• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.


smile like you mean it
Hello everyone! This is the applications thread for the Camp Cretaceous roleplay!

The current due date for applications is Saturday, September 7th.

a friendly reminder that this roleplay is application based! so while you may see some people applying for a role you would like to go for, you can still go for that role! I will be picking the characters that I feel best fit the role! so, no need to worry!


The Nerd
Chess Oliver and Cinnamon the Nanuqsaurus forestferns forestferns


The Influencer


The Athlete

The Spy

The Blogger

The Dreamer

The Lucky

The Rich Kid

alright campers! here's your application form for you to fill out! now, you can use a code if you would like to, but it is by no means a requirement! as long as you have everything in the form, all is well!


Full Name


Age - 18+



Sexuality - please include romantic and sexuality orientation


History / Backstory - this is optional of course!

Skillset - what kind of skills do they have that would help the group survive? what are they good at? what are they horrible at? what are they mediocre at?


Appearance Description

Body Modifications / Scars








Their Role

How'd They End Up Here? - keep in mind these guys are VIP campers and tickets are both expensive and hard to acquire. so put some thought into this!

Luggage - what'd they bring with them? what's their backpack(s) / luggage case look like?

Bunk - what kind of bunk theme do they have going on? are they willing to share a bunk with someone else? what's their bunk room look like?


Dino's Name

Gender - unlike in the Jurassic Park franchise, dinosaurs are not limited to only being female

Personality - dinosaurs have their own unique personality! is the dino mischevious? reserved? a silly lil guy?

Dinosaur Appearance - can't find an image / gif? you can use a description!

What Period are They From - Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous

Group Utility - when it comes time for survival, how will the dino assist the group? are they able to be ridden for transportation? will they act as a guardian? will they carry things for the group?





Favorite Dinosaur

Headcanons / Other Facts
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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a.


    the nerd


    full name

    chess iris oliver




    twenty-two (22)


    april 10th

    gender and pronouns

    trans girl, fae/faer


    biromantic demibisexual

    pity party

    melanie martinez






    118 pounds

    hair c.

    ginger w/ blonde streaks

    eye c.






    Chess is just an endless rolling ball of hyperactive energy. Tired? What is that? Chess can easily keep someone on their toes with how hyper and talkative fae can be. Fae enjoys making new friends with others and fae has a huge habit of rambling to new people that fae just met without a second thought in faer head. Chess is your classic social butterfly extrovert with a lot to talk about. Chess cannot sit still for long periods of time, feeling the need to move around and find somebody to talk to. Once fae gets to talking, there's no stopping until fae's done with whatever subject was being talked about. Once Chess is your friend, fae's your friend for life. Chess has a habit of forgetting things and will forget that fae forgets things. If you can keep up with Chess' hyperactivity, then you'll get along just fine!


    plants, macaroni and cheese, dinosaurs, flower crowns, chocolate milk, soft and fluffy blankets, lemon scented candles, spicy food, pretty outfits, ghost stories, rainy weather, lemon flavored desserts


    sour candy,


    thanatophobia (fear of dying), claustrophobia (fear of confined spaces), arachnophobia (fear of arachnids)


    fingernail biting, pacing, humming, twirling hair, leg bouncing



    now i don't do history, i refuse to do it and you cannot make me do it RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.






    Cinnamon is a female Nanuqsaurus from the Late Cretaceous period. She is extremely protective of Chess and will go out of her way to charge at you with open jaws if you get to close to Chess and Cinnamon doesn't know you or trust you. If Chess trusts you, then Cinnamon will likely trust you as well. She has a knack for shiny objects and will attempt to snag them to hoarde them or bring them to Chess. It is possible to ride Cinnamon for transporation but she will only allow Chess to do so. Other than that, Cinnamon will act as a guard and attack dinosaur for the group, alerting them to danger and protecting the others.

    character name

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

    character name

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

    character name

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.



    favorite dinosaur

    It's hard for Chess to decide. But if fae would have to pick, fae would go with Edmontosaurus as faer favorite herbivore and Nanuqsaurus as faer favorite carnivore

    why chess is here

    Chess won a writing competition held by Jurassic World. Chess chose Edmontosaurus as faer subject and faer essay on the herbivorous dinosaur was chosen and that's how fae got faer ticket to Camp Cretaceous.


    Oh boy, Chess has a huge plant and dinosaur theme going on in faer bunk! Plants everywhere! There are artifical plant lights hanging from the wall, bunk beds with little plant lights on top and plant themed bedsheets and comforters, a dinosaur fossil printed rug, little potted plants on top shelves... it's safe to say Chess is fully going out with the decorating here. Chess doesn't mind sharing a bunk with someone else! In fact, fae would love the company!


    Chess has a cute bunny printed suitcase that fae brings along to the camp. Inside are a week's worth of clothes, the typical hygiene products such as toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, string floss, shampoo + bodywash, mouthwash, etc, faer sensory toolkit, a stuffed tyrannosaurus rex plushie, a dinosaur handbook, faer hairbrush and hairspray, faer favorite pillow, estradiol patches, bathing suit, makeup bag, and snacks


    gingerbread and peppermint


    Chess is an amazing cook! Bring Chess some herbs and some fish and vegetables and fae can make a mean stew out of it! It's just that fae loves spicy things and will be determined to make the spiciest stew possible. WIP

    other info

    - Chess has Autism, ADHD, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder
    - "hmmmmm this isn't spicy enough." fae says, as fae adds the hottest of hot sauces to the soup
    - special interests include dinosaurs, plants and rabbits

    ♡coded by uxie♡

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— levi.


Levi, a name of Hebrew origin, often interpreted to mean attached or joined. Levi’s parents have no connection to Christianity or Judaism, following a rough mixture of Daoism, Buddhism and ancestral worship, they just liked the sound of the name. They gave him an English name secondary to his Korean one, but when they moved to the States, it was put as his first name. It’s all he’s really been known as for most of his life, although those of an Asian background might be more prone to calling him by his Korean nickname/its derivatives. It’s really up to the person.

Ryung, initially his first name, it’s his Korean name, one that doesn’t follow the typical two-Hanja system, simply because his parents wanted to be ‘different’ and ‘trendy’. Sort of like how celebrities choose weird names for their kids, albeit tamer here. The name generally means brightness or willow from its root. It was a name selected partially for its meaning, but mostly because his parents again, liked the sound of it. They’re not very sentimental individuals.

Jun, has various versions, including Jeon and Chun, but in this instance, Levi’s family name is Jun. It is associated with multiple meanings depending on the Hanja characters used to write it: it can mean field, before (indicating precedence or being ahead of others) or broad relating to something expansive. Jun is also a nickname for a lively young man, coming from the adjective meaning young heroic. It’s not the most uncommon surname ever, but in the circles Levi’s parents run in, it’s often associated with Levi’s father’s firm, Jun & Jackson.

NICKNAMESLev, Ryu, Jun, Mr. Secretary

Lev, a nickname coming from his first name, sometimes used, it really depends on the person. He doesn’t care, truly. Whatever works. He has bigger things than what someone calls him to worry about, like world domination (/j, unless we’re talking about financial dominance over the stock market). It’s used semi-frequently, really depends on what the other person prefers.

Ryu, the shortened version of his Korean name, a nickname that will generally only be used by people who use his Korean name. It’s not that common for that reason, because he doesn’t provide his Korean name unless someone asks or unless it’s relevant. Again, he really doesn’t mind whatever people call him.

Jun, his surname, would be used in the same way people call others by their surnames in a friendly way, invoking a feeling of camaraderie. Or by someone who’s his sworn enemy, either or… it also tends to be used in business-type settings where it’s more formal. He doesn’t mind being called by his surname even if he has thoughts on how much of a family he and his parents are. He doesn’t really view his surname as a family name denoting bonds, it’s just a name to him.

Mr. Secretary, called this by some people on the in a mostly friendly way. He really gets into the zone when he has a task, and perhaps because he’s so serious about his role in and outside of his college's Student Senate, the nickname comes naturally. He doesn’t mind the nickname.

AGETwenty One.
Born on October the 24th, making him a Scorpio.

GENDERMale. Him/Him/His.
He’d never had any hang-ups about his gender, personally, although he does somewhat struggle with masculinity. He comes from a culture where stoicism and emotional restraint are encouraged and where Confucian values are embraced. Due to his upbringing, he avoids crying in front of people, it’s seen as unbecoming and feminine, even if it isn't. He doesn’t hold others to these standards because he’s aware about divergence in values between cultures, but he is afflicted with toxic masculinity on a personal level in this sense. It’s really not hurting anyone but himself in his case.

SexualityBiromatic Bisexual.
It’s something he was a little uncertain of, particularly frowned upon by the elders of his family, but he’s accepting of it. He has no preference in either direction, though he’s never openly been in a relationship with a man before, and the fact that he doesn’t talk about his sexuality unless explicitly asked means that most assume he’s straight, and he doesn’t correct them.

FACE CLAIMPark Won Bin.​
HEIGHT6'1" / 185.9 cm
IN DEPTH ✷ Tall, with a sporty build, he has warm beige skin that tans in the summer and pales in the winter. He works out and takes his appearance seriously, so he has an athletic body. He is certainly good looking, and his dark eyebrows often give him a serious look. He has a slim face, with distinctive sharp features; strong cheekbones and jaw, a curved, flat nose. He doesn’t have any scars, piercings, or tattoos. He’s very careful and doesn’t think piercings or tattoos would look good on him. Though, he does keep his hair right above his shoulders. It's a little choppy at his ends, he cuts his own hair all the time, but it’s not too noticeable; he says it’s a style choice, but he just doesn’t want to admit that he’s absolute shit at cutting hair. His maids have to help him whenever he decides to cut it because he refuses to go to a salon. He pulls half of it back into a low ponytail from time to time, leaving the pieces that can’t fit to hang around and frame his face. It looks like he just rolled out of bed with it, despite swearing he took about an hour to get it done. He genuinely doesn’t know what to do with it so he enjoys whenever someone does his hair. Whenever he ties his hair in a bun a few hairs stick outwards like the stamens of a spider lily, although he considers them nothing but flyaways.



FIRST AID ── 7/10 ✷ Ever the overprepared, Levi lives by the emergency first aid kit he carries on and with his person at all times. It's typically found tucked within the recesses of the crossbody bag he wears, fitted with a number of items to treat immediate wounds; antiseptic wipes, nonlatex gloves, aspirin, adhesive bandages, you name it, Levi has most likely got too much of it. You'll often find him using and reusing the hand sanitizer in the kit. He's made a point to treat even the smallest scratches, but that doesn't mean he's a licensed medical professional, no matter how alluring those Hello Kitty bandaids he boasts. He has a steady hand is capable of stitching up deeper wounds, although he's never tried.

KNOT TYING ── 10/10 ✷ Years of docking and securing the sails of his father's racing boat have all lead up to this accidental skill, Levi has the callouses to prove it. He's an expert at knots, their type, and the fastest way to loosen them. Although he holds a certain resentment towards knot tying, Levi knows how to tie down tarps and secure items to keep them from rolling away. Despite the skill seeming useless for most tasks, it comes surprisingly in handy when needing to set snares.

DINOSAUR KNOW-HOW ── 2/10 ✷ Who are we kidding? Levi knows next to nothing about these oversized lizards. Aren't these things supposed to be extinct? He utterly fumbles the bag when it comes to identifying which dinosaurs are carnivores or vegetarian (the word omnivore practically doesn't exist to him). He's likely the last person out of the group to turn to for dinosaur fun facts, he barely can pronounce their names, let alone remember what they do.

STRONG LEFT HOOK ── 6/10 ✷ After years of tennis (it’s a sport he’s been playing since he was a kid, he’s partial to badminton, too─ but he would say that tennis is more difficult, and he likes the challenge) and boxing, Levi tends to pack quite the punch (literally). While he often strives to think with his head and not with his hands, he knows how to fight back and he isn't necessarily opposed to pulling a fast one if he sees fit (for survival's sake).

TLDR: meticulous, logical, determined, arrogant, passionate, sentimental, pragmatic, independent, organized, reliable, critical, blunt, honest, cautiously reckless, social, decisive, intuitive, stubborn, realist, cynical, empathetic (at times), protective, idealistic (in some ways), good listener, conversationalist, committed, serious, planner, neat freak, disciplined, efficient, analytical, focused, confident, resourceful, goal-driven, ambitious, self-reliant, direct, insightful, intense.

Levi is a man of contradictions, someone who somehow lives so by the book and so against the norm at the same time. Perhaps that’s because he doesn’t live by just any old book, he lives by his book—he’s the author, the publisher, the graphic designer. He’s a meticulous planner, and when it comes to his own goals and morals, he follows them down to a T, but the same can’t be said for the rules and boxes created by others. He doesn’t break rules for the sake of breaking them, but if it means reaching his goals? He could really not care less about the playbook, he doesn’t believe in listening to an authority, he believes in listening to reason. And hey, who’s more logical than himself? Somewhat arrogant, he’s a my way or the highway” kind of person, and in fairness, he’s usually correct. To his credit, he will apologize if he’s wrong, but in the heat of the moment, he trusts his logic before anyone else’s.

His disregard for the rules doesn’t mean he lives life like an uninhibited person. He has his own very set plans for life, and is a complete overplanner. He plans everything, to the extent that most people would be disturbed hearing about how he has to have breakfast at exactly 7am every morning and even plans out when to drink water while he’s working. He works hard, but he also plays hard, within his own constraints. It’s not that he’s ‘anti-fun’, the fun just needs to be, you know, planned. His working pattern is characterized by such careful planning down to timed restroom breaks, much like a robot, and in his view, that’s the best way to work. Planning everything meticulously is the only way he can relax and loosen up at the end of the day.

Levi definitely has OCD, likely developed from the feeling of a lack of control in his childhood. Part of that is being a neat freak, down to whether a painting is a perfect 90 degrees, but it’s more than that—his timings are important to him and he gets incredibly grumpy and borderline insane if his schedule is messed with. Normally, he’s actually pretty easy-going on the outside if things are going to plan, but you do not want to see him if he’s woken up 10 minutes too late (or too early, for that matter). He’ll sit in a corner brooding with his cup of coffee, and he’ll be cranky as all hell. He has a habit of being particularly snappy if things aren’t going as planned.

On that note, he’s just pretty blunt in general, to a damning degree. It’s not even an intention to be mean or harsh, and that’s probably why he still gets along with most people, because it’s obvious he doesn’t intend harm, he’s just honest to a fault. He’ll earnestly ask “are you wearing that out?” if someone’s dressed in a way he doesn’t deem typical for the venue, followed by a disapproving dad look as he returns to his newspaper. He can be lethal in an argument, not because his debate skills are particularly polished, but because he goes straight for the jugular, and he’s made people cry before when he raises his voice, purely because it feels so much like being told off by your father. He feels instantly bad afterwards, and will probably end up trying to make amends in his own way, usually by straight up handing them a wad of cash, and will become perplexed if that doesn’t work.

He’s not a horrible person, but he’s a realist and somewhat out-of-touch due to growing up in money. He cares deeply about people, but he’s not very good at expressing it in a consistent and healthy way. Levi is a self-proclaimed realist and sometimes that makes him cynical, prone to expressing his disapproval for things more than he expresses support or pride. He’s critical, and because he’s always striving for high standards, he holds others to high standards as well. He’ll be the first one to shut down delusions or tell someone they’re being stupid, or even that they’re working too hard, it’s not always about being negative, it largely comes out of concern for people’s health too. Health is important to someone as goal-driven as him, because he can’t very well carry out his extensive life plan if he’s ill all the time, and having friends in poor health, whether that’s mental or physical, is not conducive to his goals either. He could be a little nicer about it, but with the right people, his tough love approach is effective.

Ambition is a driving force behind most of what he does. He’s not exactly overly competitive, he doesn’t need to be the best, he needs to be successful by his own measure. He’s not going to flip the table if he loses a board game, but he’ll still unnecessarily plan out each move as though it’s the last thing he’ll ever do and it needs to be perfect. Everything is a goal for him, and he creates logical steps to achieve his goals, often devoid of emotion or sentiment. Those goals will be achieved by any means necessary, if available he’ll choose the least harmful path, but as mentioned, he’s not above breaking laws and rules in the name of ambition and success. His mother never expected anything of him and his father expected too much, and both of those influences have only pushed him in different ways to put in the hours and become absurdly successful.

He’s a serious person, because life is serious, he says, but regardless he’s still capable of having fun and has a sense of humor. He’s on track to become one of the big names in Wall Street who spend their mornings and afternoons crushing numbers and making ballsy investments, only to party in the evenings. Of course, his idea of fun is more gambling and betting (pretty much just work in a different font) and he’s actually not a big drinker, preferring to keep a clear mind—a summer camp is not his first idea of fun, but er… first time for everything? Being more open-minded was his new year’s resolution, and unlike most people, he actually follows through with those (they’re goals, aren’t they?). That being said, he’s not doing a great job and he’s pretty skeptical about how this whole dinosaur camp will go. He’s smart enough to know that people living and sleeping in the same space as one another for an extended period of time is down to lead to… drama. He does not like drama. It’s very time-wasting.

As much as he can be harsh and critical and can hand out pills that are tough to swallow, he’s an incredibly reliable person to have around. He plans for everything, meaning he carries a med aid kit everywhere, always has a pen to hand, and if you give him a time to meet, he’ll be there at that exact time, not a minute sooner or later. He cares a lot about himself and his own goals, it’s true, but he does respect other people’s right to go after their own outcomes, and he sees their time as being as valuable as his own. Levi frowns down a lot on tardiness or disorganization, but he does have some empathy if there’s a valid excuse or explanation. He’s protective and a great therapist friend at the best of times, and at the worst, he can be solitary and emotionally reserved, it really depends on what’s going on in his life and how well things are going to plan.

In spite of being more on the logical side and not being outwardly vulnerable, his determined nature means that passion does come into play often. He’s passionate about finance, for example, and he’s somewhat passionate about love. He has a hidden sentimental side he rarely shows, keeping mementos from his childhood and significant life events, not because they serve a practical purpose, but because they hold emotional value, a divergence from his otherwise pragmatic persona. For him, love is still another step in the grand life plan—he believes in soulmates, funnily enough, and god forbid he thinks you’re his, he’ll be insufferably committed. He’s not one to shy away from expressing his feelings, albeit in his own blunt and straightforward manner. Logic and reason are embedded into this, and he has a very mathematical approach to it all—“I like you, you like me, is that not simple enough?” Levi’s belief in soulmates is a rare glimpse into his idealistic side, and so when he commits, he does so with the conviction that he’s found his other half. He’s not someone who dates casually or goes through flings, he’s had relationships, but they’ve all been serious on his end, though he’s not one to cry or get upset when things go wrong. They clearly weren’t his soulmate if they broke up.

Levi sees the world in black and white, that’s his problem. There’s no such thing as grey, there’s no such thing as hesitation for him—he’s decisive about anything and everything. Life-changing decisions are as simple for him as choosing a flavor of ice cream. There is an objectively correct answer, and he’s going to find it or die trying. He’d rather go all in and be completely wrong, than hesitate and lose out on less. A gambler, truly, but these heavy decisions don’t go without considering all the facts, he’s cautiously reckless, if that makes any sense at all. He trusts his intuition because it tends to be correct and is logic-based, so he’s capable of making important decisions in a split-second, rarely ever wrong. Once his mind is made up, he’s stubborn to his core, and you’ll be hard pressed changing his views on what the right choice is.

Although he’s an independent creature, he’s still a social being. He detests being ordered around or told what to do, but he enjoys late night conversations and philosophical exchanges. He’s relatively popular partially because of pretty privilege, but also because he’s a great conversationalist, and a great listener too. As long as your rambling has a point, he’ll happily listen (with the condition it doesn’t impede on his other timed activities…), it’s meaningless small talk he has no patience for. He’s pretty open about how much he hates small talk. “The weather’s nice today” “And?” is usually how those kinds of interactions go, and it can be disconcerting for those unfamiliar with him. But if you want to cry on his shoulder or something, he’ll be there—he’ll probably be purchasing stocks simultaneously, but since when was multitasking a crime? You’ll know he really loves you if he’s willing to bend his schedule just for you, or stops the multitasking (however effective he is at it) to give you his sole attention.

LIKES ✷ Late Night Drives/Conversations/Walks. Tennis. Working out. Numbers. Chalk Boards. Most Music Genres. Piano. Cashmere. Colognes. Cold Showers. Watching the Sun Rise. Red Wine. Reading Newspapers. Stock Market Analysis. Classical Literature. Fine Art. Philanthropy. Hiking. Theatre/Opera. Historical Documentaries. Golfing on Weekends. Chess. Espresso. Vinyl Records. Fine Leather Goods. High-End Technology. Travelling. Vintage Cars. Symphony Performances.

DISLIKES ✷ Lazy People. Small Talk. Disorganization. Loud/Chaotic Environments. Superficial Conversations. Humid Weather. Being Bossed Around. Cluttered Spaces. Excessive Drama. Unreliability. Long Meetings Without Clear Agendas. Junk Food. Excessive Social Media Use. Waiting In Line. Cilantro. Bright Clothing. Overly Sweet Desserts. Soda. Sleeping In. Long Showers. Baths.

HABITS ✷ Incredible posture. Leans down to listen to people with hands folded behind back. Meticulous workout routine (compulsive behavior). Monitored water intake. Fixes his hair in the mirror frequently. Hand gestures when speaking. Clears his throat to silence a room. Adjusts a lot when sitting. Checks his watch excessively. Organized workspace. Paces when thinking, in strides. Prefers to stand in meetings. Steady eye contact. Jots down notes in a notepad throughout the day as reminders. Narrows eyes when sceptical or assessing a situation. Crosses arms as a contemplative or defensive stance. Tenses jaw when stressed out. Rarely uses buffer words. Sighs and facepalms at stupidity. Relaxed but confident stance. Walks at a brisk pace (only because he’s tall and takes large strides, people of similar build can reasonably keep up). Leans against windows/doors/walls/people when tired.

FEARS ✷ Change ── From the smallest of adjustments in his schedule to life-altering events, Levi has always dreaded change. Every year he gets a bit older, and with that, more desperate to cling onto what he had. On the precipice of adulthood (real adulthood, leaving college, making a name for himself), he can't deny he's still clinging to the hope that there's still more left. More time. But that's the one thing he doesn't have. He struggles to live in the moment, struggles to become comfortable around others because he has a feeling all of this could come crashing down in an instant. Maybe that's why he agreed to this stupid trip to begin with. Maybe he wanted the distraction.

Rejection ── Stemming from the attention (or rather, lack thereof) he received from his parents; as mean and as stubborn as he is, Levi inherently wants to be liked by others. As a symptom of his OCD, he constantly seeks reassurance from others, whether he voices it or not. Without it, his mind runs rampant with excessive doubt and indecisiveness. He has difficulty coping with criticism, constructive or otherwise. This leads to perfectionism that can be consuming, interfering with completing tasks. He knows he can be ridiculous, but he just can't help himself.

The marriage between Jun Hyunwoo and Shin Soo-ah was one of convenience, a commitment born out of prosperity in the material sense with little to do with love. Soo-ah was a successful young model at the time and Hyunwoo was a businessman of a similar age, running his own financial firm called Jun & Jackson, named after the senior partners of the firm. They had both met in Seoul, South Korea at one of the shows Soo-ah was modelling for, where they saw in each other things they both sought. Hyunwoo was looking for a wife his family would approve of (in other words, someone beautiful and successful), while Soo-ah was after someone who would elevate her social standing. After a mere few dates, a marriage was formed on the foundations of mutual benefit.

Something Levi inherited from his parents was having clear plans for the future, although really, that was more of their parents’ influence in the case of Soo-ah and Hyunwoo, rather than being internal like Levi’s own drive. His parents were both born into money themselves, so a drive for success wasn’t something they ever needed to develop, even if they were good in their respective careers. Hyunwoo and Soo-ah were under particular pressure to conceive soon after marrying in their early 20s, with their parents wanting a grandson who they could shape just as they moulded their own kids to become who they were in the present. Both families held very traditional views, including a respect for elders, hierarchy, collectivism, academic achievement, marriage and family continuity, ancestral worship, gender roles, so on, so forth. Interestingly, Hyunwoo and Soo-ah didn’t really inherit these, living quite hedonistic self-centered lifestyles, but they did nevertheless cave into the pressure to have a child though neither was particularly excited about raising a child (wasn’t it just a bother? It’s hard to party when you have a baby to feed and watch over).

And so, Levi was brought into the world. This child who was seen as more of a hindrance than a gift, although his parents didn’t actively harm him or commit gross negligence, they really weren’t very involved with the whole parenting process. As a matter of fact, Levi was raised to not even call his parents mom and dad. It was always Hyunwoo and Soo-ah, or if appropriate, he’d have to address his father by sir. According to them, it felt too weird to be called mom and dad—aged them. Honestly, Levi thought it was normal back then because it’s all he had ever known, although the more he engaged with the media and as his worldview expanded, he came to realise his family was atypical for how disconnected they were. He can’t say he didn’t feel jealous, knowing that some children had parents who would hug and kiss them, who they could call by these affectionate familial names. Part of him has always craved that connection that he was never given.

The family had moved to New York when Levi was just 3 years old, although they often travelled back and forth with their private jets (something that the older he gets, Levi thinks is a huge waste of money, not to mention needlessly damaging to the environment. The more he ages, the more he finds unnecessary spending distasteful). He was raised in the US for as long as he can remember, both his parents fluent in English, with it being his first language although it’s closely followed by Korean. He was raised near entirely by nannies, and once he was old enough to be self-sufficient, he had a great degree of autonomy over his own lifestyle. He was both mature and somewhat irresponsible—he was careful enough never to endanger himself, but he got into gambling from a pretty young age, he’s only fortunate in that he’s good at it and so always turns a profit in the grand scheme of things.

Having a mother who has featured in several notable magazines, somewhat known in the States and a household name in South Korea, he was thrust into the limelight from a relatively young age. The media attention was never overbearing, but having pictures randomly snapped of you on your way back from school, or having people asking for your mother’s autograph, was hardly enjoyable, especially given he was so disconnected from his mother that he never really had anything to say when asked about his parents. It was an admission of something he’d much rather keep private—that his family was dysfunctional and could hardly be called a family at all.

Levi has always attended private schools, attending Phillips Exeter Academy for grades 9 through 12, and despite being naturally bright, it was an obvious advantage academically. Frankly though, he’s never had much patience for the guided learning style of prestigious boarding schools, preferring his own independent style of doing things (which his teachers were very much not fond of). However, being away from his parents was an upside, and he’s never had any terrible struggles in school. He made friends, he was relatively well-liked. He was surrounded by like-minded individuals who came from similar backgrounds to him, and that meant that none of them really pushed each other to be better people—lasting friendships weren’t formed. Things were fun in the moment, memories to look back on, but he never made any friends that were worthwhile to keep around. He knew it too, which is why his goals and life plans came before his friendships—not that he’d always prioritise them over friendship, but those particular relationships weren’t worth the sacrifice.

Levi’s always known that he wanted to major in finance, he has a passion for numbers, and to him, going into the stock exchange just sounded like being paid to gamble—it was the ideal career, and he’d be good at it. College pretty much went the same way as his boarding school years, although this time, he met a few individuals who presented better opportunities for friendship. After all, college was a more diverse environment, less insular, where he wasn’t surrounded by other rich kids. He’s become a better person for it, though his nature hasn’t changed, he’s simply become more empathetic and open-minded (by a little). It was definitely a culture shock, but it’s not like he was ever a crazy spoiled rich kid. His parents might have lived hedonistically, and he had opportunities to play things like polo or other cliché ‘upper east side’ activities, but he was never very materialistic. He likes to make money, but he’s a huge saver.

At the tail end of his freshman year, his parents were going through a particularly rough patch. It’s not as though Levi didn’t know his parents weren’t in love, he worked that out from a pretty young age. There were always whisperings amongst staff anyway. Plus, he’s caught both of his parents cheating numerous times—although, can it really even be called that? Neither of them cared, for one, there was no jealousy there. It was really more like they weren’t in a relationship at all, or at the very least, it wasn’t exclusive, both individuals quickly tiring of one another’s company. But then, arguments started occurring more and more, this time, financial. One accusing the other of taking money out of their bank account, or extorting money from the other. That was always the focus. Finance.

During the holidays, they divorced. It was a very anticlimactic affair. Levi had so many people asking him if he was doing alright when he came back for sophomore year, offering a listening ear—but he didn’t have anything to say. He wasn’t sad. It felt… weird, not having his parents in the same house and having to travel between estates for the holidays, but it wasn’t upsetting. He knew his parents weren’t right for each other, and part of his obsession with the concept of soulmates is because he’d never want to end up like that, with someone he’s incompatible with. If there’s one thing Hyunwoo and Soo-ah have taught him, it’s not to be like them. He might have looked up to them at one point in his life, in his youth, but now, he sees them for what they are.

TLDR: parents hedonists, didn’t really care about him, came from very traditional Confucius-following families. Never close with his parents, went to a private boarding school, didn’t really make lasting friendships, his parents divorced a year ago, he’s not sad about it but wishes he had a real mother and father to begin with.

Wallows - What You Like

ROLEThe Rich Kid.
HOW'D THEY END UP HERE? ✷ The story is long, and far too drawn out for Levi's liking. Just once, he wished his parents would go out of their way to attend one of his tennis matches; he was a junior in college now, and they had never gone out of their way to visit him despite him attending a college in their home state of New York. The ticket wasn't originally his, in fact, it was some other kid's- someone who had received the ticket through an internship with a biology lab studying dinosaur DNA. Levi's parents bought the ticket off the down-on-their-luck college student and ultimately, gifted it to a completely uninterested Levi as a forgive me gift. It's safe to say he'd rather be anywhere but here, but after his parent's insistence, he doesn't have much choice.
LUGGAGE ✷ Levi's luggage is an unnecessary surplus; two separate old black leather suitcases with his initials engraved on the handle in gold, and a smaller, crossbody bag that he wears with his day to day outfits. Levi is a minimalist at heart, someone who is very much the opposite of materialistic, but he has a tendency to overplan and in turn, overpack. Contained inside are the following things: a pillow with a silk cover, his electric toothbrush, expensive bubblegum toothpaste, cinnamon flavored mouthwash, a comb, hair pomade (though he doesn’t use much), a smaller pouch containing his skincare essentials, another pouch containing his shower essentials and deodorant, a cow themed face wash headband, a paperback copy of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, an ungodly thick wad of cash bound in rubber bands, over a week's worth of clothes, too many gold toe socks, a sweater, a windbreaker, sleepwear + matching slippers, a pack of mints, an emergency pack of hand sanitizer, and an extra pair of Nike shoes. In his crossbody bag he carries a lighter, a first aid kit, a pair of sunglasses, sunscreen, hand cream, tissues, chapstick, and a couple granola bars.
BUNK ✷ First and foremost, Levi absolutely prefers to have the lower bunk. (Bad childhood memories from falling off the top bunk at his cousin's house during a sleepover.) He's not necessarily picky about who his bunkmate is, as long as they don't mind that Levi stays up late with his reading lamp on beneath them. His bunk is a reflection of himself, the bed always made and the sheets always smoothed out. His bunk is his sacred space, minimalist, but decisive decoration; a Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of The Ring poster hangs on the wall adjacent to his bed, surrounded by his high school diploma and a collage of pictures— many of them pictures taken during his tennis matches, a few of himself with friends back at school, and even fewer of himself and family. One of his favorite tennis rackets hangs on a nail on the bedpost across from him. Attached to the bedpost closest to his head, is a reading lamp he can switch on and off as he sees fit.

DINO'S NAME ✷ Archimedes, affectionately called Medes by Levi and others from time to time. Named after the Ancient Greek mathematician, meaning great thinker, or planner.
GENDER ✷ Male.
PERSONALITY ✷ Archimedes, as described by Levi, is the dinosaur equivalent of a bulldog. He's snorty, snotty, and not the brightest bulb in the box. Despite being the size of a small tank, he wants everyone and everything to be his friend, often walking up to complete strangers looking for (as Levi crudely puts it "scratchies"). Archimedes has a tendency not to realize his size, his large, swinging tail knocking into objects that aren't tied down or monitored— too curious for his own good, he tries to squeeze his one ton body into small spaces for the sake of trying, or more likely, snacks. He will go through a bag of Cheetos in the blink of an eye, but is it really his fault? Archimedes is a simple creature, really. Give him scratchies, and you're his favorite person for the day. It would almost be endearing, if he didn't cause Levi so many issues.
UTILITIES ✷ Archimedes, despite his tank-like build, is usually tasked with carrying large items and bags for the group. He can be equipped with bags and a saddle, although it takes the promise of a treat to get him to settle down. He's capable of carrying up to three passengers comfortably on his back (if you can get over the bumpy ride, that is). As deadly as the swing of his tail is, he is not as fast as the other dinosaurs and is only used in the special occasion where strength matters.

AROMA ✷ Levi smells of expensive perfume (a woodsy, vanilla perfume that makes him smell as if he bathed in vanilla extract), a not wholly unpleasant combination of fresh linen from his clothes and lavender from his specially crafted shampoo + conditioner.
FAVORITE DINOSAUR ✷ Mosasaurus, this overgrown reptile draws Levi's adoration not only for its massive size and undeniably terrifying appearance, but also because Levi insists the Mosasaurus is an elite species compared to the Megalodon. He refuses to elaborate but he stands on business when it comes to these sea dragons.
HEADCANONS ✷ Levi is pretty superstitious about things, for all his skepticism. He might laugh at the idea that something is haunted by ghosts, but this is the same man who will never write out someone’s name in red ink.

✎ Where possible he only drinks warm water, believed to be a form of traditional Korean/Chinese medicine thought to balance the body’s energy and detoxify.

✎ He really, really wants a dog or a cat. He wasn’t allowed any pets growing up, he just hasn’t found the right moment to adopt (and of course, wouldn’t dream of adopting a pet spontaneously, that requires at least two weeks of planning).

✎ Unironically carries a stopwatch around at all times. If you say you'll only be 5 minutes? Know that he's timing the seconds, and if you're even the slightest bit late he'll be standing there, shaking his head in disapproval.

✎ He cares about his friends’ well being, so as the good friend that he is, if you're being lazy he will tell you to drop down and give him 20.

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♡ code credit goes to uxie ♡



Levi, a name of Hebrew origin, often interpreted to mean attached or joined. Levi’s parents have no connection to Christianity or Judaism, following a rough mixture of Daoism, Buddhism and ancestral worship, they just liked the sound of the name. They gave him an English name secondary to his Korean one, but when they moved to the States, it was put as his first name. It’s all he’s really been known as for most of his life, although those of an Asian background might be more prone to calling him by his Korean nickname/its derivatives. It’s really up to the person.

Ryung, initially his first name, it’s his Korean name, one that doesn’t follow the typical two-Hanja system, simply because his parents wanted to be ‘different’ and ‘trendy’. Sort of like how celebrities choose weird names for their kids, albeit tamer here. The name generally means brightness or willow from its root. It was a name selected partially for its meaning, but mostly because his parents again, liked the sound of it. They’re not very sentimental individuals.

Jun, has various versions, including Jeon and Chun, but in this instance, Levi’s family name is Jun. It is associated with multiple meanings depending on the Hanja characters used to write it: it can mean field, before (indicating precedence or being ahead of others) or broad relating to something expansive. Jun is also a nickname for a lively young man, coming from the adjective meaning young heroic. It’s not the most uncommon surname ever, but in the circles Levi’s parents run in, it’s often associated with Levi’s father’s firm, Jun & Jackson.

NICKNAMESLev, Ryu, Jun, Mr. Secretary

Lev, a nickname coming from his first name, sometimes used, it really depends on the person. He doesn’t care, truly. Whatever works. He has bigger things than what someone calls him to worry about, like world domination (/j, unless we’re talking about financial dominance over the stock market). It’s used semi-frequently, really depends on what the other person prefers.

Ryu, the shortened version of his Korean name, a nickname that will generally only be used by people who use his Korean name. It’s not that common for that reason, because he doesn’t provide his Korean name unless someone asks or unless it’s relevant. Again, he really doesn’t mind whatever people call him.

Jun, his surname, would be used in the same way people call others by their surnames in a friendly way, invoking a feeling of camaraderie. Or by someone who’s his sworn enemy, either or… it also tends to be used in business-type settings where it’s more formal. He doesn’t mind being called by his surname even if he has thoughts on how much of a family he and his parents are. He doesn’t really view his surname as a family name denoting bonds, it’s just a name to him.

Mr. Secretary, called this by some people on the in a mostly friendly way. He really gets into the zone when he has a task, and perhaps because he’s so serious about his role in and outside of his college's Student Senate, the nickname comes naturally. He doesn’t mind the nickname.

AGETwenty One.
Born on October the 24th, making him a Scorpio.

GENDERMale. Him/Him/His.
He’d never had any hang-ups about his gender, personally, although he does somewhat struggle with masculinity. He comes from a culture where stoicism and emotional restraint are encouraged and where Confucian values are embraced. Due to his upbringing, he avoids crying in front of people, it’s seen as unbecoming and feminine, even if it isn't. He doesn’t hold others to these standards because he’s aware about divergence in values between cultures, but he is afflicted with toxic masculinity on a personal level in this sense. It’s really not hurting anyone but himself in his case.

SexualityBiromatic Bisexual.
It’s something he was a little uncertain of, particularly frowned upon by the elders of his family, but he’s accepting of it. He has no preference in either direction, though he’s never openly been in a relationship with a man before, and the fact that he doesn’t talk about his sexuality unless explicitly asked means that most assume he’s straight, and he doesn’t correct them.

FACE CLAIMPark Won Bin.​
HEIGHT6'1" / 185.9 cm
IN DEPTH ✷ Tall, with a sporty build, he has warm beige skin that tans in the summer and pales in the winter. He works out and takes his appearance seriously, so he has an athletic body. He is certainly good looking, and his dark eyebrows often give him a serious look. He has a slim face, with distinctive sharp features; strong cheekbones and jaw, a curved, flat nose. He doesn’t have any scars, piercings, or tattoos. He’s very careful and doesn’t think piercings or tattoos would look good on him. Though, he does keep his hair right above his shoulders. It's a little choppy at his ends, he cuts his own hair all the time, but it’s not too noticeable; he says it’s a style choice, but he just doesn’t want to admit that he’s absolute shit at cutting hair. His maids have to help him whenever he decides to cut it because he refuses to go to a salon. He pulls half of it back into a low ponytail from time to time, leaving the pieces that can’t fit to hang around and frame his face. It looks like he just rolled out of bed with it, despite swearing he took about an hour to get it done. He genuinely doesn’t know what to do with it so he enjoys whenever someone does his hair. Whenever he ties his hair in a bun a few hairs stick outwards like the stamens of a spider lily, although he considers them nothing but flyaways.


FIRST AID ── 7/10 ✷ Ever the overprepared, Levi lives by the emergency first aid kit he carries on and with his person at all times. It's typically found tucked within the recesses of the crossbody bag he wears, fitted with a number of items to treat immediate wounds; antiseptic wipes, nonlatex gloves, aspirin, adhesive bandages, you name it, Levi has most likely got too much of it. You'll often find him using and reusing the hand sanitizer in the kit. He's made a point to treat even the smallest scratches, but that doesn't mean he's a licensed medical professional, no matter how alluring those Hello Kitty bandaids he boasts. He has a steady hand is capable of stitching up deeper wounds, although he's never tried.

KNOT TYING ── 10/10 ✷ Years of docking and securing the sails of his father's racing boat have all lead up to this accidental skill, Levi has the callouses to prove it. He's an expert at knots, their type, and the fastest way to loosen them. Although he holds a certain resentment towards knot tying, Levi knows how to tie down tarps and secure items to keep them from rolling away. Despite the skill seeming useless for most tasks, it comes surprisingly in handy when needing to set snares.

DINOSAUR KNOW-HOW ── 2/10 ✷ Who are we kidding? Levi knows next to nothing about these oversized lizards. Aren't these things supposed to be extinct? He utterly fumbles the bag when it comes to identifying which dinosaurs are carnivores or vegetarian (the word omnivore practically doesn't exist to him). He's likely the last person out of the group to turn to for dinosaur fun facts, he barely can pronounce their names, let alone remember what they do.

STRONG LEFT HOOK ── 6/10 ✷ After years of tennis (it’s a sport he’s been playing since he was a kid, he’s partial to badminton, too─ but he would say that tennis is more difficult, and he likes the challenge) and boxing, Levi tends to pack quite the punch (literally). While he often strives to think with his head and not with his hands, he knows how to fight back and he isn't necessarily opposed to pulling a fast one if he sees fit (for survival's sake).

TLDR: meticulous, logical, determined, arrogant, passionate, sentimental, pragmatic, independent, organized, reliable, critical, blunt, honest, cautiously reckless, social, decisive, intuitive, stubborn, realist, cynical, empathetic (at times), protective, idealistic (in some ways), good listener, conversationalist, committed, serious, planner, neat freak, disciplined, efficient, analytical, focused, confident, resourceful, goal-driven, ambitious, self-reliant, direct, insightful, intense.

Levi is a man of contradictions, someone who somehow lives so by the book and so against the norm at the same time. Perhaps that’s because he doesn’t live by just any old book, he lives by his book—he’s the author, the publisher, the graphic designer. He’s a meticulous planner, and when it comes to his own goals and morals, he follows them down to a T, but the same can’t be said for the rules and boxes created by others. He doesn’t break rules for the sake of breaking them, but if it means reaching his goals? He could really not care less about the playbook, he doesn’t believe in listening to an authority, he believes in listening to reason. And hey, who’s more logical than himself? Somewhat arrogant, he’s a my way or the highway” kind of person, and in fairness, he’s usually correct. To his credit, he will apologize if he’s wrong, but in the heat of the moment, he trusts his logic before anyone else’s.

His disregard for the rules doesn’t mean he lives life like an uninhibited person. He has his own very set plans for life, and is a complete overplanner. He plans everything, to the extent that most people would be disturbed hearing about how he has to have breakfast at exactly 7am every morning and even plans out when to drink water while he’s working. He works hard, but he also plays hard, within his own constraints. It’s not that he’s ‘anti-fun’, the fun just needs to be, you know, planned. His working pattern is characterized by such careful planning down to timed restroom breaks, much like a robot, and in his view, that’s the best way to work. Planning everything meticulously is the only way he can relax and loosen up at the end of the day.

Levi definitely has OCD, likely developed from the feeling of a lack of control in his childhood. Part of that is being a neat freak, down to whether a painting is a perfect 90 degrees, but it’s more than that—his timings are important to him and he gets incredibly grumpy and borderline insane if his schedule is messed with. Normally, he’s actually pretty easy-going on the outside if things are going to plan, but you do not want to see him if he’s woken up 10 minutes too late (or too early, for that matter). He’ll sit in a corner brooding with his cup of coffee, and he’ll be cranky as all hell. He has a habit of being particularly snappy if things aren’t going as planned.

On that note, he’s just pretty blunt in general, to a damning degree. It’s not even an intention to be mean or harsh, and that’s probably why he still gets along with most people, because it’s obvious he doesn’t intend harm, he’s just honest to a fault. He’ll earnestly ask “are you wearing that out?” if someone’s dressed in a way he doesn’t deem typical for the venue, followed by a disapproving dad look as he returns to his newspaper. He can be lethal in an argument, not because his debate skills are particularly polished, but because he goes straight for the jugular, and he’s made people cry before when he raises his voice, purely because it feels so much like being told off by your father. He feels instantly bad afterwards, and will probably end up trying to make amends in his own way, usually by straight up handing them a wad of cash, and will become perplexed if that doesn’t work.

He’s not a horrible person, but he’s a realist and somewhat out-of-touch due to growing up in money. He cares deeply about people, but he’s not very good at expressing it in a consistent and healthy way. Levi is a self-proclaimed realist and sometimes that makes him cynical, prone to expressing his disapproval for things more than he expresses support or pride. He’s critical, and because he’s always striving for high standards, he holds others to high standards as well. He’ll be the first one to shut down delusions or tell someone they’re being stupid, or even that they’re working too hard, it’s not always about being negative, it largely comes out of concern for people’s health too. Health is important to someone as goal-driven as him, because he can’t very well carry out his extensive life plan if he’s ill all the time, and having friends in poor health, whether that’s mental or physical, is not conducive to his goals either. He could be a little nicer about it, but with the right people, his tough love approach is effective.

Ambition is a driving force behind most of what he does. He’s not exactly overly competitive, he doesn’t need to be the best, he needs to be successful by his own measure. He’s not going to flip the table if he loses a board game, but he’ll still unnecessarily plan out each move as though it’s the last thing he’ll ever do and it needs to be perfect. Everything is a goal for him, and he creates logical steps to achieve his goals, often devoid of emotion or sentiment. Those goals will be achieved by any means necessary, if available he’ll choose the least harmful path, but as mentioned, he’s not above breaking laws and rules in the name of ambition and success. His mother never expected anything of him and his father expected too much, and both of those influences have only pushed him in different ways to put in the hours and become absurdly successful.

He’s a serious person, because life is serious, he says, but regardless he’s still capable of having fun and has a sense of humor. He’s on track to become one of the big names in Wall Street who spend their mornings and afternoons crushing numbers and making ballsy investments, only to party in the evenings. Of course, his idea of fun is more gambling and betting (pretty much just work in a different font) and he’s actually not a big drinker, preferring to keep a clear mind—a summer camp is not his first idea of fun, but er… first time for everything? Being more open-minded was his new year’s resolution, and unlike most people, he actually follows through with those (they’re goals, aren’t they?). That being said, he’s not doing a great job and he’s pretty skeptical about how this whole dinosaur camp will go. He’s smart enough to know that people living and sleeping in the same space as one another for an extended period of time is down to lead to… drama. He does not like drama. It’s very time-wasting.

As much as he can be harsh and critical and can hand out pills that are tough to swallow, he’s an incredibly reliable person to have around. He plans for everything, meaning he carries a med aid kit everywhere, always has a pen to hand, and if you give him a time to meet, he’ll be there at that exact time, not a minute sooner or later. He cares a lot about himself and his own goals, it’s true, but he does respect other people’s right to go after their own outcomes, and he sees their time as being as valuable as his own. Levi frowns down a lot on tardiness or disorganization, but he does have some empathy if there’s a valid excuse or explanation. He’s protective and a great therapist friend at the best of times, and at the worst, he can be solitary and emotionally reserved, it really depends on what’s going on in his life and how well things are going to plan.

In spite of being more on the logical side and not being outwardly vulnerable, his determined nature means that passion does come into play often. He’s passionate about finance, for example, and he’s somewhat passionate about love. He has a hidden sentimental side he rarely shows, keeping mementos from his childhood and significant life events, not because they serve a practical purpose, but because they hold emotional value, a divergence from his otherwise pragmatic persona. For him, love is still another step in the grand life plan—he believes in soulmates, funnily enough, and god forbid he thinks you’re his, he’ll be insufferably committed. He’s not one to shy away from expressing his feelings, albeit in his own blunt and straightforward manner. Logic and reason are embedded into this, and he has a very mathematical approach to it all—“I like you, you like me, is that not simple enough?” Levi’s belief in soulmates is a rare glimpse into his idealistic side, and so when he commits, he does so with the conviction that he’s found his other half. He’s not someone who dates casually or goes through flings, he’s had relationships, but they’ve all been serious on his end, though he’s not one to cry or get upset when things go wrong. They clearly weren’t his soulmate if they broke up.

Levi sees the world in black and white, that’s his problem. There’s no such thing as grey, there’s no such thing as hesitation for him—he’s decisive about anything and everything. Life-changing decisions are as simple for him as choosing a flavor of ice cream. There is an objectively correct answer, and he’s going to find it or die trying. He’d rather go all in and be completely wrong, than hesitate and lose out on less. A gambler, truly, but these heavy decisions don’t go without considering all the facts, he’s cautiously reckless, if that makes any sense at all. He trusts his intuition because it tends to be correct and is logic-based, so he’s capable of making important decisions in a split-second, rarely ever wrong. Once his mind is made up, he’s stubborn to his core, and you’ll be hard pressed changing his views on what the right choice is.

Although he’s an independent creature, he’s still a social being. He detests being ordered around or told what to do, but he enjoys late night conversations and philosophical exchanges. He’s relatively popular partially because of pretty privilege, but also because he’s a great conversationalist, and a great listener too. As long as your rambling has a point, he’ll happily listen (with the condition it doesn’t impede on his other timed activities…), it’s meaningless small talk he has no patience for. He’s pretty open about how much he hates small talk. “The weather’s nice today” “And?” is usually how those kinds of interactions go, and it can be disconcerting for those unfamiliar with him. But if you want to cry on his shoulder or something, he’ll be there—he’ll probably be purchasing stocks simultaneously, but since when was multitasking a crime? You’ll know he really loves you if he’s willing to bend his schedule just for you, or stops the multitasking (however effective he is at it) to give you his sole attention.

LIKES ✷ Late Night Drives/Conversations/Walks. Tennis. Working out. Numbers. Chalk Boards. Most Music Genres. Piano. Cashmere. Colognes. Cold Showers. Watching the Sun Rise. Red Wine. Reading Newspapers. Stock Market Analysis. Classical Literature. Fine Art. Philanthropy. Hiking. Theatre/Opera. Historical Documentaries. Golfing on Weekends. Chess. Espresso. Vinyl Records. Fine Leather Goods. High-End Technology. Travelling. Vintage Cars. Symphony Performances.

DISLIKES ✷ Lazy People. Small Talk. Disorganization. Loud/Chaotic Environments. Superficial Conversations. Humid Weather. Being Bossed Around. Cluttered Spaces. Excessive Drama. Unreliability. Long Meetings Without Clear Agendas. Junk Food. Excessive Social Media Use. Waiting In Line. Cilantro. Bright Clothing. Overly Sweet Desserts. Soda. Sleeping In. Long Showers. Baths.

HABITS ✷ Incredible posture. Leans down to listen to people with hands folded behind back. Meticulous workout routine (compulsive behavior). Monitored water intake. Fixes his hair in the mirror frequently. Hand gestures when speaking. Clears his throat to silence a room. Adjusts a lot when sitting. Checks his watch excessively. Organized workspace. Paces when thinking, in strides. Prefers to stand in meetings. Steady eye contact. Jots down notes in a notepad throughout the day as reminders. Narrows eyes when sceptical or assessing a situation. Crosses arms as a contemplative or defensive stance. Tenses jaw when stressed out. Rarely uses buffer words. Sighs and facepalms at stupidity. Relaxed but confident stance. Walks at a brisk pace (only because he’s tall and takes large strides, people of similar build can reasonably keep up). Leans against windows/doors/walls/people when tired.

FEARS ✷ Change ── From the smallest of adjustments in his schedule to life-altering events, Levi has always dreaded change. Every year he gets a bit older, and with that, more desperate to cling onto what he had. On the precipice of adulthood (real adulthood, leaving college, making a name for himself), he can't deny he's still clinging to the hope that there's still more left. More time. But that's the one thing he doesn't have. He struggles to live in the moment, struggles to become comfortable around others because he has a feeling all of this could come crashing down in an instant. Maybe that's why he agreed to this stupid trip to begin with. Maybe he wanted the distraction.

Rejection ── Stemming from the attention (or rather, lack thereof) he received from his parents; as mean and as stubborn as he is, Levi inherently wants to be liked by others. As a symptom of his OCD, he constantly seeks reassurance from others, whether he voices it or not. Without it, his mind runs rampant with excessive doubt and indecisiveness. He has difficulty coping with criticism, constructive or otherwise. This leads to perfectionism that can be consuming, interfering with completing tasks. He knows he can be ridiculous, but he just can't help himself.

The marriage between Jun Hyunwoo and Shin Soo-ah was one of convenience, a commitment born out of prosperity in the material sense with little to do with love. Soo-ah was a successful young model at the time and Hyunwoo was a businessman of a similar age, running his own financial firm called Jun & Jackson, named after the senior partners of the firm. They had both met in Seoul, South Korea at one of the shows Soo-ah was modelling for, where they saw in each other things they both sought. Hyunwoo was looking for a wife his family would approve of (in other words, someone beautiful and successful), while Soo-ah was after someone who would elevate her social standing. After a mere few dates, a marriage was formed on the foundations of mutual benefit.

Something Levi inherited from his parents was having clear plans for the future, although really, that was more of their parents’ influence in the case of Soo-ah and Hyunwoo, rather than being internal like Levi’s own drive. His parents were both born into money themselves, so a drive for success wasn’t something they ever needed to develop, even if they were good in their respective careers. Hyunwoo and Soo-ah were under particular pressure to conceive soon after marrying in their early 20s, with their parents wanting a grandson who they could shape just as they moulded their own kids to become who they were in the present. Both families held very traditional views, including a respect for elders, hierarchy, collectivism, academic achievement, marriage and family continuity, ancestral worship, gender roles, so on, so forth. Interestingly, Hyunwoo and Soo-ah didn’t really inherit these, living quite hedonistic self-centered lifestyles, but they did nevertheless cave into the pressure to have a child though neither was particularly excited about raising a child (wasn’t it just a bother? It’s hard to party when you have a baby to feed and watch over).

And so, Levi was brought into the world. This child who was seen as more of a hindrance than a gift, although his parents didn’t actively harm him or commit gross negligence, they really weren’t very involved with the whole parenting process. As a matter of fact, Levi was raised to not even call his parents mom and dad. It was always Hyunwoo and Soo-ah, or if appropriate, he’d have to address his father by sir. According to them, it felt too weird to be called mom and dad—aged them. Honestly, Levi thought it was normal back then because it’s all he had ever known, although the more he engaged with the media and as his worldview expanded, he came to realise his family was atypical for how disconnected they were. He can’t say he didn’t feel jealous, knowing that some children had parents who would hug and kiss them, who they could call by these affectionate familial names. Part of him has always craved that connection that he was never given.

The family had moved to New York when Levi was just 3 years old, although they often travelled back and forth with their private jets (something that the older he gets, Levi thinks is a huge waste of money, not to mention needlessly damaging to the environment. The more he ages, the more he finds unnecessary spending distasteful). He was raised in the US for as long as he can remember, both his parents fluent in English, with it being his first language although it’s closely followed by Korean. He was raised near entirely by nannies, and once he was old enough to be self-sufficient, he had a great degree of autonomy over his own lifestyle. He was both mature and somewhat irresponsible—he was careful enough never to endanger himself, but he got into gambling from a pretty young age, he’s only fortunate in that he’s good at it and so always turns a profit in the grand scheme of things.

Having a mother who has featured in several notable magazines, somewhat known in the States and a household name in South Korea, he was thrust into the limelight from a relatively young age. The media attention was never overbearing, but having pictures randomly snapped of you on your way back from school, or having people asking for your mother’s autograph, was hardly enjoyable, especially given he was so disconnected from his mother that he never really had anything to say when asked about his parents. It was an admission of something he’d much rather keep private—that his family was dysfunctional and could hardly be called a family at all.

Levi has always attended private schools, attending Phillips Exeter Academy for grades 9 through 12, and despite being naturally bright, it was an obvious advantage academically. Frankly though, he’s never had much patience for the guided learning style of prestigious boarding schools, preferring his own independent style of doing things (which his teachers were very much not fond of). However, being away from his parents was an upside, and he’s never had any terrible struggles in school. He made friends, he was relatively well-liked. He was surrounded by like-minded individuals who came from similar backgrounds to him, and that meant that none of them really pushed each other to be better people—lasting friendships weren’t formed. Things were fun in the moment, memories to look back on, but he never made any friends that were worthwhile to keep around. He knew it too, which is why his goals and life plans came before his friendships—not that he’d always prioritise them over friendship, but those particular relationships weren’t worth the sacrifice.

Levi’s always known that he wanted to major in finance, he has a passion for numbers, and to him, going into the stock exchange just sounded like being paid to gamble—it was the ideal career, and he’d be good at it. College pretty much went the same way as his boarding school years, although this time, he met a few individuals who presented better opportunities for friendship. After all, college was a more diverse environment, less insular, where he wasn’t surrounded by other rich kids. He’s become a better person for it, though his nature hasn’t changed, he’s simply become more empathetic and open-minded (by a little). It was definitely a culture shock, but it’s not like he was ever a crazy spoiled rich kid. His parents might have lived hedonistically, and he had opportunities to play things like polo or other cliché ‘upper east side’ activities, but he was never very materialistic. He likes to make money, but he’s a huge saver.

At the tail end of his freshman year, his parents were going through a particularly rough patch. It’s not as though Levi didn’t know his parents weren’t in love, he worked that out from a pretty young age. There were always whisperings amongst staff anyway. Plus, he’s caught both of his parents cheating numerous times—although, can it really even be called that? Neither of them cared, for one, there was no jealousy there. It was really more like they weren’t in a relationship at all, or at the very least, it wasn’t exclusive, both individuals quickly tiring of one another’s company. But then, arguments started occurring more and more, this time, financial. One accusing the other of taking money out of their bank account, or extorting money from the other. That was always the focus. Finance.

During the holidays, they divorced. It was a very anticlimactic affair. Levi had so many people asking him if he was doing alright when he came back for sophomore year, offering a listening ear—but he didn’t have anything to say. He wasn’t sad. It felt… weird, not having his parents in the same house and having to travel between estates for the holidays, but it wasn’t upsetting. He knew his parents weren’t right for each other, and part of his obsession with the concept of soulmates is because he’d never want to end up like that, with someone he’s incompatible with. If there’s one thing Hyunwoo and Soo-ah have taught him, it’s not to be like them. He might have looked up to them at one point in his life, in his youth, but now, he sees them for what they are.

TLDR: parents hedonists, didn’t really care about him, came from very traditional Confucius-following families. Never close with his parents, went to a private boarding school, didn’t really make lasting friendships, his parents divorced a year ago, he’s not sad about it but wishes he had a real mother and father to begin with.

ROLEThe Rich Kid.
HOW'D THEY END UP HERE? ✷ The story is long, and far too drawn out for Levi's liking. Just once, he wished his parents would go out of their way to attend one of his tennis matches; he was a junior in college now, and they had never gone out of their way to visit him despite him attending a college in their home state of New York. The ticket wasn't originally his, in fact, it was some other kid's- someone who had received the ticket through an internship with a biology lab studying dinosaur DNA. Levi's parents bought the ticket off the down-on-their-luck college student and ultimately, gifted it to a completely uninterested Levi as a forgive me gift. It's safe to say he'd rather be anywhere but here, but after his parent's insistence, he doesn't have much choice.
LUGGAGE ✷ Levi's luggage is an unnecessary surplus; two separate old black leather suitcases with his initials engraved on the handle in gold, and a smaller, crossbody bag that he wears with his day to day outfits. Levi is a minimalist at heart, someone who is very much the opposite of materialistic, but he has a tendency to overplan and in turn, overpack. Contained inside are the following things: a pillow with a silk cover, his electric toothbrush, expensive bubblegum toothpaste, cinnamon flavored mouthwash, a comb, hair pomade (though he doesn’t use much), a smaller pouch containing his skincare essentials, another pouch containing his shower essentials and deodorant, a cow themed face wash headband, a paperback copy of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, an ungodly thick wad of cash bound in rubber bands, over a week's worth of clothes, too many gold toe socks, a sweater, a windbreaker, sleepwear + matching slippers, a pack of mints, an emergency pack of hand sanitizer, and an extra pair of Nike shoes. In his crossbody bag he carries a lighter, a first aid kit, a pair of sunglasses, sunscreen, hand cream, tissues, chapstick, and a couple granola bars.
BUNK ✷ First and foremost, Levi absolutely prefers to have the lower bunk. (Bad childhood memories from falling off the top bunk at his cousin's house during a sleepover.) He's not necessarily picky about who his bunkmate is, as long as they don't mind that Levi stays up late with his reading lamp on beneath them. His bunk is a reflection of himself, the bed always made and the sheets always smoothed out. His bunk is his sacred space, minimalist, but decisive decoration; a Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of The Ring poster hangs on the wall adjacent to his bed, surrounded by his high school diploma and a collage of pictures— many of them pictures taken during his tennis matches, a few of himself with friends back at school, and even fewer of himself and family. One of his favorite tennis rackets hangs on a nail on the bedpost across from him. Attached to the bedpost closest to his head, is a reading lamp he can switch on and off as he sees fit.


DINO'S NAME ✷ Archimedes, affectionately called Medes by Levi and others from time to time. Named after the Ancient Greek mathematician, meaning great thinker, or planner.
GENDER ✷ Male.
PERSONALITY ✷ Archimedes, as described by Levi, is the dinosaur equivalent of a bulldog. He's snorty, snotty, and not the brightest bulb in the box. Despite being the size of a small tank, he wants everyone and everything to be his friend, often walking up to complete strangers looking for (as Levi crudely puts it "scratchies"). Archimedes has a tendency not to realize his size, his large, swinging tail knocking into objects that aren't tied down or monitored— too curious for his own good, he tries to squeeze his one ton body into small spaces for the sake of trying, or more likely, snacks. He will go through a bag of Cheetos in the blink of an eye, but is it really his fault? Archimedes is a simple creature, really. Give him scratchies, and you're his favorite person for the day. It would almost be endearing, if he didn't cause Levi so many issues.
UTILITIES ✷ Archimedes, despite his tank-like build, is usually tasked with carrying large items and bags for the group. He can be equipped with bags and a saddle, although it takes the promise of a treat to get him to settle down. He's capable of carrying up to three passengers comfortably on his back (if you can get over the bumpy ride, that is). As deadly as the swing of his tail is, he is not as fast as the other dinosaurs and is only used in the special occasion where strength matters.

AROMA ✷ Levi smells of expensive perfume (a woodsy, vanilla perfume that makes him smell as if he bathed in vanilla extract), a not wholly unpleasant combination of fresh linen from his clothes and lavender from his specially crafted shampoo + conditioner.
FAVORITE DINOSAUR ✷ Mosasaurus, this overgrown reptile draws Levi's adoration not only for its massive size and undeniably terrifying appearance, but also because Levi insists the Mosasaurus is an elite species compared to the Megalodon. He refuses to elaborate but he stands on business when it comes to these sea dragons.
HEADCANONS ✷ Levi is pretty superstitious about things, for all his skepticism. He might laugh at the idea that something is haunted by ghosts, but this is the same man who will never write out someone’s name in red ink.

✎ Where possible he only drinks warm water, believed to be a form of traditional Korean/Chinese medicine thought to balance the body’s energy and detoxify.

✎ He really, really wants a dog or a cat. He wasn’t allowed any pets growing up, he just hasn’t found the right moment to adopt (and of course, wouldn’t dream of adopting a pet spontaneously, that requires at least two weeks of planning).

✎ Unironically carries a stopwatch around at all times. If you say you'll only be 5 minutes? Know that he's timing the seconds, and if you're even the slightest bit late he'll be standing there, shaking his head in disapproval.

✎ He cares about his friends’ well being, so as the good friend that he is, if you're being lazy he will tell you to drop down and give him 20.
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the dreamer


NAME: charlee nichols
NICKNAMES: lee, nick
D.O.B: january 21st
AGE: 20
GENDER: cis-female
ROLE: the dreamer
VOICECLAIM: mary elizabeth winstead
AROMA: clay and charcoal, due to her shampoo

APPEARANCE: charlee is 5'7", 5'8" with her boots on. she has long, wavy-to-curly medium brown hair that goes past her shoulders, along with some freckles across the bridge of her nose and on her shoulders and green-grey eyes. she wears a lot of tank tops and high-waist cargo pants, tending to medium greens and some burnt oranges in terms of colors she wears. if outside, she consistently wears sunglasses, and when inside, those sunglasses will no doubt find themselves perched atop her head until the next instance of use.
SCARS: she has a small scar across her thumb on her right hand due to cutting it open with an exacto knife.
FACECLAIM: ruby pederson

PERSONALITY: many view charlee as a bit of a hard ass. she's the sort of person that needs everything organized and perfect, a plan for every situation, which doesn't blend well with a lot of people's lifestyles. her tendency for honesty can both be good and bad, causing her to have no bedside manner while making her trustworthy. she's loyal and leans towards putting others before herself, which lends itself to injuries in serious situations. while she does care for people- a lot, arguably -she has as hard time expressing it. her sense of humor is vastly lacking, and she views the world in a very serious light. slowing down and relaxing is something she struggles with, which leads to a lot of stress on her part. when she gets too stressed, too exhausted, it can lead to her getting agitated and easy to anger, whereas usually she has at least a mediocre amount of patience. In terms of her interests, she doesn't talk about them often unless someone gets her to open up, which akin to trying to pop open a soup can without a can opener.
SKILLSET: charlee has a decent handle on different survivalism techniques such as foraging, creating fires, and other such things. planning is a strong suite for her, and she's decent at macgyver-ing items when it comes to unique problem solving. she isn't fantastic with technology, and while she's decent in the athletics department (things like swimming, climbing, running) she doesn't stand out in them. vulnerability isn't something she handles well either, and thus, she isn't a good shoulder to cry on. Her cooking is pretty bad as well, something that is a bit of an embarrassment to her, and compared to her knowledge of plants, her knowledge of dinosaurs is a bit lacking. Still decent, but she had other priorities when learning about the prehistoric era, you know?
LIKES: hikes, thunderstorms, reading, foraging, paleobotany, invasive species studies
DISLIKES: mushy foods/foods that have the 'wrong' texture, plans going awry, not being privy to ongoing situations, people distracting her in the middle of a task, switching tasks before she's completely done with something.
HABITS: picks at paint and other such things when idle, runs her hand through her hair when exasperated, rests her head in her hand when sitting and thinking, pulls at the skin around her wrist when anxious.
FEARS: deep water where you can't see the bottom, abandonment
NAME: rosie
GENDER: female
PERSONALITY: rosie may be friendly with Charlee, but she's not exactly friendly with others, likely to some pack bond dynamic that her and charlee have. she's the sort to pace around, very observant, and even when still you can tell she's watching you. getting too close when she doesn't trust you will result in her snapping her jaws as a warning, though if it does end up being a bite, she likely will not feel bad. that said, she is still a curious creature and enjoys nosing through peoples things and, at times, taking them and dashing away with them.
TIME PERIOD: late cretaceous
GROUP UTILITY: rosie can carry things, but mostly she's a hunter and guardian.
TICKET ACQUISITION: Charlee was given a ticket by her uncle, who managed to get one from...well, she isn't sure where, actually. But she's definitely grateful for it.
LUGGAGE: charlee has one large backpack that's a black color, along with a suitcase that's camo colored. she brought the essentials, like a sleeping bag, self care items like a toothbrush and toothpaste, and a pillow. personal items that aren't 'required' include her field guide to prehistoric plants, a well-made multitool, and a paddle ball she uses when she's just sitting around and trying to think about something.
BUNK: lee doesn't exactly have a bunk theme. she keeps it simple and minimalistic, not wanting to have to go through the hassle of taking down everything she puts up. she's willing to share a bunk, and generally leaves decoration of the bunk and room up to whoever she's with, not minding any theme they plan out and more than willing to play along. aesthetics aren't her strong suite.
FAVORITE DINOSAUR: the concavenator genus
Charlee grew up as the child of a school teacher and a military officer in the great state of California. She had a fairly standard childhood, enrolling in the army junior ROTC program at the behest of her mother when she was of age to do so. At the end of high school, she was salutatorian, as well as having been the president of the debate club and part of mathletes. College found her enrolling as a dual biology and geology major, with intent to go on to get a masters in botany and eventually a PhD in paleobotany. Her first year was a little tumultuous, which earned her flack from her parents, but after she was more settled she got her grades back up and has been doing well since.

Her love of fossils started young. Her father taught geology and was a part of the local geological society, and when her mother was away he would often bring Charlee to meetings to sit in on them. Being the youngest there by far, she was pampered by the older members of the group, finding herself often gifted with specimens and other items they didn't want. As she grew older, clubs and ROTC took up more time, but she never failed to find a moment to duck into a meeting or two when she had the chance. Those meetings are what she credits with her choice of majors and the plans she has for the future.

Going to Jurassic World has been a dream of hers ever since she learned of its existence. For the dinosaurs, sure, but mostly for the plants, which she finds far more fascinating. This was a chance she couldn't pass up; she never had the money for it before, not to justify taking off work, but having a ticket handed to her was an opportunity she was unlikely to see again.


charlee nichols.

designed by bad ending. & coded by xayah.ღ

Full Name: Charlee Nichols

Nicknames: Lee

Age 20

Gender Cis Woman

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Lesbian


History / Backstory - Charlee grew up as the child of a school teacher and a military officer in the great state of California. She had a fairly standard childhood, enrolling in the army junior ROTC program at the behest of her mother when she was of age to do so. At the end of high school, she was salutatorian, as well as having been the president of the debate club and part of mathletes. College found her enrolling as a dual biology and geology major, with intent to go on to get a masters in botany and eventually a PhD in paleobotany. Her first year was a little tumultuous, which earned her flack from her parents, but after she was more settled she got her grades back up and has been doing well since.

Her love of fossils started young. Her father taught geology and was a part of the local geological society, and when her mother was away he would often bring Charlee to meetings to sit in on them. Being the youngest there by far, she was pampered by the older members of the group, finding herself often gifted with specimens and other items they didn't want. As she grew older, clubs and ROTC took up more time, but she never failed to find a moment to duck into a meeting or two when she had the chance. Those meetings are what she credits with her choice of majors and the plans she has for the future.

Going to Jurassic World has been a dream of hers ever since she learned of its existence. For the dinosaurs, sure, but mostly for the plants, which she finds far more fascinating. This was a chance she couldn't pass up; she never had the money for it before, not to justify taking off work, but having a ticket handed to her was an opportunity she was unlikely to see again.

Skillset - Charlee has a decent handle on different survivalism techniques such as foraging, creating fires, and other such things. Planning is a strong suite for her, and she's decent at MacGyver-ing items when it comes to unique problem solving. She isn't fantastic with technology, and while she's decent in the athletics department (things like swimming, climbing, running) she doesn't stand out in them. Vulnerability isn't something she handles well either, and thus, she isn't a good shoulder to cry on. Her cooking is pretty bad as well, something that is a bit of an embarrassment to her, and compared to her knowledge of plants, her knowledge of dinosaurs is a bit lacking. Still decent, but she had other priorities when learning about the prehistoric era, you know?

Personality: Many view Charlee as a bit of a hard ass. She's the sort of person that needs everything organized and perfect, a plan for every situation, which doesn't blend well with a lot of people's lifestyles. Her tendency for honesty can both be good and bad, causing her to have no bedside manner while making her trustworthy. She's loyal and leans towards putting others before herself, which lends itself to injuries in serious situations. While she does care for people- a lot, arguably -she has as hard time expressing it. Her sense of humor is vastly lacking, and she views the world in a very serious light. Slowing down and relaxing is something she struggles with, which leads to a lot of stress on her part. When she gets too stressed, too exhausted, it can lead to her getting agitated and easy to anger, whereas usually she has at least a mediocre amount of patience. In terms of her interests, she doesn't talk about them often unless someone gets her to open up, which akin to trying to pop open a soup can without a can opener.

Appearance Description: Charlee is 5'7", 5'8" with her boots on. She has long, wavy-to-curly medium brown hair that goes past her shoulders, along with some freckles across the bridge of her nose and on her shoulders and green-grey eyes. She wears a lot of tank tops and high-waist cargo pants, tending to medium greens and some burnt oranges in terms of colors she wears. If outside, she consistently wears sunglasses, and when inside, those sunglasses will no doubt find themselves perched atop her head until the next instance of use.

Body Modifications / Scars: She has a small scar across her thumb on her right hand due to cutting it open with an exacto knife.

Birthday: January 21st


Likes: Hikes, thunderstorms, reading, foraging, paleobotany, invasive species studies

Dislikes: Mushy foods/foods that have the 'wrong' texture, plans going awry, not being privy to ongoing situations, people distracting her in the middle of a task, switching tasks before she's completely done with something.

Habits: Picks at paint and other such things when idle, runs her hand through her hair when exasperated, rests her head in her hand when sitting and thinking, pulls at the skin around her wrist when anxious.

Fears: Deep water where you can't see the bottom, abandonment


Their Role: the dreamer

How'd They End Up Here? - Charlee was given a ticket by her uncle, who managed to get one from...well, she isn't sure where, actually. But she's definitely grateful for it.

Luggage - Charlee has one large backpack that's a black color, along with a suitcase that's camo colored. She brought the essentials, like a sleeping bag, self care items like a toothbrush and toothpaste, and a pillow. Personal items that aren't 'required' include her field guide to prehistoric plants, a well-made multitool, and a paddle ball she uses when she's just sitting around and trying to think about something.

Bunk - Lee doesn't exactly have a bunk theme. She keeps it simple and minimalistic, not wanting to have to go through the hassle of taking down everything she puts up. She's willing to share a bunk, and generally leaves decoration of the bunk and room up to whoever she's with, not minding any theme they plan out and more than willing to play along. Aesthetics aren't her strong suite.

Aroma: Charcoal and clay from her shampoo she uses

Faceclaim: Ruby Pederson

Voiceclaim: Mary Elizabeth Winstead

Favorite Dinosaur: The Concavenator genus


Dino's Name: Rosie

Gender - Female

Personality - Rosie may be friendly with Charlee, but she's not exactly friendly with others, likely to some pack bond dynamic that her and Charlee have. She's the sort to pace around, very observant, and even when still you can tell she's watching you. Getting too close when she doesn't trust you will result in her snapping her jaws as a warning, though if it does end up being a bite, she likely will not feel bad. That said, she is still a curious creature and enjoys nosing through peoples things and, at times, taking them and dashing away with them.

Dinosaur Appearance -

What Period are They From - Late Cretaceous

Group Utility - Rosie can carry things, but mostly she's a hunter and guardian.
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  • 1724812319400.png
    Full Name: The campers and staff know them as "Lark Nguyen" as part of their disguise. Their legal last name is "Raa", and the name they prefer is "Arii"

    Nicknames: "Birdie" by Manta Corp.

    Age: 18, sophomore in college.

    "Lol no" (nonbinary)

    Pronouns: They/them

    Sexuality: "Lol no." (ace/aro)


    History / Backstory:
    The series of events that led up to Arii's... employment were not unforunate, and rather apocolyptic. Their parents were caught in a legal battle for something that was out of their control, draining their retirement savings and forcing them to sell their dream house for something far more run-down and in the middle of a city they did not want to be in. They worked their asses off to send Arii to a tech college so they could earn a good degree and hopefully haul themself out of the squallor they'd found themselves in. Arii, in turn, after skipping a grade and landing a half-ride to their college of choice, found Manta Corp.

    Abrasive though they were, they weren't heartless.

    They just about sold their soul to this company to try and work back up their parents' retirement fund, working as a security expert and infiltrator to smuggle data, money, all sorts of things. Ethical? Absolutely not. Did they regret it? No. Manta Corp gave them the tools to, as they say, "right wrongs", and they took full advantage as a shadow-agent. They were never out in the field, anyway. All of their work was computer-based.

    Until now.

    It was supposed to be their last "big thing" and then they could return to being a typical security advisor. Granted, they wouldn't be surprised if that was a false hope—they'd read the contract, and they were smart enough to know loopholes when they saw them.

    Before that mess of a situation, they were raised mostly on a large plot of land with a farmhouse. They never had cows or horses, but chickens and other small birds ran rampant. Every winter, it was family tradition to hunt a deer for jerky and roasts, though squirrels were also a common victim. They didn't do much manual labor on the farm, but the chickens were their responsibility, and they picked up a lot of things because of it, like how temperature regulation during incubation affects the hatchlings' temperaments.

    Skillset (ranked by how helpful it could be):
    Infiltrator/general stealth (7/10): Keeping Arii out of a room is like trying to pull yourself up by your own jacket. It doesn't really work. Whatever you put in place, they'll either find a way to dodge around or destroy. They're a proficient lockpicker, and electronic locks they could open in their sleep. They lie as they breathe and can bullshit their way through an entire life story. They're quiet and cautious, and if they really want to, could vanish off into a building or the woods and not be found for hours. This doesn't work on dinosaurs as they can smell very well, but being as their target is typically humans, they're an expert at simply vanishing. Related, this applies to sneaking up onto things, too. When it comes to small/medium animals, all they need is a knife and some patience to make a kill. It doesn't work all the time, but more often than it would for most.​
    Pickpocket (5/10): Arii has sticky fingers. There's just no other way to phrase it. Even if they don't want something, they'll sift through other people's stuff just to see. They have no concept of other people's privacy and can and will steal keys, wallets, or other items of interest only to leave them in plain view and pretend it's always been there.​
    Computer skills (6/10): Because their life has been mostly tech-focused, Arii is a proficient software manipulator, though hardware mystifies them and somewhat frightens them. If it's programmable, by god they'll figure something out, but if it's based on clockwork or gods forbid physical logic gates, they'd rather just drown thanks.​
    Nearly-forgotten survivalist skills (4/10): They never developed this skill past around... eight years old, but it's hard to forget how to hunt effectively and what plants will melt your insides if eaten. They're inexperienced with mushroom IDing, but greens, fruit, and animals are all fair game. They can field-dress anything small enough to gut with their hands. They can track something if it bleeds, but otherwise they're not attentive enough. They're also an excellent mimic of sounds, and though they have a very hard time even speaking English (their first and only language) coherently, they have an entire vocabulary of bird calls they use... seemingly just to be annoying.​
    Physical constitution (1/10): Arii cannot and never could do a pull up. A stiff breeze could knock them over. They sneeze and their whole body shakes with it. They get cold easily, have about as much muscle as your average compsognathus, and probably couldn't even pick up a scientifically accurate velociraptor if their life depended on it. On the bright side, without any muscle to get in the way, they have an uncanny sort of flexibility to them, and often sleep curled up with their knees up next to their ears. You could probably shove them in a medium box and ship them cross-country. Arii is also a fairly good diver, being able to stay underwater and fairly active for up to two minutes and thirty seconds, though their surface swimming could use a lot of work.​
    Senses (5/10): Double-edged sword. Arii has some fairly keen senses, though their eyes are so thoroughly messed up they can't recognize people without their glasses on. Their sense of smell is excellent and their hearing is better than most. This does not mean much aside from a general distaste for raw meat because the smell makes them nauseous, intense light sensitivity in the day and okay vision at night, a complete inability to stand less than a three feet away from someone without making a Face, and frequent debilitating headaches.​
    Cannot be genuine to save their life (0/10): Arii has been following orders and being someone else for years now. They don't know who they are besides whatever task Manta Corp has given them, at this point. They haven't seen their family in years, haven't communicated earnestly with someone since they were ten, and have no idea how to handle social situations that aren't founded on them getting what they want. Their ability to work as a team is thoroughly stunted, as is their ability to relate to other people.​
    Cannot recognize human faces (0/10): They might be able to ID any one of the dinosaurs by the tiniest scars or markings, but Arii cannot recognize human faces to save their life. Any one of the campers could switch clothes with another and unless there's more than a six inch height difference or notable build difference (by notable, we're talking like 50-100 lbs), they will not be able to tell which one's which. Voices usually go in one ear and out the other, and they couldn't take note of hair color or texture if it would save their life.​
    Booksmarts (2/10): Arii knows a lot about a lot of things. Unfortunately, sometimes (most times) things don't work like they do in books. Sometimes animals act weird and so do people. They have a good handle on physics, biology, and conceptual behavior, but with little to no field experience, that doesn't mean anything. They are aware of this deficit but seemingly refuse to fix it.​

    Personality: Positively caustic. Sure, yeah, they can try and be friendly, but their internal monologue sounds like a cheap villain. They don't seem to actually like anything, and the energy they carry around is very critical. They judge everyone and everything based on how useful they are, and if they find you annoying—which can be because you're anything from any semblance of happy to just for existing too close to them for too long—you're liable to get the silent-and-scowling treatment. They try very, very hard at everything they do, and find failure of any kind the ugliest thing a person can do. If you're not useful, you'd better become so fast.

    Getting them calm is like trying to find a friendly chihuahua. It takes either a lot of work or some isolation. They seem to be happiest when no one acknowledges them, but if they're alone for too long, they tend to seek out others, even if they just sit in the corner and do nothing while not looking at anyone. They have a hard time telling people apart (though seemingly no problem telling animals or land features apart), and because of that never use anyone's name. They have trouble speaking their mind (they probably shouldn't), and the persona they put off to people is sickly sweet in comparison.

    They carry around a lot of guilt with them, which can lead to rare episodes of something more than just "actual bitch" or "i'm telling you what you want to hear so I can steal from you". Unfortunately, they haven't had a lot of experiences talking to people recently, so whatever's under the "Bog of Assholeishness" has been buried deep.

    In a survival situation, Arii is a bit... much. They're a skilled hunter and seem to forget that other people usually were not raised on a farm with a hunting family. They know their way around, and they expect others to, as well. They also tend to be a mite more... feral, so to speak. When they're surviving, they're desperate, and when they're desperate, they're very instinct-driven, and are a lot more volatile around other people than they would be otherwise. They'll work themself to death and keep fighting until they physically can't anymore like this, and energy conservation isn't in their vocabulary because in their mind, if they die, there's no energy to conserve.

    Appearance Description: Arii has the general vibe of if a stork had a baby with a snake and the resulting human only inherited the thinnest bones of both parents possible. They have a rounded—it would be cute if their general acidity hadn't seeped into their skin and made their expression something between perpetually-pissed-off and ate-a-lemon-but-it-was-a-rock—face perched atop an entirely disproportionate body. They're rail-thin and boney, all sharp edges and spindly fingers. They're fairly tall, too, standing at 5'9" if one could ever pry them out of their horrible slouch. They wear very plain clothes, being solid-color long-sleeve tees and dark bootcut jeans. They're never found without their jacket, a thick, winter-appropriate olive-green and beige thing with a fur liner and hood, and they keep all sorts of random items in its pockets. Both ears are pierced at the lobe, and usually a pair of blue eyeball earrings hang from them, something of their own making. They keep a plain black ring on the middle finger of their right hand, and if they're outside, then they're probably wearing their glasses.

    Their eyes are narrow and brown, so dark they look almost black, though the light catches on them sometimes. Their hair is short, cropped to just brushing their ears in the front and shaved in the back, and terribly dark as well. The front is longer, slanting down from their ears though it looks as though whatever demented barber they went to missed a spot because on their right side, a solid strand drops from the rest of their hair to end around their chin in an entirely jarring way. They have a few poka-dot scars from obsessively scratching at bugbites over the years, and discoloration on either side of their ankles which show up particularly well because they're so white they're basically translucent.

    Birthday: 8/22


    Being left alone, reading, studying, the sciences, technology, the smell of fruit, poker (Texas holdem), sunshine, compiessssss, bugs but not mosquitoes, worms especially, making fun of everything that moves, hot chocolate

    Dislikes: Being in solitude, questions, lawyers, the cold, this park, these people, spicy foods, American food, eating in general, John Hammond specifically, anything larger than your average pig, being forced to go outside and do things with their pathetic excuse for a body.

    Habits: They pick at the dead (and sometimes not so dead) skin of their hands, and they avoid contact with other people like they'll give them a disease.

    Fears: Being blind and deaf at the same time, that their parents are going to be stuck living a life so much worse than the one they worked for forever, what they're going to do when they're done with Manta Corp.


    Their Role:
    The spy.

    How'd They End Up Here: Manta Corp retrieved a ticket for them for the express purpose of breaking into the closed-loop servers on the island and also figuring out what the FUCK Wu's doing because that's a really weird abstract, dude. Their cover is that they used to work with chickens (true), and thus are experienced with training reptiles (true), so they were sponsored by their college (false) to study dinosaur behavior (kinda true).

    Luggage: A large multitool (pliers, screwdriver, can opener, a carving knife, a hunting knife, a saw, a wedge, and a metal file), some 20 USB sicks all scattered around different bags, burner phone (sewn to the inside of their suitcase), twine ball, 6 changes of clothes plus swimwear, a diving mask, 3 blankets, a camp stove (kerosene gel), a locked box with their medication (for depression) in it (a month's supply), full-size hunting knife (sewn into bag), Big Stick they found on the ground and kept.

    Bunk: They took one of the top bunks and quite promptly made a wall of pillows and blankets until they couldn't see over the edge anymore. They're not up there often, but when they are, it's "Leave Arii Lark alone time" and they will whap any intruders with a cardboard tube. It's decorated with little chicken stickers and one big chicken plushie. Otherwise, it's completely plain.


    Aroma: Somewhat clinical. Like PC sanitizer and a little bit like burning lint.

    Favorite Dinosaur: Compy!

    Headcanons / Other Facts
    • They have their diving certification (open water)
    • They cannot drive
    • They have the spatial awareness of a starfish
Last edited:

Full Name: Inez Karam Rosales

Nicknames: Innocent Rose (influencer name)

Age - 21

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Heterosexual Heteromantic


History / Backstory -
Her Lebanese-Colombian parents met while pursuing their careers in the entertainment industry, and then moved to California together to advance said careers. This is where they had Inez, and from the day she was born they wanted her in the spotlight. Now, this is probably sounding like a cliche already; the image of the child star as someone pushed into it every step of the way by their parents and despising every moment and longing for a normal life is a very popular one in media. . .and untrue in the case of Inez. She was absolutely thrilled with this, and really wanted to be a star just as much as her parents wanted it for her. More, even.

The problem was, she just didn’t have the talent. Even with all the classes she took and the strings her parents pulled with what connections they had, she just could never get very far. She was in commercials and had some roles in movies and telenovelas, but never made it close to the big leagues. Her parents themselves had only been moderate successes, but Inez was barely an IMDB article.

When it became clear that her career wasn’t going to be in acting, singing, dancing, or modeling, her parents took the pressure off, but Inez never stopped loving the camera. She began vlogging in high school, and since she was the child of minor celebrities and had firsthand insight into the entertainment industry, her content was unique enough to begin attracting a crowd. While she began by blogging about whatever party or event she’d been to or famous people she’d met and sharing stories about that life and answering questions for those curious, she slowly veered her content to be more about the coquettecore aesthetic, fairytale imagery and vibes, makeup and fragrances, and media along the lines of Marina & the Diamonds, Lana Del Ray, and Sofia Coppola’s Marie Antoinette.

As “Innocent Rose” she gathered an immense following of “rosebuds” for this type of content, and became a huge name in those sorts of aesthetic circles, as well as a fairly big name among beauty bloggers in general. However, when her views began to plateau, she wasn’t sure what to do. She wasn’t losing any followers, but she wasn’t getting any new ones either. There were lots of new directions she could go, of course, but the thing was, she wanted to be sincere in whatever she did. Everything that she blogged about was always something she sincerely enjoyed; her honesty was her real trademark. So she started trying out a lot of new things in her life (and liveblogging it, of course!) to find out what new topics she should get into.

Inez definitely hadn’t expected it to be dinosaurs. Sure, she’d liked some dinosaur stuff as a kid, what child hadn’t? But she hadn’t thought about them since she was like, five.

A trip to Jurassic World with her family at 19 changed that, though. It was really for her little brother, but it ended up wowing her on a level she hadn’t thought possible, let alone expected. She might not be able to pronounce half the names of the exhibits there, but the profound beauty and majestic grace of the animals, the way she felt so small and humbled in front of these massive natural wonders from another time, really struck her and stuck with her. Even though not all of her “rosebuds” liked it, she blogged extensively about it and Jurassic World in general afterwards, and treated it almost like a spiritual experience that had changed how she saw herself in the world. She was just. . .so much less significant in the universe than she’d thought, and that was actually really wonderful?

Naturally, when the opportunity to attend “Camp Cretaceous” came about, she was among the many influencers vying for a ticket. She was selected because, unlike the others, she wasn’t a science blogger or a dinosaur blogger, or even a theme park blogger. Her content was so far removed from what any other influencer who applied was doing that the people in charge of the contest felt she was the best chance to convince people to come to the park who wouldn’t otherwise. Look at this way; the people following the dinosaur-themed influencers and so on clearly already love dinosaurs. They already want to come. People who follow a coquettecore blogger who posts about fairytales and fawns and Versailles are probably NOT interested in dinosaurs. . .but “Innocent Rose” could convince them. She could bring a whole load of people into the ticket lines who never even thought about coming before.

Plus, her reasoning for wanting to come to Camp Cretaceous—that her visit to the Jurassic World Park had been a spiritual, humbling enlightenment—was definitely different from the reasons every other influencer had. It was a unique angle, and could be used to corner new markets. Again, the park already has the “we just like dinosaurs” market in the bag; maybe Inez’s new viewpoint can help get a new demographic in the door!

Naturally, she was thrilled when she got her invite, packed her bags, and here she is!

Skillset - Absolutely dismal survival skills and practical skills in general. Very little dinosaur knowledge. She can swim okay and is in decent shape but that’s about what she’s got to offer in physical and intellectual terms. So, how is she useful? Inez is excellent at soothing over tense situations, keeping the peace, figuring out what someone else’s problem is and helping them through it, and is in general quite empathetic, diplomatic, and charismatic. This may not be the MOST important skill to have in a “trapped on an island with dinosaurs” situation, but keeping a group cohesive is integral to survival in its own way; if they don’t like each other and get along, if they’re distracted by personal issues, if they’re not staying together, everyone’s chances go way down. If everyone else is bringing the “parts” needed to make it here, Inez is bringing the glue to hold those “parts” together. Plus, her people skills could be very useful if they run into other humans there who don’t have good intentions. . .hey, it happened in the show more than once!

Personality: Inez Rosales is better known to her “rosebuds” as “Innocent Rose” on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and several other platforms. She caters to the #coquettecore and #dollette and #femcel type demographics, specializing in crafting escapist content for girls who want to live in a fairytale world, girls who watch Bridgerton and historical fantasy dramas, girls who ready steamy retakes on the works of Charles Perrault and the Brothers Grimm, girls who want to be ballerinas and geisha and princesses and socialite starlets but who just never got to like she did. She’s all about blogging a lifestyle of unicorn frappes, bejeweled headbands, canopy beds. While one would think it was all an act, it’s not—that’s genuinely who Inez is. She is delivering 110% her authentic self, and that self just happens to be absolutely calculated for the camera. That’s why she has such a draw—her sincerity is like a beacon in a storm of contrived clout-chasing.

There’s a surprisingly intellectual side to some of her content as well; occasionally she discusses media such as Lolita, Black Swan, and so on, and the presentation therein of female sexuality, social pressures, mental illness, femininity, and how they all intersect. Her analysis is hardly the most insightful or unique (“So, I don’t think we’re supposed to agree with Humbert, actually?”), but she does genuinely try at it rather than having one of her assistants or consultants do it for her instead. Inez very much prides herself on her content being all her own original ideas; even when they’re the most shallow and generic takes, they’re wholly sincere from her.

For the most part though, Inez is not about good and evil, or right and wrong, or overthinking anything. She’s about what makes herself or others feel good, and she conflates that with morality. Badness must feel bad, goodness must feel good. So if something makes her uncomfortable, it’s probably bad. If it upsets people or loses her followers, it must have been wicked. If she’s comforted by it or people react well, then it’s good. She really, really just wants everybody to be happy. And that means she’s not about confront anything uncomfortable, or make others do so. Her platform is used for pure placebo.

Overall, Inez is a nice person, but can be kind of vapid, is very naive, and she’s governed more by emotions and vibes than anything else. She also knows staggeringly LITTLE about dinosaurs, and even less about science and survival. 10/10 most likely to die first.

Appearance Description:
Inez is 5’0 with a petite build, and has dark hair and eyes. She dresses in frilly, girly, ethereal attire, mainly in white and pastels, though she’s packed a SLIGHTLY more functional wardrobe for camp.

Body Modifications / Scars: Double-pierced ears, white rose tattoo on inner left wrist

Birthday: October 18 (Libra)


- Pearls
- Puffy paint
- Pastels
- Coquette fashion
- Cake frosting videos
- Anything white and lacy and frilly

- Pork belly
- Poor-me types
- Skin problems
- Sniffles
- Parasite-removal videos
- Femmephobia
- People insulting or dismissing the work that being a social media personality takes
- Content that is clearly rage-bait/manufactured to get hate-clicks

- Inez naively believes in platitudes about everything happening for a reason, that whatever bad happened to you made you stronger, that everything will be all right. . .she doesn’t realize how damaging statements like that are when you really think them through, and will offer them with utmost sincere good intentions.

- Inez can be scatterbrained and conversation with her can derail easily

- She was raised in a tri-lingual household and as a result peppers her speech with Spanish and Arabic sometimes, especially in endearments or when she’s emotional


- Being perceived in a way that makes her look bad or doesn’t align with her vision of herself

- Having how others perceive her be out of her control

- Aging out of her aesthetic


Their Role

How'd They End Up Here? - See backstory!

Luggage - Her bags are all white with a delicate pink pattern and decorative bows. There’s the one big roller bag, a smaller one, the duffle bag, and several different bags for toiletries, makeup, and the like. She definitely packed way too many clothes, accessories, and makeup items. She also took an abundance of travel products that were given to her by various companies for the purpose of reviewing and plugging during this trip.

Bunk - Inez brought a bunch of decorative pearl ropes and gauzy white canopy curtains specifically to customize her bunk with! She also brought a full-length mirror and a smaller mirror to set on her dresser. She’s definitely added a lot of girly touches, some flowers, fairy lights, pearls, you get the idea. Inez in THEORY is open to a bunkmate, but in practice she’d probably actually not like the reality of living with someone once it actually happened (so it should!)


Dino's Name: Pico

Gender - Male

Personality - Silly lil guy is exactly the phrase! Pico behaves something like a bird and something like a kitten, very curious and inquisitive. He tends to want attention, especially Inez’s, and he doesn’t stray far from her. When forcibly separated from or left by her, he begins to make distress calls. Pico’s also very clever, and while he mainly uses that to get himself into trouble, he’s got a high potential for training and often seems to have at least some comprehension of what’s being said to him if it’s simple enough.

Dinosaur Appearance - He's a Nemicolopterus!

What Period are They From - Cretaceous

Group Utility - Pico is too small for guarding, riding, or being used as a pack animal, but his small size and ability to fly means he can scout ahead for danger. He’s pretty good at communicating when there’s trouble, and he can also get into places that larger dinosaurs (and people) can’t, as well as be used to carry messages (if there’s access to paper) and small items between group members should they be separated. He can be used as a distraction. Also, his cuteness is great for keeping spirits up!


Aroma: Rose, white florals, vanilla sugar scrub, artificial strawberries-and-cream flavor (all from bath/beauty products)

Faceclaim: Sofia Carson

Voiceclaim: Diane Guerrero

Favorite Dinosaur: Besides Pico? Her other fave is the Leaellynasaura, Inez thinks it’s cute and has big doe eyes! Just like her!

Headcanons / Other Facts:

- Inez is kind of vapid, but is NOT because she’s a girly girl. It’s because she’s so insulated and inexperienced with the real world

- Innocent was professionally trained in acting, singing, and dancing. She’s much better at any of these than the average person. . .but she’s only average, or even below average, for the entertainment industry.

- She’s very defensive of Disney Princesses and female celebrities she feels it has become “trendy” to hate for what she considers sexist reasons

Full Name - Amber Lacy Daro
Nicknames - Ams, A
Age - 19
Gender - Female
Pronouns - She/Her
Sexuality - Still exploring

Amber was born into a life of luxury and excess. Her mother, Hailey, was a renowned neurosurgeon, and her father, Bill, owned a highly successful company that operated a social app everyone used daily. Their wealth afforded them a mansion in the hills of California, along with two vacation homes, yachts, private jets, and even a private island. Growing up, Amber had everything she could possibly want. The latest clothes, dazzling jewelry, toys, and electronics, all hers at the snap of a finger. Her parents never denied her anything.

When Amber was little, she expressed an interest in beauty pageants, and her mother made sure she was entered into every competition. Amber thrived in the spotlight. She loved the attention and enjoyed the belief that she was better than everyone else. When she entered private school, she became the center of attention. Everyone wanted to be her friend, and Amber didn’t care if it was because of her personality or her family’s wealth. She just loved being the star.

However, things changed as Amber grew older. Her parents were constantly busy with work, leaving her in the care of her nanny most of the time. Amber’s nanny became the closest thing she had to a friend, someone she trusted and felt genuinely cared for her. Despite all the material wealth, Amber began to feel lonely and craved the attention of her parents. She missed spending time with them, but their demanding careers left little room for family bonding.

When Amber became a teenager, she no longer needed a nanny. Her nanny’s leave left her feeling more isolated than ever. Although she had friends, Amber knew they only stayed close because of her wealth and status. Her parents, absorbed in their careers, often canceled plans and missed important events in Amber’s life, including her science fair and beauty pageants – times when she desperately wanted them by her side.

Over time, Amber’s loneliness manifested into snobbishness. She developed a habit of holding herself above others, acting as if she were superior. This wasn’t something she wanted to become, it was just a defense mechanism, a way to shield herself from the pain of loneliness. She learned to hide the vulnerable girl inside, putting up emotional walls and creating a facade of confidence and perfection. The longer she maintained this facade, the easier it became, until eventually, it was second nature to her.

Skillset -
Amber might have been all snobbiness and beauty on the surface, but there was more to her than what most people saw. Beneath her polished exterior, she was intelligent and resourceful. Growing up with a mother who was a doctor, Amber absorbed medical knowledge from a young age. She was always curious about her mother’s work, and her mom, recognizing Amber’s interest, would explain the basics of medical care and even some advanced concepts. Over time, Amber learned practical skills, especially how to handle emergencies.

In high school, Amber had taken a Botany class, which sparked an interest in plant life. She became well-educated in identifying different plants, knowing which ones were useful and which ones were dangerous. Her knowledge wasn’t just theoretical. Amber had hands-on experience and could use it to her advantage when needed.

Fitness was another strength of hers. Thanks to years of yoga and pilates, she had a strong endurance and physical resilience. Her body was toned and flexible, and she knew how to maintain her strength through disciplined workouts and situations.

Cooking was something Amber developed early on, thanks to the influence of her nanny. Cooking together was a cherished activity from her childhood, and over time, she became skilled in preparing delicious meals. Amber wasn’t just a pretty face, she was capable, knowledgeable, and able to handle herself in various situations.

Personality - Amber's personality reflects the condition of her life. On the outside, she presents herself as confident, charming, and sophisticated, always maintaining a composed and snobby demeanor. She knows how to engage in deep conversations, often using her smarts and charm to navigate social situations effortlessly. Despite her polished exterior, Amber is deeply guarded and feels lonely, a result of always getting what she wanted but lacking emotional connection. She feels isolated from others, never quite sure if people like her for who she is or for what she represents. She hides this vulnerability behind a well-crafted facade of perfection, rarely allowing anyone to see her true self.

Appearance description - Amber has a graceful and elegant appearance, reflecting her life of privilege. She has smooth, radiant skin with a warm undertone and a natural glow that complements her poised demeanor. Her face is heart-shaped with soft, feminine features. Her almond-shaped eyes are a rich shade of dark brown, framed by thick lashes, giving her a captivating gaze that draws attention. She often wears a subtle yet polished makeup look, enhancing her natural beauty. Her dark hair is naturally long and styled neatly, usually tied back or flowing in soft waves. She stands tall with a slender and toned figure. Her posture is always straight and confident, making her look elegant in any situation.

Body Modifications/scars - Multiple piercings on both ears.

Birthday - April 20th

Likes - Jewels, perfume, silk sheets, reading, beauty pageants, skin care, expensive things, social media, yoga, swimming, cooking, sunsets, partying, learning, animals, nature,music, and pictures.

Dislikes - Rainy days, hot weather, getting sweaty, being alone, the quiet, running, ruining her hair, messing up her makeup, taking public transportation, germs, failing.

Habits - Picks at her nails when she’s nervous, puts on her facade daily to shield her loneliness, Twirls her hair with her finger when she’s bored, and chews at her lip when she's worried.

Fears - Afraid no one will like her for who she is and just like her for her money and wealth. Scared of being alone her whole life. Disappointing her parents. Embarrassing herself during a beauty pageant.

Their role - The Rich

How’d they end up there?
Amber’s parents used gifts as a way to make up for lost time with her. When she turned 19 and decided to take a gap year instead of heading straight to college, they bought her tickets for Camp Cretaceous, thinking it would be a perfect getaway for their daughter. In their eyes, Amber was still the little girl who loved adventures, even though the last time she had shown any real interest in dinosaurs was years ago, during a trip to Jurassic World.

At first, Amber didn’t want to go. She had outgrown her fascination with dinosaurs and felt that the camp was more of a childish activity. However, the guilt of rejecting her parents' attempt to make things up to her weighed on her. She knew that if she didn’t accept the offer, she’d be left with the familiar emptiness that came with their absence. So, despite her reluctance, Amber agreed to go, it wasn’t as if her parents would even be bothered by her absence.

Luggage - Amber brought three big suitcases with her, a backpack, and a duffel bag. She had violet colored suitcases, a baby blue colored duffel and a white backpack. Amber had packed everything she would need, and more. Multiple cases of clothes, her haircare, skincare, make up, toiletries, accessories, electronics, books, a radio, multiple shoes, and things to keep her entertained.

Bunk - Amber preferred to have a bunk of her own. She didn’t want to share a space with someone else and have their mess mix in with her things. Amber brought her silk sheets and pillow cases, her own fuzzy pillows and blankets, her own mini chandelier, her foldable body length mirror, her incense sticks, her portable fan, oil diffuser, her very own pictures to fill the blank walls, her own fluffy rug, and decorative candles.

Dinos name - Buba

Gender - Male

Personality -
Buba is a curious and energetic little dinosaur, always eager to explore his surroundings. He has a playful and adventurous personality, often getting into mischief as he investigates new sights, sounds, and smells. Despite his small size, Buba is brave, never hesitating to stand his ground or face challenges head-on. He often finds joy in the simplest of things, like chasing after leaves or playfully interacting with his environment.
Buba is also loyal and affectionate, forming strong bonds with those he trusts. He enjoys attention and loves to be around others, showing his affection through playful nudges or by simply following them around. His youthful enthusiasm and curious nature make him endearing, though his boundless energy can sometimes lead to unintended chaos.
Dinosaur appearance - Compsognathus

What period are they from - Jurassic
Group Utility -
Buba is a small and swift creature, known for his exceptional speed and agility. His small legs allow him to dart through tight spaces and maneuver with precision, making him an expert at avoiding danger. Buba thrives in the role of a stealthy spy, often hiding in plain sight, observing his surroundings with awareness. His sharp instincts make him an excellent lookout, always ready to alert others of potential threats.
As a skilled hunter, Buba uses his agility and quick reflexes to outsmart prey and predators, relying on his small size to stay hidden until the perfect moment to strike. He’s also resourceful, capable of retrieving items from hard-to-reach places, whether it's for survival or aiding others. With his natural talent for concealment and senses, Buba is amazing at blending into his environment, making him a master at staying unnoticed until he chooses to reveal himself.

Aroma - Smells heavily of jasmine, cattleyas, rose, and freesia from the Viktor & Rolf Flowerbomb perfume.

FaceClaim - Minnie Mills

VoiceClaim - Minnie Mills

Favorite Dinosaur - Spinosaurus

Headcannons/Other facts -
Ambers a feminist.
She's secretly a geek.
Deep down she has a good heart.
She actually enjoys gaming.
She’s allergic to bees.
  • Height
    5’0” | 1.524M
    99lbs | 44.9056kg
    Hair Color
    A soft gingery auburn tone with copper and light brown highlights
    Eye Color
    Light peridot-tone green with golden flecks
    Seohyun (Girls' Generation)
    At the Edge of the World - Hyouri
    Kohana is a delicate, lithe Japanese girl with sun-kissed tanned skin. She has long knee-length ginger and copper/blonde hair that falls down her back in loosely curled silk waves. Her eyes are almond-shaped and delicate with long eyelashes. She has light green orbs that are more peridot-green than a deeper emerald-green, and there are gold/amber flecks within them. She stands at a simple height of 5 feet (tall compared to most of her ethnicity). She has a tattoo on her left shoulderblade with is of a hibiscus flower entwined around a cheetah. She weighs a lightweight 99 pounds.

    Kohana has a delicate build and an hourglass figure. Her legs and body are lightly muscled, but she has some muscle. She tends to wear jeans or leggings that are either dark blue or black. Her tops tend to be form-fitting t-shirts or three-quarter-sleeved shirts which are usually embroidered with floral patterns. Most of the embroidery is silver or gold and the shirts often range from many shades of jewel-toned colors: such as emerald green, topaz blue/aquamarine blue, or ruby red. Most of the time this girl wears tennis shoes that are Hoka brand or she wears boots (both are easy for her to move in honestly).

    Kohana has her ears pierced and oftentimes is seen wearing beaded earrings mainly from her local friends. She has a necklace that is an Amazonite hibiscus flower with emerald vines. Her right hand has a ring that is an Amazonite hibiscus flower that matches the necklace and is located on her right pointer finger. She wears an anklet but not often and she also wears light makeup.
    Kohana is extremely intelligent and open-minded. She enjoys learning and will happily use her knowledge to benefit her group and friends. Her intelligence is pretty forward and can occasionally be a bit scary. Koharu is extremely bubbly and hyper. She is very much the definition of a 'firecracker'. She is lively and cheerful to the max. She tends to be optimistic and views things through a glass-half-full view. She hates the pessimistic views though. This side of Kohana tends to be outgoing and charismatic. She is inclusive and filled with light (according to others), but this is once you get to know her. She likes to be encouraging and oftentimes will try to include everyone if she can. While she is Joyful and easily excitable, she is also confident in her abilities and kindness. When it comes to overall personality ( and you get past the barriers she has up), you'll find a warm heart that is both creative and loyal at best. Kohana tends to be pretty playful and fun where self-expression is her motivation. Kohana can make others feel special no matter what. She's just easy to lean towards and befriend honestly. Kohana is very bold and willing to take on risks when necessary (sometimes it can be her downfall as she tends to ignore danger honestly). She loves danger and will happily ignore all sensible actions to take the risk and go for it. She knows a fair chunk about dinosaurs (though not as much as The Nerd), but she will use any chance she can to learn more. She has been a dreamer and visiting the park has been her absolute goal - now it has finally come true!!! She is so excited to be able to live her dream.

    Kohana overall is mostly cautious when you first meet her. She has this wall there that was built in order to protect her from 'caring' too much about others. She tends to approach things with a one-sided view (at first) before allowing herself to really relax and let loose.
    Kohana is extremely stubborn and she has a bad habit of allowing her stubbornness to take over. She oftentimes will see something through even if it means that she has to suffer through the worst pain imaginable to do so. Sometimes she thinks she is 'always' right and thus supposed to be in charge (despite everyone knowing it is not her or even Ashryn). Sometimes she just wants to do things 'her' way even if a plan suggests otherwise. Hana is very empathetic and sometimes it can blind her to the other things in life as she focuses too much on someone else and not the task at hand. She can react impulsively and a bit spontaneously. These things just happen randomly and can cause some issues. Kohana is extremely competitive at times, wanting to be the first to do something or the first to achieve the best result. Sometimes the urge to be the best is overwhelming. The drive to do best is hard to beat down for Kohana and she oftentimes can get carried away and overwork herself very easily. Kohana is extremely withdrawn and quiet at first glance. She prefers to keep to herself and not be drawn into other conversations unless needed. She is a bit shy. Not one to be seen at first but her soft voice and delicate build tend to mislead many into believing she is more approachable than she is.
Code by Nano
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Hero screenshot (1).png
Full Name - Minerva Williams

Nicknames - Minnie

Age - 24

Gender - Female

Pronouns - She/Her

Sexuality - not looking for romance, she is bisexual


History / Backstory - this is optional of course!

Skillset -
Marksmanship: Minerva likes to keep her distance and has practiced/perfected her aim with various projectiles from bows/arrows to basic rocks and sticks. Not a fan of firearms.
Stealth/Tracking: Minerva is a traditional bowhunter back home, she learned to erase her presence by various means out of necessity. Yeah, she doesn't mind getting her hands dirty.
Animal Whisperer: More a habit than a skill, Minerva grew up on a farm. She knows a thing or two about calming agitated animals. Sadly, this mostly extends to domestic animals.
Bushcraft: Minerva can live off the land, using various naturally occuring materials for consumption and crafting. However, she's more used to mountainous terrain and has little knowledge of more tropical climates and environments.
Cooking: Meh, Minerva cares more about safe consumption than taste so is quite prone to burning and or overcooking anything.
Swimming: She isn't great with rough water or diving for that matter, but she's decent in deeper water.

Personality -

Appearance Description - Minerva stands at 5'10" and weighs about 130 lbs. Her eyes are emerald green and she is tan do in no small part to her more active outdoor lifestyle.

Body Modifications / Scars - n/a

Birthday - August 30 (Virgo)


Likes - Exploring, swimming, dinosaurs

Dislikes - Sitting still for extended periods of time


Fears - Flying: While she's generally fine with heights, Minerva doesn't like not feeling the ground under her feet. It's even worse because she fears falling.


Their Role - The Athlete

How'd They End Up Here? -
It wasn't actually Minerva that was supposed to get to go, but her sister Diane. However, one week before she was meant to leave she was involved in an accident that left her hospitalized. Knowing her sister also wanted to go, Diane gave her ticket to Minerva. Diane won the ticket through a lottery.

Luggage - Minerva uses a heavy duty leather backpack that looks like something a hardcore hiker would use.
what'd they bring with them? what's their backpack(s) / luggage case look like?

Bunk - what kind of bunk theme do they have going on? are they willing to share a bunk with someone else? what's their bunk room look like?


Dino's Name - Lance

Gender - Male

Personality - As a youngster, Lance would have a tendency to investigate even the seemingly insignificant things, often getting involved in troublesome situations. Sadly, he'll never completely grow out of this trait, but it will mellow out. Otherwise, he is very affectionate and loves being rubbed, especially his belly and cheeks.

Dinosaur Appearance - Styracosaurus styracosaurus_albertensis_by_atrox1-d2oui5u_2c2d.jpg

What Period are They From - Cretaceous

Group Utility - As a ceratopsian, Lance will serve as both a Guardian and a mount. He's not too big a fan of riders though do to his own anti-predator instincts.





Favorite Dinosaur - Utahraptor

Headcanons / Other Facts

Not quite finished, but will add more.

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