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Realistic or Modern Welcome to Death's Embrace (MxM, Modern, Assassin's)


Yiling Patriarch
I would really like my RP partners to write somewhere between 3-6 paragraphs, or 300+ words. I also prefer writing in 3rd person. No offense to anyone who identifies or enjoys 1st or otherwise, I just get extremely confused when trying to write or read in that POV.

Lastly, I just want to clarify that I only RP MxM (MalexMale).


YC was born in a family of assassin’s. They lived and breathed targeting, killing, and being paid with each body that fell by their hands. They were high up in the ranks of Assassin Society, until out of nowhere a teen (MC, 14) just a few years older than YC (10 at the time) appeared with a few other children at their side. Each family head was challenged and each lost to MC.

From there and over the next ten years, this group of teens took over the Assassination business, transforming it into a powerful Organization- The Crimson Council. They were its Founders and assassin’s from all over flocked to join them, each striving for the power and status it would give them. Reaper Rank was the highest position, a position among the Founder’s. While there were some disgruntled families, they were quickly subdued- by death or a position within the organization; though never Reaper Rank.

YC’s family was divided, some wanting to rebel, others wanting to submit. YC at first stood beside their father who wanted to take down the Reapers. But then on a mission gone wrong, YC was left for dead by their family. Just as darkness took them, a cloaked and masked male appeared cutting down everyone in their wake, two very familiar blood-red bladed katanas shined against the pools of blood.

He’d been rescued by MC, who went as far as bringing them to one of his hideouts, nursing them back to health, then disappearing like a ghost. A single note had been left behind, which spurred your character to turn their back on the family who abandoned them and to start their climb to be a Reaper.

‘I saved your life because you deserve a Chance. You have a choice to make. Walk away from this life of Blood and Betrayal, become… ‘Normal. (BORING) Or join MY family, get the vengeance you deserve, and stand beside me as the seas turn to blood.’

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