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Realistic or Modern Welcome To Paradise City (80's Roleplay) - You choose what happens next, make the choice.

Winter Kakyoin

"I could've saved them... I really could've..."
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It was nine pm when Raven decided to look at the clock for the first time that night. It seemed like, not even an hour ago, it was still daylight. Taking her eyes off of the gravestone shaped alarm clock that sat on the nightstand, she turned back onto her right side, laying her head against her friend, (Your Oc/Cc's), shoulder once more. Her green eyes went back to watching the horror movie, Nightmare On Elmstreet, that had been playing on the TV. The night, and well, even the whole day before the sun set, had been rather quiet. It had given Raven and Emerson a day to just relax and binge watch all their favorite horror movies, and even check out some new ones that had recently been released.

That probably explained why it seemed that time had gone so fast. The whole day had been dedicated to horror movies. It wasn't a secret that Raven was a horror fan... Well, more horror obsessed. Her whole house had horror memorabilia everywhere. From posters, to figurines, to even some things she's custom made herself. It wasn't only horror themed though; the house had this spooky, gothic style that went along with it. Skulls everywhere, spider webs, creepy looking pictures. Her house was a literal gothic paradise, with a mix of some 80s metal bands in there too.

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