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Futuristic We Are No Longer

Zero Gravity


We Are No Longer



“As a child, you would wait

And watch from far away.

But you always knew that you’d be the one

That work while they all play.

In youth, you’d lay

Awake at night and scheme

Of all the things that you would change,

But it was just a dream!”


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.d807fa105fc7ba7e95e4eb30e7ca53c5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74100" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.d807fa105fc7ba7e95e4eb30e7ca53c5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hikari woke up early that morning, a sullen expression on his face as he gazed around the room. It wasn't fancy or anything, despite them being classified as "royals." The blonde-haired male stretched for a moment, sighing once more. He could already feel his father outside his room, yelling at someone and laughing loudly whilst doing so. He was probably telling a joke or something to his mother. And it probably wasn't even funny...

The young male stood up, changing into the required outfit that he had to wear before exiting his room. "G'morning," he grumbled, sitting down at the table with a small huff. He was basically the grumpiest teenager that walked the earth, it was kind of strange.




@Aeri Rosevier

@Ross Elliot

[All the royals will be sitting down to breakfast, while the guards stand by. The guards can be talking amongst each other and can talk to the royals.]


[Your characters will be attending to their jobs, saying hello to each other and other things. :-) HAVE FUN!!!]



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Ash sighed in frustration as she sat behind the makeshift counter in the blacksmiths shop. Business has been slow, rarley anyone coming into her shop to get themselves weapons. not only that, but her resources were running low too, and with no customers to trade with her, that meant no weapons to be made. "I secretly hope that something big happens, and that people need weapons." She said to herself, wiping her forehead of sweat.
Alec stood, surrounding the royals he was sworn to protect. A few other guards stood around him, but he ignored them. He wasn't in the mood for socializing. He had woken up this morning in an awful mood, for reasons he could not figure out. Maybe today was just meant to be a bad day.

He carefully took note that all of the other guards were much bigger than him, hoping to make himself feel grateful that he had a job that paid good money and kept him fed and sheltered. He had to remember these things, when all else failed. He silently hoped that nothing would happen today, but he knew that there were never any promises. It was just to protect those above him, and keep them away from all harm. He watched as all the guards whispered about things, some even talking to the royals. He mentally cursed his awkwardness.
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Iris Daggers

Iris' eyes fluttered open, the sun barely bright enough to shine through her curtains. She woke up a little later than usual. Most of the time, there wasn't even any drop of sunlight when she gets up in the morning. Sometimes, she even rivals the rooster's crow. She was an early bird, eager to start the day and do her job. She rose from the bed, got dressed and went off to do her routinely quick patrol around the area. Nothing really new and no trouble she had to deal with. With that, she returned after the sun had risen further, the time when the royal family would be starting their breakfast.

She arrived just in time for the plates to be set. A few guards have already arrived but through experience, she knew that not all of them were so eager for this, which made her weary of them. Anyone of them could betray the Royal family someday and she was hoping she was there to protect them.

Not too soon later, members of the family arrived, sitting on their usual place on the dining table. Hiyori (?) didn't seem to be in a good mood today, much like the majority of the people in this room. She went to her position, standing beside a green-haired bodyguard.

As the dawn's morning light had begun to shine through her window she awakens to the warmth of god's grace. Opening her eyes, she immediately gets out of bed, and changes out of her white night dress, and puts on a black tunic and a veil, which hid away her long, uncut, ginger colored hair. Due to this she had not bothered brushing her hair since years ago, now it had her wavy hair turned curled due to the amount of tangles left untouched. For the finishing touch she opened the desk drawer next to her bed and took out a box made out of cypress, she had 'In God We Trust' engraved on it. Inside was a single necklace shaped like a cross. Adorning it on her neck, she was ready to go out.

First things first, she went off towards the little garden she took care of which grew a variety of vegetables. After taking what she needed she went towards the small space next to her house, it had served as a kitchen and began to make breakfast. She first filled the pot with water from the well and started the fire with a match, keeping it alive with firewood and nearby branches. As usual she made heart warming soup, filled with various vegetables and spices. But no meat. Making enough for two servings, she went back to her house with two bowls, placing one on the table and another on the small altar she had made. Before eating, in front of the altar she was on her knees, holding her cross and did her morning prayer.
Matthew lay quietly, his head aching as he lifted himself up from his broken bed and stretched. He grabbed his revolver, the barrel cut off by Matthew himself to hide it better, and put it in his satchel. He put on his gloves and and left the shack. He head towards a building that seemed to be a blacksmith shop, and stood outside it, looking around.

(I don't have long replies, for anyone who wants to know and so I can get it out of the way now.)
Ash noticed that there was a man standing around about her shop. She scanned him, trying not to seem interested in him. "He better come in. I never ask for anything, please." She said to herself, sighing. Her shop had never been this empty, and Ash thought she would lose her mind.
Alec sighed, looking through the make-shift window of the royals "castle". 'Will the sun ever go down?' He thought, wanting for this day to be over. All of the people around me were talking, communicating. Maybe he could just talk to them...

Or maybe not.
Ayane woke up to the sound of a singing rooster. "Stupid animal...", she thought as she stood up. She opened the curtains to fill the otherwise dark room with warm light. She took a brief shower before making herself breakfast. Afterwards she went outside to feed the animals, and checking if everything was alright.

While she was already outside, she decided to go for a walk. She got just around the corner when she saw a strange person in front of the blacksmith. She decided to approach him.

"Uhm... 'Scuse me, can I help you?", Ayane asked while trying to figure out just who this person is.

Iris Daggers

It was awfully quiet, save for the other guards talking amongst themselves. It was probably because a few other members of the family have yet to arrive at the table. Actually, Iris found herself just looking for the young princess. That little ball of energy was what she needed to make this meal less boring. If the young one wasn't arriving any time soon, she might as well entertain herself on something else.

She cleared her throat, a silly way of trying to take someone's attention, specifically this green-haired young man beside her.
"Bored?" she asked, seeing him sigh. She was starting to get a little bored herself, but kept her composure as not to look bored but instead look a little more professional.

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"Very." He said, turning to face the other bodyguard who had addressed him. "Nothing seems to be happening. Not even the normal gossip that goes around here. It seems so quiet... or maybe its just me?"

That was a lot of words. Was that good? Was it too awkward? Words spun through his mind as he did his first actual bit of talking that day.
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Sabbat Yamakazi smiles at her husband, the quirk of her lips looking more like a grimace than anything. She found many of the king's jokes in ill taste, but laughed politely and smiled nonetheless.

His most recent tale was about a merchant who was stealing from a farmer to sell their animals in the market. When he was caught, the royal guard cut off his hands and broke his kneecaps and proceeded to make him live with the animals until he repented. The story made Sabbat's stomach quiver and she quietly pipes up to halt the progression of her husband's story.

"The pigs aren't all that bad. I hand-raised a piglet when I was a girl," Sabbat says gently, touching her husband's arm. She was subtly trying to steer him away from their eldest's room, lest they wake him. That boy's attitude could match that of a flustered goose.

She steps away from her husband to get to the breakfast hall. As soon as she rounds the corner, Sabbat tears her shoes off and leaves them strewn messily in the hallway.

Mrs. Yamakazi detests the slippers and heels a woman of her social standing is obligated to wear. She just had so much built up energy from living within these walls. With a side long glance, the light haired woman sprints down the hall as she traces the passage to the dining room with the tips of her fingers. The Queen slows to a trot as she comes within spitting distance of the heavy double doors.

Her ladies maid will be furious at how Sabbat had pulled out her elaborate tresses and replaced them with a simple working girl's braid. But why gussy oneself up when it is simply a family meal?

@Zero Gravity

Iris Daggers

"I must say, I have to agree." Iris replied. It was quiet. Sure, the other guards were talking amongst themselves but being polite, or out of fear and responsibility, they kept it in a low volume. "Perhaps because the rest of the family have yet to come." she finished, looking at him to get a better look at the person she was talking to. Of course, he was familiar. He was one of the Royal Family's personal bodyguards. If she remembered correctly, there were three of them, with her being the only woman.

"Please, remind me what your name was again?" she asked. Being focused on her job, she hadn't really had much time to socialize, even with those around her workplace. So she was taking the opportunity now, even the initiative to actually start the conversation.

After prayers, she eats her breakfast and soon gets out of the house. At this time she just normally goes to the church. As usual she's the only one there as the minister or priest had finally went towards the other side with god just a few months ago. In the empty church she cleans the floors and cleans on the outside as well. She then goes back and recites a few verses before going around town to buy some spices.
A smile grew on Ash's face when she saw a second person arrive outside of her shop. Were they more customers, or just loitering around? That she didn't know, but what she did know is that she hoped for them to buy. "Come on come on come on!" She said to herself, crossing her fingers.
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"I'm Alec." He said, a slight smile growing at his lips. It was nice to actually talk to someone for a change. He looked at her and examined her (very) long blue hair. It cascaded down her back elegantly. How could she possibly fight with hair like that? He thought.

"And you are?"

Iris Daggers

"Iris." she replied in kind. She noticed him glance at her but she paid it no heed. "I'll be sure to remember your name now." she finished as she noticed that the Queen has arrived, looking less ready than she was supposed to be, though that wasn't new.

"So, any idea how we can make things less boring?" she asked, looking around.

Alec Goth "Im not entirely sure..." He knew that most of the guards would just gossip about everything that went on in the castle, but he never found much entertainment in other peoples lives. "Maybe we could just get to know each other a bit... We do work together." He didn't really have much idea on what else they could possibly do, seeing as they couldn't leave, nor could they raise their voices too high. Some bad parts about beimg a body guard was that you didn't get much action on the job.

Iris Daggers

"Fair enough." she said whilst stretching her arms and flipping a part of her hair back. It was definitely better than watching someone eat in solemn silence. "Once again, I'm Iris Daggers." she said, outstretching a hand for a shake to officialize her introduction. "A loyal dog—as people would say—of the royal family. Age: 21. I like children but I'm still single." She then gave a light laugh. "Too much information? Have you got any questions? Or would you rather talk about yourself?" she asked. Of course, she did not wish to divulge any deeper information about her, since she had only met this person. Perhaps when they know each other better.

She tipped her cap slightly, eyeing the area, a habit of hers she had taken up as a bodyguard. She likes to be observant of the happenings in the area so she wouldn't be too far behind on the next action.

Alec Goth "I can tell some about me." He said, thinking about what to say. "Well, I'm Alec Goth. I'm 19, I like children, and I also am single... And my favorite color is purple." He smiled at her. "Anything else you want to know?"
Sabbat looks towards the guardswoman with a sheepish grin. Lifting a finger to her lips, she whispers towards them conspiratorially,"Don't tell the king."

She then realizes she was butting into a conversation between guards and raises her hands in apology."I will leave you to guarding and talking. Don't let Aoi see you looking distracted. I'd hate to see someone out of a job."
Alec Goth He sent a smile and a nod towards the queen, wanting to seem respectful, but kind. He turned towards the royals table, seeing that a few more people had arrived. Everyone turned to talk to one another, some of the younger royals quarreling over a game or a toy. The older ones were talking quietly, their voices soft and eyes showing nothing but wisdom. It was definitely a calmer morning. And he liked that

Iris Daggers

Something she would like to know? Was he pushing her towards a certain route? She decided to keep the conversation formal and asked a rather serious question, contrasting her earlier mood. "Hm... I would actually like to know what made you choose this line of job. You seem quite bored. I don't really expect an answer for that rather personal question though." she said. He was still in his teens. Someone young and fit like him should be capable of most jobs yet he decided to be a bodyguard. She was weary of him; then again, she was weary of everyone.

While scanning through the area, her eyes fell on the Queen. Was she... looking at her? The Queen gestured secretively and Iris simply nodded vigorously in compliance. For some reason, the royal family are able to make her lose her composure, except for the king. She then proceeded to warning them about the king's strictness regarding their job. Or course, despite looking distracted, she trusted she was still doing her job in the range of expectancy.
"Y-Yes, Your Highness!" she replied, feeling that her words were a little tense. "Please, enjoy your meal." she continued, hoping that would hep lessen the stiffness of her words.

She cleared her throat after regaining her composure.
"Sorry you had to see me like that." she told Alec, wondering how unprofessional she must have looked like.

Alec Goth He laughed a bit at the flustered words that had been uttered at the queen. "It's fine, she just wants us to stay. Maybe I can answer your question later, so that we don't get fired for talking..." He looked up to see the king coming down the stairs, so he placed a finger on his lips and turned around, trying to look as professional as possible.

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