We need another Infernal game...


New Member
... Because dammit I want to play a Defiler who's whole MO is "Let's corrupt Great Forks/Nexus/Lookshy/Whitewall/Gem(before it blows up)/The Imperial City/Chiaroscuro/WHEREVER into an overblown operatic tragedy manufacturing hell-hole that can act as a beachhead for the real actual Hell!"

yes, I've been watching a little too much Repo! The Genetic Opera, and if this song doesn't just scream 'Green Sun Prince' I don't know what does. We Started this Opera Sh_t! It's just that the other Infernal game is full up :(
Bah, what weaksauce Infernal would go for that soundtrack...
That's a great song, but the video is rather meh. :P They've got entire episode clips in there that don't even feature the Master.

Also, Repo is totally Sidereal with massive levels of Craft (Genesis).
I'm all for an Infernal game but I do have to point out that the whole "cutting out people's organs for parts" bit is remarkably Abyssal...

... Plus, I did name one of my favourite Abyssals Night Surgeon thanks to that movie.

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