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Fantasy Welcome To Andarun...

Sincerely Me

Senior Member
Greetings Traveller, welcome to Andarun. Please head over to the 'Overview' tab where I will tell you all about the lands. Hopefully, you will be intrigued enough to stay...

In-Character RP thread Story Arcs:

IC 1:
City of Magic

IC 2: Stormlord's Pendant
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One Week Ago "Seler`Tanadris, amin sal rangw`uuma mankoi amin aut`caela!" The younger of the two women cried, wringing her hands in the air as she turned away. She crossed her arms over her chest, a frown on her face as she fixed her eyes on a painting hanging by the wall of their house. An Isilhin warrior sat astride his stallion, leading a charge into a horde of Wretched, backed by the colourful pennants of his clan and allies. His features were clearly depicted, but the cleanliness of his facade was far from the scarred and battleworn lines of Father.

"Fyrilis... Saes last`amin." The other replied, gently but firmly, her voice pleading. She reached out to grasp the shoulder of her sister, trying to get her to turn back. A servant dressed in a neat but subdued dress glanced curiously from a balcony overlooking the the immaculately decorated living room. On the wall, just behind where the two sisters stood, a pair of crossed runic elven blades - the family heirloom - glinted in the warm glow of the Elemental Lanterns.

"There are many other rangers who know the area! Why can't you send them?" The protest was spoken in commons, though Fyrilis still refused to turn around. At first glance, both women were starkly different, as night was to day. One with long flowing golden hazelnut locks and olive skin while the other was fair, pale skin so translucent it almost seemed to gleam like the moon. But while the younger woman had let her brown hair flow freely, gently cascading about her shoulders, the other had pinned her long dark hair back out of her face; a common conduct of someone in the military.

"Ile sinta`tanya naa a'risa."
The older woman sighed. "We are perhaps the only two who has ever gone beyond The Knife and traversed the wilderness. There might be others that we do not know of, but it would take too long to find them. I would've gone myself but-"

"You can't." Fyrilis interrupted, her voice flat. She was resigned to her task, there was only so much she could argue. In truth, she knew there was no other way. She had only resisted just because she felt she had to say something. Turning around finally, she gave her sister a hug. "I don't know if I can do this, seler. I've always had you to back me up. Out there, I will be on my own... I've heard your tales of adventure and everything and I'd always longed to go.. but now that it's in front of me.."

"You'll be fine, don't worry. I don't think there'll be much of a danger." Tanadris smiled as she hugged her sister back. Then stepping back, she grinned. "Besides, I heard that one of the Aryanites is a very capable warrior. A knight... a handsome knight."


~The present~

The elf stood fidgeting impatiently as she stood on the porch of the tavern. Leaning forward with her chin resting on the palm of one hand and the fingers of the other drumming the wood of the balcony restlessly, she cast her eyes about, searching for someone.

They are late! A whole day late in fact! Her sources had told the elf that she was to meet three people at the Tavern of the Three Dragons in the Town of Haven at noon. Noon yesterday. Of course there wasn't any real need to hurry, but that didn't change the fact that he was late. She knew what her sister would say, she would tell her to be more patient. But Fyrilis could not help it, she was unlike most elves, who were supposedly known for their patience and calm conduct.

A chill wind swept across the front, and despite the fact that it was a little past noon, the air was pretty cold. Clouds drifted past, obscuring the sun as dried autumn leaves swept across the compound. Fyrilis tugged her pale blue cloak closer about her, stared down the pathway and immediately noticed a figure approaching the tavern.


Language of the elves phrased from the The Grey Company

Tanadris my sister, I don't get why I have to go!

Fyrilis... Listen to me please.

You know that is not true.

Seler - Sister
Indeed the young man was late, hell he knew this all to well as he repeatedly admonished himself for allowing such a thing to occur, but it wasn't fully his fault truly, it was that damn young woman's fault, he was a generous sort, and he couldn't leave somebody in trouble but she was pushing the boundaries to what he could do just in good nature!

it started off with simply helping her get her cat from a tree, the poor thing was stuck rather far up one, and being a good man he climbed up the surprisingly tall tree... However the cat wasn't exactly patient, jumping from it's branch to his face causing him to fall straight to the ground, after that she offered to treat him to lunch.. which then having to clear her house of some simple goblins that took residence when she left... And being a good knight, he helped her, the fact he couldn't exactly talk to her and say no without stuttering up a storm helped this fact. Once the goblins were dealt with he was then sent out to hunt a boar, for the pantries were all barren.. though they didn't look like they had anything within them from the get go... even the house was suspiciously clean now that he thoughts of it.. not only that apparently he couldn't use his sword, he had to use some rusty dull knife she had on her person, all jagged and ruined...

But being a good knight, he did so, with some trouble, but he managed to take down a wild boar and drag it back to the small cottage. And now when he brought the boar back he was met with the gaze of a rather fearsome, and rather huge man, arms crossed and glaring down at Felix who was utterly surprised by the sudden appearance of the daunting man. His manly mustache and beard combo, his shirt looking as if it will burst if he will flex even the slightest, and not to mention he was carrying an axe so over all the man cut a very frightening figure. After abit of talking and explanation, the man was indeed the woman's husband, and even though he looked quite fearsome he was simply fearful for Felix's life when he heard the situation, in truth the man reminded Felix of his father, huge and burly but soft as a cupcake.

Spending time with the two he finally remembered his duty, in the middle of the night actually, once a dream reminded him of his duty (the dream involved a rather annoyed elf woman slapping him with a pickle of all things), leaving a note of thanks he ran out of the home, leading him up to the present. Staring at the Inn which laid conveniently by the main road he finished his small pre-journey journey and let out a large sigh of relief as he took a moment to look... around... he spotted the elven woman from his dream and immediately started to look around for the pickle, spotting none to be seen he approached. "Excuse me..." he spoke softly, trying not to be a bother.
Fyrilis glanced at the rather ordinary looking albeit, tall knight, when he spoke up. Probably the hundredth person that had come to the well-known tavern that day; not that she was counting. Her brow arched in annoyance, when she realized he was looking to her. Crossing her arms under her breast, she shot him a side-long glance before turning to gaze back down the road.

"You are excused, human..."
She wondered at his remark. As far as she knew, she wasn't blocking the tavern doors, so why would he ask to be excused. Only other explanation was he was probably lost, and the elf clearly wasn't in the mood to be playing info-board to any random passer's by.
"Huh? I-I-I-I didn't mean to disturb you, sorry, I'm trying to find a guide I was ordered to meet..." He stuttered out as he got a good look at the woman... an elf, not that it mattered much, but in truth she was the first elf he has met face to face, he hoped to Iolos that he wouldn't mess up his first meeting with one... Who was he kidding, something was bound to happe-

As if on que the squeaking floorboard beneath his right foot gave way, cracking under the weight of the man and his equipment and sending his leg downwards, dangling just above the ground below the balcony that they sat upon.
"What?! Oh not again!" he yelped as he struggled to pull himself out of his confinement.
"Guide..." The human's reply passed over the young elf for a moment, but then her ocean green orbs suddenly widened in dawning comprehension, "wait what?" She whirled back to face him just as the tall knight decided he wanted to vandalize private property. Fyrilis looked at the ungainly man incredulously, studying him for a moment before speaking, as if unaware of his current predicament.

"Are you Fredrick Brandt? The... knight? From Arya?"
Her eyes narrowed, as if accusing the poor man.
~Travelling to Alliance Territory~

Jorge ran a hand over his freshly grown stubble, a wry smile crossing his face. They really hadn't tried hard this time at all. He sighed, weariness breaking through whatever small humour he had drawn from another abject failure by the establishment. He pulled his long waistcoat on over his chest plate and stepped out of his quarters at the ships stern and made his way to the open deck. He breathed the early morning air deeply and climbed the steps to the ship's wheel. The helmsman, 'Red' stood there, leaning gently on the wheel, he sported an impressive ginger beard, sprouting from his wizened face, ice-blue eyes peering out. "Cap'n." he mumbled gruffly. Jorge acknowledged the greeting and stood adjacent to his first mate, who was peering through an eyeglass at the countryside ahead of them. "We'll clear Arya soon sir." Nathan Strandt said in his even, upper-class voice. Although he sounded like the image of a young, eligible bachelor at any ball anyone who was in the right circles knew he was trouble if they valued their 'immortal souls'.

"Good." Replied Jorge firmly, clasping his hands behind his back and standing straight. "We can all get a shave soon then." he said, the tiniest hint of mirth in his tone. Nathan looked down at the deck briefly, unable to suppress a small smile.

"Can't wait sir." he said dryly. He was itching to get his meagre attempt at facial hair removed, he had aimed for a good crop of stubble, but achieved only very bushy sideburns and a pitiful, thin moustache. Jorge had playfully commented that Nathan should have resigned before getting a job as a human chimney sweep, the black of his sideburns contrasting oddly with his sandy brown hair. Nathan hadn't found the humour in that quite yet.

Jorge tapped on the railing of the wheel-deck, eager to be above their first way-point. An hour later they passed into cloud as they sailed into no man's land, the last of the Aryian watchtowers fading into the dew-mist behind them. He moved below deck then, fetching a favourite book of his from his quarters; Paradise of Nature, Translated from Elvish by... followed by a long faded name, before returning to the sunny deck to sit and read. He sat on a barrel, back to the bulkhead, the sun falling sideways across him. As a newer crewman worked to check over the tools for firing the ship's weapons, Jorge watched him from the corner of his eye, whilst appearing to have his eyes hooded as he read. The crewman's face shone like a beacon to Jorge, clean shaven, hair close shaven. The young man was strong, and his eyes would flick to Jorge occasionally with disgust briefly twisting his features. 'Damn fool.' Thought Jorge to himself, turning the page. A throat was cleared in an uncomfortably audible manner. He looked up as if he had been solely focused on the book, slight surprise masquerading across his face a moment. "Can I help you crewman?" he said.

Almost before he had finished the words the man spoke clearly, perhaps trying to raise support; "Sir your facial hair is out-with regulations. If we were to be inspected..." he trailed off under Jorge's blank expression. The captain snapped the book shut, causing the crewman to jolt ever so slightly. He stood and strode a few steps past the young man. He spoke loudly as though rehearsing a play "...and to all, life's paradise doth lye open, if only one should see the light from the blindness of pure faith..." The kid twitched ever so slightly at the words as they stabbed at all the others drilled so firmly into him. A bead of cold sweat formed on his brow as Jorge drew his sword slowly and deliberately, holding up to the light, letting it reflect it on the pristine blade. 'If they're to play games with me, I shall have my own game with them.' he thought angrily. He turned to the crewman "That's from my book you know. You seemed awfully... intrigued by it." he said with gentle sarcasm. Gentle as a well kept razor that is. He swept his sword down smoothly; hand at waist height, arm straight and elevated 30 degrees from the body, point of the sword towards his left foot. "All you had to do was grow a beard, mate..." He said, a hint of genuine sadness leaking through his voice on the last word. 'One chance, that's all you'll get.' Defiance crept onto the man's face as he knew he was made. 'Guess they got you too.' In one swift movement Jorge slid forward as he thrust out with his sword hand. It penetrated the man's chest between the fifth and sixth ribs, almost exactly perpendicular to his body. He was about 6 inches from the block of the sword, and a surprised yelp escaped his lips as the silver dagger he'd tried to draw fell with a clatter to the deck. Jorge looked at him, his face set but eyes fierce. "I guess what makes this worse for you is, that my sword isn't regulation either." he said with dark humour killing whatever compassion he still felt for the man. He twisted the sword slightly and spun the pair of them round anti-clockwise, Jorge acting as the fulcrum. He did it quickly and drew his sword back quickly so it wouldn't catch in the wound. He had spun 270 degrees, and when he drew out the sword, the crewman stumbled backwards a few steps, coughing as he did. He made it only a metre or so before his feet met with the guard-rail of the deck and he tumbled backwards overboard. A few of the loyal crew rushed to the side to gaze down as the body sped towards the lake below. The ship listed slightly as they turned, their first way-point reached.

Jorge grabbed a cloth and carefully began to wipe down his sword. A cry rang out behind him, "Heretic!" followed by quick, heavy footsteps. A rating who had been aboard several months and sported a fine beard charged him, and stabbed out with a silver dagger, aiming to skewer something important in Jorge's abdomen. Spinning one-eighty and dropping his sword to face the zealot he stepped inside his guard and grabbed the man's wrist and pulled it past him as he jabbed his right hand's fingers hard into the young Inquisitor's throat, the combined velocity of the charge and his fast moving hand multiplying the force. He leapt back as he released the man to collapse, coughing violently. He scooped up his fallen sword and made for his cabin, muttering under his breath; "I do wish they'd stop doing that." more for his own dark amusement than anything else. They crew slowly returned to work as Nathan ordered the spluttering assassin to the brig under guard. They mostly wore satisfied expressions, some of the younger members surprise more prevalent. A few wore gruesome smiles, pleased some small revenge had been meted out on the regime that had wronged them so.


Hope all is acceptable, ~present~ will come this afternoon (GMT)​
Finally uprooting himself from the floorboards he scratched his head down at the hole beneath him. "I better pay for the repairs... Why now of all times, i just got here... huh?' he looked to the woman who finally spoke up again. he took a moment to think about this, that name.. definitely wasn't his, though they both started with F and had the same last name. "Well, I'm defiantly a Brandt, but I can surely say I don't have any family named Fredrick, my name is Felix." he spoke but then remembered whom he was speaking to, the shock of falling through the floor boards removed his stutter if only for a few seconds.

"M-m-my name is Felix Brandt, which you would have already guessed from my words earlier... i was sent here by the kingdom of Arya, and I am indeed a knight!" he stated finally smiling at the last of his words, he seemed quite proud of being a knight. "Erhm... I hope you don't mind me asking but... who are you?' he spoke again reverting to his meek ways again.
Fyrilis wasn't sure what to make of the bumbling lanky knight. He managed to somehow look pitiful, and downright annoying at the same time. Pitifully annoying perhaps? Whatever the case, he definitely did not fit all the preconceptions she had heard about Aryanites; and this was certainly the first time she was meeting one, having never traveled so far from home herself.. Stories of despicably arrogant and pompous humans with noses so high up in the sky in regards to their disdain for the other races certainly did not match this messy haired individual standing just a hand's length infront of her.

At the mention of the word knight, the man seemed as if a headwind had caught his sails as he drew his shoulders back to proudly announce his path to discipline. Even then, he looked more like an innocent child, proudly declaring his family name rather than anything remotely arrogant. A tall child, if anything. Fyrilis remarked inwardly, as at this distance, she had to cast her ocean green eyes upwards to appraise his features. Nothing to see there either. She probably wouldn't look twice if she caught him in the crowd, other than the fact that he was a human, and that she hadn't seen much of them her whole life.

The elf sighed, there was no point in starting this off on the wrong foot, and well... at least he was here. And with any luck, the others might arrive soon. Manners was manners afterall. She was indeed raised to be a respectably noble lady.

"Vedui`... Felix Brandt" She greeted him. The unfamiliar sounding name rolled off her tongue somewhat oddly. Crossing her right arm over her heart, she inclined her head forwards slightly, and curtseyed in the traditional greeting of her heritage. "I am Fyrilis kaelas`Avandir, youngest daughter of Lord Tasaldan Avandir, second minister to the Elven King... You may call me Fyrilis.. " Though she was familiar with the common tongue, the elf still spoke with a lilting almost sing-song accent in her rich alto voice.

Vedui - Greetings


Slowly the ship circled down, heading towards a landing by the lake, as they could travel no further towards Haven in such a blatantly military fashion. Jorge stood in his cabin, steadily loading things into a large and practical backpack. Some rations, water, salves. Anything he thought he might need in the coming mission. Nathan stood watching, an expression of consternation on his face. Jorge glanced up at him, annoyed "Look! I told you I'll be fine! It's taken them this long not kill me, so they've sent me somewhere out of the way!"

"That's not what this is, and you know it. Let me come with you!" He urged him, he opened his mouth to say more but Jorge interrupted him as though Nathan had never said a word.

"Pass that knife would you?" he said, one hand outstretched as the other placed a roll of sword maintenance tools in a pouch on the pack. Nathan Sighed angrily and passed Jorge the knife. He straightened up from bending over the pack and slipped the knife into an inside pocket of his waistcoat. Concern flickered across his features as he met Nathan's eyes "Look Nathan, its too easy to get paranoid! There's no way they'd think I'm going to die going on a walk with the best and brightest, an-"

"They want you dead." Nathan cut in heavily. "Stopping such a stubborn bastard and take me with you! Hell take Red! Take someone."

His false arrogance faded as he hefted the pack onto his back. "They're gonna get me one day. Or we're gonna get them. I think the former is more likely. I need you here to lead the crew, if I don't come back." He put his hands on Nathan's shoulders, "Besides, if they keep sending novices after me, old age'll get me first!" He gave his friend a rakish grin.

"Oh go to hell." he replied trying not to smile. "We'll be landing in a second, better get down to your horse."

A few hours later the sun was just past noon as he strolled down the streets of Haven, searching for the pub he'd been charged to find. He had transcribed his orders from the very obviously Aryian scroll to a scrap of parchment. He didn't want to be prejudged for a symbol he didn't care for. He glanced at said parchment, 'The Three Dragons' It matched the sign he saw above the inn before him. He folded the parchment and tucked it back into his waistcoat. Compounding the notion that it was the right place was the Elf and Aryian standing on the balcony above. 'Hmm, attractive.' he mused as he stepped inside to find a way up to the balcony, realising he had never seen a non-Aryian who wasn't ready for battle with The Horde. For someone pushing greater cooperation, he found himself surprisingly ignorant in that respect. His boots clumped up the steps to the balcony in an audible fashion, the door a rectangle of light compared to the darkness of the tavern interior. Jorge's heart skipped a beat as excitement swelled inside him a moment, what would his companions for the time to come be like?

He looked down slightly as he stepped through the door so as not to appear dazzled as he looked up. "Sorry I'm late, we ran into some... Inquisitive visitors." He said more for his own amusement than anyone else. He looked to his right and up slightly to the young noble beside him. "Watch your feet." He said without looking at the hole in the floor.
"..Vedui? Err, i guess vedui to you to... or is that not how it goes? I-i-i-i-n anycase I hope both our countries find what we wish." he asked thinking about the new word, growing abit more comfortable around the new person... still a mess mind you, but his tongue took easily to the new elven word. As the man came up behind him his eyes immediately identified him as a airship commander, his stance and of course clothing helped in this... not to mention he had that sort of Airship captain look to him. "Hmm? Ah, then you are our next partner a pleasure to meet you. I am Ser Felix Brandt of the 7th division." he stated giving him a standard military greeting, name, rank, and much different then the greeting he gave Fyrilis. This one actually made him look like a knight then a scared child.

Fixing himself from the small fall he had earlier he stepped back from the hole to sit in a nearby chair. "Daughter of the second minister... I am not acquainted with your hierarchy but that seems rather... high up to send on a exploratory mission..." he thought out loud as he began to wonder just what kind of person would be coming next... Two from Ayra, one from the Bloodsworn... perhaps from Vanharen? Maybe one of those possessed people he heard of, to be honest it all sounds abit strange to be using the dead as weapons... it confused him just as much as this magic stuff did, now that he mentioned it maybe this Fyrilis woman was one of those magicians?

"Do you two have any idea who else is coming?' he asked the both of them as he looked back and forth between the two of them.

(Ser, normally put as Sir, commonly used infront of knighted folk's names.)
Fyrilis' blue-green orbs studied the newcomer. From his choice of garb, as contrasted with Felix's he would undoubtedly be Gorge the Chevalier. Whilst she had never met an Aryanite before this, Fyrilis did in fact read up a little background on who she would be leading. She was not too sure how to regard the newest Aryanite, and whether or not her preconceptions of them were true as was not the case with Felix. Nevertheless, she kept her face impassive as she greeted him formally in the same way she did for the knight.

"Greetings, Chevalier. I am Fyrilis kaelas`Avandir.. You may call me Fyrilis.."
Then she half turned to the knight as her following words was mostly for his benefit. "There are many nobles and advisers in the Court of the Elvan King. But of them all, there are five Kiiran... you might call them arch lords in your language. The Kiiran are the King's most... trusted-" There was an almost unnoticeable inflection in the young elf's voice but she blinked and continued without the slightest break in her sentence. "-councilors. Their words hold much sway in the political courts. My Father, is one of the five. Specifically, he is in charge of the elven homeguard." Looking directly at Felix, Fyrilis smiled at the young knight (or perhaps, smirked). "High up? Yes, you could say that... But Father is different. Besides, don't misunderstand, I am not my father... In social standing and in importance." The elf shrugged her slender shoulders nonchalantly and turned back to look down the road with sigh.
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"I see.... I'm not quite partial to politics in truth, but we are all equal in this quest yes? So i think honorifics would be ill placed. I come from a lower noble house, a standard place for a family like mine, we are not great heroes but we are enough to warrant some worth in the kingdom. My father is retired, but still a skyknight in spirit. Though.. you wouldn't know it truely..." he drifted off in his last words thinking back to the man. "...Abit of a worry-wort... and Maribelle is no better. growing up with a griffon is like having a third over protective parent, but significantly more feathers. in truth mother was more fierce then those two... how she stayed as an acolyte and didn't become a knight is beyond me." he finally gave a small laugh, a different emotion from meek that he has so far presented to this woman.

Remembering the task at which they were sent out to do Felix straightened up in his chair. "Perhaps we should start mapping out our mission? Fortune favors the prepared, and scorns the foolish." he spoke as he looked to his new elven companion.
Well well well, he seems to have recovered his bearings pretty quickly. Fyrilis was mildly surprised at how quickly the young knight had gotten his feet under him, so to speak (minus putting it through a hole). Perhaps it was the appearance of another from his homeland or perhaps it was just a harmless ruse to appear un-threatening upon their first meeting. Nevertheless, she had a task to do, and since he was inclined to tarry no longer...

"Indeed, we have wasted enough time already." The elf awarded Felix an agreeable smile before reaching into her pack and producing forth a folded map. Upon unfurling it, it became evident that it only showed a specific route, from a point marked 'Haven' all the way to the Skyreach Highlands, the northern borders of the Bloodsworn; plus notable points in between. Curiously, the cartographer had excluded all other destinations and towns within the Bloodsworn, no doubt a safety measure should the map fall into the wrong hands. Fyrilis shrugged her shoulders, just in case her charges felt offended about the half complete map. "Official regulations.."

The elf moved in close to the knight, their elbows touching and spread out the sheet so that all three of them could see it clearly enough. "The first part's pretty straightforward." Fyrilis indicated on the map, their current position in Haven before tracing a path northwards toward a town. "If we push hard, we can reach the town of Fairbreeze by-" The elf paused a moment to squint at the late afternoon sky, "-this midnight. After that, I have charted a Skyship to take us all the way to the Skyreach Ranges. That should take a couple of days of sitting around and doing nothing... or vomiting, if you can't stand flying. Getting into the Northlands itself is a little more complicated than that." The elf paused and turned her ocean-green orbs to gaze up at the Aryanite. Due to their close proximity she came up to about his jaw level, and had to tilt her head a little further back than usual, causing the hood of her blue cloak to fall back; fully exposing her luxurious amber tresses and the olive skin of her delicate throat and upper chest.

"I'm guessing you don't have a mount?" Seemingly oblivious to whatever effect her actions might have caused if any, she questioned the knight, before turning around to glance at the other Aryanite, her gaze asking him the same question.
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Now, Felix is a strong willed young man, and he was brought up right and strict thanks to his military carreer and of course a very strict mother... but needless to say it took a great deal of strength to keep his eyes connected to her's, not for the sake of politeness more for the sake of where they will wander if he didn't. "Err, oddly enough I was to get my griffon chick after this adventure. As a sort of reward of service... so... no sadly, but I wouldn't be my father's son if I got air sick. Now that I think of it a griffon would come in very handy in our travels... they are not bound as airships are, though they can't carry many people..." he quickly looked to the map, his eyes unmoving and stiffly staring at the paper... rather suspicious indeed...

Midnight tonight, won't be to bad really, something told him that he was the more used to long marches then the other two. No offense meant to the chevalier of course... they don't tend to be in the front lines much, but he could always be wrong. Perhaps the woman had some magic to assist her in her travels, though... he doesn't know if she could do that with magic actually... what little he knows is from his mother.

"...do you know of any hazards along the way? Anything we should be on watch for that could pose trouble? Aside from the occasional goblins and their ilk, we can deal with such beasts no doubt." he stated expressing confidence in the group already, he seemed quite assured in the strength of the two, though it still seemed strange... for he hardly looked Fyrilus' way at all... In fact he looked to be quite nervous within her proximity... he's never really been near a woman like her before, well, not including the times he's blundered into one of course... she was stunning, if only he could hazard a look without turning beat red.
"Ha-zards?" The word was unfamiliar to her, there were still gaps in her knowledge of commons, being brought up largely within the elven community. But from Felix's following words, she could somewhat deduce his question. "No, we probably wouldn't encounter much along the first part of our journey. Perhaps bandits? It would be highly uncommon, and I would be highly displeased with the local Townwatch should we encounter them, but there is a possibility no doubt." The elf folded the map and returned it to her pouch. Turning away from the balcony, she beckoned for them to follow her as she led them towards the Tavern's stables, talking as she walked.

"Once we're further up north though, then there might be more ha-zards. The Bloodsworn has a tendency to forget their northern towns are still part of their Kingdom, so security can be rather lacking... as for what lies beyond the Skyreach Highlands, I'll brief you again once we near that point." Fyrilis turned back to face Felix as she came to a stop by the stable swingdoors, she tilted her head slightly to one side and gave the knight a look. "Do remind me again, this is my first time actually playing tour guide and I have a tendency to forget things." Turning back to the doors with a swish of her robes, she pushed it open and headed over to a stall near the front. A young elf-boy with messy dirty blonde hair who had been sitting on the straw humming a tune, jumped to his feet upon seeing Fyrilis enter the stables.

"I have carefully groomed your horse mi'Lady! A-And all your belongings are still here. No one's tried to steal them from under my nose, no doubt it's because I'm-!"

Fyrilis fished into her side pouch and flicked a gold crown at the boy, who hastily caught it. His eyes widened at the golden coin; no doubt a payment much much higher than he could ever expect. "Diola lle hanwa'hin," Fyrilis tousled the boy's hair as he spewed forth a string of thank yous and bows before rushing out of the stable, the gold coin cradled securely to his chest. The elf hoped he would be more discreet, no doubt others might get jealous of the boy and attempt to relieve him off his gift. A sharp neigh brought her attention back to the stall and Fyrilis turned to face the white mare standing within, excitedly nodding her head in the elf's direction.

"Ehtelera!" Fyrilis exclaimed brightly, before affectionately hugging and stroking her horse's muzzle. After a moment spent greeting her old friend, the elf turned to face Felix, a smile still on her face. "Looks like we'll have to share... There's one other horse, it can be rented, but I suppose he would want to use it." Fyrilis indicated the chevalier with a nudge of her head in his direction. She eyed the knight from head to toe before speaking, "is that all your stuff?"

. . . .

"Diola lle hanwa'hin,"
- Thank you child
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"Hazard, it means a dangerous material, environment, item or condition. In truth I wish I had knowledge of Elven as you do common." He commented as they entered the stables, where stood a horse of most impressive beauty and health. And so it just seems that he found the reason Feryilus managed to get here so early, he had heard stories about Elven horses and their speed.

"It is, I have all needed for our travels, I'm not much of a bowman so a crossbow shall suffice for hunting food, a shovel, bedroll, 7 days rations... always hated these rations... taste terrible, but they work." he spoke of his kit as he neared the horse, he walked slowly as to not spook it, but nonetheless it seemed over all tame... and quite intelligent it seems. He always had a hand with animals, it's simply how you hold yourself around them that influences your chances. If you approach all hot and bothered of course their going to run away.

"I'm sorry about this girl, I'm abit heavier then a mage. Your strong I'm sure, it will be no problem but I simply wished to warn you." he smiled to the mare, proving himself better with females of the animalistic variety, speaking to it as if it were human. He had lived with a griffon most of his life, they are proud creatures and quite different then a horse in temperament. But to handle them requires the same hand, calm, soft and gentle, hard when needs to be.

Figuring he may as well perform his fellow a service he rented a horse in Duran's stead, he had brought plenty of extra money for services and supplies on his journey, may as well start to use it, money doesn't do anything sitting in one's pocket.
"We shall complete this mission in no time I'm sure, it will no doubt be a good experience. I heard the lands to the north are quite beautiful... though cold." he added in the last part to remind himself to buy an extra cloak or wool for warmth.
"Fyrilis!" The tone of the Master Conjurer cut through the low murmur of hushed whispers, it jerked the young girl out of her reverie.

"Y-Yes.. Lord Calaharn?"
The tiny figure, still very much a child stood up on suddenly sludge-like feet, trying desperately to appear as if she hadn't been day dreaming about fancifying her latest dress instead of reading the scribbled notes in the large dusty tome under her tiny fingers.

"Would you care to show the class how you can begin to perform a simple ice elemental conjuring? Stop when you have finished drawing the elemental circle... we do not want to have a runaway sprite messing up the classroom again like last time.. do we?" Lord Calaharn finished icily, as he stood back from the front desk indicating that the girl should step up to the front.

Swallowing a lump in her throat, the young girl bit the bottom corner of her lip as she often did when she was nervous. Taking a furtive deep breath, she let the air out as quietly as she could, less the other girls teased her about being a coward during breaktime, and stepped out from behind her desk. Slowly turning to face the class, her hands reached up to brush a lock of golden brown hair out of her olive fair face, her ocean green orbs stared out in stern determination at the other children.

"Come on..! We have much to cover today. Be quick with it Miss Avandir!"

Calm yourself down.. breathe.. imagine the coldness of a world filled with ice.. feel their calls.. the pattern, let it come to you.. draw it in your mind's eye.. The girl lifted her right hand infront of her, fingers twirling as if drawing an invisible pattern in the air. For a moment there was a flash of azure, as her green eyes suddenly changed to a brilliant blue, causing the class to draw back inadvertently as an audible gasp rumbled amongst the desks. The air was still, hung in silent anticipation for what seemed like twenty whole seconds before a lone snickering could be heard out from somewhere in the back. Little by little the class begin realizing that nothing was going to happen, some slumped back into their seats quickly losing interest, the incessant snickering grew louder, joined by a cacophony of giggles. Adamant, the young girl closed her eyes in concentration, the other wrist coming up to join the first in its dance... hear their voices.. they're there.. always there.. you have but to.. let yourself go.. and in that moment she felt a tug at her innermost being, her soul. It was chilling, and angry as a winterstorm, she grasped it, drew the mark for binding, and pulled!

A primal roar enveloped her ears, she did not know if it were real or she imagined it, there was a blast of freezing air and she heard a terrified gut wrenching scream.

"Fyrilis stop-!"

The girl opened her eyes and all she could see was a brilliant white-blue.. something large and heavy slammed against her head, and she felt the ground retreat beneath her feet... then all went black.

. , ; ' ` ~ * ~ ` ' ; , . , ; ' ` ~ * ~ ` ' ; , .


"You have a way with horses..." Fyrilis remarked appreciatively, leaning forward to stroke Ehtelera's snow white mane. The elf was sitting side-saddle at the front, they had taken turns to pace the magnificent beast, and true to its breed Ehtelera had made good time even with the added weight. The twelve hour of the day had just passed, and they were perhaps a mile or two away from the borders of Fairbreeze. The were trotting along a well-used dirt path, wide enough to fit two medium sized carriages with dark forests on either side. Eweca shown from above, casting her pale rays on all below.

Fyrilis had noticed the way the knight had approached Ehtelera at the beginning of their journey. Now, after watching him handle the reigns, she no longer had any doubt about his horsemanship skills. He respected the mare, and the horse could feel it. It was so unlike most other Aryanites she had come across, whom relied on callous and brute forcing their will upon their hapless creatures.

"You know... I can teach you a little, if you're really interested.
Quenya I mean. Or elvish, as you call it." She was surprised upon hearing his initial comment. The xenophobic reputation of the majority of Aryanites had preceded beyond their borders. And if the stories were true, should an Aryan Inquisitor catch Felix making such a comment, his liberty would surely have been compromised. She shifted slightly and carefully leaned back into the knight's shoulders, her back and leg muscles were aching terribly. While she was a fair rider, Fyrilis was never one for long-haul traveling.
"Your're still playing with that human huh"

"Eh?! Oh, didn't see you there, yea I am. Got a problem with that?"

"No, but the others are starting to think you've gone crazy, it's always the human this, the human that. You can't stop talking about the kid."

"And it's my business not yours, if your just here to bother me get lost. I'm busy... Hehehehe... I like this girl, she makes him squirm."

"...I cannot tell if your sadistic or idiotic, in truth I think it's both."

"Shut up its getting good again!"

It had been a rather uneventful trip, they were making great time and Felix was quite happy to meet the horse, the two became fast friends rather quickly. Adding together his natural naivete and skills with animals made him rather likable to the world's creatures.

Well, to most anyways... no matter what he does cats hate him, to an almost insane degree as well. They actively seek him out and ambush him when he was back home... but he couldn't hate them... they were just so cute.

He perked up when she mentioned learning her language, in truth he would be delighted to learn, he'll after this the two nations may just intermingle more, so he may as well learn.
"I would be honored to learn about your language, in turn if there is any words you may find confusing in mine I can help you in turn-" he immediately stopped talking when she leaned upon him, his face turned red as a beet again as he stayed quite still... was she...? What was she doing? She's rather...close... should he just keep quiet? She's most likely tired, he should ask about it.

"Umm, are you alright? Should we make camp to rest o-o-or should I keep going...?" He asked as his words began to fail him with stutters, he was a knight, he's fought goblins, orcs and other things, so why can't he deal with these situations?
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She felt him tense up as she leaned back, she wasn't sure why he did so, but nevertheless it wasn't as comfortable to slouch backwards anymore. Sitting up straight in the saddle, she stretched her hands and arched her back, letting out a prolonged yawn. They were the only ones along the route at the time, riding alone under the pale moonlight, plodding along at a rather stately pace. A rush of cold wind swept down the pathway, rustling the browning trees. The last few merchants probably had already gone north, eager to cart in their last few imported wares before winter set in.

"I'm fine. We're not far from Fairbreeze." As if on cue with her words, a glimmer of orange appeared in the distance gradually distinguishing themselves into torches lining the roadside.

"Listen, when we get to the checkpoint... do not say a word." Fyrilis turned to look at her companion intently, to show him the seriousness in her eyes. "We are in Bloodsworn territory now.. I do not know what you've heard of us, but there are some... who do not take too kindly to strangers treading upon their lands."
Abit worried at her words he nodded to show he heard her words. In truth he was more prepared for that on his journey then she knows. He worries what people think about him constantly and it does make him abit anxious when it comes to social situations, but with this he understands to stay quiet, answer the questions they give if they ask them but nothing further, if all goes well no questions will be directed at him at all.

"I understand, I will admit I do not make a good diplomat, my friends say I'm to honest and good natured for that kind of work... to be honest I'd imagine those would be good traits for it." he spoke with abit of confusion to his comrade's words. But nonetheless he felt himself getting stiff, and noticing his companion as well feeling so.

"I am quite stiff as well, a good way of getting rid of such is to selectively flex your muscles. Start with the legs and working up, maybe stretching them if needed. We could walk abit if needed as well, sorry if I seem coddling, I don't often travel with... well... those who are not knights to put it that way." he seemed to be honest in his worry and to be doing much better with his talking, however he was doing this while he was faceing AWAY from her, so the psychological presence was diminished.
"I see..." Fyrilis replied with a slight nod of her head, though what she was replying to exactly seemed unclear. The elf was never known for her rapt attention afterall, especially when it came to things that held no special interest for her. Before long, their little company turned a bend and a well lit Bloodsworn outpost came into view. There were a handful of nightwatch, a couple on the road who immediately focused their attention on the approaching travelers. Fyrilis sat up straighter as they drew near, glancing back at her companions for a brief look.

A tall guard with dark hair held out a hand when they were about 10 yards away, "Aaye!" Fyrilis gave Ehtelera a pat on the side and the horse stopped, the guard was eyeing her as if purposefully ignoring her companion though the others within the outpost were no doubt scanning the others. “Mani naa essa en lle?” The guard held his ground, but peeked around the back and into the gloom behind the travelers, as if expecting a whole invading army behind their backs. "Manke naa lle autien?”

Fyrilis let out a small snort of frustration. This particular highway led straight to Fairbreeze, and other northern destinations, where else would they be going? She did not bother to dismount, as would be customary but clasped a fist over her heart and bowed in the saddle. “Mae govannen. Essaamin naa Fyrilis Avandir. And we,” she turned slightly to present her companions, switching to the common tongue for their benefit, "are headed for Fairbreeze."

The guard was an insilhin, quite unlike Fyrilis. His lips turned downward in barely concealed disapproval at the sight of the humans, but he quickly shifted his gaze back to Fyrilis. "Avandir?" He repeated, as if not quite believing his ears. "I will need to see your pass." Fyrilis rolled her eyes, but reached into her pouch, though she was clearly getting agitated with the whole process. Finding the sealed letter, she held it out for the guard to have a look. As he drew close, his eyes widened at the seal bearing the mark of the elven noble court. His eyes hastily scanned the letter before he handed it back and immediately crossed his arms to bow respectfully. "Forgive me for the delay, Arwen Avandir... please proceed. Namaarie, aa' i'sul nora cirya lanne'lle."

"Thank you." Fyrilis nodded in acknowledgment before giving Ehtelera another pat to get them moving. They made their way towards the town center in companionable silence, the thought of a warm bed and rest spurred Fyrilis to speed up Ehtelera into a steady canter. Turning a final bend, they made their way into the town, and the Raging Griffin Tavern - their accommodations for the night - came into view. Fyrilis turned to face Felix, a smile on her face at the prospect of progress.

"Welcome to Fairbreeze, first merchant town south of the Bloodsworn.. and our last stop before the Northlands..." As if on queue, there was a low rapidly beating hum coming from somewhere behind and above them, and before either of them could look up, there was a rush of wind as a Skyship dipped in low as it passed overhead, its lightsails gleaming and sparkling in the translucent moonlight. The ship quickly moving out of view as it landed in a distant airfield, docking and perhaps unloading its merchants against the backdrop of setting sun. Seems like they weren't the only ones doing last minute traveling.


Aaye! Mani naa essa en lle? Ar’ Manke naa lle autien?

Hail! What is your name? And where are you going?

Mae govannen. Essaamin naa Fyrilis Avandir.

Well met. My name is Fyrilis Avandir.

Namaarie, aa' i'sul nora cirya lanne'lle

Farewell, may the winds fill the sails of your ship
Doing as he was told he stayed quiet throughout the exchange of words, doing his best to remain stone faced as his companion did the talking for the both of them, probably throwing her name into the mix to get them to let them through... or.. rather he thought she did, in truth all he remembers is her first name really, she was the daughter of an adviser of a sort.. and they don't seem well liked? Maybe? he glanced back to the woman as they trotted through, starting to feel really awkward and trying hard to remember her last name, his mind racing to all corners of his memory to recall it from it's murky depths.

And then she introduced the town, shaken from his thoughts he looked forward to the good sized town, rather quaint, sunny with that faint chill of the north winds coming down to give them a hearty welcome. "Ah, then we should gather supplies in the morning, perhaps these merchants will bring forward some articles to help us on the way north." he stated with a smile on his face to return the one he received. He then started to make a mental list of all the things they would need up northward, a map, even if they are largely unexplored some people must have wandered up north enough to know of a few landmarks, extra cloaks, furs, fire making equipment which he already had but extra oil wouldn't go amiss. of course field rations would be best to bring along, dried meats, salted fish would work as well.. sadly with no real roads they cannot bring a cart, but they could hire another horse for the northward journey for an extra back to carry things.

"Before that lets go to rest, i shall provide us our rooms, but first lets bring Ehtelera into the stables. We should also get something for her to eat for the way ahead, we don't know if there sis enough for her to eat up northward, and it would be a sin to leave her hungry. " he smiled to the equine as he gave her a small pat on the neck.
"Don't worry about the supplies. We will head to the airfield first thing after dawn when we are ready. Everything we need will be there... as for the room.." Fyrilis smiled knowingly, but didn't finish her sentence. Obligingly, she guided Ehtelera into the stables and unloaded her things before leading the way up through the front doors of the tavern. The taproom was well lit by a roaring fire off to one corner, but it was otherwise half empty. Most of the dour looking patrons, mainly elves and dwarves and perhaps one rich looking saelas merchant, looked up as the companions entered. The eyes lingered on the elven woman before settling on the knight. Humans weren't a rare sight in the Bloodsworn lands but any of their folk could immediately tell between a local human, and an Aryanite. They stood out like a sore thumb.

Fyrilis stopped at an empty table and sat down, letting out a yawn and stretching her aching limbs. She gestured to the barkeeper with a nod of her head, a sulky looking dwarf with a scar running across an eye who was eyeing Felix suspiciously. "Good luck getting the room.. but don't take too long, it's getting late.." Then almost as an afterthought, she added "Call me if you need help."
Felix was... daunted.. to say the least, immediately put on the radar as he entered the room he felt like a criminal being watched by the people... hopefully they don't see him as one. Simply putting his eyes to his target he made a quick walk towards the dwarf, constantly hoping to Iolos he could get through this unaccosted... or in the very least unscathed. his eyes scanned the bar's patrons as they, in turn, stared at him, some whispered, some laughed at the whispers, some just stared with disdain or confusion.. such is the way of life for a Aryanite knight out here.

"Umm, excuse me sir, is it possible to get a room for two for this night? We head northward tomorrow." he asked as he procured his purse, trying to give the best aura of modesty he could. Modesty was met best in the face of strangers.. but he'd wager his entire family fortune on the fact they already didn't much like him. he silently joked to himself that maybe putting on his helmet and looking like an emotionless wall of steel would help their justifications? He took a moment and then scratched the back of his head nervously, feeling the eyes.

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