wants to live his life to the fullest. No matter the circumstances, he tries to have an optimistic attitude towards everything. Henry always seeks opportunities to meet and socialize with new people. Which is a great contrast to how he was in the past, but that's another story. The only piece that seemed to stick with him was his impulsiveness and temper. Most of the time he seems sweet and understanding, but in a way, you could say he's got a 'trigger happy' attitude.



Name: Michael Steele

Role: Regular

Reason for coming to this particular club: (Heard in a conversation in the club) "My God, I thought they were joking that there was a club with a Disney theme... I thought those movies and cartoons were awesome, but I didn't get to drink with princesses when I was eight..."

Personality: Michael is quite the character. He is full of twists and livelihood. He is a younger man, twenty-six to be exact. He knows his place, but as any young actor, he tends to be quite the party animal. He speaks with a silver tongue and could talk you out of the clothes you wear... Which is probably why he either enters with a woman, or leaves with one. Other that acting like a young party machine, he is well rounded, friendly, caring, and passionate.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/600full-robert-downey-jr..jpg.809e7c1084401a1d5c38ec905f0e6a4a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10447" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/600full-robert-downey-jr..jpg.809e7c1084401a1d5c38ec905f0e6a4a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/robert_downey_jr_01.jpg.734274c6a16690bc4fa59b572452213e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10448" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/robert_downey_jr_01.jpg.734274c6a16690bc4fa59b572452213e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name:April Ann Hensley


Stage Name:




Reason for Work:To pay for rent and to take care of her 4 year old daughter


April is a very understanding girl. She tries to be nice to everyone like her parents taught her to. Being raised in the country with her twin brother, April shows manners towards most people which can give a lot of people the sort of wrong signs. She knows how to take care of herself though she does sort of depend on her twin brother as a helping hand.





Oscar Jack Hensley





Reason for Work:

To watch out for his twin sister plus he needs the money


Oscar is very friendly and likes to talk due to his boring job of serving up drinks. He is very protective of his twin sister and makes it his job to watch out for her. He tends to be nice to all the other girls that work there but not in a flirty way. Oscar has a slight temper but the trigger that pulls his temper is his twin sister.



Name: Whisper Rose Davernt

Role: Waitress

Age: 21

Reason for Work: Whisper needed the money to help pay for her apartment rent.

Personality: Whisper, just as her name represents, is an overall quiet female. She does like to talk and have fun but doesn't really do it as much as everyone else usually does. She does enjoy chatting with the other employees or the occasional customer and does her best to make sure they enjoy the conversation too. Though once Whisper gets into the atmosphere of the Burlesque Club, The Castle, she does becomes more lively and outgoing. Her personality isn't just being reserved or quite because she is also quite quirky, a tiny bit awkward when first getting to know her, and in general just pretty random.



Whisper always wears a locket around her neck that has a picture of her parents in it, both of which died during a house fire a few years ago.
May I apply? 
Name: Miranda Aradia Lee

Role: Dancer

Stage Name: The Evil Queen

Age: 21

Reason for Work: Miranda needs the money to help her pay for her college loans-- and hopefully to save up and return to her university to get her Masters' degree.

Personality: Miranda is nerdy, rebellious, and dark. A brainy girl, she is almost guaranteed to have her nose buried in a novel or comic book outside of work. She loves music and is a musician herself. Rebelling against conservative parents and a world that wants her to hide her body and maker her voice small and insignificant, she uses her brains and quick wit to rile up social norms. Behind her snarky attitude, morbid sense of humor, and rock 'n roll style, Mir is sweet-- willing to put herself on the line for who she loves or believes in. She is, also, very insecure. Any comment about one of her insecurities is sure to rile her up.







Name: Lanna Rachelle Crowe

Role: Dancer

Stage Name: Ariel, Lil' Mermaid

Age: 21

Reason for Work: She just moved into town and needed money. Plus she loves dancing, so it's a bonus.

Personality: Lanna is dreamy at times, and not a girl of many words, but that doesn't mean she's shy, no. Far from it actually, she just prefers to watch and observe, and rarely jumps to conclusions. She enjoys the company of others, even strangers. But with her eccentric and dry sense of humor (heck, most of the things she say don't really make sense sometimes), it doesn't seem like she'd be winning any popularity contests any time soon. She's pretty witty, and sly at times, though she's a generally trustworthy and loyal person, and will do anything to protect the ones she care about. She's emotional and not afraid to open up to people, but if you decide to take advantage of her compassionate side and mess with her, this girl ain't afraid to get messy and down 'n dirty.


Alright guys, I think I'm going to go ahead and work on getting this started. I will leave the sign-ups open, just in case we get a few more people interested. Hopefully I'll have the actual RP up within the next few hours. 
Actual RP is now up and running! It should be located under the "Role Play" tab above. Also, visual references of the club's interior and exterior will be placed in the OOC tab soon if you'd like to take a glance for a better feel of your character's surroundings. Thanks!

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