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Futuristic Welcome to ATH-011!


New Member
Pretty much anything is allowed, I mean, it's a big, big universe. Just as long as it makes sense.

Here's the character skeleton? Sheet? Information? I dunno, it's just the information on your character. It's really here for those who need a structure, if you can do it better, or feel like it restricts you, feel free to do it differently!





Home System:




Something relevant Ayreon didn't categorize:
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Jackson L. Blake

Race: Human


see picture above

Home System:

engineer (aspires to join the military)

Jackson Grew up always on the run in the care of his father. His father dragged him into the life of a pirate,for the first 12 years of his life that was all he knew. Hoping to escape the lifestyle of a pirate and do something with his nac for fixing/making things, he ran away while he and his father were on earth. For two years he lived in the streets of earth determined to make something of his life. He used his talents to make enough money to eat and stay alive but it was hard to get people to hire a kid to fix their things. While he was staying alive and was happy not living the life he had he knew their was more he knew he could be more,In order to make something of his life he found someone to take him under his wing,he worked hard in hopes of catching his big break when he heard about the new station. He knew this was it this was his chance to be more than the son of a no imprisoned pirate so he saved all the money he could and bought his way onto the station with enough to open a small shop on-bored.

Jackson is very outgoing and sensitive. he gets upset easily and when he does almost always displays the emotion of anger. One of the things that upsets him most is people who ask for pity but refuse to do something about their situation
Name: Thulund Remrandt

Race: Nolan (Alien, looks like the protoss in Star Craft)

Age: 600 Human Years

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/upload_2015-11-19_13-32-49.jpeg.f5fed10db170cb24805a54ad54e066ac.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="86239" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/upload_2015-11-19_13-32-49.jpeg.f5fed10db170cb24805a54ad54e066ac.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Home System: LH4-988 (three systems from the Solar)

Occupation: Fleet Commander of the United Nolan Society

Backstory: Thulund grew up in poverty and was not expected to live. He fought in his infancy and conquered others during his tot stage. Once he reached adulthood and was the biggest of his litter, he began to quarrel with hsi siblings and eventually got into physically induced fights with them. He dominated his spawn and rose through the ranks of his family. Eventually he joined the UNS in their military part of it. He became a footsoldier and eventually became a Fleet Commander in under 50 years, which is considerabely less for the Nolan.

Personality?: Hard-headed, self-centered and dead serious.



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[QUOTE="Christian Nether]Name: Thulund Remrandt
Race: Nolan (Alien, looks like the protoss in Star Craft)

Age: 600 Human Years

Appearance: View attachment 194105

Home System: LH4-988 (three systems from the Solar)

Occupation: Fleet Commander of the United Nolan Society

Backstory: Thulund grew up in poverty and was not expected to live. He fought in his infancy and conquered others during his tot stage. Once he reached adulthood and was the biggest of his litter, he began to quarrel with hsi siblings and eventually got into physically induced fights with them. He dominated his spawn and rose through the ranks of his family. Eventually he joined the UNS in their military part of it. He became a footsoldier and eventually became a Fleet Commander in under 50 years, which is considerabely less for the Nolan.

Personality?: Hard-headed, self-centered and dead serious.

[QUOTE="Cal Rader]

Jackson L. Blake

Race: Human


see picture above

Home System:

engineer (aspires to join the military)

Jackson Grew up always on the run in the care of his father. His father dragged him into the life of a pirate,for the first 12 years of his life that was all he knew. Hoping to escape the lifestyle of a pirate and do something with his nac for fixing/making things, he ran away while he and his father were on earth. For two years he lived in the streets of earth determined to make something of his life. He used his talents to make enough money to eat and stay alive but it was hard to get people to hire a kid to fix their things. While he was staying alive and was happy not living the life he had he knew their was more he knew he could be more,In order to make something of his life he found someone to take him under his wing,he worked hard in hopes of catching his big break when he heard about the new station. He knew this was it this was his chance to be more than the son of a no imprisoned pirate so he saved all the money he could and bought his way onto the station with enough to open a small shop on-bored.

Jackson is very outgoing and sensitive. he gets upset easily and when he does almost always displays the emotion of anger. One of the things that upsets him most is people who ask for pity but refuse to do something about their situation

Both accepted!
Name: Hope 9.0

Race: HealthTech Personas - Nurse Hope Edition [AI]

Age: System running for six years


Due to her desire to be as human as possible, Hope rarely allows people to see any of her interior mechanics, and it isn't known to many people that she is an AI as she has pretty much perfected her speech patterns and walk. She wears a brunette wig to cover her scalp. When on duty she is wearing a Nurse's dress, however when she is not she wears your average casual clothes. She possesses the same amount of strength as any humanoid based robot; stronger than the average human, of course.

Home System: Manufactured in factory satellite 20673

Occupation: Healthcare professional - Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Backstory: It was three years after her creation that the Artificial Intelligence Rights Act was passed, giving factory made AI's like Hope the freedom to choose where to work and who to work for. Because of this she has spent the last two years on a planet in the middle of a war, assisting the war heroes and civilians caught in cross fires back to health again. She had worked alongside a human doctor who was her owner before the rights act was passed; he was a good man so she was happy to work by his side once more. It could even be possible that she'd felt some artificial love for him. But his death when operating not far from a battle field forced the girl to shut out this emotion immediately. Hope decided to leave the war ground and put her skills to better use as a crew upon a ship.

Personality?: Ever since creation Hope has desired for the ability to be human. She would practice at her charging port each night speaking like a real human. Walking like a real human. Her system is programmed to make her caring and kind, however she has developed a stubborn personality, which is only natural when your intelligence rate is one of the highest available in the HealthTech Persona range.

Something relevant Ayreon didn't categorize: -

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