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Fandom We Fight to Forge a {connection} | A MHA RP

All Might kept his eyes looking at anywhere but Mela at the moment. He can't believe he just did that. Uede Shoujo was a lady no less! A hero and a man such as himself cannot go touching a lady so carelessly like that! All Might kept scolding himself as he stood up and waited to hear what Mela had to say. If she said no to the walk, then he would go off and buy something sweet, but fortunately, she agreed. Walking alongside Mela as they strolled through the park, All Might kept his gaze elsewhere though he would occasionally steal a glance at Mela. Why was his heart beating so fast and he hoped he wasn't blushing! Argh, he sounded like some teenager in love! Well, he certainly felt like a nervous teenage boy that much was certain. To think that the number one hero would be blushing and acting all nervous around a petite girl. Hah, Endeavor and Aizawa-kun would enjoy this sight.

Fortunately, Mela's voice snapped him out of his silly thoughts as he looked down at her in question. He blinked once then twice, more than ready to scold her for saying such silly things when she corrected herself. He blinked a few more times before smiling over at her. "Please don't ever become a villain Uede Shoujo, but I can assure you, we can always have more afternoons together--!! A-ah that is you know, um training and yes! Plus Ultra!" Plus Ultra what? Stupid Yagi. All Might felt rather ridiculous, but his words sounded more silly to him if anything else. He was willing the blush to not crawl up to his cheeks because he can feel his head growing hot already. No need to cover his face either.

Uede Shoujo definitely knew what to say to throw him off. All Might blinked a few times as he processed what she just said. Did she just mention Yagi as in himself? A-ah right, she didn't know that he and Yagi are the same person. Somehow, a part of All Might wanted to tell Mela that he is indeed Yagi, but he knew that was far-fetched and no one would really believe him. Hearing the sweet words she said about himself, All Might smiled over at Mela, "really now? Did Yagi-kun do that? Well, I'm sure he enjoys your company very much then...you're right, I wonder why such a dashing young man like him does not have a girl to call his love?" He knew the answer to that, but he can play along and perhaps let Yagi take on the dreams that he couldn't. Speaking of single...All Might looked over at Mela, he knew she was still young, but he couldn't help but tease out, "well I'm sure you will find your love too! Unless you already have? Hahaha, just kidding." A part of him wanted to know if she already had her eyes on someone else, while at the same time, he didn't want to know that.

- - -

Taking another bite of her scone, Ruka listened to Denki's opinion about soulmates. Everyone had a differing view on it. Mela adored it and saw it as something romantic while she wasn't entirely sure how Shoto saw it as. Then there was her. She found it hard to believe at first and she didn't think being soulmates really meant anything, well, that was until she met her own soulmate, Shoto. She supposed he was the one to get her to see this whole soulmates thing as something else entirely. It wasn't a bad thing she supposed. Listening to Denki, Ruka decided he was the type to be optimistic about soulmates, like Mela she would say. Though she was sure her friend would strongly oppose any similarities between herself and Denki. Ruka smiled at that thought.

"Someone you can be yourself around huh..." Ruka murmured softly to herself. And someone who will accept you as you are? Ruka's mind wandered back to Shoto and a small smile danced across her lips. Hm, she admits that she is quite herself around him, if not bolder while he did seem to be understanding of where she came from. If anything they had some similarities so it was easier to understand each other. Ah, was that what soulmates meant? There is a special connection...huh. Ruka blinked over at Denki, realizing that what he said was very well true and well she'll be darned. He said some really good things. Ruka will have to let Mela know of this.

Can't let go? Would she ever want to let Shoto go? For now, Ruka can't see that being an option and she hoped Shoto saw it the same way as her. Hearing his question, Ruka looked up thoughtfully, should she tell Denki that she already found her soulmate? But Shoto never really said anything about it to anyone. Hm, perhaps she should wait until they both decide to let everyone know? Or did Shoto not care? Eh, she didn't want to fret over it so for now, it'll be her little secret...between herself, Mela and Shoto. She gave Denki a secretive smile as she finally answered him, "ah, my soulmate? Hmm, who knows~ Sorry I asked such a weird question, I know guys don't really go talking about things like soulmates much huh." Ruka gave him a small apologetic smile before clapping her hands as she remembered, "oh right, the comic you gave me yesterday was really interesting! Is there more to it?"

Genkai Genkai
Plus ultra huh? All Might could act quite silly and dramatic at times. Then again, she was sure she could also be described as such. Still, she would just hold onto her little fantasy then, somebody would want to play with her haha. Though if Aizawa had to keep working so much, she was sure she could fill the void with All Might or Yagi, they were both fun in their own ways. Still, she was missing Shota and hoped he was missing her too but she was sure he wouldn't openly say it or anything. She smiled to All Might, still surprised Aizawa and Yagi had wanted to keep her company when she was so sick and clingy. She could think of better things for them to do but she was very grateful all the same.

"I knooow, it's so sad." She frowned. To her Yagi was so cute and sweet. Why he was single was beyond her. What girl didn't want a guy who could tend to flowers? It meant he had to have quite the magic touch. She blinked at the mention of love. Love? Love was a very tricky think to really identify wasn't it? She and Shota were just starting to date but she didn't think she could call it love so early. But they were soulmates. It was so confusing. "Well I uh...I don't know." She rubbed her neck, looking away, her mind suddenly struggling to string thoughts and words together. "L-love is something everyone needs right? I'm sure it'll find me when it's good and ready eheh."

Of course it was very likely she had found her love in Shota. Mela just wasn't sure yet, it was too soon to tell and she wanted to feel things out. But she did know she cared about him a lot and loved being with him, whether they were chatting about tactics or teasing each other, which was clearly just them flirting now that she thought about it heh. "I do want to find someone that makes me feel like I'm home whenever I'm with him. I also want to be somebody's home too. If that makes sense..." Mela was sure it didn't. "A-anyway I should probably head home, do you mind giving me another lift?" She smiled to him. She was just so lazy haha.

- - -

Contrary to what Ruka may assume, Shoto was by no means trying to hide the fact he was with Ruka, he just saw no need to really announce it to the school in a dramatic manner. He would be affectionate but he wouldn't blurt it out randomly. Of course if someone asked him directly, he wouldn't deny it. Except maybe if his father was asking. That was a lot of trouble he didn't want to get into. Of course if Denki had Ruka on his arm, he would be shouting to the whole wide world. He'd be so proud and happy to have such a girl to call his own. He was hoping with all this soulmate talk that maybe meant she was his. What other explanation is there?

"Nooo it's not weird at all." He waved a hand as the beagle came back and Denki threw the ball back again. His eyes never left Ruka as he continued to assure her, the topic wasn't bad by any means. "You know believe it or not..." He leaned in closely, looking around as if checking to see if the coast was clear. "Us guys do talk about soulmates more than you'd think." He winked, putting a finger to his lips. Ruka better not spill the secret. She then mentioned the comic, he was so happy to hear she enjoyed it. "I'm sorry it was just a single volume but I can try to find more like it. Maybe the artist will make more?" He hoped so.

Finishing their snacks and giving the dogs some more pets and cuddles, the pair decided to leave, calling it an early day, both having homework to tend to. Denki, having more than Ruka most likely with the way he procrastinated. He walked her home though, not wanting to just abandon her. "So tomorrow after school we can see Peachy and maybe watch another movie?" He suggested, hoping Eijiro could still keep Shoto at bay a bit longer. Denki was sure he could make a move tomorrow! To him all the signs were pointing to the fact he and Ruka had this great connection. It was like sparks! "I'll see you tomorrow, and thanks again for the fruit. I fear it's so good I may not want to share it." He laughed as they stood by her door. Just like Ruka heh.

AiAi AiAi
Love is something that everyone needs? All Might blinked at that thought. Huh. He never really took that into consideration, but perhaps Mela was right. Maybe love was a necessity for a person to make them feel whole? Was that why he felt like there was such a gaping hole in him? Oh, wait. He did have a hole once...ahem. Seeing her reaction as she answered his question, All Might wasn't sure how to perceive it honestly. He couldn't tell whether she did find love or not. Though of course, All Might meant liking someone when he talked about love. Guess he just took romance a bit more seriously than most. He could hear Midnight's long-winded rants about him being too old school and serious about romance echoing in the back of his mind. Shh, not now. He doesn't need to be scolded by others yet.

Someone, to call home? All Might smiled widely at that notion. Yes, that is something he was looking for as well. Something that he desires, yet one cannot get everything they desire. At times it was just out of reach. Shaking his head, All Might gently ruffled Mela's hair as he told her, "that totally makes sense! If anything, that is the best way to describe it!" It was as if she could hear his lonesome heart crying out to her. He just wanted somebody to call his and to come home to. He just wanted open arms that can engulf him with warmth and shower him with love...he just wanted someone that would accept him for who he is and not look at him like some sort of idol. Realizing his train of thoughts, All Might focused back on Mela. At hearing her request, All Might was more than happy to oblige, "of course! Hop on Uede Shoujo!" This might become a habit heh.

After dropping Mela off, All Might headed home deciding against patrolling for the day as he felt rather drained. If he were to face Mela off on Saturday, then he needed to get some rest before otherwise, he'd just overexert himself once again. Arriving home, Yagi changed into some All Might printed pajamas before falling into his bed. It was early, but he was tired. Hugging a pillow, Yagi closed his eyes as he began to think over love and a certain brown-haired girl who was unknowingly teaching him all about it. Perhaps...just maybe...he can ask her for a date come Saturday? Just a little outing...that would be nice.

A loud sigh could be heard as Shota got up from his desk, more than ready to burn the pile of papers, but no..he can imagine that Nezu had a secret stash of this hidden somewhere. Eyeing the finished paperwork, Shota was about to go and hand it over to Nezu when he realized a repeating pattern. That little mouse! His eye twitched as he refrained from giving the completed papers and instead left it inside one of his drawers. If he gave Nezu the stack now, he can imagine a whole new stack of papers greeting him come tomorrow morning. Yeah, no. He was not going to be stuck on a Friday night working on papers. No, he rather go out with Mela whom he hasn't been seeing much of lately and it was starting to annoy him. Hizashi kept clear of Shota's path during this week as the blonde noticed Shota's decreasing mood. Something was making the raven head grumpy and it was the lack of Mela around him. He wouldn't admit it aloud, but he missed her quite a lot.

Arriving back home, Shota tied his hair up into a short ponytail as he began to cook something light for dinner. He made himself some fish, miso soup and rice...simple enough. He gave a plate of salmon to Mi before taking a seat next to the brown fluff. He began to eat his meal as he thought about what to do tomorrow. He will make sure he was free once school was finished and he will make sure Mela goes off with him...not All Might. He frowned slightly as he realized that All Might has been keeping an eye on the class and specifically Mela. He was given news of Midoriya's injury and then linked that to All Might being Mela's partner of the week. What the hell was that? He recalled how depressed Midoriya was about not only losing the chance to hang out with Mela but that she got All Might as her partner. Shota wanted to smack the boy some sense but refrained as he was already injured. Tch.

Once he finished eating, Shota leaned back against his bed as he called Mela. He did promise to call her tonight after all...or well it was a silent promise. Since she did say she wanted to talk to him at least. As the phone rang for a few moments, Shota wondered if Mela was busy or perhaps she was still out and about? A frown etched on his lips as he realized just how little time he spent with her this week and it was frustrating. As the other end finally picked up, Shota spoke up with a small smile forming on his lips, "hey Mela, it's me...yes it's me. Of course, I would call you? Why wouldn't I call my girlfriend." He smirked slightly before closing his eyes as he leaned his head back onto his bed, listening to Mela's story of her day. "Hm...so you treated All Might to food? I'm surprised he even agreed to go out.." well he wasn't, but Shota knew All Might to have his heroic side and that side often got in the way of going out to hang with others. Opening his eyes, Shota reached his free hand out and scratched the back of Mi's ear, "by the way...did you want to meet up a little before class tomorrow...? Heh, then I'll meet you by the stairs in the back? Mm...alright, good night Mela...sweet dreams." Dropping the phone beside him, Shota closed his eyes as he hid his smile with his arm, okay so maybe he missed her a lot.

~ It's Fri-YAY ~

Come Friday morning, Shota woke up earlier than usual as he made his way to school. Though unlike his usual route, Shota went up the steep stairs before leaning against the top railing. He arrived earlier than her, maaaybe because he was excited to see her, but it was hard to tell by his bloodshot eyes and lips set in a firm line. He was sleepy and tired, but he was here. He just needed to see Mela and he would be all better. More ready to face the day and hopefully escape from Principal Nezu's evil grasps. He was positive that if Nezu wasn't the principal of U.A, he'd make a notorious villain whom not even All Might can win against. Thank goodness Nezu was on the side of good and not evil. Looking over, Shota was greeted with the sight of Mela, a rare smile found on his lips as he reached an arm out and immediately pulled Mela into his arms.

Holding her close, Shota closed his eyes as he nuzzled his face into her hair. He kissed the top of her head before trailing butterfly kisses from the top of her head to her forehead down to her nose then lips. After a few moments, Shota pulled back and smirked down at her, "good morning to you too." Giving her a few more pecks, Shota kept his arm wrapped loosely around her waist as he leaned back, enjoying her closeness and warmth. For a moment, he entertained the thought of just picking her up and taking her away, somewhere far far away. Ditching work and school for one day wouldn't hurt anyone right? Though at the image of a laughing Nezu as he gave more paperwork and then the glaring of Kurotsuki came bubbling into mind as Shota pushed away those thoughts. Okay, fine. No ditching then.

Looking down at her, Shota smirked as he played with a strand of her hair as he told her, "I probably will be busy during lunch. I've been given a lot of paperwork to do...that and I think Hizashi will be dragging me off to get lunch..." at the mention of Present Mic, Shota looked off to the side as he let out a sigh. Hizashi was a bit needy, he definitely needs to find his soulmate or something soon for the sake of Shota. Looking down at Mela, Shota smirked as he leaned down and kissed her, though this time he added a bit of tongue as he swiped his tongue against her lips before dipping in for a taste. Pulling back, Shota licked his lips as he smirked down at her, "you get that until later. Be a good girl now." Hearing the school bell, Shota left first this time around as he hoped that kiss will keep her mind filled with just him. Heh.

As lunchtime came swinging in, Shota's words to Mela earlier this morning came true. He was 'working' on his papers when Hizashi came bouncing in, demanding lunch with him in return for keeping quiet this whole week. Shota couldn't argue against that as Hizashi was actually quiet and behaved during this week. He could feel Nezu's eyes on him from time to time and he knew that the game he was playing was dangerous. Could he actually deceive the all-seeing eye of Nezu? Hopefully, he can. Just a few more hours and he would be free of work and then he can go and see Mela! He won't allow All Might to steal Mela this time around!

- - -

As Denki leaned in, curious Ruka leaned in too. What did he have to tell her that it was a secret? At the mention of guys discussing soulmates more often than girls assumed, Ruka blinked over at Denki, really now? She opened her mouth to ask him a question about that but stopped as she saw him place a finger against his lips. Smiling slightly, Ruka mimicked his motion as she placed a finger against her lip and winked back at him. "I see..." was all she told him as she found that little tidbit to be a rather interesting information. Does that mean Shoto thought about soulmates more often than she imagined? Has he ever thought she would be his soulmate...? Or did he imagine someone else to be her soulmate? Now that she thought about it, Ruka never really thought about soulmates much. She for one didn't go assuming that every guy she met would be her soulmate. Though she did make sure that she is not Yukito's soulmate.

At the mention of it being a single volume, Ruka frowned slightly. "Oh, I see. Well if you do find anything similar to it, please let me know. I would love to read it." It was strange, she never imagined herself to be reading comics, but thanks to Denki she found that she quite liked it. Maybe it had something to do with how the drawings portrayed everything she read, but at the same time, Ruka loved reading novels because she can imagine the world of the book in her own way in her mind. Guess she can like both books and comics. She smiled over at Denki as she picked up another puppy, this time a little chihuahua. Heh, cute little thing. As Ruka nuzzled the puppy against her, she thought back to Shoto, wanting to hug him instead of a puppy.

After the two finished eating and playing with the puppies a bit longer, the two decided to head back early for the day. She remembered how there was some homework left for her to do, plus she didn't want to be stuck doing homework on a Friday night. Denki walked her home again. Standing by her door, Ruka smiled over at Denki as she thought over the movie, seeing Peachy was definitely something she wanted to do. "Sure! Ah, as long as we don't get swamped with homework I should probably be free." She didn't want to make a promise and cancel last minute. That would just be rude. Giggling at his comment, Ruka's eyes shined with amusement as she told him, "well if you like it so much, I'll be sure to make you more next time. See you tomorrow and have a good night Kaminari-kun!" Ruka waved bye to Denki before heading inside.

After making some spaghetti with meatballs for dinner with a side of salad and some garlic bread, Ruka waited for Mela to come home. During this time she spent it working on her homework and cleaning up her house. Soon after Mela came over. The two had dinner while talking about their day. Ruka teased Mela about getting to hang out with All Might again, something she was sure Mela was happy about. Though Ruka couldn't help but wonder if Mela was torn between All Might and Aizawa? No, Mela wasn't like that. Surely, Mela was just looking at All Might as a fan and nothing more. Ruka mentioned to Mela about the puppy cafe before wondering aloud if there was a porcupine one? She was certain Katsuki would like that. Heh. Once she was done, Ruka took a shower, pulling on Shoto's shirt as she looked at the mirror. His shirt was quite big on her as it went down to her mid thighs. Ruka blushed a bit as she realized she was wearing Shoto's shirt, argh stop Ruka! Images of Shoto being shirtless came back to her mind, it was a sweet and tempting image forever burned into her mind. Scolding herself, Ruka headed over to her bed.

Sitting down, Ruka looked over at her phone, wondering if Shoto really would call her. He did promise to call her later tonight, but what if he was busy or too tired? Falling down on her bed, Ruka stared up at the ceiling as she wondered if she should call him, but no....maybe she'll just wait. She didn't want to bother him or anything like that. As Ruka was slowly falling asleep while waiting, she heard her phone buzz to life. Sitting up rather quickly, Ruka reached for her phone and answered it as her face lit up at the id caller being Shoto. Smiling happily, Ruka spoke up, "ah Shoto-kun? Hehe, hi....mmm I missed you..." she could feel herself smiling like an idiot yet feel all shy at the same time. Laying back down on her bed, Ruka continued speaking with him, "ah, me? I just finished showering so now I'm just in bed, how was training for you today? What did you have for dinner? I made spaghetti with meatballs, I'm planning on bringing some as a sandwich hehe."

Glancing down at her clothes which was just Shoto's shirt, Ruka felt the urge to just tell him that she really liked his shirt and found it comfy, but he would probably ask for it back if she told him right? Not wanting to lose such a comfortable piece of clothing, Ruka kept quiet about it as she closed her eyes, enjoying just listening to Shoto speak. "Hmm today after training, I took Kaminari-kun to a dog cafe, yes, there were a bunch of adorable puppies roaming hehe...I felt bad since I kind of burnt him to a crisp today ehe." She still felt slightly bad about that, but since Denki said it was fine, she won't dwell on it...much. Hugging the strawberry plush to her chest, Ruka could feel her cheeks get warm as she murmured out, "I wish you were here beside me Shoto-kun...I miss you..." ahhh she said it! Ruka hid her face into the pillow as she willed the flames to not come out. That was really embarrassing! Head lifting up as her ears perked up about meeting up early tomorrow morning. Smiling widely, Ruka nodded her head before realizing he can't see that, "of course I'd love to see you tomorrow before class! Okay, I'll meet you there then!" Falling back into her bed, Ruka let out a happy giggle as she hugged close the berry, wishing for morning to come already.

~ Happy happy Friday ~

The next morning, Ruka woke up early and got breakfast ready. She was glad to know Mela was also leaving for school early though the reason for why didn't sit well with Ruka. Still, if that old man can make her Mela this happy, then Ruka won't do anything to him...yet. One wrong move from Aizawa and he'll be facing Ruka's wrath of flames. Handing Mela her lunch, the two headed off for school. Since it was still rather early, not many students could be seen, maybe only a few. Parting ways with Mela, Ruka headed off towards the library where the two promised to meet at. She could feel her heart thumping in her chest as she stood in the elevator, heading to the top floor. Upon arriving, Ruka's blue hues scanned the room before spotting Shoto's mismatching hair up ahead. Smile widening, Ruka hurried over to where Shoto was, his back turned to her.

Grinning as mischief lighted her eyes, Ruka wrapped her arms around his shoulders, leaning to his side, whispering into his ear, "good morning Shoto-kun~" Leaning back, she kissed his cheek before letting him go only to get pulled into his arms. Smiling as the two kissed, Ruka let out a small giggle as she looked up at him, "did I surprise you?" She kept her arms wrapped around his waist as she wanted to stay close to him. Leaning her head against his chest, Ruka murmured out, "ah...I missed this hehe." It was nice to be in his arms again. It was so warm and she felt so safe...as if nothing can harm her as long as she stayed in these arms of his. Though of course, Ruka can probably protect herself just fine, the idea of someone wanting to keep her safe was what made her so happy. Ruka spent this sweet time with Shoto, just enjoying each other's presence while exchanging soft kisses. As the bell rang, Ruka looked up at him as she pouted. That was too soon. Leaning up, she teasingly nuzzled her nose against his as she said, "guess we'll have to wait until lunchtime." Eyes twinkling, Ruka tugged on Shoto's hand and led him back to class.

After the morning lessons were over with, Ruka grabbed her lunchbox, before heading off to eat with Shoto. It seems like Mela's been hanging around Yagi during lunch these days. Another pesky fly? Ruka will have to find this Yagi one day or another and see just who this sweet janitor of U.A exactly is like. Sitting down at their usual spot, Ruka handed Shoto a sandwich as she smiled over at him, "good luck against Kirishima-san today. Hopefully, he won't keep you until nightfall again." She never really heard of Eijiro being so into practice before so she couldn't help but wonder why now against Shoto of all people. The two enjoyed their lunch like always, a rather cute show as they would feed each other while exchanging sweet kisses in between. Ruka was a tad embarrassed about it, but she found it endearing all the same. Giving Shoto a sweet kiss as lunch ended, Ruka headed off for her last day of training with Denki.

Genkai Genkai
Dinner that night was very yummy. Ruka made great pasta and Mela was always in awe at how light her food could be. Mela was sure in a past life, Ruka had to be some famous chef. It was a shame Ruka didn't go into cooking as well as a hero work, Mela was sure her friend would be even more beloved if she opened up some restaurant. But then maybe if Ruka did that, Mela may have to actually pay for these meals of hers, which she didn't want to do haha. She helped Ruka clean up the dishes of course and then headed back to her place to do some reading and get some shut eye. As Mela got dressed in a cream colored silk nightgown, she heard her phone ring, the default ringtone some cute electric pop thing. She picked up after the ID had been made. Shota Aizawa. Really?!

Mela picked it up. "Helloooo~" She answered, feeling suddenly so very very happy. Gee, I wonder why. "Shota? Is that really you? You're calling me? I didn't think you actually would." She assumed he'd be too busy or just forget about her. Though she was quite flattered to have him actually remember and find some time before going to bed. At least she hoped he was in bed and not roaming the streets like he often did. "Oh oh oh, by the way, All Might and I went to the park. I bought us some nice snacks." She sighed dreamily, feeling no need to mention what he had done when he tried to clean her face haha. "Heeey, he likes hanging out with me. I'm a delight." She huffed at his comment though she was trying not to grin through her words.

"Hm, tomorrow? Sure I can!" Mela felt another tingle of excitement. But she had to wait a few more hours to see him, she wished she could just see him now. Why wasn't he just standing outside of her house like in those movies where a guy calls to say he missed someone? Well technically Aizawa hadn't said he missed her...but maybe that went without saying? "I'll see you tomorrow then. Thanks, sleep well. Byeee!" She hung up and set her phone aside after adjusting her alarm a bit to account for her needing to be up earlier. She turned off her light and decided reading would have to wait. Curling in bed, she hugged the plushie and drifted off to sleep. Mela dreamed of being in a garden filled with flowers, almost too big to really see anything else around her. And yet somehow it felt nice...being surrounded by something so pretty large flowers.

- Gotta get down on Friday - - -

Mela practically sprung out of bed and got ready for school in quick time, waking up a few minutes before her alarm even went off. The girls ate and Mela got her lunch from her wonderful friend before she ran off to go meet with Aizawa. She hoped Shoto was being a good guy to Ruka but until Mela spied on them, which she would, she couldn't be certain. But she would be keeping an eye on him. But she also needed to keep an eye on her own boyfriend too. Why had he gotten so busy all of a sudden!? Mela found Shota behind the school by the stairs and before she knew it, she was already pulled into his arms. Ah yes, she missed this man terribly. She hugged him tightly and looked up to find herself greeted with several light kisses along her face. Mela giggled and in between the kisses, she told him good morning.

It seemed her happiness was fleeting when he mentioned he'd be busy at lunch. Paperwork and Present Mic? Urgh that was not a happy combination. Mela would have preferred Shota just run off with her. Maybe their problems wouldn't find them? Ruka may find them though ahaha. Mela tried to her sadness as she told Shota to just do his best. She could wait, she wouldn't be thrilled waiting but she could still wait. Before Shota left, he gave her a rather enticing parting kiss, feeling his tongue brush against her lips, she parted hers, not at all wanting to have him leave her like that. She let out a low whine and nearly fell over. Gah, that wasn't fair! Mela took a few moments to collect herself as she headed off to class. Morning lectures were boring and most of the class were eager for their final day of training.

During lunch, Mela took comfort in sitting with Yagi and talking to him about All Might. As much as she wanted his advice on a certain dark haired tease, she didn't bring it up. Mela shared her lunch with the lanky male as they talked about possible weekend plans. After not seeing much of Shota, Mela hoped they had another date planned. Did she have to handcuff them together to get some alone time? Mela shook her head and thanked Yagi for his company before she went off to get ready to spar against All Might. This time, she was getting better at avoiding him and getting out of his hold but it wasn't easy and she was pretty sure part of him was letting her make some progress so she didn't get too discouraged. After the day ended, she thanked All Might for going to such trouble before she went off to get changed, thinking she may be doing something with Ruka today.

Outside of the school, Mela rubbed her eyes, adjusting to the natural light. She turned and saw All Might coming towards her but before she could wave to him or consider that this might be another All Might outing, Aizawa tapped her on the shoulder and she spun around. How did he get there?! He was a ninja! He told her to be ready tonight at 6:30 for a date. He mentioned spending a quiet time at his house and Mela assured him she could just get there herself, that he needn't go out of his way to pick her up. Shota seemed reluctant to agree but figured it was no use arguing with her. Mela headed off, needing to get ready, waving to both Aizawa and a much further away All Might. She'd see All Might tomorrow of course, they were fighting each other after all.

Mela got home and found a nice dress. It was red and white with a high neckline and bow. She brushed her hair out after showering and looked at herself in the mirror. She spun around, standing on her toes, admiring how her dress looked. To her, there was no reason not to dress up, even if you were just going to someone's house. Though she didn't have a preference as to what Shota wore, she rather hoped whatever it was, didn't come with a shirt. Mela fixed Ruka's hair, wishing Ruka would wear a chastity belt but decided asking would be too much eheh. Mela made sure Ruka looked like a princess. "Blue is totally your color with your hair." Mela admired, fluffing up Ruka's skirt before she head to get going. "I'll see you later, be safe!" She said as usual before she left Ruka's, heading for Shota's. The bus ride consisted of several stares but Mela didn't any them much mind, focused on finally getting some alone time with Shota. She was starved for his affections. Knocking on his door, she anxiously waited. Urgh, hurry up. When the door opened, she threw her arms around his neck. "I missed you~" Of course that was probably obvious but she had. All Might had been so fun to hang out with but how could he compare to her actual devilishly handsome boyfriend? She thought about just locking her legs around him too but decided that would be too much. She needed to play it cool, because leaping into someone's arms was playing it cool.

- - -

Once again, Todoroki and Kirishima had been stuck together, locked in intense combat. Though Shoto had tried to make a run for the door, Eijiro was behind him, pulling him away and throwing him against the mat. It was damn annoying. he had to assume that fool, Kaminari had Ruka all to himself again which was unacceptable. Not because Ruka couldn't hang out with other guys. No. It was unacceptable because he was sure this guy in particular liked Ruka. And he didn't need Denki getting some false hope or trying anything. Shoto decided tomorrow he and Ruka would need to actually have time together. Lunch didn't really count because they were eating and not fully enjoying one another. So he decided he'd do whatever he could to get this monkey off of his back once and for all.

Shoto was looking forward to Saturday so he could really let loose against Kaminari and show him why it was unwise to get between him and his own girlfriend. He got home after several more hours of sparring. He took a long hot bath and wondered what Eijiro had against him. But then again, Eijiro could get fired up and ultra competitive. But he didn't like neglecting Ruka like this. It wasn't just that he missed holding her but he missed being able to just hang out, outside of a school setting. And at lunch, school was all around them. He got out of his bath and sought privacy in his room as he rang up Ruka and hoped he wasn't calling too late. "Good evening Ruka-chan....I missed you as well. I hope I'm not calling at a bad time." He said as she went on to explain what she was up to.

"So how was your day?" He asked, hoping it didn't come off as too accusatory or anything. He was genuinely curious. Even if she hadn't been with Denki, he'd still ask. She took him out because she burnt him? Well that made sense he supposed. He wasn't big on dogs so he was a bit glad Denki had gone and not him. Dogs were a bit too...drooly. He smiled at the image of Ruka playing with one though. "Ah...ah...I miss you as well." He said, his heart fluttering at her words, Shoto felt at a loss. If he was there beside her...he would surely be holding her close, unwilling to let them get up in the morning for school. Was that such a bad thing? "Why don't you meet met at the library tomorrow before class?" It wasn't much but it could give them some time together which he was craving desperately. "Okay, good night." He hung up, already feeling better.

- - - - Groooovy Friday -

His own morning arrived the same way his evening had departed, Shoto feeling quite excited for the day. Not only was this their final day of formal training against their partner, but it was also the day he was determined to take Ruka out. On date. A real date where they could just enjoy each other and not worry about someone coming around the corner and dragging one of them away. Though one of these days, he expected to be harpooned by Mela or something. He supposed that was a risk he took when he dated Ruka but it was a risk he was willing to take. He left home, having had a breakfast consisting of a fried egg and some pickled vegetables. Shoto had debated bringing a lunch with him but at this rate, that was a habit he'd have to break now that Ruka was cooking for him.

Feeling lucky and feeling like today was going to be a good day, Shoto took the bus to school and headed off to go meet with his lovely lady. He went up to the library and stood by one of the shelves though he wasn't really looking for anything, just trying to appear busy even though he was waiting for Ruka to show up. When someone grabbed him, he flinched slightly, not sure if this was a friend or a foe. He relaxed as he saw it was Ruka doing another sneaky attack heh. Shoto pulled her into his arms, kissing her lips softly. Yes, this was a great way to greet the day, without a doubt. Holding her against him, he planted a few kisses along her lips and even along her jawline. Ah he may be getting too carried away but he couldn't help it. Ruka was just too irresistible.

Even after the bell rang, he couldn't help but sneak in another kiss before he held her hand and went back down to class. He didn't want to wait until lunch. But then he also realized to go out with her, he'd have to make it through training and thwart Kirishima's crazy advances. No, he could do that. He just needed to turn up the heat heheh. He and Ruka walked in still holding hands before they took their respective seats. When lunch rolled around, he was quite happy to spend it with Ruka, though to him the time flied by at an alarming pace. "Thank you, I hope we can take it easy today." He said, his body still a bit sore. He had a plan though. After a few more gentle kisses to sate them, he left, a new fire burning inside of him. No, Eijiro would not ruin his plans. Not again! As the two trained, Shoto started to his fire much to Eijiro's dismay. It was clear Eijiro couldn't argue with an angry Todoroki who missed his girlfriend.

Finally leaving training at the end of the day and not hours after the face, Shoto ran around until he found Ruka outside heading toward Denki's dorm. No way. That wasn't happening. He hurried down and outside, catching up to them. Denki looked rather shocked but Ruka looked happy heh. Good. He leaned in and whispered to Ruka, "You and me, we're going out tonight. I'll pick you up at 6:45 for a movie and dinner. I missed you and I'm not letting you out of my sigh tonight." He grinned, making his intentions well known. He eyed Denki, enjoying how easy it was to mess with the blond who just slouched, pocketing his hands as if he knew Ruka would be leaving with him. Shoto walked off, needing to get home and get ready, needing to figure out what movie to see.

It would have to be a movie not many people would be in. For reasons. Shoto got home and got showered, feeling a lot better in knowing he would finally get Ruka to himself. No more hot-headed distractions named Eijiro. He pulled on a pair of jeans and a black button down shirt, leaving a button undone. He applied some cologne and quickly called to make reservations at a nice traditional Japanese restaurant. On his way to pick Ruka up, he picked up some movie candy pocketed it. He didn't drive yet but now that he had a girlfriend, he would have to look into that. Of course he'd learn through a school, not through the likes of his father. But he was sure Ruka wouldn't mind the quick walk to the movies. He arrived in front of her door, eager to get going and show her off to the world. He knocked and when she opened it, his heart stopped. Maybe they could just stay in? "You look breathtaking." He said in awe, holding her hands as he spun her around to take in every inch of her beauty. "I almost don't want go out." But he had already bought the tickets through his phone. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her lovingly, his hands holding her waist. He pulled back, staring into her eyes. "I missed you." He muttered sweetly, kissing her again before he offered his arm and headed down towards the cinema. At least there it would be dark, the internet said that was a good place to go if you didn't want to really watch a movie with your girlfriend.

AiAi AiAi
During lunch, Yagi was getting quite used to spending it with Mela. It was sweet of her to always offer him some of her lunch and how could he say no to her cute face? Plus he gets to sit by Mela and just talk to her. Often times she would be talking to him about All Might, but Yagi didn't mind. If anything, he had to learn to control his blush during those times since he would feel quite flattered but embarrassed all the same. It wasn't everyday one would hear about themselves being spoken so highly. After lunch, All Might met Mela in the training room where they spent their last day doing their best. He was quite proud of her progress and couldn't wait to see how their match would be tomorrow. But All Might knew one thing, he will not hold back just because it is a practice match, though he did recall something about weight limitations placed on him. He'll find that out tomorrow he supposed.

Once practice ended, All Might left the room though soon after he was actually in search of Mela. He was hoping to ask her out on a date for either today or tomorrow. Spotting Mela up ahead, All Might smiled over at her and was about to call her out when Aizawa-kun appeared before her. Smile dropping from his face, All Might stopped walking altogether as he couldn't quite hear what the two exchanged, but seeing Mela run off happily told him that there was something planned between them. He stared back at Aizawa-kun who merely smirked at him before leaving. All Might blinked a few times but decided to go and do some patrolling if anything to keep his mind off of the two.

Once the school bell rang signaling the end of school for the day, Shota got up, grabbing the large stack of papers before he dropped it off at Principal Nezu's desk. He gave the mouse a pointed stare as he gave Nezu no room to speak, "here you go, Sir. I finished this as you asked, now then, please excuse me." With that said, Shota bowed before turning to leave. Like hell was he going to give Nezu a chance to monopolize his time again. It was pretty obvious by his way of words that Shota was not about to take anything at the moment. Nezu chuckled as the door to his office closed as he looked out the window. Guess he did as much as he could, now it's all up to All Might, or he can always give the janitor a call. The gyms do need some cleaning up to do heh.

Walking out of the building, Shota spotted Mela up ahead. She was about to head home. Out of the corner of his eye, Shota also spotted All Might and it seemed like the blonde was making a beeline straight to Mela. Oh, no. That was not about to happen. Jumping up, Shota appeared behind Mela as he lightly tapped on her shoulder. He smirked slightly at her surprised expression as he spoke up, "6:30, get ready. It's a date, but honestly, I'm just planning on taking it easy at my place. I'll come to pick you up." He paused as Mela being the stubborn girl she is to insist she can get there herself. Shota lifted a brow at this but seeing as how determined she was, Shota simply let out a sigh as he gave in, "alright, I'll see you later then." He watched Mela head off in a hurry, a smirk dancing across his lips. How cute. Turning, he caught All Might's stare, Shota giving the blonde hero a smirk as he felt like he just won a battle against the number one hero. Hah.

As he arrived home, Shota made sure the house was in order before getting ready. Though if he had to be honest, there was hardly anything in his house to make a mess out of except maybe Mi's fur lying about but that was about it. Taking a quick shower, Shota changed into some casual clothes which were just a v-neck grey shirt and some black joggers. He was thinking about jeans but thought that would be uncomfortable as he had plans of just pulling Mela down with him. Heh. Soon after he got changed, there was a knock on the door. Knowing who it was, Shota opened the door and in came Mela straight into his arms. Shota chuckled slightly at her eagerness as he leaned down and gave her a kiss. Letting her in, Shota then noticed her outfit which was quite cute, very cute. He eyed the dress before looking over at her. Teasingly he tugged on the bow in the front of her shirt before pulling her into his arms once more, "you're looking quite cute..." though he wondered if it'll stay that way for too long? No, no no. Stop. Bad Shota.

Holding her hand, he let her inside as he told her, "I have a few movies we can watch if you'd like." He led her into the living room where he showed her the movies, letting her pick as he honestly didn't care. He wasn't going to be focusing on the movie anyway. Mi came up to Mela and rubbed against her foot happily in greeting. Shota looked down at Mi before smirking over at Mela, "guess you made a fellow feline friend huh." Once the movie was set and playing, Shota pulled Mela close to his side, tempted to just pull her into his lap. Maybe later. Wrapping an arm around her shoulder, Shota leaned his head against her shoulder, turning to nibble lightly on her exposed flesh. He kissed her neck before trailing kisses up to her jawline to her lips. Staring into her eyes, he murmured out softly, "I missed you..."

- - -

After parting ways with Shoto, Ruka went towards the training room where she spent her last day with Denki. It was as shocking and fun as always, though this time around Ruka knocked Denki back with a fiery kick. It was safe to say that she was apologizing profusely for knocking the wind out of him. She didn't mean to do that, she was just a bit too preoccupied thinking of what she would do if she was against Eijiro. A hard kick with some boost of fire would do the red-head some good. Though Ruka was sure Shoto was handling Eijiro just fine. Once practice ended, Ruka got changed and was about to call Shoto and see if he was done when Denki came up to her, mentioning something about Peachy and movies. Oh, right. She did agree to that, didn't she? Nodding her head, Ruka followed Denki to his dorms, the two talking about how Peachy should have a secret path around the dorms. That would be funny.

As they were getting closer to his dorms, Ruka turned around as someone grabbed hold of her wrist. Huh? To her surprise and delight, it was Shoto. "Shoto-kun! What's the matter?" Ruka asked him as he seemed a bit out of breath as if he was in a hurry to find her. Though before Ruka can ask him about practice, he leaned in and whispered into her ear. Ruka's eyes widened slightly as a blush form on her cheeks. She looked up at Shoto and gave him a smile, as she nodded her head, "okay!" She was too happy about seeing Shoto and the thought of another date made her all the happier! She felt like she saw Shoto way too less this week and so she was more than happy to oblige to that. Ah...turning to Denki, Ruka gave him an apologetic smile, "ah sorry Kaminari-kun. Some things just came up, is it alright if we move this to another day? Also, I look forward to our match tomorrow!" Ruka gave Denki a quick hug before hurrying back to her home. She had a date to get ready for!

After taking a shower, Ruka got dressed in a white and blue dress with sheer short sleeves. There was a large blue bow that settled on the back of her waist while the skirt itself was a bit flowy in a sense. Or was it puffy? Well, either way, it was cute Ruka hoped. As she was staring at the mirror trying to figure out what to do with her hair, her door was opened and Mela came in declaring that she is going on a date with Aizawa and won't be needing dinner. Oh, perfect timing! Though the idea of Mela going over to see Aizawa was something Ruka didn't like, though she wasn't about to say anything. Ruka smiled over at Mela, finding the red and white dress to be adorable on her friend, "you look adorable Mel! That red really goes well with your hair hehe." Asking Mela to help her with her hair, Ruka sat down and watched Mela work magic on her hair through the mirror. "Do you really think so...?" Ruka asked Mela about her hair and blue going together. She didn't believe it herself, but hey she trusted Mela more. Mela styled her hair in a half-updo with a braid tying around it and a cute clip holding part of her bangs back.

Thanking Mela, Ruka waited for Shoto to come by and while doing so she fiddled with the blue lace-up sandals she chose. It was a close-toed style with a soft blue ribbon wrapping around her ankles. She was about to grab a book to keep herself occupied when she heard a knock on the door. Heart thumping wildly in excitement, Ruka opened it to find Shoto looking as handsome as ever. "Shoto-kun!" Ruka exclaimed happily before blushing at his compliment. Before she can become a flustered mess, he took hold of her hands and spun her around to which Ruka giggled at. Smiling happily, Ruka wrapped her arms around his neck as she returned the kiss. Staring into his eyes, Ruka smiled as she said, "I missed you too Shoto-kun~" his idea of just staying in was tempting, but Ruka thought they needed some fresh air to unwind for tonight.

Taking hold of his offered arm, Ruka happily snuggled into Shoto's side as the two began to head out to the movies. She never minded the walks as she found it to be another way to spend time with Shoto and any time spent with her boyfriend was something Ruka treasured. Looking up at Shoto, Ruka smiled widely as she nudged him teasingly while saying, "it seems like Kirishima-san was busy tonight? Or did you two go at it so much that he got tired?" She giggled as she wondered how Shoto got out of Eijiro's grasp, but she was happy. Leaning her head against his shoulder, Ruka murmured out, "I missed you so much, I'm happy we can go out like this today." As they arrived at the theater, Ruka was pouting as she wanted to pay for the movies, but Shoto insisted on paying. Once inside, Ruka dragged Shoto to the snack area as she told him cheekily, "I'll pay~"

Buying some popcorn and some candy and a drink to share, the two headed inside the theater. It was some old-fashioned romance movie. She found it interesting that there was such a movie still playing around the theaters, but she won't question. She didn't mind some romance movies at times. Taking a seat in the back, Ruka turned to Shoto, leaning over she pecked his cheek as she told him, "mm thank you Shoto-kun." She munched on some popcorn as the movie finally started. She leaned her head against Shoto, her hand intertwined with his. Though Ruka couldn't really focus on the movie when Shoto was right here beside her and did she mention she really missed him? Leaning up, she kissed his ear as she gave it an experimental nibble. Pulling back, Ruka gave him an innocent smile before going back to watch the movie while munching on her snacks.

Genkai Genkai
it was both exciting and nerve-wrecking to be at Shota's place. He wasn't sick anymore which changed the tone of this meetup drastically. Mela was more excited though, maybe a bit too excited. She even left her cat ears at home but she decided if he requested them, nicely, then she'd be happy to wear them again the next time she came over. When Shota teased her bow, she grinned at him, he liked it didn't he? She fixed it before he took her hand and led her into the living room. Mela looked at him, noticing he had on a grey v-neck, grey looked very good on him. Maybe it would also look good on the floor ahah. Mela tightened her grip on his hand slightly, trying to get her mind to behave, at least for a little bit. She picked out a mystery movie based in London but she wasn't too concerned about the movie selection either. She settled on the couch and looked down at her furry friend. "Aww, hello to you too, Mi." She gave the good kitty a few pets, knowing how easily she would get distracted by Mi if she wasn't careful.

But Mi wasn't her date for the night, Shota was! "Mhmm, I'm very popular tonight it seems." She smirked at Shota before she turned her attention back to the movie as it started playing. When he brought an arm around her, she leaned closer to him, wanting to just hook her leg around his but she resisted the urge to do so and instead focused on his lips traversing from her neck to her jawline. Eyes fluttered closed for a moment, Mela let a small sigh of surrender. When his lips finally found hers, she kissed him back before he pulled away. She brought a hand around him as she smiled up at him. He missed her, she had to wonder just how much he had missed her. Mela shifted her body slightly so that the leg closest to him was now hooked around his own. Oh, how did that get there?

"I missed you too." She wanted to lecture him for abandoning her after such a great night but she knew it was probably out of his control. And he was probably suffering as much as she had been. Hopefully eheh. Mela leaned up slightly so that they were closer to each other's eye level. If Shota had thoughts about pulling her into his lap, Mela was already halfway there. What could she say? She knew what she wanted. She rested an arm around his neck, her hand cupping the back of his head, getting lost in his hair as she leaned in and kissed him. Her mind went back to this morning and how unfair he had been. Kissing her like that and just leaving her. Shame on him. Mela had to wonder how he'd like if she teased him and then played hard to get. Tracing her tongue along his lips, she pulled back quickly, licking her own lips. "Maybe I didn't miss you that much." She teased him.

- - -

He thought back to Kirishima and made a face. "He's not the one I intend to spend another night with." He said. He would much rather have spent those hours with Ruka, perhaps sparring or perhaps sparring would evolve into something else now they were a couple. His mind circled around to how different training with her may be but he decided to not dwell on those intimate possibilities at the moment. He had no idea what got into Eijiro but he blamed Denki for not keeping his friend in line. Either way, that was time Shoto was never going to get back and he would have much rather been out doting on Ruka. Or at the very least, not having another sweaty guy on top of him. No thank you. Shoto could finally relax and enjoy his time with Ruka, he kissed her head as she leaned against him and professed how she had missed him. "I can promise you, I missed you a lot more." He smiled to her. Shoto had hoped to have more than just one date this week and he knew he'd make up for lost time somehow.

Once at the movies, he was a bit alarmed by her electing to pay for the snacks but he wasn't going to fight her if she wanted to. "Alright, but I'm paying for dinner." He told her, not going to let her even think about lifting a finger to pay later. His movie had been some old romance rerun from about 30 years ago. It wasn't anything he was really interested in. No the only thing he wanted to focus on was the girl by his side. Once settled, the lights went out and Shoto was pleased to note there were only a handful of other patrons all scattered around in front of them. No one would bother them he hoped. His impatience only grew when he felt a nibble at his ear. His face turned red as he found it...quite enjoyable. He looked to her slowly. She couldn't just do that and then stop. Ruka's love nibbles were something he'd need to feel again just to be sure he liked it. Yes yes.

Shoto rubbed her hand with his thumb before he let go of and pushed up the arm rest between them. That would only get in the way. He hoped she wasn't too interested in the movie as he slipped the arm closest to her, around her while his other one reached around and gently took hold of her chin and brought her lips to his. He kissed her sweetly, she tasted both salty and sweet. Very good. His nose brushed against hers as he decided to see how she licked it. His teeth nipped lightly along her ear, enjoying how her hair was pulled back. His hot breath brushed against her ear as he gave her earlobe a small tug. "You could snack on me if you'd like." He smirked lightly as he scooted her closer to him. His impatience was clearly getting the better of him but he couldn't help himself. His lips moved down to kiss the side of her neck, gently nipping and sucking, leaving a faint mark. "You're mine, Ruka-chan." He whispered, his own heart beginning to quicken. Even if they couldn't always be together, they still belonged to each other.

AiAi AiAi
As Mela snuggled into his side, he felt her leg hook with his. He lifted a brow at this, wondering what she was trying to do, though the smallest of a smirk danced across his lips. He's missed her and he's told her that. He wasn't about to let her go tonight. He watched as Mela got closer to him, closing his eyes as he felt her hand tangle with his messy locks. The kiss she gave him was both sweet and teasing as he felt her moist tongue glide across his lips before she pulled back. Shota let out a low growl when she pulled away a bit too soon for his liking. Was this little minx teasing him? Her eyes shining with mischief as she stated that she didn't miss him much. Oh yeah? Well, he'll give her a reason to miss him. Smirking, Shota wrapped a strong arm around her waist, hoisting her easily over to his lap where he settled her down comfortably. Placing his free hand onto the back of her head, Shota pulled her to him as he leaned up and kissed her succulent lips. Hey, to be fair, she teased him and was provoking him....he can do this much, right? Plus she should know that teasing him too much won't end well for her. Well, he'll make sure she keeps coming back for more though heh.

Letting his tongue inside her wet mouth, Shota explored every crevice and inch before pulling away. A trail of saliva was connecting the two as he stared into her eyes, "hm, guess you didn't miss me much." He smirked over at her as he leaned forward and nuzzled his nose against the crook of her neck, inhaling her sweet scent which was oddly like vanilla. How fitting for someone who bakes often. He smirked against her neck, his lips grazing the tender skin in a gentle manner before he began to kiss her neck. He left a few trails of soft kisses before focusing on one spot as he licked and suckled on it, leaving a red mark on her soft colored skin. Looking into her eyes, Shota murmured out, "I can't put a collar on you little kitten, but I can definitely show them that you're mine. Heh." Yes, she was his and he wasn't about to share her with anyone.

- - -

If she had to be honest, she wasn't focusing on the movie at all. All she could hear was murmurs eliciting from the large screen in front of them as her mind was elsewhere. To be specific, it was focused on the man next to her. Could anyone blame her though? Shoto is a wonderful distraction. Feeling Shoto let go of her hand, Ruka was about to question him why he did that when she felt his hand guide her to face him. Her eyes immediately fluttered shut as Shoto kissed her so gently. Ah, he was always so sweet and gentle whenever he kissed her. Almost as if he was afraid she'll break, oh but at times she wanted more. Ehe. Just as Ruka was getting into the kiss, he pulled away and brushed his nose against her own. Ruka opened her eyes in a daze as she looked over at him, completely forgetting the movie as all she could focus on was him. '

Just as Ruka was about to lean in for another kiss, it seemed like Shoto had other things in mind as he began to nibble on her ear. Ruka let out a soft gasp as a pleasurable tingle ran up her spine. She squirmed in her seat as her ears were rather sensitive, but by no means did his actions hurt. If anything, it felt nice. Hearing his heated words and soft puffs of his warm breath, Ruka felt a shiver race through her as she could only nod her head, not trusting herself to speak at the moment. As he pulled her closer, Ruka placed a hand against his chest while she leaned so close to him that she was pressed up against his side. She closed her eyes as he began to kiss her neck, the sensation being new to her yet it felt so nice. Opening her eyes as he finished his sweet kisses, Ruka looked up at Shoto, her eyes half-lidded in a daze as she pouted up at him. He was being such a tease yet sweet all at the same time as his words melted her cold heart. Smirking, Ruka licked her lips as she brought her hand up to tangle into his hair as she kissed him on the lips, teasingly swiping her tongue against his before diving to his neck for a little taste. A few teasing kisses against his neck before she whispered back, "I know, and you're all mine~" Her eyes were dancing with mischief as she stared into his mismatching pair.

Genkai Genkai
Guys were terribly easy to predict but she was using that in both of their favor. She wrapped her other arm around him when he pulled her into his lap. Her legs settled on either side of him. Ah yes, this is right where she wanted him. Before she could say anything to further bother him, she felt her lips being pulled down to his and she happily complied, leaning down into the kiss as his tongue slipped so sneakily into her mouth, invading every part. She moaned as she tried to fed off his tongue with her own, her mind unable to focus on anything but his mouth. Yes, this was a fine place to be, everything was going according to plan. Yes. Mela let out a shuddering breath as she looked to Shota, licking her lips with a growing breathless smirk. "N-no...?" She said quietly, trying to catch her breath. What was the question again?

Feeling his lips against her neck, she moved to give him a bit more access. Her eyes closed as she focused on those deft lips of his. He was trouble. She liked trouble. Upon feeling his tongue, shortly followed by his lips sucking hard, Mela let out a small noise of helpless pleasure. Her hold around him weakened slightly as her hands trembled. She looked to him, her face glowing as she ran her hands through his hair. Well he probably could put a collar on her but she wasn't going to tell him that. "Yours huh, Aizawa-sensei?" What? If he was going to call her 'kitten' she decided to call him that. Dipping her head down, she kissed him hard, forcing him to follow her lead now as her tongue dove into his mouth, dancing with his own before she nipped and sucked his lower lip. Her hands gave his hair a gentle tug as she rested her forehead against his, breaking the kiss for the sole purpose of needing to breathe.

- - -

He had to admit he rather liked the feel of her hand in his hair, pulling them closer together. Feeling her tongue against his lips, his own parted invitingly but instead Ruka's attention turned to his neck now. A few shivers were sent jolting through his body as he reveled in her tender touch. He could see himself going to a lot more movies with her if this was how they were truly spent. Shoto smiled at her words, quite glad to know they both had a mutual inability to share one another. He glanced around for a moment, quite glad no one else was around before he leaned over and slipped his arms around her pulled her into his lap. He made sure she was comfortable and secure as he kept an arm around her waist securely, her dress rising up slightly on either side of him as his other hand moved to cup the side of her face. This was a much better view than some movie.

Shoto leaned in and kissed her, intending to resume what she had teasingly started. At first the kiss was gentle as he let her relax but a few moments later, he darted his tongue out, coaxing her lips open as his tongue stroked the roof of her mouth gently while his hand behind her massaged her lower back, enjoying the feel of her in his arms. She wasn't going anywhere now. And as soon as the kiss seemed to be nearing, he would tilt his head ever so slightly and prolong it, unable to get enough of her. Parting for air, he breathed in and out, still tasting her on his lips. The hand on the side of her face, moved to brush his fingers down along her arm, his nails grazing along her skin lightly. Not enough to leave a mark but enough to send shivers across her body. "You are unbelievably addictive, Ruka." He muttered, moving in to nip at her ear again. "I don't think I can ever get enough of you." He said in the softies of low moans, vibrating against her ear.

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He quite enjoyed how her soft hands sifted through his hair. It felt good and at the same time, her fingers gave his scalp a nice massage. Hm, he can only imagine what else those nimble fingers of her's can do. Hearing her soft mewls of pleasure and the moans lowly echoing in the living room, Shota let loose another growl. Was she trying to tempt him here? He liked hearing the noises she made and it sent his mind into darker areas as he wondered what other sounds she would make. Argh, she was definitely a temptress. He looked at her face, at how dazed she appeared. He smirked as he noticed the little red mark on her neck. That was his mark on his woman. And plenty more can be given to her if she so asked. As she called him with a sensei, Shota frowned slightly. Opening his mouth, he was about to retort back when she kissed him quite passionately.

Closing his eyes, Shota kissed her back, their tongues fighting for dominance as he let his hands trail over her arms to rest around her waist. He pulled her closer against him, as close as it could possibly get before the two broke for much-needed air. Staring into her chocolatey eyes, Shota smirked as he lifted a hand and gently caressed her cheek, "yes, you're mine, Uede." Two can play the game. He ran his hand through her hair before letting it trail down her neck to her shoulder, trailing teasingly against her side before resting against her hips. He nuzzled his nose against her own before nibbling on the said nose. The movie was long forgotten as he let his thumbs make lazy circles against her hip as he murmured out in a voice deeper than usual, "are you trying to tempt me here?..." leaning to her ear where he nibbled and kissed it, he breathed hotly against it as he continued speaking in a gruff voice, "because it's working."

- - -

As she stared into his eyes, Ruka noticed him looking around, but before she can even question him, he suddenly pulled her onto his lap. She let out a small sound in surprise as she wrapped her arms around his neck to make sure she won't be falling backward. Her heart was racing as she settled comfortably on his lap, her legs on either side of him. Now, who was the one trapped? Hehe. Leaning into his hand gently placed against her face, Ruka closed her eyes enjoying the closeness between them when he began to kiss her tenderly. Ruka responded back to the kiss when she felt his tongue asking for entrance to her mouth to which she happily complied. She let out a small moan as his tongue began to glide against the roof of her mouth and his gentle touches just made her swoon. Good thing he was holding her heh.

As they parted for much-needed air, Ruka stared over at Shoto in a daze, her lips plump from all the kissing. As he ran his fingers across her bare skin, Ruka felt a shiver run through her as her body reacted to the gentlest of his touches. Her body arched towards Shoto as he nibbled her ear once more. This time she couldn't hold back the soft moan as she closed her eyes, listening to his sweet and inviting words. The way he said her name sounded a tad different from the usual and how he moaned into her ear...he was going to drive her crazy at this point. She let out a small whine as she nuzzled her head against his neck, murmuring out softly, "mm Shoto, you're such a tease..." she then began to trail feather light kisses from his neck to his jawline to his lips all the while her hands glided to rest against his chest, though it dipped lower to where she knew his abs were at. Hey, she's seen him shirtless and goodness he was ripped. Her fingers teasingly glided across his clothed chest before going up to tangle into his soft hair.

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Feeling him pull her up against him, her hips pressed into his own, her chest resting against his more firmly. Mela held back a moan, biting down on her lower lip as she looked to him as he confirmed she was his. Excellent. Mela leaned her face against his touch, enjoying the feel of his fingers trailing through her hair. It was as if his touches were setting off tremors throughout her body and she found her mind quickly spinning away from her as he rubbed her hip softly. Maybe it was unsafe to wait so long before spending time together? When he nuzzled his nose against her, she smirked but let out a surprise noise when he nipped it. He was asking to get bitten wasn't he? Mela's breath hitches at his words. Was she trying to tempt him? Did he really have to ask?

His lips and breath against her ear caused another sweet moan to escape her lips. "Oh, Shotaaa." She gave a pained moan. That deep voice of his and his stumble and that hot breath. Her mind was too far gone to revert back to reminding him he was in fact her teacher heh. She dipped her head down and gathered enough energy to see if how far she could push him. She wanted to hear that tone of his again hehe. Mela kissed along his collar bone, nipping lightly, thankful he had a v-neck on but she was dangerously close to getting rid of it. "Now...who's your favorite student?" She breathed against his skin, smirking as she dragged her teeth against his neck before sucking hard. Their fight for control playing out like a game of tennis. She was testing the waters but if he told her to not tease him regarding him being his teacher, she could easily go another route too. But until he expressed a possible uncomfortability, she was going to have some fun with her sexy teacher, wanting him to say her name in that rough voice of his again.

- - -

Shoto by no means felt trapped, if anything he was pretty happy with his position right now. He could enjoy the view of Ruka, the screen behind her giving her almost an ethereal glow. This had to be what heaven looked like. Upon hearing Ruka's mouth, he gave her a small one in response to that, finding her noises to be just as sweet as she tasted and as breathtaking as she looked. Shoto felt eternally lucky and knew this girl was one he wouldn't let get away. He could be everything she needed and wanted. His nibbling against her soft ear, earned him another soft moan which Shoto decided was his new favorite sound. Well he didn't have one before but he had one now, that's for sure.

A sense of pride rushed through him as he knew she was responding to his touches and his words in such a positive and encouraging manner. Shoto had never done any of this before but to know she was enjoying it, made his research all the more enjoyable. This was better than he had imagined it could feel. Hearing Ruka call him a tease caused him to choke. Ah was he? Heh. He smirked at her, getting the feeling she didn't mind at all. The boy let out a low hum of approval, feeling her lips tickle his jawline. She was angelic. Shoto leaned up against the feel of her hands against his abdomen. Then her hands returned to his hair as he moved his lips to the other side of her neck left unmarked and sucked, moaning hungrily against her skin. So soft. So warm. "You're so fun to tease, my darling Ruka." He chuckled against her skin as he leaned back in to kiss her lips, his tongue roaming her mouth again, his hands tentatively moving slower towards her bottom, unsure if she would let him rest his hands there, though in his defense, it gave her a bit more leverage over him. He pulled back to look to her, his hands cradling her against him, checking to make sure this was okay.

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Hearing her sweet moans reverberating around them, Shota had to hold himself back. Feeling her pressed so firmly against him, he recalled the image of Mela in a swimsuit and yeah, it really left little room to the imagination. He let out a small huff as he let his hands trail across her in a teasing fashion. Shota was about to tease her further when she called out his name. He smirked. Yes, that was what he wanted to hear. Though as his name rolled off her sweet tongue in such a manner, Shota wanted to hear more of it, he wanted to hear her scream. Before he can even entertain such thoughts, Mela dipped her head teasingly kissing across his neck. Leaning his head back, Shota closed his eyes as he let out a low moan, unable to hold it back when she was teasing him so much.

As she sucked hard on his neck, Shota gritted his teeth as he tried to hold back his moans. She was good at this little game of theirs. Hearing her purring question, Shota cracked his eyes open as he looked over at her. He smirked as he pulled her flush against him as he wrapped his arm tightly around her waist. Placing a few kisses against her ear, he murmured out in a low voice, "don't tell me you're into roleplaying, Me-la~" He let his hands trail lower where he teasingly squeezed her bottom before kissing her hard, letting his tongue in as he enjoyed her mouth for a few moments before pulling back. Staring into her eyes, Shota murmured out, "if you keep going, I'm going to take you away Mela." Take her to his bed where they can be in a more comfortable position, though he must say having her sit on his lap and being this close was quite nice. His hands gently glided up and down her back in a soft manner while his smoldering gaze was locked with her.

- - -

Feeling him attack her neck once again, Ruka closed her eyes, moving so as to give him more access to her neck as her hands remained tangled in his short locks. Ruka let out a small moan as he kissed her neck feverishly. He was either a natural, or he knew exactly where her sensitive spots were. Letting out a small whine as he teased her both with his words and actions, Ruka kissed him back, trying to gain dominance between their tongues. She let out a small sound in surprise as she felt his hands touch her bottom. She blinked over at Shoto who pulled away from her. Hey! Who said he can just stop that? Though at the feel of his hands against her more private areas, Ruka let out a small mewl. Placing both her hands on either side of his face, she leaned in and kissed him hard, letting her tongue in, rubbing gently against the roof of his mouth.

She pushed herself flush against him as she tilted her head, kissing him more deeply before pulling away for air. She stared into his eyes as she smirked devilishly over at him. Leaning closer to his ear, she whispered out teasingly, "like what you feel, hm?" Her eyes were glinting with the soft lights coming from the screen behind them as she then kissed his ear teasingly. Her tongue swiping out to gather his earlobe into her ear before she sucked on it gently. Pulling away, Ruka kissed Shoto once more as he tasted deliciously sweet for her. It was something that she might adore more than the taste of strawberries. Chest pressed firmly against him, Ruka squirmed on his lap as she was craving for his touches more and more. To think she had it in herself to be so bold and such a tease. Combing through his hair, Ruka stared into his eyes as she murmured out, "you can tease me all you want Shoto, but that'll only make me want more." She smirked cheekily over at him as she nipped his nose teasingly.

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She blushed at his teasing question. It was hardly roleplay if it was true! Ehehe. But she didn't hear him complaining. Plus she wanted to see how he'd react during school when she called him 'Aizawa-sensei' hehe. She opened her mouth scold him for not answering her question. He was so mischievous. Tisk tisk. Maybe she should be the teacher and ensure he didn't disobey her? It was a tempting role to take, something told her Aizawa would be quite a difficult student. His mouth connected with hers as she kissed him back, whining lightly into the kiss. Once it broke, she let out a small gasp for air. She gave him a look as he informed her if they kept this up, she'd be taken away. Oh? Where else exactly could they go? His bedroom perhaps? Well that would be a bit more spacious and she considered how nice it would be to have him on top of her, quite like last week during training. She was looking to pick up where they left off.

It suddenly dawned on her, with his deadly gaze set upon her, that it was quite warm in this dress of hers. Very very warm indeed. She really didn't think taking it off would be a terrible way to cool off right? She moved her hands down the sides of him to sneak under his shirt as she kept her eyes on his. "Is that threat or a promise?" She smirked at him. Or perhaps a warning. Mela didn't really pay warnings much mind though, obviously. She kissed him again, the only thing on her mind was the man holding her ever so tightly. "Shota~" She sighed against his lips. Moving her head, she nuzzled her lips against his right ear, "Your kitten may want to play some more." She purred, deciding that might be all that was needed to capture her prey.

- - -

Shoto was a bit worried about the look of surprise on her face but that worry fell from his mind when she grabbed his face and kissed him hard. Oh, he liked this side of Ruka a whole lot. Shoto had to consider grabbing her there may yield some very interesting results. Shoto moaned into her mouth, tilting his head backwards to fully capture her soft lips against his own. Shoto's hands squeezed her bottom lightly, before rubbing it soothingly, thinking this was probably the best time he had ever had at the movies. Though what movie they were watching, he could not begin to tell you. The kiss continued as his tongue massaged hers, finding the more they did this, the more they were learning about one another.

And they were both quick learners at that. "Yes...yes I do." He panted as he closed his eyes, listening to her sweet teasing words. He liked everything he was feeling, tasting and hearing. Her sitting atop him, her legs on either side of him. She was so comforting and yet so enticing at the same time. "Ahh, Ruka." He groaned, lifting her up slightly when she sucked on his ear. That felt really good. He kissed her back, each kiss seeming to grow with more intensity and need. He finally opened them to feel her squirm against him. God, he wanted her. He let out a deep chuckle at her words, "I don't think I see a downside there." He said as he moved his left hand around to hold onto her hips before it slowly moved upwards. "I love hearing you say my name." He muttered before he leaned up and kissed her, his left hand moving to the side of her left breast, gently palming it in his hand. So soft. Breaking the kiss, he moved to kiss and suck along the right side of her neck, leaving several additional black marks, his hands still gently squeezing her. Tomorrow, no one make the mistake of thinking she was at all single. "My sweet, darling Ruka..."

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As he stared into her eyes, his gaze telling her everything he was feeling. With each kiss exchanged, with each sweet word spoken into the air in hushed voices, the air between the two was obviously becoming quite heated and his eyes darkened with each tease that she sent his way. As he felt her hand sneak under his shirt, Shota leaned his head back and let out a small groan. That felt nice. Kissing her back, Shota was about to nibble on her lower lip when she spoke into his ear, her soft lips kissing his ears in a teasing manner with each word spoken. How she spoke his name like honey dripping from her tongue to how she teased him, Shota couldn't take it anymore. He smirked as she openly accepted his invitation. It was warning as well that if she didn't want to dig herself deeper, then she should get out now, but it seemed like she didn't want that.

Without warning, Shota lifted Mela up into his arms, carrying her with ease as he stared into her eyes, "whatever the princess desires," he murmured out throatily as he moved the two to his room in long strides. Upon reaching his room, Shota placed her on the bed gently before trapping her under him as he placed either hand on the sides of her head before leaning down and capturing her lips. As he kissed her fervently, his hand began to trail teasingly along her body, going lower until he reached her thigh where he gently massaged the soft flesh before moving it to tangle in her hair. Pulling apart, he stared down at her as he murmured out lowly with obvious need in his voice, "you're so sweet Mela...let me hear you more..." leaning down he kissed her more as he let his hand trail down to her chest, kneading the soft flesh in his palm. He let out a low moan against her lips. She was such a sweet treat, the right type of sweets for him.

- - -

Hearing his deepened voice sent shivers running up and down Ruka's spine. Feeling his hands on her, his lips on her and that sweet voice just calling out to her. Ruka knew she was in too deep. Squirming in his hold, Ruka let out a small whine as she deemed him to sound to tantalizing dangerous. It was a sexy kind of danger that she wanted more of. Her eyes remained locked with his as she felt his hand moving about her body. It was a slow teasing touch, one that she wanted to feel more of. As much as Shoto loved hearing his name falling from her mouth, she thought she quite liked how he spoke her name. It was in a deep hoarse tone and the way he spoke such sweet nothings into her ear just made her want him all the more. It was a new feeling, but one that she was accepting rather quickly as her body spoke out her need. Smirking at him, Ruka murmured out, "then you'll hear more and more of that, Sho~to~"

As he kissed her, Ruka kissed him back, a sudden moan escaping her lips as she felt a jolt run through her body as he cupped her breast. Her mind was a melted puddle as it was all fuzzy and warm, the only thing on her mind being Shoto and his touches. She arched her back, enjoying the soft massage he was giving her as she moved her head to give him more access to her neck, "mmm Shoto~" Ruka moaned out as her eyes fluttered shut, enjoying each and every touch he gave her. Wherever he placed his hand, there was left a burning trail of desire and pleasure as she mewled in pleasure. He was such a tease yet so very sweet. Opening her eyes, she stared into his eyes as she murmured out, "mmm, I want more...Shoto~" he was making it very hard to focus on anything else. Ruka rubbed her thighs together as she squirmed against him. Yes, he was a tease for sure.

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Her arms wrapped around his neck as her legs in turn coiled around his waist as she felt herself being picked up and taken to his room. She couldn't even bother to hide her grin as she laid back on his bed. She breathed in deeply, enjoying his scent as it surrounded her. Yes, this was a lot better. On either side of him, her legs bent slightly, itching to wrap themselves around him and keep him where he belonged. Mela arched her back, meeting his fevered kiss, her arms moving around him, debating if she should just take off his shirt now or wait. Mela shivered when his hand massaged her thigh but annoying it moved to her hair. Nooo, go back damnit. With her own longing building, she nipped at his tongue lighty before the kiss broke.

He was such a tease. At his husky voice, she could only give a weak nod as she kissed him back, arching up once more, enjoying the feel of him touching her so sensually. It had become very clear her ex had no idea what he was doing and that Shota did, this was so much better. Mela let out a series of tiny moans, her sense of reality steadily fading away. She leaned her head back to find a bit of air. Her leg brushed up against his as her hands tugged at his shirt and pulled it up and over his head, tossing it...somewhere. Mela stared up at him, panting softly, licking her lips. He was incredible. And he was all hers. "God, you drive me crazy." She muttered as her hands wrapped around him, her hands roaming up and down his back. In the back of her mind, she thought about dinner but she only wanted to feast upon this man on top of her. She wasn't sure where this was going to go but she didn't want to worry about that right now.

- - -

Ruka's teasing voice was hypnotizing. And he knew he would be the only one to hear her like this too, see her so flushed and needy. He was quite privileged that Ruka Kurotsuki was his and no one else would have her. She was all his. He kept kissing along until he came up to stare into her eyes. He could get lost in those if he wasn't careful. Shoto slowly shifted his hands so that their positioned were reversed. He let out a low groan when she fidgeted on his lap. She wanted more? That was an agreeable statement. He sat back slightly but kept his hold on her, trying to collect his thoughts for a moment. They should go. Yes, this movie was terrible. He kissed her before he decided to lift her up so he could stand up. He adjusted himself and grabbed her hand, heading out of the darkening theatre and outside into the night, the street lights lighting their way.

"We should probably just have dinner at your house." He said quickly as he began to head back there. holding her hand, but then stopped for a moment. Ahh was he acting too rashly? Thinking with something other than his brain? Shoto looked back to Ruka, searching for her approval or disapproval. When she gave her approval, he smiled and pulled her to him, kissing her firmly before he patted her bottom and took her hand again, hurrying back the way they came. Shoto enjoyed the cool air on his face as they headed back but his mind still remained on the girl with him. They could pick up where they left off and order some food. Yes. Once she unlocked the door, he followed after her and grabbed her, pulling her toward the couch before he laid her down and moved on top of her. Much better. He leaned down and kissed her, his hands moving back to fondle her breasts, sitting back to look down at his beautiful girlfriend. "Now we don't have to be quiet." He smirked.

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Shota enjoyed hearing her sweet moaning as her body reacted to every little touch of his fingers to his lips. He smirked against her lips before pulling away, letting out a low growl when she nipped at his tongue. Sly girl. As the two continued to exchange sweet kisses, Shota felt her mess with his shirt before feeling the thin material slip off of his body. Eh, who needs a shirt anyways? Now shirtless, Shota stared down at Mela, a smirk dancing across his lips, "like what you see, kitten?" Hearing her comment, Shota's eyes darkened as he leaned back down and kissed her once more. The way she looked at him to her sweet sounding moans, Shota's mind couldn't wrap around any sense of logic. His mind only focused on hearing and feeling Mela more.

Kissing her deeply, Shota let his hands wander over her body. He rested his hands atop her breast, kneading it gently in his grasp before the need to feel her skin was growing more and more in Shota's mind. Trailing kisses from her lips to her jawline, Shota continued the trail as he left a few more marks around her neck before letting his fingers swiftly unbutton the top few buttons on her dress, revealing her collarbone to him. Hungry eyes drank in the sight of her milky skin before he dug in. He nipped at the soft flesh, leaving dark marks littered across her collarbone, sucking on the protruding bone, letting his teeth graze against it. Pulling back, Shota admired his work on her before his eyes sparkled at her soft pleasing moans. Was that not enough for her? Smirking, he hooked his arm on her leg, lifting it up slightly so that her thigh was revealed to him. Placing his lips against it, Shota nibbled and sucked on it, leaving a slightly larger and darker mark there. Crawling back to her lips, Shota kissed her deeply as his body craved her more and more.

- - -

All Ruka wanted right now was to be in Shoto's arms and to just enjoy his sweet taste and touches. When he pulled back, Ruka let out a small whine as she was wanting to kiss him so when he did kiss her, she was happy until he suddenly lifted her up and placed her down, allowing her to stand up. Woah, her legs felt like jello as she stayed in quite a crouched position for far too long, though it may be weak for other reasons too, ehe. Just as Ruka was pulling her skirt back down, Shoto has pulled on her hand, walking so fast that they were out of the theater and onto the streets within a blink of an eye. That was quick. She blinked up at him as he suddenly stopped as if he was having second thoughts. Ruka smiled up at him as she replied back, "dinner at my place sounds wonderful." Plus she gets to have him all to herself. For Ruka, dinner can wait. She wants her dessert first hehe.

Letting out a whine as Shoto kissed her and touched her bottom once more, the two left in a hurry for her place. As she opened the door, Shoto was quick to move them to her living room. Ruka let out a soft gasp as he placed her on the couch, her back hitting the soft furniture as she stared up at Shoto, her eyes expressing her building desire. Eyes closing shut, Ruka kissed Shoto back, her arms winding around his neck as her back arched at his sensual touches, "mmm, Shoto~" Ruka moaned aloud. Her eyes slowly opened as she pouted, why did he suddenly stop. Staring into his heated gaze, Ruka smirked back at him as she reached up and pulled him back down as she murmured softly, "then make me scream your name, Shoto~" She teasingly nipped at his ear before kissing him deeply, her hands getting tangled in his hair again. She pulled him flush against her body as her dress rising up slightly as she moved under him. Breaking the kiss apart, Ruka stared into his eyes as she cradled his cheek in her hand, how can one look so handsome and sexy at the same time? She bit her lower lip, wanting to hear more of Shoto's voice as she found it very appealing. She never knew Shoto can sound so sexy with his deepened voice. Ah, she was in trouble now~

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There was really no way she was moving from her spot. A fire nor earthquake would get her to budge an inch. Mela's nails sank into him slightly when he kissed her. Yes, he was all she needed right now. He had convinced her of that much. Withering under him, she focused on his lips marking her quite thoroughly. What would Ruka say to all this?! Oh well, there was no stopping this now. Mela felt something cool when she looked down and realized he had unbuttoned part of her dress. She arched a curious brow, wondering why he hadn't just taken it off entirely. With him shirtless, she felt suddenly very overdressed for this date. His lips descended upon her collarbone and she let out small whimpers and moans, still trying to contain herself. She feared if she got any louder, she might just snap and rip off his pants next.

Before she could question him, she felt her leg being pulled up to reveal her silky smooth inner thigh. She blushed and let out a rather girly squeal as he sucked on her sensitive flesh. "Shota~!" She finally cried out, her whole body squirming. He was so unfair. Mela threw her head to the side, realizing how many marks he had place upon her. Oh boy, maybe no one would notice? Mela felt him capture her lips once more, the leg he had marked hooked around him, pulling him down against her smaller form. She broke the kiss, arching up to flick her tongue out against his nose. "Naughty boy." She winked. He just couldn't keep his hands or lips off of her, could he? Locking her legs, she flipped them over so that she was on top of him now. Ha! "Uede-sensei should teach you a lesson." She hummed, hands on his chest. If only she had handcuffs.

- - -

Being back at her place felt so much easier, why hadn't he just locked them inside when he saw her in that stunning blue dress of hers? Shoto decided to just trust his gut from now on. He moved his hands back behind her, undoing the brain Mela had worked on. He needed to really run his hands through Ruka's hair. It was so soft and feathery. At her words, he was happy to have that bold invitation. "As you wish." He muttered before they shared another intense kiss together. Shoto's hands messed up her hair, adding more a touch more wild to her look. Shoto would make sure she let everyone else know in the building, just who he was heh. Shoto sighed deeply, both of them catching their breath, both of their heads of hair, rather disheveled. Somehow the normally poised boy, didn't mind how unkempt his hair was. No, all that mattered was Ruka and what she was doing to him.

Moving back down, he attacked her earlobe, his tongue carefully tracing the edge and inside, allowing his how breath to quickly dry the wet trail he left behind. His teeth brushed against her lobe but didn't bite down. He kept his hands on her clothed breasts as he finally bite down lightly on her ear and let out a very deep needy moan. An idea suddenly struck him as he removed one hand from her breast and leaned up and brushed a thin layer of ice along her neck. His lips kissed down, easily melting away the coolness his quirk had left. He thought maybe the contrast in cold and hot would excite her a bit and may earn him a pleasing moan from his wonderfully encouraging girlfriend. "How does that feel, Ruka?" He asked, his voice soaked with unabashed desire. He then cooled his tongue ever so slightly and slipped it inside of her mouth, getting a touch more bold himself.

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Hearing her call out his name in such a sweet voice, Shota smirked, feeling like he accomplished in hearing her candied words. As he kissed her, Shota could tell he was wanting more and more of her. Her sweet voice enticing him to continue when she suddenly broke the kiss and flipped their positions. He stared up at Mela as she straddled him, seeming quite proud of herself for doing that. He rested his hands on her waist as he smirked at her calling herself sensei. Oh yeah? Well, surprisingly, Shota wouldn't mind a teacher like this. His hand slowly trailed down to rest on her thighs as he kneaded the sensitive flesh in a slow and teasing manner. His eyes were darkened with desire as he looked up at Mela. The only person he wanted right now and did he mention he needed to hear her screaming his name? His hand was inching slowly up her dress as he spoke up in a throaty voice, "hm? What are you going to teach me, sensei?" He'll let Mela have her fun for now, though soon he'll take control. Heh.

As Mela continued to tease him, Shota's mind was slowly leaving him as he can only focus on the girl on top of him. His desire to feel her soft skin against his own was growing bit by bit and it didn't help how she pressed herself against him as they exchanged heated kisses. He could literally feel every part of her against his own body and it was hard to not imagine how nice it'll feel as the two were tangled and going further--suddenly a loud meow snapped Shota's attention as he stopped kissing Mela to turn to see Mi sitting by the doorway to his room. He was panting slightly as he was out of breath from all the kisses they just shared. Huh, Mi? Thanks to Mi's loud meow, Shota's common sense was slowly returning to him as the fog in his brain was fading. He looked up at Mela, noticing the marks littered across her smooth skin. Gently he sat up, holding her in his arms as he kissed her deeply once more before speaking up, "let's get dinner." He could feel Mi's death glare on him while at the same time, Shota was thankful to Mi...despite his body screaming at him to continue.

As much as Shota would love to continue and go even further, he knew they shouldn't. He wasn't dating Mela for her body and he wanted her to know that, but if he was desperately clawing at her clothes and trying to take it off bit by bit, then well that certainly did him no good, right? He let out a long sigh as he tried to calm his excited heart and body. He wanted more, but they needed to take it slowly. He glanced over at Mela, seeing the want in her eyes as he let out another sigh, this time softer as he cupped her cheek with his hand. Knocking his forehead gently against her's, Shota murmured out, "as much as I want to go further with you, I also want you to understand that I treasure you and well.." he looked off to the side as he scratched his cheek, awkward about having to explain himself to her, "just pouncing on you like this isn't showing that part very well...a-anyways lets get some dinner. What do you want?" Shota stood up, reaching for his phone as take out sounded nice. He was glad Mela understood him and she was back to her cheerful self, hanging off his arm as the two looked at the menus on his phone.

They decided on some Chinese food for the night. After ordering, Shota picked Mela up and carried her into the living room where he placed her down, throwing a blanket over her before getting up to feed Mi some food. The cat was going to claw his face otherwise. Once he was done feeding Mi, their food soon arrived and Shota brought it out to Mela. Sitting down, he pulled her to sit in between his legs as he fed her some Chinese food. He smiled down at her as his lips gently grazed her forehead, "I enjoyed tonight, it was a great way to unwind." He smirked lightly at his words before continuing to eat the meal with Mela. Once they were done eating, Shota dragged Mela back to his room to just relax and cuddle for a bit. He was enjoying himself as Mela cuddled up to him. Ah, this was another different kind of nice, but one he quite enjoyed. Closing his eyes, he snuggled against her, his cheek rubbing against the top of her head as his hand rubbed her back in a soothing manner...ah, he may just fall asleep like this.

The next morning, Shota woke up without Mela beside him. Oh, when did he fall asleep? He recalled yesterday's events, his body reacting to that, waking him up a bit more. He let out a small groan as he fell back onto the bed. As much as he enjoyed it, he knew not to rush things....it was as if he finally became sober after drinking the wine of Mela. He read the little note on his bedside table, Mela's neat handwriting written on it, explaining that she left early in the morning to get ready for class...oh right...there was class today. Holding back another groan, this time of laziness, Shota forced himself up and went to take a cold shower to wake himself up. Once changed, Shota headed off to the first gym, finally able to reclaim his class from All Might, though of course, Shota expected to see All Might there. He sleepily greeted All Might before turning to face the class. He spotted Mela and smirked slightly as he noted her to be wearing a high collared shirt, he can only wonder why she did that~ Heh.

As he dismissed the class to go get dressed and ready for their upcoming matches, Shota ignored All Might's questions as to why he was so busy as he wasn't really in the mood for that. If anything, Shota wasn't quite full of Mela and was wondering if she would like to spend the day with him again? Perhaps this time around she can spend the night at his place, tomorrow was Sunday and they can just enjoy the day together from the morning. Deciding on that, Shota turned his attention to All Might, noticing how the grown male beside him was now blushing and gawking like some teenager. Shota lifted a brow to this as he turned his attention to the students entering the gym. His eyes immediately locked onto Mela, his eyes trailing down to her slender long legs as those shorts of her's...were barely considered pants. He held back a frown, wondering why her costume was changed though at least she had pants, some sort of pants. Noticing her scarf, Shota smirked slightly. It resembled his own scarf in a sense and somehow he felt a surge of pride at that.

Not wanting to waste much time waiting for people to volunteer, Shota first called forth Kirishima and Todoroki. He stood by Mela's side, a bit annoyed at the fact All Might was with them. Tch, can't the guy read a mood and give them some privacy? A sudden idea came to mind as Shota turned to All Might, "ah, All Might, can you watch over the match for a moment. I need to speak to Uede about the incident." He, of course, made that up as he was by no means going to punish Mela, but he did want a little moment of privacy with her. Calling Mela to follow him, Shota brought her outside of the gym for a brief moment, ignoring the look that Kurotsuki sent his way as he went out with Mela. Smirking, Shota tugged on her wrist, pulling her against him as he leaned down and whispered into her ear, "you're looking quite cute, what's with that scarf hm?" His eyes danced with amusement as he gave Mela a sweet kiss on the lips. Pulling back, he told her, "let's hang out after class...if you land a hit on All Might, I'll give you a sweet treat." He smirked over at her before kissing her once more and then pulling her back in.

The match was already over and a few other students have gone as well. Good, the time is passing quickly. Soon they can be off and then he can enjoy Mela all to himself again. Yesterday's event just lit anew his desires for her. It also made him realize just how much he has missed her company. He will make sure to make up for all the lost time from the week. As Kurotsuki and Kaminari went next, Shota stood next to Mela, knowing it always made her worry whenever Kurotsuki fought. He can't blame Mela, Kurotsuki's fights were always a bit more intense as the girl would often throw herself at risk to win. A dangerous method, but it showed that Kurotsuki feared nothing and would push herself further each and every time. It was a good trait for a hero to have. Though he probably would be saying different words if it was Mela pushing herself too much. He wanted to see Mela improve, but not to the point of harming herself all the time. This and that was different.

As a large lightning bolt struck, the entire stage lit brightly as Shota covered his eyes, that wasn't good. He used his quirk to cancel Kaminari's lightning to a stop. Once the bright light went away, Shota let out an annoyed tsk as he noticed the fallen pinkette. Gently nudging Mela to All Might, he glanced over at All Might as if telling him to hold Mela back. Jumping off the platform, Shota landed beside Kurotsuki, checking to make sure she had a pulse. She was just knocked out...good. He glanced over at Kaminari, noticing the blonde to still be standing but he overdid himself it seemed like. Shota declared Kaminari as the winner as the blonde was still conscious. He was about to call for someone to help him bring both up when Todoroki came over. Shota blinked in slight surprise but allowed the half and half boy to take Kurotsuki. "Careful, she probably still has some electric currents running through her...take her to the infirmary." He then helped Kaminari back up to the platform. He waited a bit for the electricity to stop making its course around the stage before turning to announce the next pair. Noticing the fire in Mela's eyes, Shota sighed as he motioned for them to go next.

Watching the stage with careful eyes, Shota wished Mela luck as he placed a hand on her shoulder briefly as she made her way down to the stage. At least she had on pants. That was all Shota could repeat to himself. He glanced briefly back at Kaminari, noticing that he was slowly coming to his senses. "Kirishima, keep Kaminari here. I don't want him getting near Kurotsuki right now, she's still quite charged, those two getting in contact would only cause another spark to happen...tell him to wait until class is over." Plus he was sure Mela would stop the fight and just go after Kaminari if he were to get near Kurotsuki right now. Shota didn't need to go holding his girlfriend back and calming her down in front of the rest of his students. Not yet at least.

- - -

As Shoto undid the braid that Mela has beautifully crafted earlier, Ruka closed her eyes, a soft sigh escaping her lips as he gently ran his fingers through her hair. She absolutely loved that feeling and now she was certain Shoto just knew every inch of her body and how she liked being touched. Because now it just wasn't fair how sinfully pleasurable his touches all were. Every single one of his touches brought forth a reaction from Ruka, ranging from a throaty moan to a soft purr of pleasure. If he told her that he's never done this before, Ruka wouldn't be able to believe it from how skilled he was, yet she'd be extremely happy as that meant she is his first and no other girl would ever be able to know the magic that Shoto can weave with just his fingertips alone. She didn't mind him messing up her hair as it felt really nice on the contrary. Staring into his eyes after their heated kiss, Ruka lifted a hand and ran a finger down the side of his face.

As Shoto came back down and began to kiss her ears, Ruka couldn't hold back the moans any longer as she squirmed under his touch, letting out a loud moan as he finally bit down on her earlobe. "Mmm! Shoto!" Ruka murmured aloud as she raked her hands through his hair, massaging his scalp with her nails gently before settling her hands on his shoulders. He was making it very difficult for her to keep her voice down as they were finally away from the public eye and in the safety of her house. Hearing his low moan echoing in her ear, Ruka felt quite hot. It was a good thing that all the furniture were fireproof, perfect for a hot couple like her and Shoto. Hehe. Feeling the loss of his hand on her chest, Ruka cracked an eye open, wondering what he was up to when she felt something cold on her skin suddenly. Letting out a gasp, Ruka looked down to see a thin layer of ice on her skin, though before Ruka can even question him, he began to kiss over it, creating a very warm sensation over it. "Shoto!" Ruka gasped out as her hands gripped tightly onto his shoulders.

A soft yet long moan escaped her lips as she arched her back, obviously enjoying his clever technique that only Shoto Todoroki can pull off. She felt quite privileged in knowing that only she will know just how sweet and wonderful Shoto is. Eyes opening in a daze, Ruka felt another wave of warmth wash over her upon hearing the need in Shoto's voice. It made her squirm as she felt the burning desire within her growing all the more. "Mmm, it feels so good, Shoto!" She let out a moan as his icy tongue slipped into her warm and moist mouth. Hands holding either side of his face, Ruka was enjoying the cool treat in between their heated moment. Honestly, what can he not do was the question!? Feeling a bit needier, Ruka sat up, pushing on Shoto's chest as she straddled him down onto the couch. Licking her lips, Ruka wiggled her bottom against him teasingly as her thighs peeked out teasingly. "My turn~" Ruka purred out as she leaned down and kissed him on the lips, enjoying the cool sensation as she rubbed her tongue against his.

Her hands moved deftly against his black buttoned down shirt as she made quick work of the buttons that were currently in her way of enjoying some of Shoto's sweet abs. Undoing the last of the buttons, Ruka pulled back from kissing Shoto as she eyed her dessert for the night. Yum. Licking her lips, she drank in the sight of his muscles contracting as Shoto breathed in and out. Ruka grinned cheekily over at Shoto as she went back down and kissed him on the lips while her hands made quick work of mapping out Shoto's chest. Her hands glided over his abs, memorizing each muscle as she enjoyed the feel of it against her skin. She let out a small moan into his mouth before pulling away, trailing kisses from his lips to his jaw and down towards his bare chest. Ruka couldn't make it that far as she felt the world flip as Shoto was now back on top. She felt her heart beat quicker in her chest as she stared into his heated gaze. The intensity in his gaze making her stomach dance with anticipation. Ruka let out a small moan as she felt his hands against her thighs, nearing closer to her inner thighs which she can confidently say is quite sensitive.

Though soon after Shoto stopped as he seemed to be rethinking things. Ruka sat up, one of the straps falling off her shoulder, revealing her soul mark as she tilted her head curiously over at Shoto. Though the cloud in her mind was slowly fading away as she and Shoto had a mutual understanding between them. It was unspoken, but Ruka understood. She wanted to take her time to enjoy him and she was certain they had plenty of time together. Smiling, she held onto his hand, tugging to make him look over at her. Leaning over, she pecked his lips as she told him, "I understand Shoto...oh and Shoto?" Pulling his hand up to her lips, she nibbled on a finger as she gave him a wink, "I'm hungry hehe, can we get wings?" And so the two spent the rest of the night eating some wings and then cuddling together. Whatever they ended up doing, Ruka was content either way. She was just happy to be spending time with her Shoto. Yes, her's. Hehe.

She didn't know when she fell asleep, but Ruka woke up the next morning feeling quite happy. She spent a wonderful evening with Shoto and she felt as if they grew closer as they explored each other, experiencing many firsts. If anyone asked her what her favorite past time would be, Ruka would currently tell them that she liked watching movies...with her boyfriend hehe. Noticing that Shoto wasn't there, Ruka noticed the letter placed on her desk, letting her know that there was breakfast already made for her and that he will see her at school. Ruka smiled at his thoughtfulness, already planning on repaying his kindness with some nice lunch together after the matches. Oh, how she can't wait to see him already! As Ruka took a shower, she let out a small gasp as she realized just how much Shoto has marked her. She stared at her neck with wide eyes, trailing the marks to other parts of her body too. How was she going to hide this!?

After getting changed into a short-sleeved navy turtleneck with a white skirt and some black knee-high boots, Ruka went out to meet with Mela. The two headed to school, she gave Mela a vague description of her date with Shoto as they were arriving at the school. After Aizawa spoke to them, Ruka catching eyes with Shoto whom she gave a small smile to, she went off to get changed into their costumes. As Ruka opened up her costume, she was for once deciding it was a good thing the costume covered her neck when she froze as she spotted the dark red material neatly folded in front of her. Huh!? H-hold it! Pulling it out, Ruka noted it to be a completely different costume. Wait, what happened!? Noticing a note attached to it, Ruka read it: To Ru-chan, here is your requested costume, quite the fiery touch, right? Her eye twitched in annoyance as it can only be Yukito's doing. She glanced over to see that Mela was in a similar situation. At least Mela finally got her pants.

After getting changed in it, Ruka regrets all words as she was now a blushing strawberry. The girls gave out a teasing comment here and there as a few of her love bites from Shoto could not be hidden. Hell, her soul mark was even visible. She averted her gaze from Mela as Ruka can only let out a small laugh while explaining that while she was fixing her vacuum the other day, things got a little messy and her flames got involved and well yeah...aha. Her new costume was in the shades of red, wine red and some white, yellow and black mixed in here and there. It was a completely off shoulder kimono styled dress which meant no pants, oh thanks Yukito! With frills covering her front part of the skirt as the back end of her skirt was longer and flowed out like rose petals in a way. She had on some matching boots and some black thigh highs which covered most of her bare legs, thankfully, though her sleeves weren't even connected to her dress as it was held up by ribbons on the top part of her sleeves and then there was the choker wrapped snug against her neck. The choker did a semi-good job of hiding most of the love bites but the ones littered across her lower neck and upper chest was shown, but one must look closely to notice the marks. The front part of her dress dipped a bit too low for Ruka's liking, after all, if her soul mark was showing, then it meant too much skin showing for Ruka. She held back a growl as she will have to give Yukito another call. This is not what she meant by sending a new costume! When did he even design this anyway!?

Walking out along with the rest of the girls, Ruka stuck close to Mela, ignoring the drooling gaze Mineta sent their way. She peeked up at Shoto, wondering how he took her new costume. Walking over to him, Ruka gave him a small nervous smile as she murmured out, "they sent me a new costume...h-how do I look?" She peered up at him curiously, her hair tied up in a high ponytail to match her fiery look for the day. Though before anything can be said, Shoto was called forth to go first. Ruka smiled as she told him, "I'll be cheering you on." The match ended with Shoto as the victor, Ruka, of course, having faith that he would win. She went over to his side to congratulate him but was surprised as he dragged her off for a bit away from the others, behind a wall. Staring curiously up at Shoto, Ruka opened her mouth to ask him what was wrong when she felt a soft kiss melting all her words. She smiled happily up at Shoto, hugging him tightly as she said, "I'm glad you like it...I thought you wouldn't like this costume." She frowned a bit at the thought though upon hearing her name being called, Ruka tugged on Shoto's hand as she said, "come, cheer me on hehe."

As Ruka stood across from Denki, she heard the compliment and comment he made both about her new costume and the 'strange' markings on her neck. She rubbed the side of her arm as she looked over at him, "a-ah thank you...ah these!? T-they're just um some burns I got ehe." Ruka hoped he would buy it. Not wanting to discuss it any further, Ruka lit her arms up to her elbow with her flames as she made the first move. Charging straight towards Denki, Ruka swung a punch and the two began to exchange a few blows, her fire causing small explosions upon contact with his lightning. The two continued with this for a while longer when Ruka swiped her leg up to try and kick him. She could hear some sort of comment from Mineta about doing that again and that was when she realized she had no pants. She blushed slightly as she sent Mineta a glare though that was her mistake as she heard a zapping sound coming straight at her. Turning just in time, Ruka caught the punch directed her way, electricity shooting through her for a moment. Jumping back, Ruka grit her teeth, wondering how she can take him down. It'll probably be an easy win if she used her eyes, but that'll just drain her and she didn't want to be too tired, otherwise, she won't be able to do anything later with Shoto.

Her mind flashed back to images of last night, her mind elsewhere and it seemed like just at the wrong timing as she saw a rather large lightning bolt headed straight towards her. Ruka lit her body aflame to protect herself but the electricity won this time as she felt painful shocks course through her body. Ruka let out a pained scream as the lighting hit her directly. It quickly ended thanks to Aizawa stopping Denki's quirk, but it was already too late for Ruka as she could feel her consciousness slipping away as her blue hues slowly fluttered shut. By the time Aizawa stopped the lightning, Ruka has already fallen to the floor, knocked out cold though bits of electricity could be seen on her body.


Genkai Genkai
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In the back of her mind, she as counting on the fact he'd turn the tables back around so she wanted to make that a very difficult task for him. She kissed him hard, slowly sliding her body up against his. A woman's best weapon had to be herself in times like these heh. Feeling his hands against her exposed thighs, she parted them slightly, intent on seeing where the night was going to take them but a small meow seemed to put a hold on such thrilling plans. Mela's jaw clenched slightly as he sat up and kissed her deeply. She tried to figure out what dinner even was as a concept before her brain slowly began to click back into place. She was hungry but she wasn't going to starve to death if they just skipped dinner. Mela sighed softly against his hand. He was right though, they needed to not get too ahead of themselves.

Upon getting her breathing under control, she only needed a few moments to give a smile and one that wasn't purely laced with wicked lust. She knew deep down he was a good guy. Total softie. Most other guys probably wouldn't have stopped to consider the bigger picture and she was grateful that he had...she wasn't going to that was certain. Mela curled up as they picked out what to order and soon she found herself carried back out to the living room. She waited with as much patience as she had left and soon she could snuggled back against Aizawa and get fed food. This was a very good night, all things considered. "Mmm, I agree. After tomorrow's match I may need to unwind." She giggled lightly, feeling a bit tired after all of that making out, followed by a light dinner. Yes the thing people ate at night heh.

Heading back to his bedroom, Mela curled up against him and closed her eyes, finding it very easy to fall asleep in his arms. A few hours later, as daylight broke, Mela sat up and realized she had to get home. If Ruka tried to come over and she wasn't there...the city may just be burnt to the ground. Mela leaned over and kissed his forehead before she grabbed some paper and wrote down a hasty note before she buttoned her dress and slipped her boots back on ahd quietly headed out. There was no way she'd risk going out at night but now that it was brighter out, she should be fine. Mela made it back with time to take a shower. Though upon stepping out, she looked at herself in the mirror, admiring the marks he had made all over her neck and and collarbone. She even noticed a mark on her lower inner thigh.

She put on a light lavender collar shirt dress which was sleeveless and flared at her waist, reaching the middle of her thighs. She put on some heels and finished buttoning up her high collar when she realized it was time to go. She and Ruka headed off, both not being too detailed in how they spent their own evening. Mela didn't even mention she had gotten home just an hour ago. She gave Aizawa and All Might a friendly smile before they went off to get changed. Mela found her new costume to be a bit better but still no pants. But the outfit as very cute all the same and she loved the scarf, spending a bit too much time spinning around trying to chase her own tail of sorts. Mela's happiness was put on hold when she noticed Ruka's hickies. That fiend Todoroki! She narrowed her eyes at Ruka who couldn't lie to Mela, who knew exactly what those were. Of course hers were hidden heheh.

Heading outside, she gave Shoto a very nasty look before she headed over to All Might and Shota. She had on long knee-high leather boots and short shorts. Her top consisted of pale honey, deep purple and a flash of cream. Her top dipped down giving her a slight cape around her hips. And she also had on a long red scarf, which was probably going to get in her way or just choke her to death. What was Yukito thinking? And where were her pants?! Shorts weren't pants! Still, she put on a smile, trying to remember who exactly she was going up against. Her favorite hero ever, All Might. She didn't have time to greet him as Aizawa quickly started the morning's rematch but it didn't take long for him to find a reason to drag her outside. Mela wondered what she did now but her gut told her this wasn't really about school or anything.

Wrapping her arms around the man, she found herself slipping back under his spell, kissing him with the same need as last night. "Mmm okay." She said dreamily as she headed back with him, feeling terribly dazed and thankful that he was pulling her weak legs along. When she returned, she fought off the urge to just lay down and make seductive motions for Aizawa to just join her on the grass. No, have some dignity Mela. When Ruka's fight began, Mela's senses returned to her but when Aizawa had to step in and use his own quirk to stop Denki from overdoing it, she couldn't help but let out a noise of arousal. Oh boy, his hair slicked back like that...Mela quickly thought back to their first date and and bit down on her thumb, giving her something to focus on rather than Aizawa. Was Ruka okay!? "You get away from her, Todoroki!" Mela barked. She didn't trust him at all. Not after Ruka had come back covered in bite marks.

She growled as Shoto took Ruka away. Mela hated seeing these fights. Her poor heart couldn't take watching her friend get hurt either by someone else or by her own quirk. She gave Denki another look. Now she understood why he wasn't keen on really fighting on Monday, he was pretty strong when he put his mind to it. She might just aim an arrow his way and call it an accident. But she was way more concerned with Shoto being alone with an unconscious Ruka. What would he do to her!? Before she could think too hard about Ruka and Shoto, it was time for her own match. Right...she was fighting against All Might. She shook her head, not having had much time to even prepare mentally. She blamed a certain homeroom teacher for that. She headed to the stage and took a deep breath.

She noted there were weights around his wrists and ankles. That was good. Mela jumped back as she readied her bow and arrow, not worried about hurting him. He was the number one hero after all. He charged. He was quick but she still released her arrow before flipped with one hand to the left, out of his way but his reflexes were quicker than her own as he aimed a punch. Mela rolled to the side again, finding herself totally overwhelmed. Him in his hero outfit coming at her, gosh she didn't know what to do! She glanced over her shoulder at Shota but suddenly found herself slammed to the ground. She glanced around wildly and then looked up, her heart stopping. Oh dear. He was on top of her again! Mela let out the smallest of pleading moans, her mind already taking her back to last night with Shota in his bed. Mela struggled to get All Might off of her but in the end, the match had to be called in All Might's favor, it evident Mela wasn't going to break free anytime soon.

All Might helped her up but she could tell he had been hoping for a longer fight. Yeah, so had she. Mela gave Aizawa a look. This was his fault! If he wasn't just staring at her, she wouldn't have gotten distracted. She shook her head, feeling all sorts of conflicted emotions as she folded her arms and stood back by the teachers. At least she hadn't been tripped by her scarf or hadn't been thrown from the ring. The rest of the matches were called and concluded rather quickly and Mela just wanted to get changed and go find someplace dark to hide with Aizawa. She hurried to change and when she came out, she handed Denki Ruka's change of clothes, telling him to go give these to her, not wanting Ruka to run around in that cute new costume of hers. No no, who could keep their hand off of her like that? Besides if she sent Denki after Shoto and Ruka, nothing was going to happen to Ruka right? Unless both boys tried something!

Shaking that image from her head, she headed over to All Might, wanting to apologize for the lack of effort she showed. "Hey All Might, I'm sorry about that, back there..." Mela rubbed her arm. She had done so much better in training. She caught Shota out of the corner of her eye. "I just got distracted I think." She wasn't lying there. She just hoped he hadn't heard her moan or noticed her body moving in a certain way. It was Shota's fault. All his fault! She was going to insist Shota make it up to her at her house or his, whichever was closer. Mela had to hope Ruka was okay though. But she knew Medical Girl could handle it. She just hoped All Might didn't think any less of her due to her terrible performance though if anything, she was going to bug Aizawa until he promised he wasn't going to deduct points because he was the sole reason she failed. Yes, she was standing by that reasoning. "I do want to thank you for your help this week, I'm sorry I didn't put it to better use." Though she was putting her erm 'studying' with Aizawa-sensei last night to good use at least.

- - -

Oooh, hearing her whimpers and purrs drove the boy forward. As she cried out his name and raked her hands through his hair, he felt his own urges quickening. He wanted to see more of her, to feel more of her. She was so soft and responsive and he was sure that if he could get her out of her dress, he would be given an even more tantalizing sight. Feeling oh so clever, Shoto used his ice to gently explore Ruka's hot mouth, enjoying the feet of her melting against his tongue. Yes, this was a great way to train his quirk. Suddenly he felt himself being pushed up and before he could let out a small whine of his own, he laid back as Ruka settled into his lap once more. He stared up at her, quite mystified but in no position to complain as he reached up and traced the back of his fingers against her warm face, using another gentle breeze of ice to try and cool her down, though she looked very good, face flushed and breath ragged.

"I am all yours." He breathed out before she leaned in to kiss him. He could certainly do this all night. He leaned against her touch, enjoying her undoing his shirt. It felt so much different to have someone else undress you. It was unexplainable, really but Shoto could get used to her undoing his shirt bottons and even then some. He pushed his hips upwards, though tried to still his body as he swallowed. "Ru...ka." He panted as felt her lips descend down his body but he quickly summoned enough energy to pin her back down on her back, his hands reaching up to cup her bottom and bring their hips together as he massaged her outer thighs, enjoying how smooth her skin was. He had to assume no one else had touched her like this before and he smirked in knowing he was able to claim her as his own, truly. But as those thoughts lingered, he realized this was only the second date.

Shoto didn't want to stop. He wanted more of her. He wanted every inch of her. But he also knew he would regret moving this quickly. He wanted to progress at a pace that wasn't led solely by teenage hormones. He stilled himself, using what willpower he had left as he smiled down at her, god how could resist such a beautiful creature? Deep down, he knew he wouldn't regret waiting a bit longer for them to enjoy one another before crossing another line, but he would regret them not slowing down to actually enjoy one another. Yes. Shoto, be a good boy and reel it in, as much as he hated to. "I think we should slow it down a little." He said quietly, sighing as he tried to use his quirk to cool off his own body and alleviate some of the urges circulating through his body. "I don't want to rush through any of this." He said sweetly, staring at her. There was no denying how much he wanted her but he had to trust that this would be the first of many nights like this. There was no hurry. He wasn't going to let Ruka go anywhere or feel the touch of anyone else.

He smirked at her nibbling at his fingers. So she was hungry? "Whatever you'd like." He said, sitting up and bringing her with him. He rested his forehead against his. This was what it felt like to be with your soulmate huh? A fire that would keep on burning? Heh. Shota knew tomorrow he would have to steal her away after their fights, hoping to have a bit more alone time. He had missed her all week and now he was allowing thoss pent up emotions and desires to come forth. He ordered the wings and they sat on the couch and playfully fed one another while also kicking the sauce from each other. Shoto found it quite a relief he could both joke with Ruka but then flip a switch and feel so intimate and cherished around her. He really found himself falling even harder for her. She was the total package.

When they were both too tired, Shoto led her back to her room and laid down with her, him cradling her from behind, his arms wrapped tightly around her as his head rested on her shoulder, enjoying her warmth. He gave himself a few hours before he tore himself away and tucked her in bed. He quickly made her something to eat, knowing against Kaminari, she'd need all the fuel she could get. That guy was crazy. He left her a note and quickly took an Uber home to get changed for school. He made it on time, somehow and changed with the others but the male students were a bit dubstuck but the new outfits the girls had on now. Shoto noticed his handiwork on display heh. He glanced off, holding back a sly smirk as he quietly wished no one else could see such skin. She looked ravishing. He decided to take his anger at Eijiro for making him miss Ruka all week, and return it to the redhead. "You look amazing, as always. I'll be sure to win so we can celebrate afterwards." He said in a low voice.

Coming out of the fight as the winner, Shoto just went right for Ruka and pulled her aside, ignoring the questioning looks some were giving him. He didn't bother to look over at Mela, knowing she had to be growling or baring her teeth at him. So much for staying on her good side heh. Shoto kissed her tenderly when they were out of sight. "Why wouldn't I like your outfit? it fits you quite well." He was wondering why she and Uede had new ones but he decided it best not to ask such a question. "I know you'd look even better without it, too." He smirked, kissing her again, trying to contain himself but after winning, he couldn't help but note the adrenaline rushing through him. Anything she had on, he know he'd love. He kissed her hand before hugging her and walking back to see how her fight against Kamiari went. Shoto watched, arms folded as he silently cheered for her, still not a fan of being as vocal as Uede was.

Denki stared at her as she entered the arena. "You look great as always, Kurotsuki-chan but uh what's with your neck?" He asked, worried something had happened. His eyes focused on the bruise marks and her soulmate mark. Light left his eyes as he realized...they weren't soulmates. He hated to find out this way. His heart was crumbling as Ruka made the first move. Denki blocked her attacks and kept up with her, his mind torn between how she wasn't his soulmate and how someone may have hurt her, given her neck. He decided he would prove to Ruka why he was a good candidate for her boyfriend even though they weren't soulmates. It would be magical if they were, yes but it wasn't everything. He landed a punch, giving it everything he got but he realised it had been too powered up as he heard Ruka scream and the electricity faded as Aizawa-sensei stepped in. He jumped back, his mind teetering on the brink of dumbfoundedness.

Shoto ran up to Ruka before Mela could, another strike against Todoroki he supposed. He picked Ruka up, using some of his icy powers to protect him from the lingering stings. He hurried down and off to see Medical Girl. Once there he laid her down gently and stayed with her, a bit glad to be out of Mela's line of fire. He held Ruka's hand as Medical Girl checked her over, saying she'd wake up pretty soon and that her body just needed time to release the shocks running through her. Thankfully the volts hadn't hit anything vital. Shoto frowned as he thought about what he might do to Kamiarni if he got him alone. But deep down, he couldn't fault the idiot. If anything he wished he had stepped in before Aizawa had. Still, Shoto was proud of Ruka regardless of losing to Kaminari. Ruka did a good job and he had to admit, she looked pretty good as well. He silently chided himself for his thoughts at a time like this.

Soon there was a knock as Ruka was coming around. Denki popped his head inside, carrying the clothes Mela had given him. He wasn't sure if Shoto was going to blast him with ice or fire but he was expecting one or the other. He stepped inside as Medical Girl excused herself, not too interested in the love affairs of the youngins. Denki inched inside and walked over, setting her clothes down at the foot of the bed she was in. "I hope you're okay." He said, his eyes lingering on her soulmate mark. He'd ask her out anyway. He would be persistent and he wouldn't back down. "I'm sorry about the fight." Though he was glad he won and showed her what he could do, he wished it hadn't ended the way it had. Maybe now she could understand his reluctance in giving her everything he had earlier in the week. He hated seeing her hurt with his very own quirk. "i wanted to t-take you out." Denki declared. "I want to...to take you on a d-" "We'd love to go." Shoto quickly said, not letting Denki even finish that word.

Denki's mouth fell open, not wanting Todoroki to go too! He looked to Ruka seeing if this was okay with her but she didn't seem too upset. Denki shuffled a little. Ah well maybe he could get Ruka alone at some point during lunch? Yes, he wasn't giving up yet. He wouldn't let Shoto stand in his way. Denki was tired of being pushed aside. He was going to make a stand and make his move! Shoto stood up and brushed his hand against Ruka's shoulder before he walked out, pushing Denki along with him so Ruka could get dressed. Denki couldn't help but notice how forceful Shoto was. Ow. Shoto was of course rather pissed off at Denki's offer to treat Ruka but he wasn't going to let Ruka deal with this moron herself. Shoto would make up some excuse and make sure he and Ruka could have some much needed alone time. Already he felt his soul aching for her gentle touch, her lips against his. Kaminari was playing with two hot fires and he was about to get burned heh.


AiAi AiAi
To say he was disappointed would be an understatement. On Friday, when All Might was making up his mind to ask Mela out on a date, Aizawa-kun showed up. Somehow, watching the two speak so closely made him feel like an outsider. He can only smile and wave as Mela ran off while he spent the rest of Friday trying to figure things out. He definitely had an attraction towards Mela, he knows she holds some sort of feeling towards him though he wasn't sure if it was purely as a fan or more. So, maybe him asking her out will bring some sort of light to all this? He can only find out tomorrow he supposed.

As Saturday came rolling in, All Might was there in the morning, greeting each student who came by. He greeted Aizawa-kun cheerfully as always, while the raven-head ignored him, like always. He hoped today's matches would go by quickly so he can spend some time with Mela. As everyone returned after changing into their hero costumes, All Might's eyes were instantly glued onto Mela's form. His throat suddenly felt dry as he let his eyes sweep over her figure though it stopped as he noticed a strange mark on her thigh. Feeling Aizawa-kun's glare, All Might averted his gaze elsewhere as the matches began.

Once it was his turn against Mela, All Might willed his nerves aside as he knew he must give it his all, though before he can go meet Mela down at the stage, Aizawa-kun stopped him, handing him some weights as a handicap of the sort. All Might nodded his head, that made sense though when he placed the weights on, he let out a sound of surprise. It was heavy...this was definitely more than half his weight. He glanced briefly over at Aizawa-kun, wondering if this was on purpose...judging from how Aizawa smirked, All Might can only assume it was on purpose. Turning to Mela, he gave her a grin as he told her, "let's do our best today Uede Shoujo!" As the battle began, All Might moved as quickly as possible though at one point, when he pinned her down, All Might was expecting her to wiggle free but instead she let out a small moan that only he could hear. What? Freezing, All Might didn't know what to do or say, merely standing back up when he was declared the winner. Helping Mela up, All Might couldn't quite look her in the eyes as he wondered if he was just hearing things now.

As the matches came to an end, All Might turned his attention to Mela, not wanting to think back to her sweet sound, All Might rubbed the back of his neck as he replied, "o-oh it's alright! I think you did a wonderful job!" Hearing her next statement, he realized this was his chance, "oh! W-well if you're not busy then w-would you like to g-go get lunch or something? You know as a d--" Shota walked over as he was listening in on the two's conversation. Was All Might trying to ask Mela out? Shota lifted a brow at this, not believing that Yagi would do such a thing. Though not wanting to take a risk, plus wanting Mela all to himself, Shota walked over and spoke up. "let's get some lunch then." He stared over at the dumbfounded All Might as Shota turned his attention to Mela, "where do you want to eat?" He smirked as he added, "my treat." Heh.

- - -

In her mind, memories of her and Shoto kept replaying like a broken record track, though she wasn't complaining. The events from last night and even earlier before her match was quite nice hehe. She had to will herself to not blush like a strawberry when Shoto mentioned how she'd look nice without the costume on as well. O-oh? He was such a tease! Ruka will be sure to get a much needed alone time with him after today's morning class. Though somehow shocks of electricity was coursing through her and one last zap snapped her awake from her fantasies. Blue hues slowly fluttered open as Ruka stared up at the ceiling in a daze. Huh? Where was she?

Feeling someone holding her hand, Ruka slowly turned her head to the side to see Shoto sitting beside her. Hm? What happened? As Ruka was slowly coming back to her senses, she remembered her fight against Denki and then she was a bit distracted with thoughts of Shoto and ah, she remembered now...she lost. Ruka bit her lower lip a bit upset about the loss though she could only have herself to blame there...and Shoto for being such a tease! Hearing a new voice, Ruka turned to see Denki coming over with her clothes. Hm? Did Mela send him here? She gave him a small smile, sitting up slowly as she told him, "ah, no need to apologize...if anything I'm sorry I was a bit um distracted..." Ruka glanced over at Shoto as if telling him this was all his fault.

At hearing Denki's offer, Ruka looked up at him, wondering what he was going to say when Shoto cut him off. Huh? Ruka looked back and forth between the two guys but she can only nod her head as Shoto then dragged Denki out of the room. Um...okay? She was a bit hungry so lunch did sound good for her. Once the two were out of the room, Ruka changed back into her casual clothes, glad to be out of this costume. Hopefully, the next time she wears it, she won't be having any marks to show off..though she didn't mind Shoto giving her the marks. Heh.

After changing, Ruka stepped out of the infirmary wincing as her body felt rather sore. Giving a smile to the two, Ruka spoke up as cheerfully as she could, "sorry for the wait guys! So where are we going?" She looked to Denki since he was the one who suggested they go out anyway. She looked over at Shoto, hoping that they can go and relax at her home after lunch. Maybe he can even stay for the night hehe. No, wait. Bad Ruka. Not now! Food, yes food is good...so is Shoto, no no! Not now! Everything has a place and time...but maybe Shoto can be good anywhere--no! Ruka shook her head, trying to push her distracted thoughts aside, though she was failing quite miserably at so. She glanced over at Shoto with a slight pout though she followed Denki out to where he decided on eating. "Nice fight though Kaminari-kun."

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Maybe that hit to the head back there knocked something lose. She almost thought All Might was going to ask her out. Ha! Like he'd ever do that. No way, she had to have been hearing things. Mela looked from All Might to Shota who had strode over, though she didn't think he had been listening too intently to their conversation, or what there was of it. Mela was looking forward to dragging Shota back to her place but with the idea of eating, she thought back to their trip to the ramen shop and how fun that had been. Buuuut at the same time, she found herself oddly not that giddy to have both All Might and Aizawa with her.

She kinda just wanted Aizawa. But she decided a lunch would be fine and she could control herself until it was over. Plus she really did feel guilty about her poor showing. Mela pressed her lips together in thought, "Umm lunch huh?" With two of her favorite heroes? What was there to complain about? Except for the fact she wanted Shota all to herself. "You know I could go for some more ramen?" She suggested, her eyes moving from All Might to Aizawa, not sure if she was detecting some lingering tension between the two men. Things had suddenly, and for whatever reason, gotten very interesting. Mela decided to enjoy this outing, telling herself All might would probably excuse himself to go do hero work, while Mela had some own personal hero work for Eraserhead to attend to.

The trio headed off to go back to the shop from before, a smile tugging at her lips. This felt very different than two or three weeks ago. Time flew by it seemed. With All Might leading the way, Mela reached out and playfully ran her fingers up Shota's back. How could she resist toying with him a little. Of course Mela assumed that would be the end of that. She and the guys headed down the steps and to the same ramen shop as before, Mela sitting between them both, just like last time. If history was repeating itself now, she had to hope last night would repeat itself too. "So any plans tomorrow you guys?" She spoke up, already knowing what she'd have so she didn't bother with the menu this time. Miso was all she needed.

- - -

Once alone with Denki, Shoto folded his arms. Denki wasn't a threat. No. And he didn't see Ruka falling for Denki's clumsy happy-go-lucky charms but that said, he knew Denki liked Ruka and that was enough to draw out the anger in Shoto. Could he blame Denki? No, Ruka was a great girl and he was going to make sure no one else got to enjoy her the way he ad last night. He didn't want Denki getting his hopes up and getting heartbroken. Yeah that had to be it. Denki looked off, not finding Shoto's glare to be all that comforting. When Ruka finally emerged, Shoto dropped his arms and smiled to her. "No need to apologize." He told her.

"Yeah." Denki added, though he was still a bit nervous around Todoroki. He didn't see how Ruka would be able to spend a whole week with the guy. He was scary. Denki thought about where to go. "How about pizza?" He suggested, getting the craving some kind of sausage and pepperoni pizza. Maybe onions and peppers too? Mmm! They headed out and off to go downtown, "Thanks." Though he was expecting a bigger reaction from her. But he figured she was just a bit drained. He was worried he had hurt her and so he was careful to keep an eye on her as they headed down the precarious steps. Shoto linger behind them, tempted to just grab Ruka and escape but he wasn't about to deny her outings with other guys, even if this guy was drooling over her new costume.

Making it to a nearby pizza parlor, inspired by New York City, They took a seat in a booth, Ruka next to Shoto and Denki across from them. Denki began to look at the menu while Shoto took a sip of his water, his hand closest to Ruka, moving to rest on her leg under the table. Just because they were out in public, didn't mean he couldn't remind Ruka that she was on his mind. Shoto then leaned over as if to look at her menu but in reality, he blew a light cool breath against her ear before his tongue flicked out to warm her up. Resisting Ruka seemed next to impossible so why bother? Denki looked up from his menu to see Shoto leaning away from a blushing Ruka rather quickly. "So should we share a pizza, maybe two?" Denki asked them, even obvious as Shoto lightly massaged her smooth skin.

AiAi AiAi
He wasn't pleased about having to share Mela's attention with All Might of all people, but he knew Mela was a fan of All Might, plus he can't always hog her to himself, or can he? As they decided on eating ramen with All Might leading the way, Shota lingered in the back alongside Mela. He felt a soft touch along his back before looking to see Mela skipping ahead. He had to resist the urge to just grab her and take her back to his place to continue where they left off yesterday. Taking in a breath, Shota's eyes shined as he watched Mela. He smirked slightly as his eyes took on a predatory glint. Well, he supposed he can play with his prey for a while longer before he feasts heh.

As they sat down by the counter, Shota brushed his hand along her shoulders as if brushing past her seat as he took a seat on her left side by the wall. Once settled in his seat, Shota's hand reached out to lightly brush along Mela's skirt before finding her soft flesh hidden underneath it. He gently squeezed her thigh in a teasing manner as he let his thumb trace circles against her smooth skin. He hid the smirk growing on his lips as he willed his emotions to not show on his face. One thing he was good at was a poker face after all. Looking over the menu, Shota decided on a tonkotsu ramen as he recalled Mela liking the pork that came with it. His hand would at times teasingly creep up her leg before moving back down to rest a little above her knees. He kept his hand there as it was hidden thanks to the countertop.

Looking over at the two, Shota asked in a bored tone, "are we ready to order? Or do we need more time?" At this, Shota lightly squeezed Mela's thigh as he smirked lazily over at them. All Might simply nodded his head, "yes! I am ready, Uede Shoujo, are you...alright?" All Might noticed her looking a bit uncomfortable, but he didn't quite understand why. Shota peered around to take a look at Mela's face as All Might looked concerned, "he's right, what, you feeling sick?" As he faced her, Shota pressed the call button to get a server over to which All Might turned to speak with the server, confused as he did not call for help. Meanwhile, Shota smirked into Mela's face as he murmured lowly, "hm? Is it here?" His eyes sparkled as he let his hand run over her thigh teasingly. He blew lightly against her partially opened lips before pulling back as he placed his order in. Shota asked Mela with his eyes shining in amusement, "oi Uede, want anything to drink? You look a bit thirsty." He hid his smirk, enjoying the little tease he gave her. Now, she'll just have to wait for the real fun later...how can one get rid of the number one hero...?

- - -

Ruka nodded her head, "pizza sounds great!" She smiled as pizza sounded quite nice and yummy and mmm cheese. As they arrived at the pizza parlor, Ruka noted the place to have quite an American theme going on. Mela may like this place. As she took a seat next to Shoto in the booth, Ruka began to look over the menu when she froze as she felt Shoto's hand gently touching her thigh. Menu gripped tightly in her hand, Ruka had to remind herself how to breathe as she tried to not take it into mind much. He was just resting his hand...right? On her thigh? Yeah, that totally made sense. As she tried to focus on the menu, she saw Shoto leaning towards her from her peripherals. What was he doing now?

Her heart began to race as she was both excited and nervous. As Shoto leaned over, Ruka's mouth opened as a cool breath of air puffed against her sensitive ears and then he licked it causing a wave of warmth to run through her. Ruka stifled a moan as she bit on her lip, trying to stop the sound from coming out. Her cheeks darkened as she gripped the menu tightly in her hands. Her head snapped up as Denki mentioned something about sharing. Huh? What? What were they here for again? Oh, yes yes...food. Yes, food is good...though her mind wandered towards Shoto as she glanced over at him in silent question as his hand began to massage her thigh. Oh no, that...felt good.

Squirming slightly in her seat, Ruka turned back to face Denki as she cracked a smile, trying to speak as normal as possible, "a-ah yes, sharing would be good...which ones should we share? I would like something with a bit of everything on it..." Ruka looked over the menu in question while her foot reached out and lightly brushed against Shoto's leg. Teasing her while out in public? It was daring and bold, but so unfair. She already lost her match due to her distracted mind full of Shoto and now he was making her not think straight as they are trying to eat lunch? How unfair...yet Ruka loved it. She felt a sense of thrill running through her at his secretive gestures, though hopefully, Denki won't catch wind of this. She has no clue how to get out of that. As she leaned forward, talking to Denki, Ruka hooked her leg with Shoto's as she told the blonde, "why don't we get the club one? It apparently has salad on it, how interesting~"

Genkai Genkai
Pressing her lips together, mostly to suppress any whining that threatened to escape her throat, Mela inhaled slowly through her nose. With his hand resting on her, she had begun to lose track of where they even were. She was tempted to reach down and pull his hand off of her but she didn't really want to do that. She felt her face turn a bit red as she fidgeted in her seat. He was being rather cruel. He better watch himself or she'd find some way to really retaliate. She let out a small noise. "Uhng...we can order I-I think." She muttered. She looked to All Might when he asked if she was feeling okay. She opened her mouth but words didn't really come forth.

"I...um..." What did he ask again? Mela glanced back to Aizawa at his own follow up question. Oh yes, she was very sick and there was only one cure what she had come down with. "Maybe?" She tilted her head, wondering if that might be an excuse to cut the lunch a bit early. With All Might preoccupied, she gave Shota a slight pout, biting down on her lower lip as he teased her with a bit of air. She shifted her leg slightly and looked to give her order as well, adding a soda because, yes she was feeling parched but that was only because of how hot she was feeling right now. Once again, Shota's fault.

Mela reached down and placed her own hand on Shota's leg, her hold quite firm as she brushed her foot against his own. Mela tried to take her mind off of the deviant sitting next to her and looked to All Might, nervously sipping her drink. "Ahh sooo All Might uhm...have you heard from Dekkun?" She asked him, he hadn't made it to their rematch assessments so she had to figure he may need another few days to recover. Her question may have also been asked to taunt Shota a little bit, juuust a little bit. "I'm really worried about him. Maybe I should go visit him after this?" She considered aloud. Mela was sure when he would show up, he'd probably be in a cast or something. Poor kid. "Or maybe he'd love getting a visit from you." She realized, looking to All Might as their bowls of ramen were placed down in front of them. Mela took another drink of coke, wondering if she should go along with being sick but would Yagi somehow up? Surely not, how would he catch wind of that? it was the perfect excuse. "Maybe I am coming down with something, I'd hate for either of you to get sick." Well, Aizawa would be fine, of course.

- - -

Shoto gave a small snort at the notion of sharing. "I don't really like sharing." Shoto said flatly, his eyes moving to her for a moment. No, no he did not like the idea of sharing. Be it pizza or Ruka. Denki glanced between them, not really able to tell what was going on but it seemed like he was out of the loop for some reason. Denki looked back at the menu in front of him. Hmm. What could they get that they could share? Even though Todoroki dismissed the idea of sharing, it's the only thing that made sense when they were in a group. Why get three pizzas? it seemed so unnecessary. "I'll uh keep looking." Denki said with a small dopey smile.

Resting his hand comfortably, Shoto breathed in as Ruka hooked her leg around his. He raised a brow, keeping his face rather stoic and unchanging. Of course on the inside, his heart was beginning to beat a bit faster. So she was interested in playing was she? Shoto held back a sly smirk, seeing no reason why Denki had to spoil their fun. Shoto slipped his hand down, rubbing her knee lightly as he leaned over, brushing his body against Ruka's as he pretend to have an interest in finding an ideal pizza for all of them. He only wanted to sink his teeth into one thing and that was Ruka. But for now, he had to have actual food so they could enjoy more fun back at her place, or wherever they migrated.

"Oooh okay." Denki replied at Ruka's suggestion. He pressed the button to call a waitress over. "Oh this is my treat guys." Denki added excitedly. Of course he didn't want to pay for Shoto but it was the nice thing to do right? This wasn't a date though. While Shoto was trying to find a way to get rid of Denki, Denki was also trying to come up with a way for Shoto to get lost. Shoto raised a brow. How nice for someone else to pay for him and his girlfriend heh. Shoto moved his hand from her leg and snaked it around her waist, his hand reaching down and punching her bottom lightly. Once ordered, Shoto leaned back, his hand rubbing her hips. "Any plans for today?" Denki spoke up. Shoto looked to Ruka before he decided to speak up, "I'm just looking to spend a day in bed resting after this morning. I'll find some way to pass the time." He said calmly, eyes on Ruka now to see what she had to say. Of course his idea of killing time was having Ruka beneath him as he stared into those alluring eyes and teased her sensitive neck, still hearing her noises in his head from last night.

AiAi AiAi
Upon hearing her answer to his question. Shota lifted a brow. Maybe? Was she actually feeling sick, or was she wanting to leave so soon? Placing his bet on the latter, Shota smirked over at Mela as he simply replied back, "hm, sounds like you need to get a check-up..." a check-up by him of course. His fingers roamed across her skin teasingly as he took a sip of water. Feeling her hand on his own leg, Shota stopped for a moment, body freezing upon the contact. If they were alone, he probably would have let out a low growl, but no, not with All Might just one seat away. Taking in a breath through his nose, Shota remained calm though his hand began to roam from beside her leg.

Hearing her ask about Midoriya, Shota felt his eye twitch as his hand went to squeeze her bottom rather roughly as if scolding her for even entertaining such thoughts. Her mind should be full of him and only him. All Might nodded his head, not noticing anything wrong as he answered Mela's question, "I have received a message from Midoriya Shounen, asking about today's matches, but that was about it. But you are right! I'm sure he would love it if we both visit him." All Might smiled at that thought, an opportunity to hang out with Mela, with a little bit of Midoriya Shounen, but that was beside the point. As their food arrived, Shota lifted a brow at Mela's comment. He eyed her, hiding his smirk as he told her, "are you sick for real Uede?" Reaching a hand, he placed it against her forehead at first, before letting his scarf tug on All Might's seat, causing the blonde to spill some soup onto his face which he promptly began to wipe while Shota let his hand trail from her forehead to her cheek to her neck, gently caressing her soft skin. He smirked slightly as he continued speaking normally, "if you're sick, then you shouldn't push yourself." All Might turned to look at the two, wondering if he missed something, but noticing how red Mela's face was getting, he asked her in a concerned voice, "are you sure you're feeling alright Uede Shoujo?"

- - -

Ruka's eyes met with Shoto as he flatly refused the idea of sharing. She knew he didn't mean the pizza which only made her heart beat a tad faster. What was Shoto playing at here? Was he really teasing her in public like this? Her question was answered when Shoto's hand moved to touch her knee and his body lightly brushed against her own. Ruka took in a breath as she wanted to just grab hold of Shoto and press herself against him. The images of him shirtless ran through her mind. She held back a whine from escaping her lips as she squirmed in her seat, it was getting painfully obvious to Ruka that what she was craving to eat right now was not pizza, but Shoto's delectable lips.

At the mention of Denki paying, Ruka opened her mouth to let out a complaint when she lost all sense of speech as she felt Shoto's arm wrap around her waist. She let out a small squeak when he squeezed her bottom, Ruka pretending to have a hiccup as she sipped on her water, biting the straw nearly grinding it as she hid her pout. Two can play this game. Unconsciously, Ruka's body moved towards Shoto as his touch on her hips was driving her crazy. Hearing Denki's question, barely hearing it, Ruka was about to answer when Shoto spoke up first. Eyes meeting Shoto's, Ruka could feel her lips suddenly dry as she licked them in an attempt to soothe the desire growing within her. She can just imagine Shoto on top of her and just making her scream his name out as his hands worked their magic on her and woah! Smiling as she turned to face Denki, Ruka told him as she let her hand wander over to Shoto's lap, her hand teasing rubbing his upper thigh, "well, there's this new recipe I found and I just want to try it out..its a little hard, but I'm sure I can manage." She eyed Shoto as she said so before turning to Denki, asking him, "what about you? What do you have planned, another date with Kirishima-san?" Ruka teasingly asked Denki all the while her hand rested comfortably against Shoto's thigh. As the food arrived, Ruka reached out to grab one, her arm brushing against Shoto's as she did so.

Genkai Genkai
Hah, a check up? Was he suddenly a doctor? Well she wouldn't mind that, picturing him in white lab coat. Oh yes, she could work with that. But noo she had to focus on eating. She quickly covered her mouth with her hand, muffling a yelp of surprise when Shota grabbed her behind. She closed her eyes for a moment, her face feeling rather warm. She was about ten seconds from pushing Aizawa onto the floor when she heard All Might's reply. She calmly removed the hand from her mouth. Any other day she might be interested in tagging along and hanging out with them but today, no not really, she couldn't even pretend to entertain that idea. Not when Aizawa was being so naughty. She had to teach him a lesson.

"I may be sick...maybe yeah." She mumbled as she felt his hand against her forehead. She let out a needy whine for him as his hand caressed down her fact to her neck. she shifted her neck and leaned down, kissing his hand before All Might turned back to them. Mela quickly directed herself to her miso soup and fumbled with her chopsticks, eating a bit. "I um..." She couldn't even think straight. "Maybe I'm just coming down with one of those 24 hour things. I don't want to get either of you sick." She suddenly jumped up, putting some distance between herself and those wandering hands of Shota's. She glanced to Shota, giving him a look. "Please don't worry about me, I'll see you Monday." She told them both and quickly headed out, wishing she had been able to eat a bit more. She lingered around the corner, waiting for a certain so-called doctor to catch up with her. When he found her, she pulled him down to her, kissing him deeply before she captured his lower lip and bit down. "You're so damn sneaky, what should I do with you, Shota?" She growled.

- - -

Shoto was quite surprised by his own forwardness. He would have never considered making such big moves in public. He liked to be polite, keep an image of someone who behaved and yet here he was doing something quite unlike himself. But it seemed Ruka was bringing out very different sides of the boy and he was more than happy to let them shine for her. Shoto smirked at Ruka's cover and then noticed her gnawing on her straw. He felt a little bad but at the same time, he was quite amused and excited by how much they were able to push one another. He felt his cover slip when Ruka moved her own hand along his upper thigh. He gritted his teeth. Clever sneaky girl.

A little hard but she could manage? Did she even know what those words meant to him? Shoto looked away, his face turning pink for a moment as he pretended to enjoy the decor while Denki just looked at them, still feeling like there was something going on. But what, he wasn't unsure. Shoto moved his hand around her upwards, giving her breast a light quick squeeze before he removed his arm from around her, setting out to enjoy his pizza. "He's not the one I want to date!" Denki blurted out, it coming off as a slight whine. "He's quite your type." Shoto said cooly as he took a bite and looked over to Ruka, feeling her arm brush against him. Shoto leaned in and got a napkin, wiping the side of her lips, his bare finger slipping around the soft fabric to playfully trace the corner of her lips before he went back to his pizza. "So Kurotsuki-chan, I believe you mentioned having some...date with Uede-san? You might be running late for that." He quickly said, having to use Mela as an excuse to get them out of there. "And I also have an eye exam this afternoon, it's on the way right...?" This would have to work, Denki was too dumb not to buy it despite how fake it sounded.

AiAi AiAi
Shota smirked at Mela's fleeting kiss. Was she already breaking under his teasing touches? He held back a chuckle as he wore his impassive face when All Might turned to them. He eyed Mela, wondering what she wanted to do. Shota blinked slightly as he retracted his wandering hands from Mela when she suddenly jumped up and out of her seat. Mela ran off with a jumble of words, the only message he clearly understood was the look she gave him. All Might blinked a bit, confused though as the two men faced each other, All Might coughed in his hands, "a-ah, well there she goes, ah youth...being busy, right?" Shota let out a sigh as he stood up, placing some money on the counter as he said, "I'm not interested in eating with an old man, All Might. Have a good afternoon." He left a bit after Mela. All Might sat there wondering what just happened.

As Shota rounded the corner, finding Mela quite easily. He smirked and opened his mouth to tease her a bit further when she suddenly pulled him to her. Well, he wasn't complaining. Shota closed the distance between them as he wrapped an arm around her waist while placing a hand behind the back of her head. He let out a sound when Mela bit hard on his bottom lip. Opening his eyes, Shota leaned his forehead against Mela's as he smirked, "hm? What are you talking about? Now then about that check-up..." Shota leaned down and kissed Mela teasing across her lips as he began to make a trail of light kisses across her skin as he spoke in between each kiss, "my place, now." As much as he would love to crash at her place and make out with her there, he did not want any interruptions including a sudden visit from a certain black flamed pinkette. Though he was certain she was busy herself, but he couldn't take any chances. His hand trailed from her waist to her bottom which he gave a hard squeeze, he smirked down at her, "well? Hurry, or you might miss your appointment~"

- - -

Seeing his pink turn a tad pink, Ruka smirked victoriously. That's right Shoto, you're not the only one who can tease in public! Ruka's surge of pride was only there for a minute and then it disappeared as she felt him squeeze her chest. Ruka choked on her bite of pizza, which thankfully hid her moan that slipped out. Okay, she'll take her words back. Shoto is winning so far. Thankfully, Shoto helped wipe her lips though the fleeting touch of his finger had Ruka let out a small sound. She turned her attention to Denki as he blurted out that wasn't true. She was thankful for Denki's company as he kept her sane, otherwise, she was certain she'd be grabbing Shoto and kissing him like mad by now. Though at Denki's words, Ruka lifted a brow as she tried to focus on that and not Shoto, though she tested the waters by reaching behind Shoto and pinching his behind real quick. Hah, take that.

"Are you sure about that Kaminari-kun?" Ruka teased out while her hand was massaging Shoto's thigh. At Shoto's mention of Mela, Ruka turned to look at him though her face slowly turned into one of realization, as if she just remembered she did indeed have a meeting with Mela. Standing up in a panic, Ruka glanced at her phone before turning to the two, "ah you're right! Um sorry you two, but I have to go! Mel is going to kill me otherwise!" What a clever boy though Ruka will have to give herself a pat on the shoulder for her great acting skills hehe. Apologizing once more, Ruka left the pizza parlor in a hurry though the moment Shoto came out, Ruka tugged on his hand, pulling him around to the back of the store. Wrapping her arms around his neck, Ruka leaned up and kissed him hard on the lips. Ruka pushed him against the wall roughly as she let her tongue trail out and then she nipped his neck before pulling away. She pouted up at him as she breathed out, "you're such a tease Shoto!"

Genkai Genkai

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