Weather and Stars in Creation


Ten Thousand Club
I know this may seem a little anal- but how in the name of Autocthon would these work?

Creation is flat, with no clear rotational axis.  Does this mean that the stars are fixed and unchanging?  Do they move across the sky randomly?  or whenever the Sidereals change an objects connection to fate or the loom?  Either one would certainly lend some flavor to the setting and the concepts of fate. Do they spiral around, with the Imperial Mount as their axis?  That would give the Imperial Mount even more emphasis within the setting.  What about Luna and the Unconquered Sun?  Clearly they rise and set- but is this an Dianan/Apollonian ride across creation, or something else?

What about weather?  Without Magitech or Essence interference, it would seem that all the major air currents and weather patters would remain very very stagnant...

Any thoughts?
Weather is controlled by the spirits and elementals of the Court of Seasons.

The stars are a sort of status display for the Loom of Fate, and move to reflect changes therein. There is no fixed pattern to their movements.

The Sun and Luna exist both as their respective Celestial bodies, and as gods in the Jade Pleasure Dome. Like many powerful beings, they are capable of bi-location.

I'd assume that their daily paths through the sky are fulfilling part of the purpose they were originally designed by the Primoirdials for. They traverse Creation endlessly because that is their (original) reason for existence.

That was my assumption actually...

But I rather enjoy some very subtle and interesting things that this type of scenario implies.

A Sidereal looking skyward one night, only to realize that something major has changed. That the stars that have formed the foundation of the Sidereals plans for creation are moving and they don't know why...

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