Welcome to ARMS [Futuristic Military Academy / WIP]


Mandalorian Warrior and Skald.





Galactic Record (History):

Character Summary (Personality):


Why ARMS?:



Evalus Dominius






Sorian [Rankalun]



Galactic Record (History):

Evalus grew up as the child of Admiral Garados, a prestigious pilot and leader within the Sorian Emipre and Galactic Alliance. Garados, becoming the Ambassador between the Alliance and Sorian Empire, raised Evalus around many aliens as they traveled across Alliance space together. However, when Evalus reached the age to enlist, he was sent to ARMS to improve relations with the other Alliance species.

Although he never wanted to come, Evalus knew he'd get some sort of satisfaction due to it being a military program. He was one of the first to enter the program, and was shipped to Fenrir earlier on.

Character Summary (Personality):

Evalus possesses the usual Sorian high-intelligence, high-psionic capabilities, and their usual warrior-esc personality. He strongly believes in aiding his comrades, but also desires personal glory and will do anything to win. Evalus himself possesses a double personality, dubbed 'The Warrior' and 'The Soldier'

The Warrior - Warrior Evalus will do anything to win, no matter who or what gets in his way. He is capable of killing or destroying anything he has to, and that also means his comrades. Warrior Evalus is more in-tune with the reality of things, and is often angry in his appearances.

The Soldier - Soldier Evalus is the caring, supportive soldier that most are used to. He is the most common out of the two mindsets, and possesses honor, pride, and still holds a desire to win. In short, Soldier Evalus is a much more toned down Warrior Evalus, possessing much more sanity then it's rarer twin.



Very Agile / Strong

Mildly Intelligent

Leader-like Aura

Psionic Abilities

Why ARMS?:

For Glory.
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Name:Galin Mark






Galactic Record (History):

-Galin Mark-

General Data

-Resident of New Earth

-Orphaned at age 6

-Expelled from Government Orphanage, age 14

Criminal Record

-Two accounts of armed robbery

-One account of aggravated assault

-One account of home invasion

-10 accounts of trespassing

-One account of illegal arms possession

-Suspected gang affiliation

Gemini Project


-Inducted through the federal prison social works program, age 15

-Basic Military Training




-Inducted into the 666th legion (similar to the historic French Foreign Legion)

Character Summary (Personality): Galin’s past has been dominated by blood shed and violence. When he was 6 Galin’s parents were murdered by a gang known as the Crimson Tide, when he was older he found out this was due to his father failing to pay “protection fees”. After his parents deaths Galin was moved into GPU(Government Program for the Underprivileged) Orphanage. Due to the incredibly high child to faculty ratio, criminal influences, and under funding, life in the orphanage mirrored that of modern day state penitentiaries. When he was 14 Galin was kicked out of the orphanage due to overcrowding. Stuck on the streets alone and with no assets Galin turned to crime in order to survive. Shortly after leaving the orphanage he joined the Hand, a gang of highly skilled thieves and operators. Though stealth wasn’t his forte Galin quickly learned he had an aptitude for combat and was employed as a gunman, infiltrator, and debt collector.

For years Galin operated outside of the law until a botched job landed him in prison with multiple charges leveled against him. Being an orphan with no immediate family in an underfunded prison with no chance at parole Galin became an ideal target for the Gemini Project. Operating outside of what would normally be considered legal parameters Galin was inducted into the Gemini Program. Though his exact activities while in the program are classified Galin possed basic military training and extensive knowledge of EAS’s (Enhanced armour systems) by the time the program was dissolved.

As an attempt to cover up the failure known as the Gemini project the remaining participants were placed in New Earths 666th legion. The legion consisted of criminals from all walks of life and was infamous for the suicidal missions they were forced to under take. Less known is the fact the legion is equipped with outdated gear and is considered expendable by all major military officers.

Galin may have been doomed to to live out his days as a simple military dog but little less than a month ago his platoon undertook a mission to clear some god forsaken asteroid, code named Cerberus, of a major criminal syndicate that had decided to dabble in pirating. The platoon turned out to be to ill equipped and outnumbered to carry out their mission effectively. After days of fighting and a misguided missile strike via lunar satellite Galin emerged as the only survivor of his platoon.


-Proficient with outdated weapons as a result with his time in the Hand and 666th

-Experience using EAS’s

-Not one to fight conventionally or fair

Why ARMS?: After the failed mission on Cerberus Galin was recognized for valor in the face of danger and sent to Cerberus in order to further his military training.

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