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Realistic or Modern We Are Underground (Still accepting characters! Vampire rp!)



Junior Member
New York, a city of bright lights, loud noises, and irate citizens. Almost everyone knows the place for it's skyscrapers and brazen traffic, however the big city is also a place of many secrets.
For underneath the bustle of New York's everyday routines lies a vast series of tunnels that have existed since the earliest days of the city's lifespan. Subway tunnels, old cow tunnels, catacombs, and more can be found if you know just the right places to look. However, not every secret wants to be found, nor should it be as there is a place deep within the tunnels known to its residents simply as "The Blood Nest"; Home to beings that can only be refereed to as "Vampires".

Just like human beings, Vampires come in every shape and size. Some take up night shifts at various places up above, doing their best to live a "normal" life, some of these even live on the surface, only coming to the nest to connect with their own kind. Others take up the Blood Trade, either working in hospitals to gain access to blood bags, out right stealing them, or even taking up human trafficking to sell to those who prefer their blood warm and fresh. Each individual is different, and not all vampires fit the same mold. Some are old, some are new, some have ancient powers and abilities while others merely are cold blooded with a taste for blood and nothing more. Whatever the case, the Nest is the one thing that unites them all and it is here that they all come together as one underneath the guidance of the Council, a parliament of five elders of each race well over three hundred years who act as a sort of governing force for all those who live in the city. It is thanks to them that their kind has been able to live unnoticed, at least thus far.
As you can guess, We Are Underground takes place in present-day New York City, specifically in the tunnels underneath. In this setting there will be 5 different subraces to choose from, all with their different traits and abilities as well as weaknesses. There will be a mix of classic and modern vampire lore to add plenty of variety. I will be setting the cap at 20 characters, one for each player. However, you are welcome to apply with more than one character if you feel like having a potential back up should something happen to the one that gets accepted! Please keep in mind that NPCs are not counted as players, so if your character has any special npc connections you do not need to be too concerned about limiting how many npcs they know, but please keep the count reasonable! It would be weird if your character knew half the population of the Nest or knew several important key figures that no one else knows. The rp will start once we have at least 5 characters to start with, and there won't be a post order to start with unless it becomes apparent that it's necessary. So be sure to @ anyone you're interacting with!
Be sure to check out the Lore page before you consider applying in the character room, and if you have any questions either message me directly or pop on down into the OOC room!​
We are starting with four!
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"I ain't lowering the price none mate, either you pay up or you go find your fix elsewhere." Gurpreet scoffed at her customer, who ultimately skulked off to try and do business with some one else in Blood Row. "That's right, piss off!" She called after him before grabbing her bottle of jack daniels and throwing her head back as she chugged it down. Today was a rather slow day for business and she was getting quite annoyed. "Fuckin' hell." She muttered as she scanned the area, either looking for another customer, or someone to fight.
Kasimir Wilhelm Schwarz
He was immaculate. Annoyingly. Always spick and span, with polished shoes and creaseless jackets. Opting for a casual, 'warm-black' jacket over his usual white shirt and red tie. The pop of colour was something he greatly appreciated. A timeless classic if you will, which consequently was how Kasimir described himself. Long, dark locks of hair was drawn up into a loose bun, kept off his shoulders in the dark underworld of tunnels that made up the nest. Over it, he wore a wide-brimmed hat, flat-topped. He didn't like what home had become, but the company was good enough to sacrifice a little mud on the soles as he fondly remarked. Moving on down, the familiar British accent echoed and rebounded over the idle chatter, causing the Old Blood some measure of delight.

Schwarz sauntered, as cat slinks or a panther prowls. "Ah! My dearest Singh, or should I call you Queen these days?" He arched his brow, tipping his head forward in a polite, albeit mocking greeting. "Slow business today?" He tutted gently, eyeing the woman with interest. "Say, I couldn't interest you in any of my latest shipments? I've got quite a few lovely girls and boys who wouldn't mind donating some blood. For a price of course, for a price ... but we've been good acquaintances."

The Old Blood grinned, baring his teeth like it were some version of Red Riding Hood except he full-well knew this one didn't mess around guessing. "I'll understand if you're not up for the offer. I find myself hungrier than usual these days, I've had to tell myself more than once to stop eating the produce." His eyes widened comically in addition to a baritone chuckle, reverberating off the brickwork, "But once I sink my teeth in there's no stopping it, I really must control my strength or I'll be starting the next mass gravesite." Kas shrugged, drawing out gloves from his pocket. Talking to Gurpreet with a sense of false friendliness was part of his nature, not entirely knowing the woman but enough that conversation on an early eve seemed something one should do as a daily ritual. His confidence was certainly something to admire and yet detest at the same time in this case. He'd been a slimy bastard from the beginning of it all, a factor he attributed to being an ex-lawyer.

"Hm, but if there is one thing I could suggest, It's that you stop beating up possible clientele. Have you ever heard of something called negotiation, darling?" He sighed nasally and withdrew a small pocket watch from his inner suit. Time went marching on. A reliable constant. "... although, if anyone you know dies, I do have a wonderful selection of wreath designs which've come in from our florist for the funeral parlour. And a lovely mahogany coffin set we can tailor to size. Real exquisite." His accent overall had adapted to various European and American countries, with a German buzz and odd pronunciation on occasion -- which even that, he seemed to make threatening instead of comically villainous.

Ubertide Ubertide
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Entry 469. September 8th, Y2018 Anno Domini, or Common Era as the warm bloods now call it.

So many resources wasted on my last assignment. I knew there would be cold bloods involved, but such pathetic shovelheads? Fucking pitiful... I should have left everything to the warm crew; the Russi's are more than well equipped enough for this. Now I'm out four loads of ammunition, and barely enough funds to replace them and still keep myself fed till Carnegie's next visit. I'll have to settle for two or three... now that I think about it, it's kinda suspicious that they'd leave a captive transfer this loaded so undefended. Did they not expect an attack? Or... was it a diversion from a much larger transfer? I need to talk to Johnny soon. Get to the bottom of this.

Sharpeeta pocketed his pen in his vest's left chest pocket, then slammed his journal shut with an audible clap, storing it in the strongbox beneath his bunk. He looked around into the dingy apartment around him. Only three this eve, huh? Usually I'm one of the first up and about when I stay down here. Wonder what's up.

He leapt from his bed, his weathered old Oxfords clacking almost inaudibly against the rugged stone flooring. He closed his eyes, not bothering to interact with anyone remaining in the cramped suite. A moment's concentration brought the feeling of his form loosening and dissipating. Pushing his consciousness forward and struggling momentarily through the resistance of a loosely sealed barricade what was undoubtedly the door, he opened his eyes again to find himself reconstituting at a thunderous pace in the busy halls of the Nest.

A little too busy... anything serious happening that I missed when I came down here last dawn, or are there just that many out and desperate for blood tonight? Upon feeling his full form and the infinitesimal weight of his clothes once more, he stepped out into the current. He made his way around the bend towards the more recent communal hall, attempting to avoid the foot traffic toward Blood Row despite a sense of morbid curiosity.
Eliza was sore. Not the good kind of sore from a fun night or day in bed or after visiting the gym but the kind of sore that came from almost dying. Of course one could say that she did die and then happened to come back to life or, rather, unlife but Eliza didn't quite know this yet. Either way, she was really fucking sore. Groaning, she swept her eyes across the familiar yet not quite the same room from what she had known these past few months. She knew that she was definitely within the "Nest" in the same room as she was housed in as a living Blood Bag, but thrown off to the side. From her vantage point on the floor, she could see many people vampires as they milled about, walking the length of the room to see the various humans strapped to the wall in chains or being walked around on leads like animals. A shiver went down her spine remembering the days and nights she spent being led around and fed on all for some stupid fucking drugs.

Eliza blinked with heavy eyelids at the hundreds of vampires packed into this room and flinched everytime someone passed too close to her. With very slow thoughts, she realized that she was not chained to the wall and seemingly had no lead or anyone standing over her. As her brain caught up with what had happened, she felt her stomach contracting and the pang of hunger she was so used to feeling was worst in her stomach then what she remembered last. She felt like she could eat a whole cow as she glanced once again around the room and finally down at herself. Nope, definitely no chains but a lot of blood and she felt sticky like she had just run three miles in the scorching hot sun. Shifting her weight, she placed her hands on the ground to sit up only it wasn't the ground. Eliza screamed as she jumped quickly from ontop a pile of dead bodies. HUMAN dead bodies with flies disturbed by her movements swirling above. What the hell happened to her?
Sharpeeta flung himself to the wall and sighed. You're never going to learn more if you don't take any chances. After a few moments composing himself, he procured a small plastic vial full of crimson fluid, popping the cap and downing it like a shot in the same instant. With a relieved grin, he dropped it to his side and stepped into the traffic, making his way to the most populous strata of the Nest.

Having already been in proximity to the western entrance to Blood Row, he found himself submerged in the fetid den of beasts within a minute, immediately slung into the deep end. Small mounds of drained husks, vessels of all kinds lining the walls, blood pimps and auctioneers rattling off prices, deals being made and beasts taking their fill. To think decades ago this was all on the hush... now all this is out in the open, as if they're running perfectly legitimate business. Repugnant...

Then, a shriek, and out of the corner of his eye, Pete spotted movement atop the second closest mound on his right. He turned his gaze to see a pale woman covered in coagulated blood tumbling off of the bodies. Wait... a fresh turn? An accident? Don't they... No! He had heard tales of what they've done to accidents here. At best, they're ignored and left to their own devices, alone and confused, no idea what they've become. If they disrupt business, however, sometimes even for a moment...

Ughhh... damn it! Pete found himself bolting over to her, smoking around anyone in his way, and extending his hand upon reaching her. "Come. Now. You're not safe here." He commanded in a low voice. He knew he was already attracting attention, but if he removed the obstruction without any fuss, he hoped to avoid hostilities and escape with little or no resistance. He would be leaving without much intel, if any, but it was too late to turn back now.

LunaticLove LunaticLove
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If there was one kinsman she could do without, it was Schwarz. She peeled her lips back in a disdainful sneer as he approached and started talking, the spite gleaming quite plainly in her fiery gaze. Once he had finished listening to himself talk, she took a long swig from her bottle, and then pointedly spat in his face like a particularly sour camel. "How's that for negotiation you damn Nazi?" She let out a short barking laugh as she wiped her mouth on her sleeve, uncouth as always. "Don't call me darlin', mate." She chided with a roll of her eyes as she leaned back against her "booth", which was really nothing more than a stolen plastic table laden with drugs and blood bags. "You know I don't drink from live bags."
idalie idalie
Eliza didn't want to think that she flung herself away from the vampire but that is what happened outside of her frightened brain. Her body crashed back onto the pile of drained humans as her self-preservation kicked in, choosing dead bodies over the looming vampire who raced at her suddenly. Without her consent, her damned body retracted on itself and a low whimper escaped through clenched teeth as she glanced only at the classy shoes of the dark vampire standing above her his fingers, terrifying claws waiting to tear her apart in her mind, reached for her.

"Please, I don't want to be used. Please, find someone else. I-I can't take any more pain. Everything is too loud, too bright, too... hungry?" She whispered in the hopes that the vampire may find some other feistier prey to feed on this hour and leave her to herself at least for a while. She could compose herself if given an hour or two. The dark voice of the vampire with raven hair and a handsome suit growled over her, demanding that she come with him.

Under all of the pain, her senses were coming to her and she could smell something that she wanted so badly. What is that smell? Why do I want to crawl into the pile of bodies below me and lick them all clean of every drop of spilled blood?
Her eyes darted up in fright to meet Sharpeeta's eyes as she suddenly wanted to rip open the throat of the nearest human to her. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO ME!?!?!
"Look. I don't know who you were or what they did to you till now, but this is important." Sharpeeta draws a plastic vial from his vest, pops the cap, and offers it to the terrified fledgling. "Someone turned you. You're one of us now. Take it; packed o-negatives in vodka, with a tiny dose of morphine. It'll help you get your bearings," his eyes widened before adding "you'll need them to get somewhere safer."

Pete then surveyed their surroundings. Cold bloods and warm bloods alike were certainly eyeing this spectacle, but not as many as he had feared. Perhaps this occurrence was more regular than he imagined. Even more sickening... feckless bastards. I have half a mind to come in here with a gas can and an incendiary grenade one day. Hell knows they deserve it... Pete faintly grimaced at some of the onlookers without realizing it, but his gaze softened as he turned back to the newborn.

LunaticLove LunaticLove
Eliza's eyes snap from his face to the vial that he opens, the pull of the blood negating all fear as the newborn snatches the vial from his fingers and drains the liquid in half a second. I need more, more, more. Not enough. Have to have more.

Her brain processes his words through the fog of need as the blood slides down her throat and into the burning pit in her stomach, quenching the fire for a minute. "I'm a vampire? I can't be a vampire. I can't.." her voice trails off as she looks back up into his eyes and tears leak traitorously down her dirty cheeks and onto the ripped, filthy dress she hasn't been allowed to take off in months. She looks like any other living blood bag around the chaotic market with flimsy white outfits stained with blood and other unknown grime. Eliza, now starting to feel the morphine take effect, allows her hand to reach up and take the other vampires hand as she stands up.

"I don't want to be here anymore. Can you take me somewhere else, p-please?" Her voice cracks at the end of the sentence as she tries to appear tough but fails. Her mind is spinning a hundred miles a minute but her body is calling her to sleep for thirty years or tear into the rushing veins of the hundreds of blood slaves in this room. How am I so hungry yet so tired?
Sharpeeta silently nods, guiding her around the mound and through the crowd, noticing that many were giving them extra berth. Regardless of why, he intended to take advantage of it to move against the current and back towards the corner suite he's made his residence.

"No blood around your lips, and you look alive enough... who am I kidding. This is no time to explain. About a hundred feet or so to where I bunk. I have a bag ready what you can have once we're there."

He turns his head around for a moment, feeling a spark of anger as he glances the faintly red tears flowing down the young woman's cheeks.

LunaticLove LunaticLove
Kasimir Wilhelm Schwarz
He automatically flinched away from the whiskey spat into his face, however, Kasimir tasted what had gathered on his lip making a questionably enjoyable hum. "I should tell you manners haven't disappeared in last century or two," Schwarz smiled, plucking a handkerchief from his trouser pocket to dab his face dry. "Oh please, you know I'm not a Nazi anymore. The government made me turn over my membership." Whether or not it was a joke could only be left up to the imagination.

Kasimir folded up the small cotton square in his hands, now smelling of bitter alcohol as he dropped it at her feet. "I never said live bags. You see live bags can be controversial, so I've done a little home-harvesting. You'd be surprised how many people don't ask questions." He whistled through his teeth and turned slightly, but not before his mocking half-bow and tip of the hat. Winking with an unsettling grin, "God save the Queen."

He began walking, only halting for a moment as he found comedic timing. "The mahogany coffin set though, think about it, darling." Kas tapped his nose, shifting away to vanish through the crowd and complete his daily stroll here and there. Keeping friendly with fellow suppliers, smaller businesses, making himself an identifiable figure which bordered on two extreme opinions of being an utter degenerate or the loveliest neighbour since proverbial apple pie. Clearly it varied.

As any rookie would know, advertising your wares on a local scale helps. Between above ground and beneath it, he had a decent position. Would it ever get him killed? Perhaps, someday. But it'd been five hundred years and death was the least of his worries. Just an eventuality he'd rather avoid for now. He wasn't finished, there was still much to study of the human condition and that of the immortal. His spare time had been wholly dedicated since he turned. Not to a cure, but to understand it. And if there was a cure to be found, how much would people pay?

What drew his attention from the Blood Market, was the disturbance and swivelling onlookers. Like a parliament of owls throwing their pence worth of judgement. Now, Kasimir was curious by nature if anything, moving to stand a head taller and observe the figures. A blood bag and another one of those god-awful Shroudkin. But considering the commotion, it must've not merely been first assumption -- shouldering his way to follow. Inhaling he couldn't smell anything beyond the blood bags already around them and damp brickwork.

"I hope you've bought her time, or all of this seems rather suspicious." Wilhelm weighed in, from a little further back in the tunnel.

Ubertide Ubertide Ishtarran Ishtarran LunaticLove LunaticLove
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Fuck... just 80 feet to go and someone decides to stick their nose in... Sharpeeta turned to the newborn and put his hand on her shoulder, whispering "Second door on the left. Box under the sixth bunk. It's 1836. Keep the vial, if anyone in the suite asks it'll confirm I sent you. Keep your head down and go. I'll be right behind you." He then attempted to push her onwards, unconsciously assuming a sharpshooter's stance, while his head rotated in the direction of their pursuant.

"Given the chance to learn, she'll have all the time in the world. Who might you be?" His voice boomed through the tunnel. If it weren't for how wretchedly crowded and loud it already was, it could perhaps have carried to the edge of the old tunnels.

LunaticLove LunaticLove idalie idalie
Kasimir Wilhelm Schwarz
"A nobody," Kasimir replied, albeit tipped the hat down and continued to walk, unhindered this time. "Just someone who finds great interest in the Vampiric condition, call it a hobby." From the shadows which stuck to every creature of the night, he paused within reaching distance. Holding them both to an arm's length. "Have we met before?" He cocked his head, glancing over the Shroudkin's shoulder. "Call me Wilhelm, I believe I could help your friend over there. No doubt she requires a myriad of care to help her get back on her poor feet? Forgive me if I'm brash in thinking, some idiot has just added another fledgeling to our growing and ever dysfunctional nest?"

Kas gave a lamenting sigh. "Ah, the woes of being newborn." He tutted dully. "But would you do me a great thing of honour to introduce me, considering it appears you've taken it upon yourself to act as guardian? I wish to only study the hunger, a philosophy between losing humanity and retaining it." He was eager-faced, rather surprisingly. Although his full name remained something of a guarded tidbit, considering Wilhelm was neither truth nor lie.

"Ahh, but I wouldn't expect you to say yes without good reasoning. Why don't I help you and that girl of yours? A blood pack here or there, some identification, clothing -- by the looks of it. Goodness knows what sort of establishment she came from." He eyed the silver crosses on the jacket of the fellow Vampire, lips upturning barely. "Perhaps you may even be a man of the faith? A rare thing to find. But well enough you should act the good Samaritan."

LunaticLove LunaticLove Ishtarran Ishtarran
Eliza wasn't quite sure what Sharpeeta was muttering as he helped guide her from her home of many months, away from the draw of so much fresh, hot blood. Her focus was on keeping her head down and shuffling her heavy feeling feet like any good Blood Bag would do when returning to a buyer's home for the hour or even the night. She watched the back of the man pulling her to his home and saw the way his suit bunched at the waist and how well it fit his frame, almost like it was tailored for him. Probably was since who knows how old or powerful this vampire was. When he turned to glance back at her she caught his eyes and noticed for the first time that they were not both copper but one copper and one a lighter color almost of gold. She also made note of his scars running over his otherwise handsome face.

Why would this man come to save you? What could he want in return for saving me? Eliza thought as another Vampire, this one physically older with long hair falling in waves over his shoulders. She heard the orders given by her apparent savior and tried to make a dash for it before being caught in the hands of this new vampire. Eliza wasn't quite sure if she had met the vampire before in her days as a Blood Bag because of the drugs constantly used on them to make sure they could not fight back too hard. She felt sort of like those old days when her vampire auctioneers took away her supply to have her be a little more alive for the crowd that liked a fight in between their bites. She felt like she could reasonably handle herself against someone, but maybe not this older vampire who seemed to have a controlling air around him.

Pay attention, she thought to herself as she heard that this new vampire, Wilhelm, is interested in her? She never really enjoyed being interesting to a vampire since it usually brought pain. At the mention of hunger, she felt the ache in her stomach again, the crave of what? Her next high, it had been a while, or of more of that delicious red vial that Sharpeeta had given her?
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Sharpeeta brought his left hand to his neck, flashing it to smoke for a moment, which shortly reformed with a faint luster around his vaguely claw-like nails. "Can't say we've met, but as to your last question, I have spent a fair number of years in a Quaker community, actually. Taught me a lot about respect, compassion... and caution, of course."

His left hand gradually fell to his side, taking care to avoid contact with any of the fledgling's exposed skin, while his right hand extended to meet the stranger. Such was the Quaker way, after all; to greet and treat each other as equals. "Forgive the theatrics. Your assumptions are correct, I'm afraid. I'm sure she'd appreciate the help, but she needs to get her bearings and figure out what exactly she's become before she's ready for any tests. Surely you understand... Willhelm?"

idalie idalie LunaticLove LunaticLove
Kasimir Wilhelm Schwarz
He shook Sharpeeta's hand with a firm grip, "Oh, I understand entirely. You're right on the fact she should be getting settled." Kasimir agreed placidly, "But please, not a test. Just some questions. I used to study as a psychologist, back in Austria. Before the war." His expression became warm, seamlessly and shamelessly finding comfort in the tale. "Why don't I pop to buy some tea? Something human, help her to calm the nerves." He suggested, "I'll find you along here easily, don't worry about the address."

He bowed his head slightly, "I, too, being a believer of Jehovah. Shalom. But you'd best be on your way, Samaritan. Your girl there looks a little lost and do ask for a name -- I couldn't bring myself to keep calling her 'girl'." The corners of his eyes creased in amusement. He would always thank his studies of religion, knowing people oft thought more of those with a set tablet of moral codes due to being born into a community of them. And it was no lie that the thick, black wavy hair of his was indeed, iconic.

Drawing a palm over his groomed jaw and chin, Schwarz touched his brow. "I'll give you time, but with that, she looks like she could eat a horse." He chuckled, tucking his hands into his trouser pockets as he turned away and back into the fray of the crowd. His head above the others, steering past Blood Row and toward the marketplace. Considering it was an evening he thought it would be best to go up above the nest and get something. It would equally give more time, as he'd promised his new acquaintance and meanwhile, he was really quite looking forward to getting something decent.

Fingers crossed they didn't start yapping to anyone who knew him better than they did.

LunaticLove LunaticLove Ishtarran Ishtarran
Sharpeeta sighed as he waved his hand toward the wall, shaking and the blowing off the metallic shavings into the crevices of the brickwork below him. He then turned back to the young woman. "J'mapelle Sharpeeta, but you can call me Pete. I don't know who that man is, but he's clearly a stale blood with some clout. I suggest you keep away from him if you can, until I'm sure of what role he has in that... mess." After a moment's pause, he realized he had never asked for a name. "You might be...?"

LunaticLove LunaticLove
"Once a Nazi always a Nazi." She retorted sharply as she pointed at him with the bottle, "Nazi's ain't deservin' manners." She leaned back on one hand, her eyes narrowing the more he spoke. As he turned to leave, she wouldn't say anything as she just glared daggers at her back. When he stopped to mention the coffin however, she quickly drained the last of her booze before suddenly throwing the bottle at him...And completely missing. It would shatter harmlessly just a foot off to his right. "Piss off!"
idalie idalie
(sorry I took so long took a really long nap after my class lol)
Eliza blinked at the two men, a total contrast of each other. She wondered what kind of questions this seemingly ancient vampire may have for her. How hungry she was because that answer was quite obvious. Her eyes widened when Pete's hand turned to mist and then reshaped, having never seen vampires use their abilities before her. Her mind reeled about what she could possibly do in her new state.

At the mention of tea, she glanced to the side at Wilhelm feeling longing for the days that she used to escape from her home for a little while to visit the local cafe and sip steaming hot tea with way too much honey. "That sounds great actually thank you, sir."

When the silk haired vampire left her with just Sharpeeta, she turned her attention to him. "I do think that he is not the most trustworthy but maybe having an older vamp around may be helpful in some ways. What is the saying? Keep your enemies closer?" She glanced around at the hallway and back to the man before her, "I'm Elizabeth but Eliza will do."
(sorry I took so long took a really long nap after my class lol)
Eliza blinked at the two men, a total contrast of each other. She wondered what kind of questions this seemingly ancient vampire may have for her. How hungry she was because that answer was quite obvious. Her eyes widened when Pete's hand turned to mist and then reshaped, having never seen vampires use their abilities before her. Her mind reeled about what she could possibly do in her new state.

At the mention of tea, she glanced to the side at Wilhelm feeling longing for the days that she used to escape from her home for a little while to visit the local cafe and sip steaming hot tea with way too much honey. "That sounds great actually thank you, sir."

When the silk haired vampire left her with just Sharpeeta, she turned her attention to him. "I do think that he is not the most trustworthy but maybe having an older vamp around may be helpful in some ways. What is the saying? Keep your enemies closer?" She glanced around at the hallway and back to the man before her, "I'm Elizabeth but Eliza will do."
"True enough, but beware. The oldest ones are the least compassionate. Doubly so for an Old Blood like him, though shroudwalkers like myself are no exception. Die a hero or live to see yourself become a villain, as they say." Sharpeeta took a moment to rub his forehead. Silently, he motioned to keep on and started to head back towards the suite.
It would be around that time that Gurpreet had given up and stuffed her wares away in her pack before setting off out of Blood Row. This was no place to stay when one was feeling hot headed. Instead she wove her way through the tunnels absent mindedly, knowing the place like the back of her hand. It would be while taking a short cut that she'd nearly bump into Peter and the fledgling. "Oi, watch it mate!" She barked sharply before pausing and glancing past Sharpeeta over towards the woman, and then back again with brows raised. "What kinda operation you got goin' on here, huh?"
Ishtarran Ishtarran LunaticLove LunaticLove
It would be around that time that Gurpreet had given up and stuffed her wares away in her pack before setting off out of Blood Row. This was no place to stay when one was feeling hot headed. Instead she wove her way through the tunnels absent mindedly, knowing the place like the back of her hand. It would be while taking a short cut that she'd nearly bump into Peter and the fledgling. "Oi, watch it mate!" She barked sharply before pausing and glancing past Sharpeeta over towards the woman, and then back again with brows raised. "What kinda operation you got goin' on here, huh?"
Ishtarran Ishtarran LunaticLove LunaticLove
"One that's been taking an inordinate chunk of my time, kindred." Pete paused, appearing to faintly recognize Gurpreet's face, but continues on with no comment: "I've already had to warn off one stale miser. I just want to get to my bunk and save everyone the trouble of a public crash course, or a frenzy in the midst of live ones."
Her eyes lit up at that and she'd glance over the new born with renewed interest, "Got ourselves a baby, eh? Perhaps I could be of some help." She reached back into her pack and pulled out a full blood bag, swinging it back and forth with a smirk, "First sample's free~. This should be more than enough to tide her over, aye?"
Ishtarran Ishtarran LunaticLove LunaticLove

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