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Realistic or Modern Welcome, to Kindle High.

Adrian saw Nick come forward and stood in between her and leader. Having not noticed Nick, the leader stabbed him in the chest...

Nick felt a rush of blood come out from him before he collapsed onto the hard ground. He heard Adrian shriek but didn't have the strength to look up.

Adrian cried out in horror at her love's lifeless body. She turned towards the leader and swung a knife at him but missed ending up getting shot. She fell, her eyes filled with tears of happiness and sorrow.

"I love you" were the last words heard before the two couples died on the streets, hand in hand blood covering blood 
How was it? x3
I would go more into the bloody details but I'm too lazy and knowing you, you'd be freaked out and crying like a kid after I tell you :P
Nick looks at Adrian vaguely in the afterlife, gazing at her dead body in heaven. "You are so beautiful." He smiles

Adrian looks at her smiling lover and a grin made its way across her face "Oh? Are you flirting with me or trying to get my attention? Because looking at my body right now, it doesn't look pretty..." She retorts. Her ripped clothes were covered in blood and there was a hole wedged in between her shoulders where the bullet hit her artery
"Of course it's beautiful!" He laughed, "I don't like you for your appearance, but your personality." He smiled as he had a huge gushing hole in his chest

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