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New Member
The Char sheet for my RP as i said in the story this is my first time creating my own so let me know if im missing anything or if there are any confusions im more then happy to help thanks.



Age: (16+)

Major: (Any Art Major is fine as long as its veiwed in an artistic manner IE Culinary Graphic Music any thing)



Attributes: (Whats Unique about your Character whether it be skill or background it doesn't matter)

Background: (Optional)

Name: Jonathan 'Jonny' Coronado

Age: 19

Major: Culinary Arts


View attachment 8104

Persona: He's quiet but very observant. Although like most people where he's from he often has trouble making friends but is the first person to volunteer help when necessarily. He loves to teach and is willing to learn.

Attributes: He has proficiency in plate design and Art Culinar

Background: GGrew up in the States with his little sister. After there Mother died when he was 12 (his sister 7) he began living with his father in San Francisco. However Due To his fathers work they were contently moving from city to city. Till His school year was up at which he would spend summers with one of his Aunts learning a new corner in the Culinary World.
Name: Alice Kendrick.

Age: 18 years old.

Major: Art.


View attachment 8106

Persona: Alice is very creative and imaginative. She can create beautiful images in her head, than paint it onto paper. She is a little bit quiet, and can be innocent at times. It's hard for her to focus on something else when she began painting a picture on her palette. She needs complete silence in order to work. Alice rarely gets angry, and is very kind and caring. Most of the girls think she is stuck-up, since she is pretty and wealthy in her family. But she isn't at all.

Attributes: She has extremely beautiful hands, so she is very good at drawing, painting, ect.

Background: Alice was born into a very wealthy family, with one sister and one brother. They are both younger than her, and also paint. But there not as good as she is. Her mother was also an artist, and has the exact same fingers as Alice does. The only reason why she began painting was because of her mother. Her father was never home, and was always on military missions since he is a marine. She's only seen her father about 10 times in her lifetime, and always on holidays.
Name: Dustin Churchman



Description:View attachment 8115

Persona:Dustin is a serious person not only when it comes to music, but everyday life. He treats every situation as if he is in class.

Dustin is good at making friends, but he isn't the kind you would take to the bar to pick up ladies.

Attributes: He has a auditory memory, so he learns his music 100% faster then everyone else.

Background:Born the only son of a fishing family Dustin grew up very poor. One day though he had found his fathers old violin and started playing, he showed great promise.

His father noticed this and bought his son a brand new violin from the money he was able to scrap together.

"Dream big son, accomplish everything." His father told him.

So he did.
Name: Sylvie Snow

Age: 18

Major: Music

Description: View attachment 8116

Persona: Sylvie is incredibly shy, avoiding most people at most times. She will occasionally speak if someone has spoken to her or asked her a question, but usually she avoids social situations. People who get to know her will say that she is very caring, mostly towards other people and animals than to herself. She always critisizes her work even though she's in the top of the class. She has near perfect grades in anything that doesn't have to do with math, which she hates with a passion. She takes everything people tell her to heart, so she usually gets put down in the process. She's been playin piano since she was 4, when her mother and father decided they'd rather make Sylvie a prodigy than let her enjoy her childhood. She's known nothing else since then and can't understand why people would want to do things that didn't pertain to advancing yourself.

Attributes: She improvises almost all of her music.

Background: -See above-
I would love to join if I still could.

Name: Luna DeClair

Age: 17

Major: Art

Description:View attachment 8123

Persona: Luna doesn't trust people. She avoids them whenever possible and doesn't talk to anyone. She enjoys the shadows and usually watches others from their safety.

Attributes: Luna is a talented painter and general artist. She is also a gifted singer, although most will never discover it. She feels at home in the arts and loves them more than anything else. She has had several tramatic incidents in her past, accounting for most of her distrust. She has no friends(not that she desires any).
@Luna-dweller i cant speak on behalf of jonny since this is his RP.

But i doubt he would have a problem with someone joining.

I mean we had one person just jump in that didnt even fill out a character sheet. lololololololol which is fine by.

I like your character too, besides, we need a art student ^_^

so id suggest just jumping in :D
**JUST WONDERING - what country are they in?**

Name: Chantelle

Age: 17.

Major: Street Dance

Description: ¬ Just because you can't see here - she's a little smaller than average, and she's very slim because of her dancing.

View attachment 8582

Persona: Chantelle is fiery, fiesty and rebellious - she thrives on sarcasm and creating a scene. She walks out of lessons and creates terror, and it's impossible to get her to concentrate unless it's something she believes in. If she cares about something, she'll stay in class long enough to pay attention to what's going on - if not - you've lost her at the first sentence. Chantelle is the girl everyone would love to be - popular, rebellious, flirty and daring - but they don't dare. She has no fear, and isn't afraid to speak her mind. Many people believe that she isn't scared of anything - and she isn't. Or at least, not on the outside. She secretly cares what people think of her - but she'd never dare show it, and she has grown a hard, protective shell around her to protect herself. Chantelle's been let down by others in the past, and although she has loads of friends - there isn't anyone she'd dare trust with her secret feelings. Only when she feels safe and secure, (Often after several months of very-close friendship) does Chantelle begin to show the 'real' her. The kind Chantelle that would die to protect her friends. The caring Chantelle that wants people to trust her. The Chantelle that's been hidden under layers of fake-it-til-you-make-it confidence, and doesn't come out until she's completely comfortable. The one she doesn't dare show people - the one without the sarcasm and rebellious streak, the one without the chip on her shoulder, huge attitude and behaviour problems - the one with the heart of gold.

Attributes: She's naturally flexible and has a brilliant memory for things she can be bothered to apply herself to - which is Street Dance. She's good - very good, and she hopes to do it professionally one day. Chantelle also loves music - she's excellent at picking up a beat, and her sharp mind would be suited to composing and writing her own stuff - she's a pretty good singer as well. But dance is where she lets herself go. She leaves it all on the dance floor, and lets out everything she's hurting about at the time.

Background: Chantelle's grown up in pokey, shoe-box flats all over England - but she has a strong London accent and the urbanised ways of the English Capital. Since her parents split up when she was eight, when her little brother Kyle was born, Chantelle's lived with her mum and never seen her dad. She doesn't even know if he's still alive. Her mum has gone to pieces, and she's grown up pretty much by herself - and looked after her younger brother into the bargin. When her friends invited her round to their houses, she had to ask if she could bring her brother too, until he was old enough to look after himself. She loves him to bits, and she's afraid of loosing him - she's fiercely protective.

When Chantelle was twelve, she began to shoplift, and joined a gang - the Mamba Crew - a fierce gang that was feared by all. She was caught by the police more than once, and after a spell in a Young Offenders Unit, she gave it up. But she's still feared, and handy with a knife. She's got her territory, and although she isn't in the gang anymore, and they've all split up, she's still in touch with all of them - and they're good friends too.

One day, a teacher got her into dancing. She'd always done free-running, and was a skilled gymnast, but as soon as she was on the floor, it was obvious - this girl had a serious talent.


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