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Realistic or Modern Welcome to Sea Breeze '*•.¸♡ A Coastal SOL RP - CLOSED


Come down and enjoy the Sea Breeze Beach Fest August 17th 2024!
A celebration of Florida’s beautiful coastline, this event could include live music, food vendors, sandcastle competitions, and water sports like surfing or paddleboarding.

Garrett.Hawke Garrett.Hawke fieldofclover fieldofclover geminiy geminiy NubiDoobiDoo NubiDoobiDoo AnimeGenork AnimeGenork Bluesky_101 Bluesky_101 r e i r e i Talathel Talathel Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy PenguinFox PenguinFox
Now Playing: Sour Grapes - John The Ghost

The smoke billowing out from underneath Zach's car hood was getting hard to ignore as he continued to drive back from a gig. Normally, he'd just drive it to the mechanic's or to the marina, where it usually sat while he frantically Googled away on his laptop inside the houseboat he called home. Of course, he could have called his father to come help him with his beat-up '94 black Honda Civic. But that would be admitting defeat. And Zach was not going to give up and give in. If his dad couldn't face the music (quite literally), then Zach wasn't going to waste his time dealing with him. He was going to be a musician - and a successful one at that.

If Sleepless Daydream's show earlier today had anything to say about it, then Zach was going to be a rock star. The crowd hadn't been as large as, let's say, a headlining act, and the venue wasn't a huge stadium, but they had drawn in a sizeable crowd. So he was feeling pretty good about himself - or, at least, he had been.

He pulled over on the side of the road, the car sputtering to a stop in response. He had no idea where he was. All Zach knew was that he was on the way back into town. How was he going to continue on? Hitchhiking would only lead to him getting mugged. Walking all the way back into town with nothing but his guitar on his back would be torture for his feet. He barely had any service on his phone. But sending a random Tweet into the void might get through to someone. So he typed a simple message...

"my car broke down again :/ anyone down to pick up a hitchhiker"

...and hit send, hoping to whatever deity might or might not be listening that someone somewhere would see his cry for help and reply. It was worth a shot, after all.

Zach unbuckled his seatbelt (because safety was badass, of course) and pushed his car door open. The smoke was still spilling out from under the hood, but he wasn't going to bother with it right now. He reached over into the back seat, grabbing his guitar case before stepping out of the car. At least he'd have his guitar with him in the case that his car got stolen while he left it here. And if his car just so happened to blow up...well, he wouldn't lose anything of value. It was smoking really bad now and stunk to high heaven.

His phone chimed with a notification. Did someone hear his call (...or read about it)? Zach eagerly pressed the notification, getting into Twitter only to have his breath taken away by the person who had offered help. And all of a sudden, memories came flying back.

It was Alyssa. A name he thought that he'd never hear again. After a quick text session, he sat down beside the rear driver's side wheel of the car, waiting for the girl he thought he'd never see again drive his way. Things were about to get interesting again, whether he liked it or not.

wearing: mistakes and sour grapes
tags: alyssa ( r e i r e i )


Zachary Foreman

coded by weldherwings.


the influncer

Alyssa doesn't know why she was doing this. What in earth had possessed her to say she was going to pick up Zachary. The first man that broke her heart. Who walked away from her, from them, when it was becoming too serious, too real for him. She was out already, doing some window shopping before the festival, thinking about going just for the food but then that twitter message showed up on her phone, and all she wanted to do was drive to him. Her heart froze as she sent that message. Her mind screamed at her as she jumped into her car, driving off towards her. Screaming at her, asking her why the hell did she chose to be the one to save him when he didn't do the same for her.

Kian could have gotten him and it would have been fine. She didn't have to face him, she didn't have to see him. Alyssa knew that but she still chose to be the one. The habit she had of being there for everyone, even the ones who hurt her. It was painful for her at times, horrible for her at times. She needed to stop, but she couldn't. Not right now at least. After a pretty horrible text messages between the two, she sighed as she drove off. Heading towards the outskirts of town. She thinks to herself, the last time she saw him. When he broke her heart in two, they had just completed high school, and the world was out there for them to take. She thought they would be figuring it out together, taking over the world with his music and her videos but..he chose to leave instead.

She drove as the memories rushed back in her mind. The kisses, the laughter, and most of all the pain. She shook her mind, as a way of shaking out the memories and before she knew it, she was driving up to his car, she slowed down. Taking a deep breath, she got out of the car, and looked at him. He was older, but he was the same Zachary that she knew. The same boy she had fallen in love with, the man that walked away from her.
"Are you getting into the car Zachary?"
She spoke to him, the first words she had said since getting out of the car and just looking at each other.

"Come on, I still want to make the festival."
She told him as she turned her head away from him. From the memories that were coming through her mind.

From the pain.

♡coded by uxie♡


wildlife conservationist



Relaxed, Quiet, Focused


T-shirt, leggings, heeled boots


Sea Breeze Beach Fest





"this is a dialogue."
Long, spotted tawny legs strode alongside a set of longer legs, heeled boots making barely a sound on the concrete as Tanelia Qirora strode across the road with one of her ambassador felines from her sanctuary. The duo, made up on Tanelia herself and a gorgeous female cheetah, made their way from where they had walked back toward where a booth stood. The cheetah, known as Ryn to Lia (short for Ashryn), had been known to do events such as this one together. Ryn had been one of the first felines brought to the Exotic Oasis Wild Cat Sanctuary from the illegal wildlife pet trade.

The soft word from he Aussie girl had the feline jumping up on the table, her paws laying over the edge as she settled down, a soft purr rumbling in her chest as the girl smoothed a hand over the feline's head fondly. Her piercing blue gaze scanning the Festival quietly before she settled herself in a chair just next to the table, a soft smile on her lips as she began to sketch out a brought outline of a portrait of one of her favorite felines. Tanelia knew she had to take advantage of the quiet time as once back at the clinic she would have her hands full of taking care of her resident cats and also dealing with her clinic.

♡coded by uxie♡
Last edited:


Abigail flopped back in bed, phone still in hand and open to her conversation with Lulu and her friends. A heavyhearted sigh escaped her as her head bounced off the wall behind her pillows. The festival wasn’t exactly what she had in mind today, she would’ve much preferred to find a small spot in a tunnel to do some sketching, just to get away from the world for a bit. But no, for some god awful reason Abby thought it was a good idea to offer some stencils to her friend.

It wasn’t as if she was mad about seeing Lulu, she was the nicest person to ever exist, and she kind of owed her for giving her a paying job. It was the other hundreds of people she was dreading.

A knock at the door startled Abigail awake. Connor slowly creaked it open, moving the small charcuterie board into the room before he could, most likely as a warning to his presence. “I cut up some cheese if you want any.”

“Nah…” Abby said. She couldn’t help but groan as she sat up. Connor was still in his pajamas, not unlike him when he was in the house. Which was always. “I’ll grab something on the way.”

Connor’s face scrunched. “Where?”

“Thought I’d go down to the Beach Fest. Do some painting or something, I don’t know.”

She already knew the concern disguised as sass Connor was going to throw at her, so she blocked it out, concentrating on running all her stencils through her head and figuring which ones would be perfect for Lulu’s sandcastles. She wasn’t kidding about surfing, she used to go with her mother when trying to find activities that stuck, but that was ages ago, when she wasn’t medicated. Now that she could focus on something for more than five seconds, maybe it was time to give it another go.

“I’ll just go for a bit,” Abby said, dismissing whatever Connor was going on about. “It would probably do you good to come with, y’know.”

Connor rolled his eyes and slipped away, leaving Abby to get dressed. She slowly crawled out of bed, riffled through her dresser packed with unfolded clothes, and somehow managed to pull out both of the pieces of her swimsuit. A two piece, the solid black boy shorts and the palm leaf patterned bikini top. It was pretty old, and despite being just ten feet from the beach, she hadn’t used it in a while, so it was a miracle when she slipped it on and it still… almost… fit. It wasn’t as if her bits were falling out, but it was pretty uncomfortable. It took Abigail no time at all to perfectly pick the stencils. Even though her drawers were nowhere near organized, she still had all of their locations memorized. She packed her tote bag to the brim with art supplies, some for Lulu, most for her own personal use. When not in the water, she’d just spend her time sketching on the rocks in the tide pool, simple. With one more long, loud sigh, Abigail slipped on her sandals and stepped out into the hot sun.

“I’ll be on the waves if you do decide to come out for a bit. I heard there’s going to be a cheetah there, sick right?” She gave one last attempt before closing the screen door behind her. It was easy enough to navigate to the bodega on the outskirts of the sand, all she had to do was follow the small doodles she had made on the concrete barriers. She picked up a monster energy and followed the marked trees to the beach front. It was still pretty empty when she arrived, only a few people scattered from here and there. Abigail thought that would be the perfect time to check out the surfboard rentals.

MOOD: Apprehensive

travelbypages travelbypages


--------don't type anything after this comment--------

TL;DR Evelyn dragged Ben here
Save a horse, ride a cowboy

It hadn't been long that Ben had been in Sea Breeze. He was still adjusting to the beachy vibes as apposed to the country vibes he was used to. He could just casually ride a horse down main street in his hometown but here he'd probably get a few weird looks. He only moved here to support his ex wife. Sure that seemed quite strange to must but he and Evelyn's relationship wasn't typical. They weren't enemies like most exes, they were still friends. They just fell out of love is all.

In order to move to Sea Breeze Ben had to sell his old ranch. He managed to keep his favorite horse, Leroy, and was now looking to buy a ranch several miles inland. Currently he was just renting space there but owning it outright would be much easier, plus he could use it as a horse sanctuary like he wanted. While there was plenty of other charitable causes here in Sea Breeze, horses held a special place in his heart.

Benjamin Jones came from a wealthy family that bred horses so he was quite accustomed to being around the creatures, he grew up around them. His family are also big proponents of ethical horse rearing and charity work. His father owned several cattle farms and taught Ben to be kind to all creatures and they would be kind back. His parents were constantly giving back to his community and so Ben himself picked up these traits.

Currently Ben was waiting at the beach for his ex to show up. Evelyn demanded he get out of the house and interact with people for once. He initially protested as he, in his opinion, had been interacting with people a la the deal to buy the ranch inland, but she insisted that that didn't count. Ben wasn't really one to argue with Evelyn when they were together and that had just become a habit at this point even though they weren't together anymore.
code by valen t.
Most people turn and run from their exes, but here Evelyn was, meeting up with hers. While she and Ben were now officially divorced, the two were like peas in a pod. They didn't work as a married couple, and the divorce had been emotionally horrible, but now their friendship was even stronger. They could be their own people but still have the good side of the bond they once shared.

Normally, Evelyn would say no to these types of functions in town. She wasn't a festival type of person, but now that she wasn't professionally doing ballet anymore she had more time to get out and actually do things in the world. So, despite not wanting to, going to the festival was a new step into moving on from her past and the career that had dragged her down.

With the Florida sun blazing, Evie had chosen a simple outfit to wear - some shorts and one of Ben's old t shirts that she'd cut into a cute design. It felt odd, getting ready to go do something recreational rather than slip on her pointe shoes. The thought of being a normal person somewhat made her anxiety spin. But when the message from Ben popped up on her phone, she quickly grabbed her purse and shook off the dread that made her want to cancel their plans.

Since the divorce, Evie had moved into a small studio apartment just a block away from the beach. She'd wanted something spacious but bright and being on the coast provided exactly that. So, it didn't take her long to get down to the already bustling beach. From what she could tell, the activities the neighborhood had planned were already starting with giant sand castles being built, kids running up and down the beach in what seemed to be some sort of race, and surfers looking to catch each and every wave.

Squinting against the sun and sand, Evie searched for the one person who would be out of place. And sure enough it didn't take long to find him, "howdy handsome." She greeted immediately as she approached Ben, "I still can't believe I convinced you to come." She teased lightly and hooked her arm through his, "what do you say about getting some food first?" She asked, glancing up at him but immediately regretting the decision when the sun blinded her. Why the heck didn't she bring sun glasses?

Mentions: Ben - PenguinFox PenguinFox
coded by kaninchen
It'd been months since Kit last stepped foot in this city. There wasn't much in Daytona Beach that drew him in enough to want to stay, but there was one person that his mind always seemed to wander to - Maeve. For years, the two had been this sort of on and off deal. With his non committal attitude, touring, and drive for career he wanted her but never had the guts or time to have her. Not unless he had the rare moments where he was home, like today.

The flight had been long, boring, and he'd spent most of his time jotting down little lyrics but when he wasn't writing he was thinking of her. How he wanted to surprise her, take her out, and finally hold her after months of not seeing her. Sure, they had their little phone calls and texts but he'd be too exhausted or obliterated by alcohol to hold a meaningful conversation. The only time he was ever really able to let out his true feelings was through his songs - the songs that were mostly written about her, and him, and their fleeting romance.

But with each step he took toward the cab that would take him to her place, he grew more giddy with excitement. He loved this woman... He really did, despite how terrible he was for her and how terribly he didn't deserve her. Yet she accepted him with open arms every time. As he climbed into the cab, the man anxiously tapped his fingers on his knees, knowing exactly which roads they'd need to take to her house. He'd memorized it and each second they drew closer, the more excited he got.

Eventually, when the cab came to a stop outside, he paid his wares and grabbed his bag; something small to make it clear how long his visit would be. He was still technically on tour but with the band out with some contagious cold (one that he'd managed to avoid like the plague) he had some free time for a visit even if the visit wasn't as long as he wanted it to be. Quickly, Kit fixed his hair which was slightly disheveled from the flight, and straightened his jacket, which was wrinkly and smelled a bit like an airplane. Part of him wished he'd gone to his hotel first to shower an change, but the other part of him knew that Maeve wouldn't care. So, after shaking away his nerves, he knocked and waited.

Mentions: Maeve - Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy
coded by kaninchen
MOOD: Bored

LOCATION: Beach festival
Talathel Talathel
INT: Talathel Talathel
TL;DR Liz goes to the beach festival and sees a cheetah
She's a man eater

Liz Bishop was bored. There was no way around it. Her attention span was short and needed constant stimulation. That was one of the reasons why she loved cooking so much, it was constant go, go, go. The kitchen provided her with a constant outlet for her energy and focus and it made her feel alive. Plus she was damn good at it. She had spent years perfecting her craft and she could confidently say that she was skilled at this point. That and anyone that argued otherwise would be closely acquainted with her fist.

The most exciting thing currently going on in Liz's life at the moment was the fact that she just discovered she was an aunt. Sort of. Her best friend in all the world, Isa, revealed she had been secreting a child for the past few years. Liz was so excited to be a part of this kid's life and was confident that Isa was a good mom. Isa was her wolf but now she was having a pack of her own. She was a protective and caring woman, aspects that Liz assumed were aspects of a good mother. She wouldn't really know.

With the excitement of the news of a child withering away, Liz was quickly becoming bored again. She had heard about the festival but wasn't really in the mood to interact with the general public right now, so she took to twitter to ask for opinions. Someone suggested she try and get a quick hook up or date their and that enticed her. With that settled Liz pulled on her black trench coat and combat boots and headed out the door.

People. There were people everywhere. Liz hated people. Generally speaking, she was splitting the crowd like Moses but there were some people she had to actively scowl at to get out of her way. For being a beach there were surprisingly few hot women in bathing suits. Incredibly disappointing. It was then that something caught Liz's eye. Was that a cheetah? Okay now that was interesting, and there was a pretty face sitting next to it. Confidently, Liz strode up to the booth, a small smirk gracing her black tinted lips. Her boots clicked on the pavement. "Hey there. Nice pu-....cat." a devious small crossed her face as her words rolled out. She was being obviously flirtatious and forward, but that was just her style. While not having been in the country for at least a decade, Liz still had a slight Australian accent. "Is she a man-eater?"
code by valen t.


wildlife conservationist



Exasperated, Focused


T-shirt, leggings, heeled boots


Sea Breeze Beach Fest


Liz Bishop PenguinFox PenguinFox



A familiar accented voice caught the conservationist unawares as she started, her piercing orbs meeting the newcomer as she approached the small table where Ryn and herself had settled. Her eyes flashed sharply at the question, her pretty lips pursing as annoyance slightly filtered through her gaze.
"No, Ashryn was a rescue from the illegal wildlife trade if you must know."
Her cool demeanor gave nothing away as she studied Liz carefully. There was a familiarity to the girl that she couldn't place. She swore she had met her before ... but that was impossible considering how new she was to Sea Breeze.

A questioning chirp caught her attention and immediately the annoyance and exasperation faded, replaced by fondness as she let her fingers run over the spotted head with delicate precision.
"This is Ashryn. She's one of my main Ambassador cats from my sanctuary. I would have brought Rania, but that feline was just itching to cause chaos which... might not be best out here."
Her amusement was obvious as she shrugged her shoulders. A small book lay across the table near Ashryn, who was studying the girl curiously. The small book had all of her cats and their stories, especially Ashryn and Rania's stories. It was well known that in Africa only 7000 cheetahs remained in the wild, which is why she treasured having Ashryn with her, allowing others the chance to learn about the magnificent cats.

♡coded by uxie♡
Now Playing: Sour Grapes - John The Ghost

Zach was still unsure of if Alyssa would actually come. After all, the way that things had ended between them hadn't been exactly...civil, for lack of a better word. There were a lot of tears on both of their parts, and even though it had been years since it had happened, it still hurt deep down inside. Or, at least, it still hurt Zach. He hadn't wanted to play the bad guy. He hadn't wanted to be the ass that he had been that day. But he was terrified of commitment back then - and he still was now.

It had been ages since he had last seen her. Would all of those feelings come rushing back in when she got here? Or would she be cold to him? He wouldn't blame her one bit if that was the case. He also wouldn't blame her if she had changed her mind. Zach could have easily called Kian up to swoop in and save him. It surely would have saved all of this grief and unpleasant memories from welling up within him again. He didn't like this weight that had been dropped onto him, knocking him down like a gigantic uncomfortable wave. Why couldn't this be easy? Zach liked easy. Easy made him feel good. But unfortunately, life couldn't always be easy - and he was still struggling to come to terms with that.

Maybe he should have gotten a ride with Logan after the show. His longtime bandmate would have surely let him bum a ride (and a cigarette) off of him. But Zach hadn't considered the fact that his car would break down yet again. He should have thought ahead. But it was too late for that now, as a car began slowing down in front of him. Alyssa was here. She had really showed. And all of a sudden, it was as if he couldn't move, couldn't get up from the spot he had plopped himself down on. Time slowed for him as he watched helplessly as she got out of the car, approaching him with what seemed like a reserved curiosity.

Are you getting into the car, Zachary?

Zachary. An unfamiliar name coming out of her mouth. He had always been Zach to her. It seemed so...formal. But they weren't together anymore, and he couldn't force her to call her that four letter nickname anymore. He had already broken her heart once - surely he'd be breaking it again if he insisted upon what everyone else called him.

But before he could find the words to respond, she was already speaking again. Come on, I still want to make the festival.

The festival. That was today? He hadn't planned on going, so it had slipped his mind entirely. "Oh, uh, yeah...the festival." The festival that he had no interest in going to. It wasn't his scene. Zach pulled himself up into a standing position, grabbing his guitar case from the ground next to him. He dusted off his leather pants, starting for Alyssa's car. "Do you mind if I put my guitar in the backseat?" This was going to be awkward.

wearing: mistakes and sour grapes
tags: alyssa ( r e i r e i )


Zachary Foreman

coded by weldherwings.
It had been months since Lily had last met with her boss. Usually their meetings were done over the phone or through zoom with how she had her work setup inside her own home. So when he called her for an in person meeting she’d been met with a sense of dread. She had no clue what he wanted to talk about… Had she messed up on something? Was he looking to fire her? Neither of those options were likely because she was amazing at her job. Truly, she was recognized as one of the best.

So, why did he want to meet with her? Lily’s nerves were going crazy until she remembered a rumour that was floating around the teams email that there was going to be a new artist for character designs. Of course, that had to be what this was about. Pulling up to the restaurant, Lily stepped out of her car and quickly paid for parking. She rarely left her house so she was a lot more dressed up than what she usually was and she very much was not used to it.

With a sigh, she followed the hostess to the table her boss and the new guy was at. Immediately she narrowed her eyes. Sure, she was one of the youngest on the team but he looked about her age and that threw her off a bit. “Hey David.” She greeted casually and slid into the booth next to the new guy. Straight faced, she stuck out her hand to introduce herself, “Lily. You are?” But before the man could speak, David chimed in, taking charge like he usually did, “that would be Myles. He’ll be the new artist on Dark Tides.”

This made Lily’s shoulders tense. She really enjoyed the regular artist she worked with, but she had heard he’d been fired for selling designs to competing companies. “Okay, interesting…” She said, avoiding looking at Myles as the waitress came around to take their orders. She just ordered a simple pasta and a beer. She’d need some liquid courage to get through this meeting.

Mentions: Myles - geminiy geminiy

coded by kaninchen
Maeve Anneliese Ackerman
former ballerina
To say that Maeve wasn’t excited about the Beach Festival was an understatement. In fact, she was sure she was the happiest person in all of Sea Breeze that day, though her giddiness wasn’t entirely because of the festival. It was because a certain someone was arriving that day.

The thought of seeing Kit again after months of him being away filled Maeve’s stomach with butterflies. No matter how many times she felt it, she could never get used to the sensation. Maybe it was because, even after all this time, she still couldn’t quite grasp how someone like him could be interested in someone like her.

It wasn’t hard to see the difference between them. While Kit was admired by everyone, traveling from one city to the next so people could watch him perform, Maeve felt like a nobody. A girl who had once dreamed of an audience watching her dance. But when you fly too close to the sun, you're bound to get burned, and Maeve had been burned. Her injury ended her hopes of becoming a professional ballerina. The girl who once dreamed of the big cities was now confined to her family's bakery, balancing her time as a dance instructor in the very town she’d thought she’d leave behind.

Back then, when Maeve believed her life was over, Kit had come into her world like a much-needed spark. He became the light that pulled her out of the darkness she’d fallen into. They weren’t the most committed couple in Sea Breeze, but Maeve couldn’t deny that, no matter the odds, she would always be his, and he would always be hers.

Even something as small as a text from him felt like the grandest gesture of love to Maeve. All she wanted was for Kit to feel the same way about her. Lost in these thoughts, she almost missed the sound of someone knocking at her door. She didn’t need to think twice to know who it was. Rushing to the door, she opened it with a huge smile on her face.

“You finally made it,”
she said excitedly. The moment she saw Kit, all her worries vanished. Without hesitation, she closed the distance between them and wrapped him in a hug.
“You don’t know how much I missed you.”

outfit: here
location: house
interactions: travelbypages travelbypages
Taylor Swift - You're On Your Own, Kid

coded by Stardust Galaxy

Daniel Lockridge

@AnimeGenork i

Excited and Hungry
Beach Festival

Daniel Lockridge stepped onto the sand of Sea Breeze Beach Festival, a familiar comfort settling over him. The sound of laughter, the crash of waves, and the warm breeze were all part of what he loved about living here. His usual routine included walks on the beach, but today, the festival added an extra layer of excitement.

As he wandered, people-watching, his attention was drawn to a little girl staring longingly at a game booth, her mom standing by her side. The girl’s wide eyes followed the rows of brightly colored stuffed animals hanging from the booth's awning. Daniel paused, watching for a moment before approaching the mother with a polite smile.

I’ll take a crack at it,” he said, stepping up to the game. His years of coordination helped him easily land the shot that won the girl her prize. He handed her a fluffy bear, her eyes lighting up with delight. “This one’s for you,” he said, waving them off before resuming his walk.

After making a few more loops around the festival, the smell of food hit him. Daniel’s stomach grumbled as he scanned the different vendors. One caught his eye: a small, charming Latin food booth, its vibrant menu drawing him in. As he moved up in the line, he noticed her.

The woman behind the counter was stunning, but not in a way that suggested she was aware of it. There was a natural beauty to her, an effortless grace that took his breath away. Distracted, Daniel fumbled the menu in his hand, quickly bending to pick it up. When he straightened, his eyes met hers, and for a moment—what felt like hours to him—the world seemed to stand still.

Clearing his throat, Daniel smiled softly. “What sucks about this is… everything looks good. Could you help me out?

His heart raced, though his tone was calm, as if this were just another moment. But something about her made it feel like much more.

“Time stands still”

♡design by yourlocal-eboyy, coded by uxie♡

Francis Louis

@travelbypages i

Beach Festival

The sun was high in the sky, casting its warm glow over the Sea Breeze Beach Festival. Francis, a seasoned surfer with sun-kissed skin and windswept hair, sat on the sand, his surfboard lazily propped beside him. The waves called to him, but the water was crowded today—packed with festival-goers who had no clue how to swim, let alone surf. He could see them, flailing around, trying to catch waves but failing miserably. Normally, that would frustrate anyone eager to hit the surf, but not Francis. He was a go-with-the-flow kind of guy, never one to get upset. He leaned back, letting the sun warm his skin, as he watched the chaotic scene unfold.

After a while, his gaze drifted away from the waves. He scanned the beach, soaking in the lively energy of the festival. It was then that he spotted her. A girl, standing not too far away, casually sipping on a drink. She had tattoos—intricate designs that danced across her skin, adding to her effortlessly cool vibe. And yeah, she was cute too. Really cute.

Francis let his gaze linger for a moment, then waited, hoping she’d feel his eyes on her and lock onto him. He knew that would be enough. If their eyes met, he'd have her curiosity. Maybe even more.


♡design by yourlocal-eboyy, coded by uxie♡

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