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Fandom Welcome to Piyo Town! (Rune Factory rp)[open]

Crimson Rose

Elder Member









  • Rune Factory

    Welcome to Piyo town!



♡coded by uxie, from the wonderful mind of dreamglow♡


Tucked away in a tranquil valley, Piyo Town sat right between two countries that absolutely hate each other. One part of the town being part of the magical Kingdom of Norad, the other half being part of the ever so growing industrial might that is the Sechs Empire. Despite the ongoing tension between the Kingdom of Norad and the Sechs Empire, Piyo Town remained a charming and lively place, attracting travelers from all corners of the world.

The older residents would often reminisce about the days when visitors would flock to the town to marvel at its natural beauty and unique offerings. From the exquisitely popular Piyo Piyo shoes tailored for leisurely strolls by the serene lake to the friendly monsters that coexisted with the townspeople, and the lovely dragon that watched over the valley’s runes.

Piyo Town was a true gem. Some of those Travelers never wanted to leave, choosing to settle in between the little haven and staying forever.

With the prolonged war between the Norad and the Sechs Empire getting worse, travel between the two nations wasn’t as pleasant of an experience as before. Piyo Town wasn’t as thought about anymore and faced a decline in visitors and resources from both nations. Moreover, the pressure of picking a side seeing as the town split right between two nations, has torn the relationship of the townsfolk.

The once vibrant community now grappled with the harsh reality of isolation and dwindling prosperity, the once bustling market street now stood desolate, with only a couple of shops managing to stay open for the remaining locals living in town.

Then, the Native dragon began to appear less and less, growing ill over time. Once teeming rivers now struggled to yield enough fish to sustain the dwindling population, and the once fertile fields lay barren and unable to provide as much for the few remaining tourists.

Air quality got worse as toxic fumes rolled from the Sechs side of the valley, reaching the lake and its surrounding which once shone with verdant beauty. The once friendly monsters grew more and more hostile in response. Now, only a few people managed to keep monsters secured under the Mayor’s permission.

Nothing really happened that much anymore in Piyo town other than some occasional disputes on what to do and whose side is to blame. That is until suddenly, a singular airship decides to make an appearance, crashing into the far side of town and leaving some stragglers stranded. Some of those stragglers having no memories of anything that just happened.


1. Please be respectful to your other role-players in the OOC this is a hate free zone, and a lgbtqia+ safe zone
2.I am limiting the characters to two per person, just to keep it more manageable. Faceclaims will be anime/fantasy/drawn characters please, no realistic.

3. At least four lines per post. As we get into motion, I'd like a post at least once a week please.

4. This roleplay is not a first come first serve roleplay, upon choosing a character role you will have four days to finish the character sheet. Then you will either be given an okay, or a nay. It is not the end if you don't get picked, you could always try again either redoing parts of the character or trying with another character. This system is just to ensure characters are actually being completed, and not just left on standby with a slot reserved and nothing coming from the character.

5.Please have discord for the Out of character, also please try to be active there as it's the best way to find out what's going on, and we like to play games every now and then.

6.Please be over the age of 18, as I'm not comfortable roleplaying with minors.

7. Monsters are limited to a maximum of three per person. For those who wish to keep monsters



Possible amnesiacs
The "False Royal" (EM): Taken
An Earthmate, who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Finds themselves being mistaken for the heir to Norad's throne while minding their own business, and soon wounds up being kidnapped shortly after by some soldiers from the Sech Empire. However, things seem to soon go haywire as they find the airship suddenly crashing into a town. (Definitely gets amnesia)
The "Beast" (H/M): Taken
A person unknowingly is a half-monster, gradually faces the difficulties of the world begins to change around them in more ways than one as they find themselves suddenly on top of airship over unknown lands. Right in the middle of a dire situation regarding the Sech Empire, and The Kingdom of Norad. (Possible amnesia)

The "Traveler" (EM): Taken
Mira a cluelessly optimistic earthmate who originally lived with in the empire for some time without knowing what the region was doing towards other earthmates. Before she gradually ventured off to wherever the road takes her, often not staying in one place too long. She has a heart of gold, that treasures just about almost everyone, and everything that she finds. Also has been known to be a bit of a buffoon (or a major disaster depends on who's talking) and that shines through even after a slightly tragic situation that led her to obtain amnesia.~~

The "Blank Slate" (H/M): open
A half-monster character for you to create however you wish with some slight restrictions. Who knows, you might end up with some good old fashion amnesia.( OOOOOooooOOOOooo!!!)

Native dragon "a maybe npc/playable character": taken
A Native dragon long since forgotten, now facing a dire time as they have few runes left to maintain their self and for the region they care about. This role I will be inspecting ocs the most over, as it has quite a vital role to the roleplay and the progression of the plot.

Knight: Taken
Actual royal: taken
Choose your job:

Scientist/Engineer: taken
Nurse: Taken

Piyo Town-
Mayor taken
Dragon Priest: taken
Innkeeper: taken
Medic: taken
Bartender: taken
Chef: Taken
Bathhouse owner: Taken
Mail person:
General store owner:
Blacksmith: Taken
Monster Vet :
Salon owner:
Librarian/ cafe owner: taken
Florist: taken
Insurance salesman:
Dentist: taken
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Love rune factory! It’s one of my favorite games of all time, specifically RF4. I’d be interested in making a Sechs Engineer/Merchant who is trying to create a “perfect” mechanical monster.
Love rune factory! It’s one of my favorite games of all time, specifically RF4. I’d be interested in making a Sechs Engineer/Merchant who is trying to create a “perfect” mechanical monster.
I love this concept!!!!! Also, same love rf4 very much and it's been ruling my life for the past year again, finally bunkered down and made a Rune factory rp!
Hello, I'm interested! Not sure completely on a role yet so I wanna ask is the discord only available after you've been accepted or could you potentially plan and plot up while working on a wip?
Secondary qs then
1) Is the discord made already (if so may I have a link)
2) should the links go somewhere? Or are the character sheet and ooc not set up yet for it?
Secondary qs then
1) Is the discord made already (if so may I have a link)
2) should the links go somewhere? Or are the character sheet and ooc not set up yet for it?
Links aren't set up yet over here, I'll dm you the discord link! And the character sheet!
potentially interested in making a bartender!!
we actually have someone for the bartender position, I apologize I was a little late in updating the roles, but we could use maybe a chef, or server to work along with the bartender?
no it’s totally cool I get it!! but I’d love to make a chef in that case
Omg how exciting! Dm the discord please! Rune Factory 3 is my favorite! I just bought the steam version recently. I'd be interested in maybe being a medic or bathhouse owner
Omg how exciting! Dm the discord please! Rune Factory 3 is my favorite! I just bought the steam version recently. I'd be interested in maybe being a medic or bathhouse owner
sweet a bathhouse owner would fit perfectly we don't have one yet!!! dming you the discord now!!!
Interested in the beast role, though to be honest I'm not super familiar with the source material, if that is required.
Interested in either the Knight or Blank Slate if this is still open!

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