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Weird Accordion Stuff


schaden f r e u d e
So, after playing around with the accordion coding, I discovered some REALLY funky stuff that happens once you reload the page with the altered coding. The bottom post options seems to move to the left side and the rating becomes a floating bar. I'm wondering which part of the new accordion coding is causing that or if the site needs to update in order to handle the altered coding. What I did is this:


n quis eligendi mei, altera senserit voluptatum ne sea. Nec no percipit tractatos, ut vix illud illum omittam. Ei vidisse labores concludaturque vel. Sint aperiam mel at, vim id decore iisque. Cum ad aeque nostrud copiosae, vix at principes vituperata. Quo mutat tamquam comprehensam at, ea elit recusabo abhorreant nec.


lorem ipsum


[border=0px #f4f4f4 solid][accordion]{Slide=[bg=#f4f4f4]LOREM IPSUM}[bg=#f4f4f4]lorem ipsum[/bg][/bg]{/Slide}[/accordion][/border]

So, it seems like it's stable when first posted up. But, when I reload it turns to this. Has anyone else played with it and got the same results?
It seems like after the accordion code all the other proceeding content "breaks" and shifts to the bottom left, beyond the boundaries of the post box.

^^ Wtf is this?
You just can't help but break things that are given to you, huh?

Whenever I refresh this the posts appear to break for a split-second.
The 2nd page seemed to have normalized for the time being.

Hint: The 1st page's a mess.
Anything after your modified accordion code gets altered to horrifying levels.
Are you planning to infect every page with your "accordion virus" ? That's just nasty.
Alright, enough antagonizing the accordion. I feel like we're gonna get in trouble. xD

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