Weave of Fate


New Member
Starting a D&d 3.5 game running it on Fantasy grounds and using Skype for voice Chat OOC

Starting lvl 3, 32 point buy, max Hp, 2700gp, Using Phb, PhbII, DMG, Magic Item compendium, Complete series, Races of Series. anything else just ask.

The adventurers Will Start in the Shire, each getting a message to meet with a representative of the Brotherhood of the Book, an order that uses scrying powers to Chronicle the past, present and future events of the world so that they might present their findings to their God Arion, who shall come to judge the world before its end and bring those worthy to afterlife. As their First Quest they will be tasted in rekindling the Adventuring spirit in a disbanded Adventuring group.

The continent of Kith Kanaan was discovered over a thousand years ago now. the Joshuite Faith tells that this is the promise land that was shown to us by Joshua. During the crucial years of the Continents population the Many cultures arrived and settled into place in the most hospitable regions. Though many of the cultured had different beliefs they all fell to the rule of the Dragons.

Dragons being the superior race of creature found no need to stay in their lairs and watch over the world slowly working the puppets during the crucial years of arrive to a new world. They took over the nations of their choice and began their games.

Most nations were obviously not ready for such power to take them over and could do nothing but fall to their demands, giving over power and letting them rule as they wished. Other nations rose up in opposition but were either quickly taken over by the dragons themselves of caved after the continues attacks from the other nations that the dragons had in their power.

After many decades the power of the Nations established itself and a more subtle part of the Dragons games was brought into fruition. The Nations never knew peace as they were going to war with one or another opponent. Battles were had less often but shows of power were often seen at the expense of the lower life forms.

Those that did not live on the surface of the world found their way deep into the ground and formed colonies that still thrived as they knew how. In the Darkness the old evils grew in power and plotted out the same tricks as always.

After some hundred years of torture at the hands of the Dragons the nations borders grew too close and were communicating too well for the status quo to stay. Many Nations threw themselves up with new-found magics and devices that worked against dragons, toppling their rulers and taking hold themselves of their nations once more.

Other nations followed suit and soon the Continent was in uproar once again with Wars, not only nation against nation but against the rulers of the nation. Many nations found themselves siding together in ploys to overturn their rulers. As the Nations too back their power as people they turned to their hatred for the decades of torture at the hands of the Dragons and the Great Dragon War turned to Genocide.

Not only were the Dragon Rulers killed but contests of dragon slayers and craftsmen were held to see who was or could make the best dragon slaying machine. Many Dragons fell into hiding and those that were part descendant of the Dragons were used as slaves and humiliated for their once noble and powerful blood.

As time passed the Contests turned to traditions and the descendants were spread out and too dilute to notice anymore. Slaying of Dragons still held high in society but found that it was hard due to the lack of Dragons.

Nearly 200 years from the present day were the Dragons declared extinct species, rumored to still exist as watered down blood, feral versions of their once smart ancestors. Those that still show sign of dragon blood are no longer held as spawn of evil and often overlooked or marveled at for being exotic.

Northern Wilds:

The Norther Wilds are fully jungle and forest region that is hard to navigate and are protected by a powerful spirit often referred to as Grand-Mother. There are some tribes that live in the northern wilds but they dare not try and settle in one area or grow their tribe too large. They are wild tribes that live off the land and have little contract with the other civilized nations apart from the Wold


The Wold is a peninsula off the west coast of the continent, its prized for its fishing and prosporous trade route, its also a base camp for the exploration out into the seas to the west. Because of its proximity to the Northern Wilds it has erected a large Wall at the base of the peninsula. The Wall is constantly attacked by the creatures of the Wilds to the north but has been held strong for many years. Dundorgan the capital of the Wold is largely a fishing and trade State.


The Last of the nations that still hold true to the Dragons rule from long ago. Drachenkeep its capital is a very militarized State. The Nation is ruled by one leader that has total power and is always of Dragon decent. The rule for the Capital is often contested and has had much turmoil for the thrown, though the nation with its strong militia have been steady and safe.



The Shire was founded by the Blue Wizard, rumored to be the Goddess of Mana or Magic. She left soon after its was solidly established but left behind her chosen guards, the Peace Keepers. These peace keepers were given magical oaths that if broken caused them to be branded as corrupt. These oaths along with keeping the peace keepers honest allowed them other benefits to keep the citizens safe.


The Shire is a Trade city that's at the crossroads of the nations. Due to its many embassies for the surrounding nations it is thick with politics. Many Farmlands are seen at the outskirts of the town and near the very center lays the true heart of the city, its town square and trading posts. To the East of the Center is the Embassies and Churches and to the Very West is the Slums.

Southern Wilds:

The Wilds to the south are infested by Demons, Many Religions say that a fallen angel or god was grounded there and from its anger it spread across the land to bring vengeance. Many expeditions are made to claim more land but most of the attempts are to keep the demons at bay. Those that do come from the south are large and know how to run and protect themselves. Often the inhabitants of the southern wilds are kept in the dark about the rest of the world, lead to believe that it is all demon Territory.

West Woods:

the woods to the west of the shire and down near Shadowmoor are the territory of Fey. It grows with the aid of their magic and those that enter their domain give their lives to them. Due to the proximity of the Shire many of the Fey visit the city but the peace keepers were given an oath that lets them not only hold the Fey responsible for breaking the laws of the shire while visiting but also to enter the forest and request that a fey that has committed a crime be returned to them.


This nation to the north east has made much of its scientific breakthrough due to its low magical inhabitants. Magic is not forsaken in these lands but most of tits existence is used to power or better the mechanical and alchemical creations. Many Strange and powerful devices have been made from this nation through they are obviously costly due to their originality.


The Desert just north of the Wilds is a place of much History. Stories of the reason for such a desert are told. A great amount of word and demonic magic were combined in attempt to fight the Dragons in the great war but it Backfired and completely wiped the nation of the map. Artifacts are still being recovered from the sands but at the center of the capital of Anansie lies a golden tower, home to the ruler of the Oasis. She is said to be a goddess that can fell and see all in her city, bestowing a large aura of calmness over her region. The city has not seen any war nor large fights. The Aura is also the last resort for holding back the demons of the southern wilds, those demons that do make it through the mountain pass are dispatched in a mist of blood and sand, never to be seen again.

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