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Roleplay Type(s)

Just a real quick intro since I'm searching for just one thing this time around. My replies
range from 300 to over 1000 words. Quality of the reply over quantity always. I roleplay
all genders and sexualities. I will ONLY roleplay with individuals who are 18+.
I prefer rping over DM, discord for quick OOC and possibly rp. Another thing, I am a
full time student and have a lot on my plate in terms of health issues, I will never rush
you and I expect the same. I on occasion may leave your message on read but safely
assume I just can not reply at that very moment for whatever reason.

This maybe a little niche to ask but I just played the C.O.D reboots and I need to channel
that muse somewhere SOOOO
As always, any instance of oc x cc I am more than willing to double up and play someone
for you in return!

I'm looking for both/either or OC x OC and OC x CC
Lowkey wanna play my OC against Ghost oops I know, I'm so original.
I also have a female Ex-marine, now S.A.C member I'll happily play against any OC, she leans
every way so she can be played against any gender identity. She's fun, promise.

SO PLEASE hit me up if you're at all interested. I have mega brain worm, so feel free to DM me or post below!
Hello! I was just wondering if you would be interested in roleplaying? Typically my responses are around 400-500 words and I write in the 3rd person; but if not I completely understand! I typically main playing Ghost in many other roleplays I have done, so I do have a lot of experience with writing as him.

Typically I do not do double ups either, so this might just be a plain jane 1x1 if you are interested. I just like reaching out before DMing to see if we are compatible!
Hello! I was just wondering if you would be interested in roleplaying? Typically my responses are around 400-500 words and I write in the 3rd person; but if not I completely understand! I typically main playing Ghost in many other roleplays I have done, so I do have a lot of experience with writing as him.

Typically I do not do double ups either, so this might just be a plain jane 1x1 if you are interested. I just like reaching out before DMing to see if we are compatible!

Hello! I am more than happy to rp with you and I'm totally chill just doing plain ol' 1x1! Totally send that DM and we can the creative juices flowing !

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