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Multiple Settings 𝐰𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 [original & pokemon interest check]


New Member
Roleplay Availability
Hey, I’m Sky (he/him), a long-time roleplayer looking for something thought-out, fun, and short. I’m currently a student, and busy with studying - but after roleplaying since I was ten, I’m unwilling to let the hobby go. That’s why I’m looking for a partner that is interested in creating an engaging story, with posts that are only around 500 words. My ideal scenario here is someone who is willing to plan out the direction of the roleplay, be flexible with posting times and lengths, and who loves to get attached to a story shared between just two people. Beyond that, I’m easy! I’m a friendly guy, I like romance and weird worlds, and I like to talk. Still, like everyone, I’ve got some guidelines I prefer to stick to.

  • Please do not comment on this thread - I only reply to PMs
  • As a heads-up: I reply to initials messages pretty infrequently, and to comments on this thread not at all. I’m pretty picky, and I hate wasting time with roleplays I know are gonna fizzle out. No hard feelings involved, just like there’s no hard feelings if you decide to ghost me.
  • My average post length will likely be 500 words, sometimes more and sometimes less. I can say that I will try to keep my writing to a high standard - the reason why I’m on this site is because I love writing!
  • I’m not the type to force friendship, but I do prefer to chat and get to know my partners. I have a Discord for OOC talk, and I’m happy to give it out if we get along. Please PM initially though - again, I delete any comments on this thread.
  • In regards to romance: I’m a fan, and a softie at heart, but it’s not a must-have for me. In general I don’t prefer to play any gender or any pairing in particular.
  • During the planning phase and throughout the roleplay itself i prioritise communication. There’s nothing I hate more than not knowing what direction my partner wants to scene to go in.
  • I’m seventeen, turning eighteen next year - if you try to avoid writing with minors, than come back next year. I’ll probably still be on here, let’s be honest.
  • Please give me an idea of what you’re looking for in a roleplay beyond a genre, so I have something to build off. Beyond that, please share anything you’d like - inspirations, triggers, a writing sample or just a fun fact. If you have a highly specific plot you’re just dying to try out, then 100% hit me up.
Writing Sample (01/30):
More times than Will could count he had slipped out of his grandmother’s driveway to meet the curve of the hillside. His beaten-down car hugged the drops from which tall eucalyptuses rose, peeling bark and thin grey leaves shining from recent rain. In the gaps between slim trunks Will could see fog smothering hills, obscuring their blue bulk. A headache built behind his eyes. On his cheek he could feel the lingering pressure of his grandmother’s goodbye kiss, itchy like the welt left behind by a mosquito. The visit had run long; it was near sunset.

Music filled the car and trailed out the windows, slow swinging songs he could mouth the words to. Golden light fell in thick shafts from gaps in the cloud cover, glaring up off the wet black tarmac, forcing Will to flip down the vanity mirror. When he was a teenager, racking up hours for his licence, this stretch had terrified him. His family had never helped. Anna would sit in the backseat, handheld console discarded on the fraying fabric car seats, complaining of motion sickness. Their mother would clutch at the door, hissing terse advice.

As the light faded he took a final right turn onto a long, straight highway, lined on either side by pastures encircled by chain-link fences shielding distant animal shapes. Reaching back for the memories of his childhood visits to his grandmother felt like peering through the panels of a greenhouse, squinting past clouded and filthy glass. The things inside were worn and dull, endless litanies of health problems recited on deflating couches. As he grew older Will found it easier to move during the visits. He would fix her computer, water her plants, set the table.

What I’m Looking For:
  • Fantasy: Broadly, I’m interested in fairytale-like stories about quests, strange landscapes, and the darker underside of magic. I draw inspiration from stories like The Last Unicorn and The Wizard of Earthsea for these roleplays, focusing on the personal and interpersonal at the expense of realm-spanning epics. When it comes to aesthetic inspiration, the games Hollow Knight and the Legend of Zelda series are big for me - I like my settings weird, and often post-apocalyptic. I love to explore surreal stories in dreamlike, changing landscapes. A couple of rough plots and character ideas are:
    • The last knight emerges from seclusion to face a world kingless and changed. Lost, and without markers of their former friends and loyalties, they decide to head towards the capital. Along the way they meet strange people and creatures, and stumble on beautiful sights.
    • A young lady flees an arranged marriage she despised, chases by the personal guard of her betrothed. To avoid them, and her family, she escapes past the border of her own kingdom into lands that she’s never even heard of.
    • In a post-apocalyptic land (somewhere underground or underwater), a roaming band of performers try to earn a living. They cover vast areas, plying their trade and trying to entertain people struggling in a world recently changed.
    • Dragons, as a general rule.
  • Science Fiction: Currently uninterested.
  • Pokemon: For the most part, I’m not really into fandom roleplays. There’s one, deeply nostalgic exception to this: Pokémon, with original trainer (or otherwise) characters. I would love to mix and match genres with fantasy, post-apocalyptic or mystery plots, or do an old-fashioned trainer story. Please, please hit me up for this one.
  • Mystery: I’ve always been a fan of noirs, both the black-and-white kind and the gritty neo-noirs. The mystery element of these could be secondary to grittiness, crime, and moral grey areas. I’m craving a good conspiracy, a locked-room murder, or a femme fatale. The asestheitc appeal of these stories lies in neon, flickering streetlights, detectives in old-fashioned suits, and dark secrets lingering inside seemingly innocent houses. A couple of rough plots include:
    • An wannabe investigative journalist moves from their small town to a bustling metropolis. There they find themself drawn into the mess of rumours, closed doors and buried secrets that surrounds one charismatic figure. As they dig deeper, they uncover a conspiracy with its roots deep in the city.
    • An inconspicuous crook settles in a small town to hide out, fleeing something - a murder, a failed bank robbery, a tangled affair. There they connect with one of the locals, whose seeming cries for help lead them into the town’s messy underside - and the local’s complex machinations.
    • After witnessing something they shouldn’t have closing up the crappy store they work late at night, an aimless twenty-something finds themself drawn into a spiralling mystery. This plot should involve a lot of strange people, sights, and an overwhelming sense of dread.
    • Following a murder they didn’t want to commit, a low-ranked member of a decaying secret organisation gathers up their childhood best friend and flees the city. They end up on the road, desperate, lost, and with the murderer’s many secrets riding in the backseat with them.
    • Anything inspired by: Twin Peaks, Under the Silver Lake, Nightmare Alley, Laura, Disco Elysium, Inherent Vice, Heat, The Long Goodbye, ect.
  • Slice of Life/Romance:If there is any cheesy, cliche romance plot that you can think of, I’m probably willing to try it out. I prefer a slow-burn, morally grey characters, and a modern setting. It’s also, in my opinion, fun to play around with paranormal elements - selkies, dragons, and witches. Here’s a few rough concepts for pairings:
    • On a summer vacation, the bored child of a boring family discovers the existence of an aquatic paranormal creature living in the nearby ocean.
    • A strange romance unfolds in an Antarctic research station.
    • After following someone who they thought was the love of their life halfway across the world, an ambitious recent university graduate finds themself unceremoniously ditched. They connect with an artist at a residency in the city they end up trapped in - and things grow more complicated from there.
  • Please approach me with any of your own plot ideas - I look forward to hearing from you!
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