Welcome to Brooklyn, New York

Roleplay Availability
I am looking for roleplays.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. Group
  2. Off-site



[SIZE= 10px]The thirteen internet friends have decided to pack their bags and purchase one way tickets to New York. Brooklyn, New York to be exact. The told their family members that it was time for them to leave the nest, leave the coup, whatever other home sayings. All of them have been talking about this for months and since the moment was right this was their opportunity to take it before it was gone. Some left home to explore the world, others...to get away from whatever problems they had back at home. But one thing was positive, they would become a real family. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 10px]The thirteen friends purchased their tickets and are now either at the JFK Airport or and just arriving. Some will be arriving later than others but it didn't matter, just as long as they were together. These young adults are now ready to start a new journey in their lives and are very excited to be doing it with the people who have been supporting and loving them through thick and thin.[/SIZE]

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JFK Airport




coded by: orphic

Vesper Anika Eckstein


"We have now landed in New York everyone, please make sure to take all your belongings, have a nice stay and thank you for flying air-" Vesper quickly hit the play button on her wireless headphones to ignore what the pilot was saying, this was not her first time on a plane so she knew the protocol. Being on the out seat was a plus cause once other passengers began getting up and grabbing their bags from the overhead ves did the same thing. it seemed like 5 minutes until the section she was located started to move. throwing her carry-on bag over her shoulder and sliding her phone into her pocket she began walking down the long and small aisle towards the exit at the front of the plane. the flight attendants were standing at the end with smiles on their faces as they told each passenger to have a nice day or thank you for choosing us. Ves was next in line for the thanks you and shit when her stoned ass wanted to change it up a bit for fun.

"Thank you for fly-" the first female attendant was cut short by an unexpected wet kiss on the lips from the tattoo clad female. breaking the kiss ves quickly kissed the second flight attendant then smirked giving both of them a wink before speaking. 

"Vielen Dank für Ihre Dienste Damen" 

Ves made her way out of the plane walking down the connected hall onto the carpeted ground of the airport. She left both women along with the passengers behind her in shock. ves took out her phone and removed the airplane mode option of then opened up the messaging app she used to communicate with her friends. She sent out a text in the group chat.

'namaste my friends! I have just landed in New York and randomly kiss two female flight attendants!! Such a great way to start off my new life! I'll be in the terminal for a bit if you're in the area look for the stoned girl with rainbow hair!!'

She smiled sending the text then made her way to baggage claim. Upon arriving she waited until everyone's luggage started appearing on the conveyor belt. grabbing her two suitcases she walked to the center of the terminal and looked around wondering where the animal claim was located so she can go and retrieve her sweet baby Kush.

Although she was stoned she knew where she was going and was very excited to be living with her new family and begin this new chapter in her book of life.

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Daisy Ruth Blatchford

"Can all passengers please prepare for landing, thank you."

Daisy woke up to the sound of the flight attendant's voice. Muffling a soft yawn, the girl looked around at her surrounding. She was still on the flight. Daisy groaned as she slid down her chair like a five year old child. Her leg was bouncing up and down with anticipation as her long fingernails drummed against the chair's arm, earning a pissed off look from the elderly woman sitting next to her. "Sorry," Daisy muttered, quickly stopping her drumming session as the woman soon went back to her magazine.

Daisy hated flying, she hated waiting in general. Most of the time it wasn't the crying baby that disturb to passengers, it was her. She had mentality of a five year old and with her ADHD, it was almost inevitable for Daisy to sit still especially when the flight was nearly thirty-three hours longs. Lucky for her, the flight soon landed and everyone was allowed to leave their seats. Daisy almost jumped out of her seat from excitement, grabbing her leather backpack before pushing herself a way out of the plane, earning pissed off glares and a few shouts from the other passengers.

After making her way off the plane, Daisy headed straight to the luggage circuit in a rush. The ginger began to comb her fingers through her hair, pulling a black hair band from her wrist and anxiously tying her long curly hair into a messy high ponytail. Her fingernails began to tap against her jean as the conveyor belt began to slowly move, showing off each of the suitcases to the crowd of bustling people. As soon as she saw her suitcase, Daisy raced towards her suitcase, quickly picking it up before moving herself away from the crowd. She pulled out her phone from her pocket, noticing that her friend has sent a text. A small smile curled upon Daisy's lips as she quickly wrote a reply back

'Just arrived! I'm coming for you Vesper!'

Slipping her phone back into her jean's pocket. Daisy stood on her toes as she looked for anyone resembling Vesper. Her small smile turned into a cheesy grin as she picked up her suitcase and made her way over to her rainbow haired friend. "Vesper, hi!" Daisy waved as she gave Vesper a quick hug. "Your hair is beautiful!" She cooed as she admired Vesper's beautiful rainbow hair. A coy smile formed upon her lips as Daisy remembered what Vesper said in her text, "So, you just kissed two girls already? Smooth." she said jokingly.


coded by: syzygy


[SIZE= 18px]Information[/SIZE]

Attire - xxx

With - Vesper

Tags - @P l u v i o u s 
"Am I the first?"


Klara Marie Ivanov


Mood: Excited

Location: Flight >>> Airport

Tags: @P l u v i o u s @Doubt Attire: xxx

"Excuse me miss, the flight is landing soon, please stow your tray table for safety purposes." 

Klara felt a light tap on her shoulder once... Twice... Thrice, before she woke up and gave the flight attendant a sloppy grin. "Sorry." She murmured, clasping the tray table back in its intended position. Klara yawned as she took a peek out the clear glossy window, she could see the airport from here. It looked so close, yet so far. Her face snuggled into the plush rabbit she always brought along with her on long trips as she took a deep sigh. Her dainty fingers wrapped around the armrest tightly as the aircraft descended. Landing and take off were always horrific for her.

Klara was pushed and shoved around when attempting to maneuver through the crowd, though she wasn't necessarily the shortest person in the flight, she certainly was one of the most dainty and frail in stature. She eventually did manage to get off, though she was the last one left in the aircraft.

Klara's arms wrapped around her plushie as her mind wandered. looking out the window panes of the large airport. "It's a lot bigger than in Russia..." She muttered. staring down at her toes. Everyone here seemed so bold and tough. It made her a little intimidated honestly. Her meekness would definitely show when communicating with others.

As she sauntered over to the baggage claim area, Klara was subjected to another game of push and shove, she's pretty sure someone even called her a bitch for blocking their way. However, she paid no mind to them as she scrambled to collect her suitcase. It wasn't a very heavy suitcase of course, she never over packed, so it was relatively easy to zig-zag her way out of the crowd without hurting anyone.

When at a location void of people, Klara whipped out her phone and read through the messages in their group chat. She'd missed quite a few due to a ballet performance yesterday, and had only had the time to catch up with them now. As she scrolled downwards, she realized that both Daisy and Vesper had already arrived, Probably having met up already. "I'll see you guys soon." She typed, before going on the "quest" to find her two friends.

It certainly wasn't too hard to find Vesper. Her hair was always a big standout in a crowd. As she saw them in the distance, paying no mind to anyone else, she scurried towards them. "H-Hello..." She muttered, fidgeting with her fingers. Both the females were taller than she was, which really wasn't that shocking. Suddenly, a wave of panic struck her: What if they didn't like how small and meek she looked?

"U-Um... Uh... H-Hi..." She was stuttering so badly, and her face was beet red as she gave both the girls a clumsy grin.


coded by: syzygy
[SIZE= 20px]erin ross[/SIZE]

outfit: X 

mentions: @A p h r o d i t e

interacting: @P l u v i o u s @Doubt @A p h r o d i t e

mood: excited, calm


Airplanes were never his thing. He didn't enjoy them one bit. They  felt suffocating and weren't appealing to Erin in the least.  However he didn't have to take a flight. Nope, only a 37 minute  drive to Brooklyn, but before Brooklyn, he had to head to the  airport where everyone was arriving. It was pretty exciting to say  the least. He was finally meeting the people who had been a support  beam for him whenever he was struggling. Despite not being the more  social person in the world, even Erin was able to connect with  people in a way that not everyone can.

Not to boast or anything,  saying that Erin is the only one that feels this way, but he  connects to people in a more unique way. It's sort of hard to  explain. However the male was more interested in finally seeing his  friends, or rather his new family, face to face. He had grown a bit  attached to everyone in his group of friends. Even the laid back  male admitted that he was happier than usual, though his poker face  would tell you otherwise.


When he arrived at the airport, Erin looked around, tattooed  fingers running back through his messy black hair. The scent of a  seductive cologne clung to his inked up skin, and an air of  calmness surrounded him. He was one of the most contradicting people you could ever meet. Still, people were drawn to him, like months to a flame. It's not surprising that the male is considered very popular and desired. The man has a strong and silent type vibe going on. Though he had no interest in attracting the attention of any of his newfound friends. Nope, strictly platonic relationships for him, it always got way too messy when you roomed with someone you were in a relationship with. The tall male made his way over to where everyone was meeting, already he saw two familiar girls talking. 


"Oh joy, Daisy and Vesper" Erin spoke in a deep and monotone way as he headed towards the shorter girls, long fingers messing up the black locks. He shoved his hands into his pockets, tilting his head as he approached them. When the man walked towards the girls, about to greet them, suddenly a mouse like girl popped out in front of him, making the tall male glare for a second, not really liking the idea of squishing someone. "Be careful where you're walking half pint" He looked at the three girls and sighed deeply, this was going to be a long day. 

coded by: syzygy
Casper Haas


Interacting: Vesper( @P l u v i o u s ) Klara ( @A p h r o d i t e ) Daisy(  @Doubt) Erin(  @SociallyAwkward)

[COLOR= black]Mood: Optimistic &[/COLOR]excited

 Casper sat looking out of his window, taking in the view as the plane descended into New York. It was a stunning sight. The city lay out before him, its skyscrapers reaching up into the sky, the distant motion of cars and people below. It was a very, 'new york'. To Casper at least. His gaze went from the window, and the landscape under him, to the interior of the plane. Despite the lengthy trip, he had no issue with flying. The heights didn't get to him either, not when while in a plane. He had always maintained it wasn't a fear of heights, but rather a perfectly rational fear of falling, and the subsequent event which inevitably followed. As such, the ride to his new home, and to meet his new family had gone smoothly, leaving Casper with a slight smile tugging at his lips as he thought of his new life. A fresh start. 

"Please remain seated till the aircraft has come to a complete stop, and we've turned off the seat belt sign. Thank you." The voice came over said throughout the plane as they slowly taxied across the tarmac.

The ding of the sign flicking off send Casper directly upwards, as he unbuckled himself, standing just a little to quickly. "Ahhh! Dam." He rubbed the top of his head, having just given himself a good crack on the head. The man next to Casper gave him a semi-sympathetic look before he disappeared into the line of people who were slowly shuffling towards the exits. Casper maneuvered himself into the line, having no need to retrieve a carry on, he'd packed light, deciding to start fresh, almost entirely. It took a while to get off the aircraft, people struggling with bags, double checking they had everything. It didn't effect Casper's mood however, his lips holding just the hint of a smile, his eyes glittering with excitement. 

"Have a pleasant stay!" A hostess said as Casper finally got to the exit, giving him a dazzling smile. "I hope so." He replied, raising his eyebrows in jest. With a slight buzz in his chest, the dutch man made his way towards baggage pick up. He took his phone out, glancing over the messages in the chat, seeing that a few of his roommates were already here. "Picking up my luggage atm. see you guys in a sec." he quickly tapped the message out, sending it, and pocking his phone just in time for the first few bags to start rolling out of the conveyor.  It took a minute or two for his pack to appear. Wadding through the clump of people, Casper scooped up his bag, throwing it over his shoulder before he began to head away into the airport in search of his friends.

Finding them turned out to be less hard then expected. Vesper stood out from the crowd to say the least. The rainbow hair acting as a useful beacon. With a grin, Casper made his way over, giving them a slight wave as he got closer. As he did, he made out the others, with Klara, Daisy and Erin all gathered around as well. "Hello strangers." He said in his husky, yet upbeat tone, smiling at them all as he joined the group. "Fancy meeting you here.

coded by: syzygy

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Neck pillow, check. Shades, check. Music, check. Heck, she even booked an aisle seat so she could have some room to stretch her legs. *I hate my life.* She blatantly thought as she felt a migraine form preventing her from not just the blissful time of slumber, but even the plain boredom of being encased in some air born piece of metal with only a single porta potty for each respected gender had been lost. Taking a glance at her phone she repeated to herself, just six more hours over and over again until she heard her ring tone through her ear buds. Too tired to check who it was she accepted the call hoping it would keep herself keep her mind off her headache. Before she was even to respond with a hello the caller had already begun in perky voice "Oh my gosh , my Ki-" Before the other had finished their sentence Sher quickly hung them up muttering, massaging her temple. "Ugh I think my headache got worse."

She didn't know when, but she fell asleep amidst all her agony. There was still an half an hour before she landed. Browsing on her phone, she began to check up on some lovely human beings. Smiling she typed "Seems like you guys are having fun. Were the girls cute? I'll be joining you all in a bit."

After placing her phone back into the pockets of her gray coat she sat straight and looked at herself from her small compact mirror. With her manicured nails she quickly brushed her hair into place. She then clipped it up after she gave up on tidying her hair and put on a hat. Once the time of landing was getting closer she edged closer to the end of the seat with her hands ready to take of the seat belt. It was like a race. Just as the seat belt light turned off she sprouted up, towering most with her already 5'11 feet height and an added 5 inches with her black stilettos. With no carry on other than the big tote bag she had on her she quickly headed towards the front of the crowd.

She attracted a bit of attention. Well maybe not just a bit. With her tall height she stood out, especially with her sunglasses and large hat. She's not going to lie, she likes the attention she's getting. It mustered up some energy to strut all the way towards the baggage claim belt with utmost concentration. There was no way she'd let just anyone touch her baby. Waiting for the moment it appeared she briskly power walked with her heels constantly hitting the carpet having people pretty much make way for her as she lifted the suitcase, half her size, easily off the conveyor belt and started a stroll with it in order to find any familiar faces.

Finding her victim, she attempted to sneak behind them hoping her heels wouldn't make too much noise. Once she was behind them she bent down and blew next to their ear. "Hey there, love."

location; JFK airport | mood; jet lagged, when you feel like shit but want to look fab
attire; x - x - x | tags; everyone?
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JFK Airport




coded by: syzygy

Traven Declan Lesin 


"cuse me....excuse me..."

the voice was very hollow and seemed kinda choppy to traven. the voice became a little louder and along with that came a slightly harsh shake on the skinny mans shoulder. traven jolted awake and removed the sleeping mask from his eyes. looking around he waited a little bit before his vision became clear then looked at the strong, burly bearded man that was literally twice the size of the leather vest he was wearing. "The planes landed and everyone is getting off now...can you please get off of me.."

 traven rubbed his eyes and quickly stood up. "y-yeah! I'm so sorr-ow..." he groaned rubbing his head. the tall man just looked at him and waited a few seconds until traven moved out of the seating area and grabbed his things out of the overhead. remaining quiet, traven avoided all contact with the man he was sitting next to and stood in the aisle waiting until it started. moving. What was supposed to be seconds turned into minutes and Traven was already uncomfortable so the heat radiating off of the tall man standing behind him wasn't helping him at all. The line finally started moving, traven couldn;t have moved out of the plane and into the airport fast enough. Upon exiting the plane he immediately made distance between him and the man he just acted like an idiot in front of. Taking his phone out of his pocket he pushed the power button and proceeded to walk to baggage claim. once her arrived he felt his phone vibrate in his hand alerting him of all the notifications he has received while his phone was shut off. looking down at it he saw the text Ves had sent out and smiled at how wild the girl was. While looking at the text message he looked up just in time to see his luggage arrive on the baggage claim belt. quickly grabbing both bags he began looking for Ves in the crowd. It shouldn't be hard since she is the only one out of the group that has the most vibrant and vivid head of hair. standing in the middle of the people walking either to and fro their flights, turning at a 180 degree angle traven smiled when he spotted the girl but she wasn't alone, others from the chat were also there talking and so was the one friend he had a huge crush. 'Alright Trav...don't screw this up this is your real life first impression and you only have one shot!' Trav took a deep breath but he was too excited to actually take his time going over to them. 

"Guys! Hey guys!!" Trav began running at this point suitcases in tow. "Guys! I'm right he-" His sentence was cut short with his face meeting the hard generic airport floor. he was too excited to see them his footing turned against him and made him fall face first. all Trav could do was just lie there as not only his friends witness him blow his introduction but also pretty much everyone from around the world witness as well. He already knew someone has caught his epic fail on video and can see the title already. "When you get curved by air" 

Traven just signed. 'this was not how I wanted this to happen....you should just die right here trav...you're done for' 
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-- outfit | x - mood | peachy - location | airport - mentions | the group - tags | @P l u v i o u s --


- Elijah Tallowell -

"Bear with me, smile. Let me cling to this denial."


[SIZE= 12px]The universe was likely shaking it's head at the male who casually drank the night before his flight with the excuse that another drink wouldn't hurt -- and even for a man that could hold his liquor, he still found a way to dig himself a hole. If it wasn't considered stupid, then it should at least find its way next to "ridiculous." However, did Eli seem particularly concerned about it? Of course not. He damned his way into next week, but concern never tinged his accented speech.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]"Only a little bit, huh? Pretty sure that's what they said when they started speeding up the bloody Titanic." Elijah muttered to himself as he rubbed his eyes while he sat beneath the airport's bright lights. The water bottle by his side was downed before the first flight even landed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]At least he was comfortable in his bittersweet karma. The seats made for a makeshift bed, while his sweatshirt and pants gave him enough warmth to call themselves a blanket. He was fine in the grand scheme of things, but continued to make self-deprecating jokes on the inside for the sake of wasting time between naps, or the half-assed flirty remarks to the stewardess.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]His accent proved quite the catch for most encounters, but others were detoured once "Where are you from?" became a drab question. Elijah, with little reluctance, simply kept his mouth shut until he landed in Brooklyn. While he was still a bit nauseous, most of his hangover dissipated with the varied heights and distance.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]Once his bags were seized from the conveyor belt, the male peered at his phone screen in order to view the queue of messages. It was only then that any real excitement kicked in. The flights seemed like an overly extended trip to see a best mate or something to that extent, but being so close to the people he escaped to through the very same screen seemed oddly surreal. A smirk pulled at his lips before putting the smartphone in his sweatshirt's front pocket. "Showtime."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]Wrapped in his own little world, Elijah studied each passing face before settling on the collective that seemed most familiar. Photo opportunities riddled their meet-up, yet his inked hands didn't reach for his camera just yet; especially when Traven fell over in a rush of his own elation. "Falling head over heels for us is after the introductions, mate." Eli called over, giving out a hand for the lanky male below. "Impression wise, however, I think you've made headway." he laughed as he spoke.[/SIZE]


-- outfit | x | x - mood | determined af - location | airport - mentions | the group - tags | no one in particular --


- Tamsin Adisa -

"I don't want to go, but I can't stay. There's a world out there too far astray."


[SIZE= 12px]"Kuwa nzuri, Nia. Be good."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]"Only for you, mama."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]Several hours in a tin can with wings wasn't as thrilling as Tamsin might have anticipated, but the thought of what would come after surely brought a smile to her pouted lips. What a life she lived.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]A stone skip across the pond, and the Kenyan girl maneuvered her way through a bustling airport to hop on a transfer flight in Amsterdam. To say she had gotten lost for the first five minutes was certainly an understatement. Her head was muddled with "what if's" before she could finally get her bearings straight. Low and behold, the gate she was looking for was inevitably in front of her the whole time, but perhaps it served her right for leaving the coop on whims. If she didn't get irritated by her second -- and last -- stop before New York, then she'd consider the day to be a success. Pugnacious spouts were not uncommon for Tamsin.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]Her phone had died by the time her feet touched American soil, or rather cheap American carpet if she were to put it bluntly. Tucking a few of her stray, wavy strands of hair behind her ears, the female continued had her heart set on being capable enough to manage yet another crazed airport. This one in particular, however, had a far better reward for orienteering than the others. There weren't anymore gates to sit by, or small talk to ignore, but a whole crew of -- somewhat -- like-minded people. What a shock that would be.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]From what little she saw of the group's texts, the terminal was likely the rendezvous. "Hawana kutomba up." she huffed, finding her native tongue to be far kinder than cursing in English for everyone else to hear. After all, crude words were quite the motivator for herself. A map framed and posted on the wall was a saving grace, but once she traced a mental trail, her venturesome feet took hold.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]With her luggage claimed, and a content nod to herself, the brunette wandered through more aimless or anxious bodies before she found familiar ones of her own. As a whole, none of them looked like they had anything in common. Some dawned tattoos, others were petite, and there were those who fell over in the heat of the moment. Poor lad. It was sweet to see another lift him back up, though. Tamsin bit her lower lip as she drew closer, remembering the names to each face to save herself from jet-lagged embarrassment.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]"Three flights, two layovers, and a dead phone to see you all? I'd consider that a hearty friendship." she stated, stepping into the circle of misfits with a half-smile.[/SIZE]
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the lying lover


 A mess of dark rose gold colored hair as lazily falling in front of closed eyes, a white face mask pulled up to the man's nose. His long eyelashes made his closed eyes seem pretty even when they were shut. Slender fingers were loosely holding onto an iPhone, which had earbuds plugged into it. The soft music played in his ears as he slept, having suffered through a 14 hour flight, not to mention his layover time. It made the male feel like he had been awake for five days straight. The seats were pretty comfortable, him being able to lean back and curl up a bit if he wanted to. Normally someone's heart would be racing far too much to let them sleep, especially if they were doing something as strange and crazy as him. However he slept without trouble, enjoying the music and feeling of warmth as he slept. 


The kind flight attendant was what woke the sleeping beauty, his innocent eyes sleepily looking at the woman as he nodded, buckling his seat belt as they prepared for landing. Some would feel oh so guilty about waking someone who was sleeping as peacefully as he was. Maybe the woman did as well. All that was for certain was that he was tired. Lazily he looking in his phone's front camera, checking his appearance. He liked looking nice, it was something that he knew he could always do. Look good. Digging in his carry on, the male pulled out a glass's case and opened it, revealing gold rimmed glasses. Putting them on, he yawned, it thankfully covered by the mask. 


Getting his many bags was something he didn't enjoy, but hell, he had to. It was all very tiring for the delicately built male, but he didn't complain. It would hurt his dignity. Flipping through his messages, he found our where everyone was located. For the first time in over 24 hours, Jinwhan Choi sent his first text. Of course it was joking saying that he was probably going straight to a hotel in order to sleep. However he was really just looking at his internet friends, raising a thick eyebrow for a moment. "Aigoo, Choi Jinhwan, you know American men are so your type" He mused in smooth Korean before he headed towards the group, pulling his suitcases behind him.


Honestly speaking he stood out, well actually all of them did. Some had wildly colored hair, piercings and tattoos, while others just looked like they were from another world. Jin was in his own world as he walked towards the group, dark eyes looking over each one. They all had stories, they all had something unique about them, so where did that leave Jin? Somewhere in the mix, but he was never sure where. His long legs carried him to the group, letting his luggage rest on the floor as he ran his fingers back through his mane of hair, silver rings glinting in the light of the airport. "Well isn't this the best sight one could find. I'm surprised someone hasn't burst into tears from happiness" Jin spoke in a husky way, his playful brown eyes getting hidden behind the glasses and messy bangs. "I was serious about going straight to the hotel by the way. Seriously, over 14 hours of flying isn't good for my skin. I don't feel like having dark circles" 


It was strange, meeting them all for the first time. Usually if Jin was in a group of people this large it was at a party or club and he was already making his move. However the male seemed less than interested in hitting on his friends. No, instead he bent down to fix the bottom of his skinny jeans, shifting his weight from foot to foot. Even though he was pretty open and friendly with people, he refused to show any of them what he looked like without any makeup. Now in the time that they knew Jin, they learned about the popular Asian trends and how it was normal for a male to wear makeup, not like a woman, but in a more masculine and alluring way. Jin was a fine example of that. However the beagle like male was bare faced, hence the reason he was wearing a mask and glasses. He didn't look unattractive without makeup, but honestly he looked younger than he is and has a more innocent and puppy like look. The only person that had ever seen him without makeup was when he video called Trav once when he got home from a long night of partying. He had a tendency of doing that. Speaking of which, "Travie, what are you doing tripping already?" He asked, having noticed his close friend on the ground when he approached the group. 

: outfit : x | : mood : tired, lazy, happy | : mentions : the group | : tags : @P l u v i o u s @everyone else bc i'm too lazy to tag them 

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JFK Airport




coded by: syzygy

Traven Declan Lesin 


"traven started processing the fact that his life was now over and there was no way of reviving it. giving a very deep sigh traven pushed himself up till he was in doggie style position then looked up when he heard a familiar new zealand accent. standing right in front of him with his hand held out to him was Elijah who also has a smug look on his face. "my first time meeting all of you in person and I fall face first onto the floor...I'm surprised you're helping me Eli" traven reached up grabbing the tattoo clad males hand and was hoisted back up onto his feet. dusting the imaginary dirt off of his shirt he looked over to his best friend Jin as he always had something to say about or to Traven. rolling his eyes he crossed his arms and looked at him. "Sorry I couldn't contain my excitement to see my best friend." traven thanked Eli before grabbing his bags looking at the rest of his friends. 

"Well...my introduction was a complete and utter fail...hopefully all of yours are better than mine" traven smiled when vesper walked over and gave a big warm hug practically knowing he needed one. "bonjour mon petit klutz"

traven returned the hug before he either gave or received hugs from everyone else in the group. Traven had a blush along with a small smile on his face when he turned and looked at Erin who looked like he wanted to hurry up and leave. " you don't seem so happy to be here...hope my fall changed that..." traven gave him a small smile before looking down at his feet preparing himself for whatever was about to happen next. 

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