We Will Live


Omniverse Explorer
Roleplay Type(s)

4: Tyo Lukes - @Telios

5: Adare Annuranus - @Shura11



Rickard Somniare - @Darth Corvus

Aidan Crain - @Jaded Conformity

Aaron Wynter - @Flubs


Lilliana Somniare - Mech Machanic - @Ian Temero

Lesli Cranson - @Jaded Conformity (Former mech pilot.)

Donovan hunt - @kirito1337 (Former MP)

Jaden Andrews - @.::ZaiKai::. (Former MP)

Allie Markhov - @Ghostly Banjo (Former MP)

Name: Rayna Uchida (U-Chi-Da)

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Personality: Shes couragous, full of confidence, and doesnt dare leave a friend/soldier behind, at home, shes very helpful and keeps doing her duties. Nothing stops her, weather its her Mech thats messed up, or shes wounded. She will keep pushing untill she cant anymore.

Mech's Looks/description(If you are a Pilot):

(She inhabited her Grandmother's mecha. )

Are you a troop, Mech pilot, or commoner(Civillian)?: Mech Pilot. Second in command.


Mech powers(2):Can shoot beams out of the eyes, but only for a few seconds. Causes massive damage. K.O if its a smaller monster. Can boost herself with a push of a button.

Why do you want to fight with the Troops/Be a part of the Army.: She wanted to keep everyone safe. And wanted to fight along the mechas.


(Just know, she isnt a elf..ignore the ears)

These are her sisters:




@kirito1337 @.::ZaiKai::. @Sol @Fall @Alad V @Joker @Kiro Akira @Telios @Pride&Perfection
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Oh? O.o What is this? o: A new rp that requests the awesomeness of Kiro? >D 
Britt << Quick question, this is the same character from Riddle's mech rp some time ago isn't it? xD Can you get me the link to that so I can pull mine off of there as well o: that is if it's the same one and that is where you got it O_o if not then I'll have to bug riddley

Renshii Akahero






Renshii is quiet and assertive when needed.

He doesn't enjoy people and would rather keep

them out of his path. He's quite the marksman in

Sniper Rifles and Pistols/Handguns.

When Renshii goes out on missions with a team, he

tends to take charge and speak commands telling people

what to do and how to do it.
He acts very well in

executing the plan and plans things to best of knowledge

also giving different scenarios if something goes wrong and

what he could do to fix this problem. He always has a

contingency plan for every situation if not three plans.

Mech's Looks/description(If you are a Pilot):


Are you a troop, Mech pilot, or commoner(Civillian)?:

Mech Pilot


Mech powers(2):

Mode shift:

Has the ability to switch between Mech Mode to a fighter jet

Laser: A small barrel comes from the mech's left forearm and fires a laser, the beam can last about 2-3 minutes before it runs out, after that it must be manually reloaded by hand and Renshii must wait twenty minutes after the reload before using it again.

Why do you want to fight with the Troops/Be a part of the Army. Mech or man?:

To me, using the mech to fight is an advantage. I rather enjoy destroying things and blowing other things up.


What do you want to know?




Night Misuki






Night is a calm and relaxed boy who loves talking to everyone he can and helping with what he can. He enjoys walking and enjoys working on the Mech's around the hanger and is enjoyable. When he's not working on the Mech's Night likes to draw and play video games as any regular teenager would do.

Mech's Looks/description(If you are a Pilot):


Are you a troop, Mech pilot, or commoner(Civillian)?:

Mechanic for Renshii Akahero as well as any other Mech's that need his assistance.



Mech powers(2):


Why do you want to fight with the Troops/Be a part of the Army. Mech or man?:

I don't care for fighting much, only working on the machines. It's fun and worth the experience.


He's known Renshii for a while now and Renshii asked him personally to be his Mech mechanic. He went through the lessons under Renshii and learned everything he could. Now he just enjoys helping anyone and everyone out.


Name: Allie Markhov

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Personality: Very social and friendly. She'll be friends with you before she'll learn your name, unless you're the enemy, then there's a tendency for her to fire a few thousand rounds from her 'Mech's 30mm cannon.

Mech's Looks/description(If you are a Pilot):


The left arm has a manipulator and on the outside, a tri-barreled 30mm gatling cannon. The right arm is equipped with a rail cannon, more details below. The chest holds the 25x5 STREAK S/LRM Missile system. The thing overall has a nice copper color to it, with seemingly brass trimmings. It's armor plating is nice and thick, mainly to protect the internals from damage as well as act radiation shielding for the dual-nuclear reactors. It stands significantly taller than most other mechs, and is also much heavier. It's slower, but what it lacks in speed, it makes up for in armor and firepower. There are also thruster blocks in strategic positions across it's frame, letting it move vertically for short periods of time.

Are you a troop, Mech pilot, or commoner(Civillian)?: Mech Pilot

Theme: Animus Vox - The Glitch Mob

Mech powers(2):

1) 125mm Rail Cannon.

Fires a 125mm x 1m tungsten spike at around 3km/s. Incredibly powerful, however, the surge of power from the capacitor release causes the 'Mech to shut down for a few seconds to avoid damage to the panel.

2) 25x5 STREAK S/LRM System

Fires upto 125 missiles at a target that 10 meters away and up to 1500 meters. Missiles rain down in a 3 meter radius and tend to destroy things.

Why do you want to fight with the Troops/Be a part of the Army.:

She fights to keep humanity alive. Although no one she loves and cares for is still alive, that doesn't mean others need to lose loved ones.



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  • Name: Lesli Cranson

    Age: 19

    Gender: Female

    Personality: Lesli is widely considered by many a basket case. She’s considered a weirdo by everyone as she acts really odd around anyone who tries to interact with her, often refusing to speak more than a few grunts or words. The only time she seems to act normal is when she’s inside or near her mech; during drills or in live-combat situations is one of the few times people hear her speak and act normally. Although she’s not remotely close to anyone, it’s fairly common knowledge amongst other mech pilots that she has an unnatural knack for mechs, both hers and others, and is usually a go-to for tune-ups and mechanical problems.

    Mech's Looks/description(If you are a Pilot): MU-05 MECH

    A bit shorter and stouter than some mechs, as well next to no weaponry, the MU-05 makes up for it with both speed and significant armour, particularly over the pilot section, and two small pivotal afterburners on the back to compliment high speed maneuvers and jumping. The MU-05 is classified as a supportive/reconnaissance mech, boasting a low signature and cloaking system, as well as a suite of equipment for on-site assistance such as welding torches, fire suppressant, a mech-power generator and transfer arrays with heat sinks to compensate for both the generator and sustained intense operation, as well as room for one more pilot (hardly) in case of needed evacuation. With some modifications from other fallen and irreparable mechs, Lesli has managed to attach a flare system, a shoulder-mounted 6-missile launcher (3 in bay, 3 backup), and a light cannon on the right arm, but power restraints lead to her removing the cloak and making the power generator/transfer array produce/transfer smaller, thus using and giving less power. The happy face diddly on top is from her sister’s mech.

    Are you a troop, Mech pilot, or commoner(Civillian)?: Mech Pilot


    by Radiohead
    Mech powers(2):

    On Site Assistance

    The Fatboy has an energy transfer array, allowing it to siphon power to mechs (or itself) who are falling short in the heat of battle, a fire suppressant, as well as a welding torch that can perform on site repairs or even act as a weapon if needed. There's also just enough room for another human in the cockpit, and although it doesn't help other mechs the Fatboy has heat sinks to compensate for the cannon and for when acting under heat intensive or intense situations.


    Thanks to the heat-sinks installed to the mech, the Fatboy can go into 'overdrive mode' and perform better in whatever aspect is needed, such as overcharging the energy arrays or kicking up the strength on a punch to deal a more brutal blow. Depending on how heat-intensive the action is determines how long an overload can stay on before systems will sustain damage; in extreme situations, the pilot could even be cooked alive inside the cockpit if the function isn't shut off.

    Why do you want to fight with the Troops/Be a part of the Army: Her sister was a mech pilot and was killed when Lesli was younger, so she has a slight vendetta towards the monsters that took her sister. But the real reason is that she has an affinity for working with mechs, and she’s considered to be useless at pretty much anything else by the community at large, so it’s simply the best place for her to be.

    Other: Lesli affectionately calls her mech “Fatboy”, and creates names for everyone else’s mechs.

    Looks: Lesli Cranson - 5', pale skin, slim physique, natural hair colour silverish white
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Name: Rickard Somniare

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Personality: Rickard has always wanted to be a pilot, but has always figured that he would never make it. So, instead he joined the army so that he could be around the beautiful machines. He loves the mecha, but also loves the simplicity of life as it is. He enjoys all things simple, and avoids complex problems. He loves people, and feels a need to keep everyone safe from absolutely everything. He is as loyal as a dog, and obedient to boot. A generally kind man, he will get dirty if it means defending someone.

Foot solider

Theme: Has a few. (you can ignore all the videos. I only used the same base twice because the music works)

On duty:

Off duty:

And more coming.

He wanted to be part of the army so that he could work close to the mecha, and to fulfill his duty to his people.

Other: Always has a sketch pad with him, and is always drawing up new images of what Mech's could be.


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Tyo Lukes






Tyo is quite friendly to other people, always trying to help them. Sometimes, Tyo might be a little hot headed in a battle when he found a soldier or anyone is hurt but he usually remain calm and thinks through the battle.

Mech's Looks/description:


(Originally from his father, Tyo found DAHAK damaged so brought it back a repaired it.)

Are you a troop, Mech pilot, or commoner?:

Mech Pilot


Tristam & Braken - Flight

Mech powers:

  1. 50 milimeters Rifle with attached Katana: Thanks to it's versatile hands design and gloves-on control for Pilots, DAHAK enable the Pilot inside it to grab pretty much everything or punches monsters or even building things but it's main weapon is the Katana Rifle.
  2. Hyper Hydraulics: Thanks to it's advanced and powerful hydraulics, DAHAK can jump for 12 meters (40") in length and 9 meters (30") in height. Also, the Pilot can use the hydraulic system to dodge attacks and travel far distance due to it's high speed.

Why do you want to fight with the Troops/Be a part of the Army:

Tyo wanted to protect others, just like his father did as a Mech pilot.


Tyo likes to make things, including upgrades for his mech: DAHAK. He also do repairs for other mechs as well if their Pilot wanted to.



Name: Donovan hunt


Gender: Male

Personality: Donovan has a headstrong and determined personality. He is not one to call it a day and defiantly not one to quit. Aside from this, he also has a sweet , loving and caring side to him that most people love .

Mech's Looks/description(If you are a Pilot):
Are you a troop, Mech pilot, or commoner(Civillian)?: Mech Pilot


Mech powers(2):Donovan's Mecha has a huge sword, which holds most of his battle strength, I also has a double barrel laser cannon in its left wrist and Multi barrelled missle launchers in the shoulders or longer ranged attacks.

Why do you want to fight with the Troops/Be a part of the Army. Mech or man?: Donovan got bored of sitting inside a fortress, always hiding from his fears. He wanted to explore more of the world and not be held back by these monsters so he vowed to destroy them all

Other: Free for romance


Mecha Armour:


Before gaining his Mecha as a foot soldier:

Name: Lilliana Somniare

Age: 19

Gender: female

Personality: Lilly is a mechanical genius and she knows it. She is very much in charge and will do things her way (which gets her in a lot of trouble with her superiors). However she is loyal and will never leave a task unfinished, often working through the night and her breaks.

Civilian (mech mechanic)

Reason for joining: She joined the army to get close to the mechs. It has always been her biggest dream to build one. She realizes that this dream is out of reach at the moment and has settled for fixing up an old mech she found.

Other: She actually has a hover-bike that she fixed up back home. The only reason it's not operational yet is because she doesn't have a way to charge it's battery. She is thinking of using a mech to jump-start it.


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Oh dear, am I late?


Jaden Andrews.


Turned eighteen exactly thirty-four days ago. Give or take a few hours.




Jaden used to be a playful, and somewhat mischievous child. However, when 'the flash' happened, he was unsure. When technology began to fail, he immediately began trying to help. When the mechs were discovered, he became very set on learning how to pilot one, so he could help society. "I want to be somebody. And if I'm going to be somebody ... I might as well be a good somebody!" At times he allows himself to be cheerful, but he spends most of his time working on his mech strategies.

Mech's Looks/description(If you are a Pilot):

Are you a troop, Mech pilot, or commoner(Civillian)?:

Mecha pilot.



Mech powers(2):

1. Mech has wings, which are mostly for show, but can allow the mech to glide for short periods of time.

2. Mech has three devices on left/port arm which can turn and tilt, pointing a laser to select a target, and then send heat-seeking missiles. However, these cannot be reloaded without exiting the mech.

Why do you want to fight with the Troops/Be a part of the Army. Mech or man?:

"I want to help. All I did as a kid was cause trouble. It's time to make up for that, and then some. I'm going to fight off those monsters, and I'll do a bang-up good job of it! I will help this world win back its freedom and sanity from within this fighting machine ... Just you watch me!"





(Except, you know, you might want to ... I dunno ... Imagine him wearing clothes.)
Name: Sora Yamato

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Personality: He's brave with a strong sense of right and wrong. He may seem weird for this but he has some kind of inner connection to his mech. He cares about his comrades and mourns all of them that died.

Mech's Looks/description(If you are a Pilot):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/images.jpeg.1c6976338c28c986b9b528ae12a8fd1c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17448" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/images.jpeg.1c6976338c28c986b9b528ae12a8fd1c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Are you a troop, Mech pilot, or commoner(Civillian)?:

Theme: Daybreak's Bell by L'Arc en Ciel

Mech powers(2)

Baryonic Particles: It can disperse these particles becaue they are exhaust from the engine. It can passivley harm the monsters.

Particle Make: It can forge the particles into different weapons and objects.

Why do you want to fight with the Troops/Be a part of the Army.: To protect mankind, become a hero, and avenge the fallen.

Other: The mech's engine runs of baryonic matter, which is why the particles are dispersed. Also the particles have an effect on Sora which is why he turns silver when he's piloting.

Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/IMG_20140301_100703.jpg.f9585229680fb0c7d9a902d3e8110ba6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17447" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/IMG_20140301_100703.jpg.f9585229680fb0c7d9a902d3e8110ba6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/IMG_20140301_100703.jpg.f9585229680fb0c7d9a902d3e8110ba6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17447" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/IMG_20140301_100703.jpg.f9585229680fb0c7d9a902d3e8110ba6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Aaron Wynter

Age: 21

Geneder: Male.

Personality: Aaron can tell the fine line between right and wrong but chooses to walk in between and stepping from one to the other when it suits his purposes best. He is a generally relaxed person who is to put it simply "to the point". He is satisfied with what has been done if it did the task, even if incorrectly. In the face of danger he keeps calm and does his task. At times he can be deceptive or outright untruthful but as stated earlier only when he needs wants be.

Troop pilot or civilian: Troop..

Theme: Ain't no rest for the wicked by cage the elephant.

Why he joined the military: As Aaron would put it he joined to find something that requires a work in the style he wants to work in but as of late he has been suspecting himself of irrational behavior.

Looks: Aaron is a taller person with a fair complexion and a little on the slender side, and has gray eyes with short black hair he combs off to the left a tad. His favorite article of clothing is his black trenchcoat which he wears everywhere even in battle. He managed to pull some strings to get his uniform into a completely black outfit.
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Adare Annuranus






Very foward thinking, loves to finsh the job but is also a showoff and tries to impress everybody

Mech's Looks/description(If you are a Pilot):

Are you a troop, Mech pilot, or commoner(Civillian)?:

Mech Pilot


Don't Tell Me Tell my ghost

Mech powers(2):

40mm auto cannon:Cannon that shoots explosive shells that deal moderate damage to targets and can make openings through walls and some defenses

Sticky Missles: Salvo of missiles that are fired and when they hit a target, they will stick to the target and explode a few seconds later,

Why do you want to fight with the Troops/Be a part of the Army.:

A family lineage that has been fighting in wars for over 200 years




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-13_10-1-32.jpeg.420774c3ccea94d2975b071ddbc1c1a1.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18171" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-13_10-1-32.jpeg.420774c3ccea94d2975b071ddbc1c1a1.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Adare's Mech

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-13_10-2-54.jpeg.e6e49542869d22a02193ed31adf8a89e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18172" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-13_10-2-54.jpeg.e6e49542869d22a02193ed31adf8a89e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Carries a pistol that has been handed down from over 50 years ago and also is used as a weapon of self defense when not in combat or when mech is disabled



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Alexander V. Delacroix







Are you a troop, Mech pilot, or commoner(Civilian)?:

Lord Commander of the Troop Divisions


Blind Guardian - Wheel of Time




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Name: Jade Rhea

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Personality: Jade has always stuck out among the serious nature soldiers with her optimistic and fairly bubbly demeanor. She usually has a grin or smirk of some kind but knows how to act serious to keep from getting in trouble, though most of the time it comes off as board. She tries to help others as much as possible and has a boundless supply of energy. Jade keeps up her cheerful nature to keep from giving into the despair that haunts so many others. He hates monsters with a passion, she becomes very angry when ever they are brought up and will often times leave the conversation to keep from snapping at anyone. She fights with out hesitation or fear, sometimes to the point of being reckless.

Mech's Looks/description(If you are a Pilot):


Are you a troop, Mech pilot, or commoner(Civillian)?: Pilot

Theme: Closer to The Edge - 30 Seconds to Mars

Mech powers(2):

  • Lightning Whip: Long thick whips which extend from the under side of the forearms. both are tipped with sharp diamonds of metal and can be used as grappling hooks. These whips can also have a strong current sent through them in short pulses.
  • Enhanced Booster system: Boosters on back and legs allow for a faster base speed as well as a more stability

Why do you want to fight with the Troops/Be a part of the Army.: To protect her family and finish what her father started by killing as many monsters as possible.


Mech Weapons:

  • Hidden blades - Extremely sharp blades which can be retracted into the arms. They can be given an extra charge for added strength and cutting power.



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