We Must Stand Together


Care Bears... prepare to stare!

Made by @Nico & @ForgottenBlood

If wanted you can make both a trainer and a Kemomimi

Trainer Sheet






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Kemomimi Sheet








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@Ella Swan Cullen @Lovable Dark-side @Karma200 @Xenomorphic @Akihito



Kemomimi form


Animal Form


Kiyoshi Mori






Kiyo is a lovable and sweet Kemo, with a mischievous side. He's always ready to lend a helping paw for others. He has a temperament and often can blow up when anger. He is very loyal and follows his trainer's orders when told. He is understanding and can tell when someone is upset and often comforts them. He's a clumsy boy and isn't well with breakable items. He likes to stay in his animal form and perch on his trainer's shoulders. He's not fond of his egg and likes to be carried around.




- Fox Fire Manipulation

-Lunar Manipulation



Kytusum Jhesire


-Laughs in like this "Kekeke or Kikiki"

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Kytusum Jhesire






Kytusum is basically a calmed guy and never shows anything other than kindness to others unless he's upset.He doesn't tolerate many things but,the number one thing

is people who judge others before they get to know them then hate them when they think they know the person enough to do so.That's something that he would rant on

and on about to someone who was unlucky enough to be there in the wrong place at the wrong time.Making friends has always been easy for him but,he's began to

shorten his circle of friends now that he's witness betray and/or dishonesty.When people lie,he knows.No,no because he has some type of special power or something,it

just that he was born that way....to know when someone lies or tells the truth.He stands up for others as well as himself and never backs down from something even though

it may cost him his life.Dying isn't something he's afraid of,dying without a fight is something he is.He has a couple of different sides of him that you may see over time.He

might be playful and joke around making people laugh,serious and doesn't even stop to rest for a certain time,grumpy where he doesn't try to hurt other's feelings but it gets

a little hard,or quiet and out of the way,which usually means his sad or upset about something that happened.When he comes to his trainee,he treats him like if he was Ky's

own blood.So far,Kytusum discovered that his trainee was basically the only one whom could cheer him up in the most....tragic situations.


Kiyoshi Mori




Kytusum almost never shows his right eye because of what happened to it..

Name: Night/Moon

Age: 45/45

Gender: Female/Female

Personality: Night is quiet yet childish, she likes to go around having fun instead of having to be all serious and stuck up. She is sensitive when someone shouts angry words at her but when she gets angry she won't hesitate to take her enemy down. Night is usually hiding behind Moon when she gets shy but in truth Night isn't shy, she's thinking of ways to prank or play with someone.

Moon is cold and very straight-forward, she refuses to do anything if it has no logic behind it; stupidity is something that annoys Moon and she won't hesitate to tell someone how low their IQ is. She isn't as over-protective of Night as most would think but that's just because she knows she can handle herself. Moon is usually seen as emotionless by others but she is only kind to those she trusts or likes.

Species: Okami/Okami


-Shadow Manipulation

-Fear Manipulation (don't know what to call it but she can bring someone's true fear to real life)






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Kemo form~



Name: Momo Garcia

Age: 19 years old

Gender: Female

Personality: Momo is a lazy person who would prefer to sleep or watch TV rather then get up and go do something, she enjoys eating food and accepts anything given to her as long as its free. She dislikes spending money on something she doesn't need but she doesn't mind people giving her free things even if they are useless. Momo loves music and usually always has her iPod with her, she has plenty of favorite bands and artists and wouldn't be able to tell you which she liked best if asked. Momo is independent but if help (for free) is offered to her then she will happily accept it. Because Momo was usually critisized by her parents for being 'useless' Momo has learned several different hand-to-hand fighting styles and then moved hours away from her family the moment she turned 18 years old.


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Others: Don't bully someone in front of her, she always carries snacks with her.

Trainer Sheet


Name: Nevan Sangloup

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Personality: More of the type of person to get things done, his persistence is probably the best thing about him. No matter what the difficulty of the challenge, he will continue to try until perfection is achieved. He has a knack for bringing attention to himself even during events that call for absolute discreetness. It's not as if he's clumsy or dumb, he just happens to have bad luck. His personality varies depending on how his day has gone so far and the events that occurred. He isn't the type of person to go out and party, rather enjoying a good book and a berry or two. However, this doesn't really change when he's with or around others, so his face will constantly be buried in a book, no matter what. It's not like he doesn't enjoy the company of others, even though he may give off that kind of vibe, he actually enjoys the company of others. Some might say that his love for his Kemomimi outmatches that of the love for his parents, being that he's gotten a lot closer to them rather than his family members. He allows his Kemomimi to fight without the restraints of needing a trainer to tell him what to do, but will step in if necessary. He trusts Kuro so much, that he feels confident that they'll overcome any challenge they're faced with. In fact, if it came down to it, he would only trust his Kuroshi.

Trainee: Kuroshi Kumori

Others: Nevan's vision is connected to Kuroshi's by the use of his Telekinesis, which allows him to not only see what he sees, but it also gives him a better angle of view, clearer peripheral vision, and a much better view range.

Kemomimi Sheet


(The more animalistic form is on the left, while his human form is on the right.)

Name: Kuroshi Kumori

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Personality: He doesn't believe in being completely evil nor does he believe in being completely good either. He just simply enjoys making mischief wherever he traverses, much to the disdain of his Trainer. Kuroshi doesn't tend to work well with others, so he'll much rather work alone since that's how he can do things his own way. Ever since he became Nevan's trainee, he started to get the mind set that he only needed his trainer an nobody else, since all the power he accumulated was from Nevan helping him train. Since he cares more for his Trainer than himself, he's can be counted on to get anything done. Nevan is extremely intelligent when it comes to reading his opponents movements or even finding out what annoys them the most to use that to his 'advantage'. Aside from that, he is actually book smart which to the surprise of others, he uses quite a lot. Whenever he finds himself in a fight, he prefers to take his time and see what his opponent can do before he ends them. Since he works alone when fighting, he doesn't take orders from anybody, except for Nevan; even if it's somebody who has superior strength compared to him or a higher 'rank'. Since they spent most of his time 'working' alone away from people, one could say he has no civilized social skills, and either tends to be antisocial or an ass. He has tendencies for blowing a really short fuse but tries to usually keep his cool by reading a book to calm his nerves; however when that doesn't work he usually uses his large mouth to 'bite down' on the frustration.

Species: Wraith

  • Shadow Possession: Allows the user to extend their shadow on any surface (even water) and as far as they want as long as there is a sufficient area. Once it comes into contact with a target's shadow, the two merge and the target is forced to imitate the user's movements. If the target is out of range, the user can produce a better light source to increase their shadow's size or rely on preexisting shadows for their shadow to freely travel through. It's also possible to split one's shadow, either to trap more opponents at once, or to create a distraction. The shadow can also be attached to entities without binding them, letting the "victim" move freely. Doing that has the purpose that the entity, the shadow was attached to, makes contact with a third entity, to bind the latter one with the shadow. The major downside of the Shadow Possession is that it is tiring to use repeatedly; it is noted that the ability is subject to some form of diminishing return and decreases in potency after repeated use (Kuroshi can only maintain it for 10 minutes per use). Insufficient lighting will make the technique less effective. A particularly strong opponent can also resist the shadow's forced possession.

  • Psychokinesis: (Also known as telekinesis) Allows for basic telepathic effects such as teleportation, using one’s mind to bend another’s will, or lifting heavy objects that the user cannot lift itself. Most abilities however, do not come without their limitations and the telepathic abilities have many. Just like the Shadow Possession ability, Kuroshi can only use the abilities for so long before succumbing to fatigue. If the user succumbs to fatigue, then the telekinetic abilities potency eventually deteriorates until becoming unusable. His ability to teleport can only go so far, allowing him to only return to areas that he has previously visited. Also, when teleporting, he must focus only that specific destination, making it useless in battle or while trying to avoid some sort of attack. His ability to bend one’s will can only go so far, as a particularly strong opponent can also resist being tampered with mentally. He also, must be completely focused while using it, which only makes it harder to use while in a battle or while trying to dodge some form of attack. And last but not least, the ability to lift heavy objects which unlike the other two abilities only requires the user to focus on the opponent or object that it wishes to lift. The downside to this though, is that it consumes far more energy than the other two abilities, making it a last resort amongst the telekinetic abilities in a case of a battle situation.

  • ‘Shadow hopping’: An ability created by Kuroshi in the utilization of using one’s shadow for his personal gain. The ‘Shadow Hop’ ability, allows Kuroshi to basically sink into an entity or object’s shadow, basically disappearing from sight and appearing from another shadow close by. It has been argued whether this is another form of teleportation, but he has proved a valid point that teleportation utilizes telekinetic abilities which basically allow one to disappear and reappear in an alternate place. His ability utilizes an objects shadow, and basically allows for a form of camouflage or fast moving transport between close objects. But, just like the Shadow Possession ability, it is tiring to use repeatedly; it is also noted that the ability is subject to some form of diminishing return and decreases in potency after repeated use (Kuroshi can only go so far between shadows, his highest record for doing so, is 50 feet away at full energy.). Insufficient lighting will make the technique less effective.

  • 'Shadowkinesis': A technique created by Kuroshi, using a mixture of his Psychokinetic abilities and his control over shadows. With this, he can use the shadows for multiple purposes, such as, attacking the opponent, setting up barriers, camouflage, or consuming everything around him with them. While the abilities do consume a large amount of energy, they can prove useful with or without lighting. Unlike his other shadow abilities, these rely not only on shadows, but also on the darkness around them. Because of this, the use of this ability during the night makes it more potent, as opposed to his other Shadow abilities.

  • Kuroshi Blaster: Holding both of his in front of his eye, Kuro projects a black hole. Its angle of effect is quite narrow, but this serves to concentrate its destructive power, creating a devastating projectile that can penetrate through multiple targets before dissipating. This penetrating ability is the biggest appeal of the Kuroshi Blaster.

Trainer: Nevan Sangloup

Others: Due to his somewhat androgynous appearance, he can sometimes get confused with a girl. This can really piss him off to the point where he might want to bust in some teeth or break some bones.
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Lelarius Atticae

Name: Lelarus Atticae

Age: 17

Gender: Male


Lelarus is a brooding and silent person who is inclined to simply observe his surroundings and converse with himself. Lelarus loves to figure out and dissect a situation. Often times, Lelarus immerses himself so much in his own thoughts that he ignores others unwittingly. Lelarus is considerate but aloof, causing people to consider him an outsider, albeit not to a hostile degree. Lelarus enjoys solitude and the quiet. Mostly, Lelarus loves the company of his Kemomimi Lelaria. Her presence soothes him and her words always comfort him. Lelarus considers Lelaria to be a guardian figure, one that looks over him gently.

Lelarius is intelligent and observant, able to descern the minute details of a situation with unerring accuracy. He is also incredibly sensitive to his surroundings, able to pick out disorder or irregularities with in familiar places instantly. Lelarius loves books and immerses himself in them regularly. Lelarius also likes to converse with Lelaria, who is the only person he can comfortably talk with.

Trainee: Lelara Alelais



Kemomimi: Lelara Alelais

Name: Lelara Alelais

Age: 26

Gender: Female


Lelara is a calm and collected figure who likes to analyze her surroundings and appreciate the simple beauty in small things. She is a gracious figure who treates every living being with decency and respect. Lelara is gentle and will place those close to her in an incredibly close bond. She is somewhat of a pacifist, and does not see the reason in unjustified violence and will try and talk things out before engaging in violent combat. However, Lelara does believe that evil of injustice cannot go unpunished and will act in an aggressive manner if she feels that her actions are justified. Lelara is not talkative but is courteous and polite. Lelara shares an incredibly close bond with Lelarus and will protect him at any cost. Additionally, Lelara is empathetic and perceptive, knowing how to discern the mood in an atmosphere or figure out ways to solve conflict.

Species: (I don't know... Axolotl?)


Lelara does not have much in the form of offensive power. Lelara's serpentine form is flexible and lithe as well as being well-muscled and powerful. She is surprisingly swift and can tuck her legs in her body and glide around flat surfaces at high speeds. Lelara, however, does possess powerful defensive abilities.

Incredible Regeneration - Lelara can regenerate any form of cell, brain cell, heart cell, etc. at a high rate. Minor wounds such as cuts and bruises will be healed near instantly and attacks that do not damage vitals or organs will have no effect on Lelara. Damaging organs such as the lungs or the heart will cause Lelara to become physically pained and physically impaired until her injuries are healed. Severely damaging her brain will cause her to simply become paralyzed until she heals. This ability effectively makes Lelara almost impossible to kill, but possible to damage or handicap. This regeneration does not require stamina or effort from Lelara and is effectively an automated process.

Slimy - Lelara constantly produces a liquid that glazes her so as to preserve moisture. This liquid is rather slimy and will hamper efforts to physically assault Lelara. Consuming this slime will cause the consumer of the slime to feel insanely happy for a second or two.

Underwater Survival - Lelara can swim and live under water capably through her gills and swimming appendages. Lelara is, in fact, much more capable in movement and strength underwater as she has more ability to move and abuse her contort-able body.

Heightened Awareness - The frills protruding from Lelara's neck can sense vibrations in the air, allowing her to predict movements from surrounding objects. These frills also allow Lelara to move while blind as she can sense the surroundings around her. Damaging the frills will impair this ability but the frills are easy to regenerate.

Unique Aura - Lelara emits a light pink aura around her, calming and soothing anything in its range. This aura's effects can be imparted upon a target with much greater intensity through physical touch, soothing mental and physical pain. This aura also allows Lelara to endure through immense amounts of pain.

Lelara has one offensive ability/technique which she is hesitant to use.

Return Venom - Every time Lelara has her an organ wounded, the organ will release a special liquid which gathers at the tip of Lelara's tail. This liquid is a potent toxin which, if it enters the bloodstream, will cause a target to feel nausea and pain equal to the pain Lelara endured. However, this poison is non - lethal and applying it to the skin will cause majorly reduced effects. Additionally, the poison will dissipate after more than ten minutes without use. However, the poison can cause knock outs because enduring the pain of a few organs being split apart isn't easy.

Trainer: Lelarus Atticae


Lelara's usual appearance, this is not her true form. She uses this form to comfortably move around and be unnoticed. In this form, she is around nine inches long. She can talk freely in this form although her voice might not be too loud.

Lelara chooses to take this form in battle. It is around fifteen feet in length and retains the same color scheme as her smaller form.

Lelara's true form which she rarely, if ever takes. She only uses this form alone with Lelarus or in quiet and secluded areas.


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