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Futuristic We Are No Longer

Coleman eventually made his way to the dining table, his tall, looming figure easy to notice. Face as always covered, except from the strip of skin revealing piercing eyes. The silent brute stood beside the two other bodyguards, leaving a large amount of space between him and the others. Barely a word of 'Good morning' Or any welcoming tone passed his lips.

The bodyguard glanced at the two; his coworkers it seemed. The woman looked as if she could handle herself. The kid...Who the hell let him be a bodyguard? His spine could be snapped over a knee. Who am i to judge? Well, apart from having the royal family's safety interests at heart.

It was a pleasant relief he hadn't gotten here late. He hated being late, the feeling of a clock ticking made his heart pound. And not in the delightful way adrenaline made it. He exhaled, and dropped his gaze. Never was one for speaking. No, actions spoke louder. Words were mere mumbles of thoughts, actions were awe inspiring poems of physical form.
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Sabbat slowly lowers herself into the padded chair to the right of the heavy table's head. The head was rservedor her husband, who was doing god knows what before breakfast.

Another guard files into the dining room and the queen smiles amiably, raiding a hand in greeting "How are you all?" She asks politely to the royal guard, sweeping her long bangs from her face. Sabbat couldn't just ignore the guard as many others do. After all, why ignore another human?

However, it wouldn't be the first time anyone had ignored her, thinking she were speaking to someone of higher status, even in an empty hall.
He looked toward the queen and paused. It would be rude to ignore such a greeting. He bowed, one hand behind his back, and the other flattened to his stomach. "I am doing as to be expected your highness. Thankyou for asking." He replied in his monotone voice, straightening his back once more, to stand proud. Shoulders drawn back, and hands both respectfully folded.

Beneath the fabric which concealed his face, Cole's lips had been brought into a grim line. His passive behavior was an attractive attribute to some, especially for a bodyguard of his status, protecting the royal family themselves. Yet some would see him as merely rude, even if he didn't mean to be so blunt.
Even after nearly two decades, the queen still found it strange the formality most everyone had towards her. "Why must you be so formal? I know I am the queen, but bowing like that must hurt your back."

The queen has always been much too informal and kind for her own good. She also didn't quite get that he would be on duty.
"The reason for my formality is to show my genuine respect of your higher status. It also shows how thankful i am as a person, or even a citizen of this colony, that you reign in peace unopposed. The quote 'What do you give a man who has everything?' comes to mind. I cannot give you riches, yet i give you my trust, loyalty and respect. Therefore i am formal." He replied, and tilted his head slightly. "I hope my answer was adequate m'lady." He returned to his upstanding position and stared ahead.

Grumbling to himself, Masaru pulled himself from his bed into the slightly chilled air of his small house. Pulling on his customary basic but functional pants with a belt and a long-sleeved shirt, he also strapped his pistol onto his side and his shield onto his back. Opening his door, he stepped out into the street and started walking to loosen the kinks from his recent slumber, nodding to some of the people in the town who knew him more by reputation than as a friend.
Sabbat's cheeks go pink and she glances away in embarrassment."Yes. Of course. Well I thank you for your loyalty. Your answer was beyond adequate... What should I call you, guardsman?" She asks, raising her head back to look at him from her seated position."If you didn't already serve... Work for? Me and my family."

My family and I, corrects the voice of her ladies maid in the back of Sabbat's head and she opens her mouth to correct herself before realizing she shouldn't be babling in front of anybody, lest a guard who works below her. She glances around, looking for one of her children or her husband to distract her.
(Gah! You've all started, I'll try keep up (' :) ))

Akira gave a muffled yawn as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Or at least tried to. Feeling fur where his face should be, the good doctor let out a sigh into his cat's belly. Picking up the still snoozing feline by the scruff of its neck, he stared at Nochi with mild irritation before putting him on to his bed. Gently scratching the cat just behind the ears, Akira smoothly slid out of bed into a pair of slippers. Straightening his button-up Pajama top, the doctor opened his upper story window. Fresh, crisp morning air caused a slight yelp of suprise. Blushing slightly, he wondered towards his shower, one of the perks of being relatively important. ish.
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Names are of no importance. Seeing the queens rather embarrassed demeanour, he kept his lips sealed. Silent and obedient, like a dog told to sit. The queen was undoubtedly a good soul, but she merely hadn't been raised in the royal family. Or a noble one for that fact. Coleman let her last question skim past him, his gaze dropping to the floor, looking blank. Yes, the queen was well renowned for her kindness, and to have seen it for himself made him feel at least one rumor had been true. The bodyguard resumed to stand to attention, his form stock still. A statue of flesh.

Iris Daggers

Iris simply nodded at Alec's answer, as he gestured for her to keep quiet upon hearing the King coming nearer. Well, she knew what she had to do to begin with. Though their population size may be small, it doesn't mean that she was immune from being kicked from her position, even when she believes she had served them well.

She returned her attention to the queen who was currently talking to the other personal bodyguard. He was a man shrouded in mystery, and like Alec, she knew little about him. She could barely even see the other half of his face. If he were to remove his mask, he might go unnoticed. Then again, she would not like to underestimate her observant nature.

Finally, the three bodyguards together. In another's perspective, they seemed to be emitting an intimidating aura just by standing beside the family... or so she's been told, but that was good. Fear controls people at certain times. That itself is being demonstrated now, seeing other guards wait nervously for the King to arrive.

(I'm so sorry! I hate being in a different time zone to everyone else because I went to bed after I posted. I hope this helps everyone, @Capricornus )

Matthew looked at Ayane and changed his expression to that of a more cheerful one. "I'm sorry, I'm just trying to remember why I came out." He said, lying. He started thinking of more lies to convince Ayane to leave him alone. He finally looked at her again and realised something, speaking again.

"I don't believe I've seen you before. My name is Matthew, and who are you?"
( Don't worry @TheCrookedEagle ^^ I know that feel of being in a different timezone than others x) )

"Matthew...", she thought to herself. Ayane hadn't heard this name before.

"Nice to meet you Matthew, my name is Ayane. I'm a farmer and live just here around the corner", she said while pointing at her house. She felt that Matthew was rather distant, but didn't question any further.

Out of the corner of her eye she noticed the blacksmith eying both of them.

"Well, I hope you'll remember soon what you wanted to do here", Ayane joked as she walked away towards the shop.

"Hello?", she said while entering and walking towards the counter.
Ash's face seemed to light up when the girl walked into her shop. "Hello hello!" She said happily, twirling a makeshift bullet in her hand. Pre-apocalypse bullets were scarce and a delicacy, and Ash saved them only for the Royals. Because of this she made everything by hand. They weren't as strong as factory made weapons, but they get the job done. "Need something?" Ash asked, leaning on the counter. @Capricornus
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"Depends on what you have", Ayane said with a grin. She looked around her, admiring the whole shop.

"Do you have those... Uhm what were they called... Those midget swords?" She meant daggers. Ayane was inexperienced, and knew nothing about weapons. She actually didn't really need one, but she saw Ash's happy expression as soon as she had entered the shop.

"By the way, name's Ayane", she added with a smile.
Alec Goth He stood as the shortest of the three bodyguards, but he had much confidence that he was just as good as the other two. He also knew that he was the youngest of not only the personal bodyguards, but of the normal palace guards also. He was very lucky to be in this position. All of the other guards would stare at him, envy his age and strength. He said he hated the attention, but inside he kind of liked it. He enjoyed people want to be like him.
Ash laughed when she asked for a 'midget sword.' "Nice to meet you Ayane. You can call me Ash." She wiped her forehead and nodded, smiling a bit. "And by midget sword, do you mean a dagger? Because if you do, I have a couple of them." Ash informed her, ready to go back to her stock.

"Oh, so that's what they're called... Yes, I meant those" Ayane replied.

She took out her small leather purse. "By the way, do you know that guy standing outside of your shop?", she asked, trying to engage into a conversation. "I tried talking to him, and he seems rather nice but... I can't remember having seen him around here."

She looked back at Matthew standing outside, still pondering who he was and what he wanted.
Ash took a dagger out of her stock, and placed it on the counter. She only had one left now. She glanced at who Ayane was talking about, and watched him for a few moments before shaking her head. "I've never seen him before." Ash replied, turning her attention back to the girl in front of her. "Are you trying to hit on him?" She teased, winking at her.

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Having dried his hair and body, Akira buttoned up his white dress shirt from the bottom up. Tying a red cravat around his neck, he slipped into his dark purple frock. Picking up his glasses as he passed a draw near his bed, he nudged them to his nose on his way down to the clinic, Nochi following behind him. Securing breakfast was on his mind. Passing through his office he went to the staff kitchen, well his kitchen really. He hadn't had staff since his teacher died. Grabbing a pan, butter, bread and eggs, Akira calmly went about preparing his breakfast of poached eggs. As the water boiled, he idly noted how slow business was getting. "That's good" he muttered to himself. Means people weren't getting hurt.
"Me? Hitting on him?", Ayane laughed. "No, I'm not, I was just... curious." She looked back one last time.

"So, what's the price for this... dagger?", she asked. She looked at the dagger, she could see her own reflection. The blade was perfectly polished.
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"Sure, curious." Ash joked, and laughed a little. "As for the price, do you have anything I could use to make more weapons?" She asked, playing with her bullet again. "It doesn't have to be much, since this is such a small weapon. If you don't, I'll compromise." Ash said, looking at the bullet and back up to Ayane.
"Anything you could use to make more weapons, hmm..." Ayane thought about anything that could be useful to a blacksmith.

"I should have some metal scraps lying around in a hut... If they're of any use of course. Hmm I can't really think of anything else. What do you usually use for weapons like these?", she asked.
"Those could work!" Ash said happily. "I'm running low on stuff anyways, so literally anything will help." She told Ayane, and sighed. "But if your hut is far away, I'll slip you the knife for free." This was a risky move to make, but she had been so nice, and made her day.
"Oh well, actually, the hut is not far from here. It's just a little farther away from here.", Ayane explained, trying to describe where it was. It was a small hut right beside her house.

"If you don't want to leave your shop right now, I can bring 'em here or you can come to get them later the day.", she replied.
"I'll drop by later to grab the material." Ash said, pushing the knife to her. "You can have the dagger now, just promise you won't murder me later." She said, standing up straight and winking at her.

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